Why does my Hailstone Sequence function using recursion only output two values? - recursion

I have the following code:
fn hailSeq(number: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
if number == 1 {
return vec;
if number % 2 == 0 {
let num = number / 2;
} else {
let num = 3 * number + 1;
return vec;
It calculates the Hailstone sequence and stops at 1. The output should look like this for hailSeq(11):
[11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
However, my output looks like this:
[11, 34]
I am not really sure why this is occurring. Perhaps there is a limit on recursion in Rust that I don't know about, but I'm sure there's probably just an error in my code.

Your problem is not Rust-specific, but a more general problem.
On every call of hailSeq you create a new Vec every time, so that only the first vec (from the first call) would be used and returned, hence the [11, 34] (11 from the third line, 34 from the tenth line).
To fix this you have two options, I will provide one here.
The first one would be to extend the current vec with the returned vec, e.g. myvec.extend_from_slice(&returned_vec).
The second solution involves creating a vec on startup and passing the same instance to every call of the function.
fn hail_seq(number: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
fn inner(number: i32, vec: &mut Vec<i32>) {
if number == 1 {
if number % 2 == 0 {
let num = number / 2;
inner(num, vec);
} else {
let num = 3 * number + 1;
inner(num, vec);
let mut v = vec![];
inner(number, &mut v);
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", hail_seq(11));
As a side-note: If you know that a number can't be negative, use a u32 instead because you will find errors at compile time instead of runtime.


How to bulk insert into a vector in rust? [duplicate]

Is there any straightforward way to insert or replace multiple elements from &[T] and/or Vec<T> in the middle or at the beginning of a Vec in linear time?
I could only find std::vec::Vec::insert, but that's only for inserting a single element in O(n) time, so I obviously cannot call that in a loop.
I could do a split_off at that index, extend the new elements into the left half of the split, and then extend the second half into the first, but is there a better way?
As of Rust 1.21.0, Vec::splice is available and allows inserting at any point, including fully prepending:
let mut vec = vec![1, 5];
let slice = &[2, 3, 4];
vec.splice(1..1, slice.iter().cloned());
println!("{:?}", vec); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
The docs state:
Note 4: This is optimal if:
The tail (elements in the vector after range) is empty
or replace_with yields fewer elements than range’s length
or the lower bound of its size_hint() is exact.
In this case, the lower bound of the slice's iterator should be exact, so it should perform one memory move.
splice is a bit more powerful in that it allows you to remove a range of values (the first argument), insert new values (the second argument), and optionally get the old values (the result of the call).
Replacing a set of items
let mut vec = vec![0, 1, 5];
let slice = &[2, 3, 4];
vec.splice(..2, slice.iter().cloned());
println!("{:?}", vec); // [2, 3, 4, 5]
Getting the previous values
let mut vec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
let slice = &[9, 8, 7];
let old: Vec<_> = vec.splice(3.., slice.iter().cloned()).collect();
println!("{:?}", vec); // [0, 1, 2, 9, 8, 7]
println!("{:?}", old); // [3, 4]
Okay, there is no appropriate method in Vec interface (as I can see). But we can always implement the same thing ourselves.
When T is Copy, probably the most obvious way is to move the memory, like this:
fn push_all_at<T>(v: &mut Vec<T>, offset: usize, s: &[T]) where T: Copy {
match (v.len(), s.len()) {
(_, 0) => (),
(current_len, _) => {
unsafe {
v.set_len(current_len + s.len());
let to_move = current_len - offset;
let src = v.as_mut_ptr().offset(offset as isize);
if to_move > 0 {
let dst = src.offset(s.len() as isize);
std::ptr::copy_memory(dst, src, to_move);
std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping_memory(src, s.as_ptr(), s.len());
If T is not copy, but it implements Clone, we can append given slice to the end of the Vec, and move it to the required position using swaps in linear time:
fn push_all_at<T>(v: &mut Vec<T>, mut offset: usize, s: &[T]) where T: Clone + Default {
match (v.len(), s.len()) {
(_, 0) => (),
(0, _) => { v.push_all(s); },
(_, _) => {
assert!(offset <= v.len());
let pad = s.len() - ((v.len() - offset) % s.len());
let total = v.len();
while total - offset >= s.len() {
for i in 0 .. s.len() { v.swap(offset + i, total - s.len() + i); }
offset += s.len();
v.truncate(total - pad);
iterators concat
Maybe the best choice will be to not modify Vec at all. For example, if you are going to access the result via iterator, we can just build iterators chain from our chunks:
let v: &[usize] = &[0, 1, 2];
let s: &[usize] = &[3, 4, 5, 6];
let offset = 2;
let chain = v.iter().take(offset).chain(s.iter()).chain(v.iter().skip(offset));
let result: Vec<_> = chain.collect();
println!("Result: {:?}", result);
I was trying to prepend to a vector in rust and found this closed question that was linked here, (despite this question being both prepend and insert AND efficiency. I think my answer would be better as an answer for that other, more precises question because I can't attest to the efficiency), but the following code helped me prepend, (and the opposite.) [I'm sure that the other two answers are more efficient, but the way that I learn, I like having answers that can be cut-n-pasted with examples that demonstrate an application of the answer.]
pub trait Unshift<T> { fn unshift(&mut self, s: &[T]) -> (); }
pub trait UnshiftVec<T> { fn unshift_vec(&mut self, s: Vec<T>) -> (); }
pub trait UnshiftMemoryHog<T> { fn unshift_memory_hog(&mut self, s: Vec<T>) -> (); }
pub trait Shift<T> { fn shift(&mut self) -> (); }
pub trait ShiftN<T> { fn shift_n(&mut self, s: usize) -> (); }
impl<T: std::clone::Clone> ShiftN<T> for Vec<T> {
fn shift_n(&mut self, s: usize) -> ()
// where
// T: std::clone::Clone,
impl<T: std::clone::Clone> Shift<T> for Vec<T> {
fn shift(&mut self) -> ()
// where
// T: std::clone::Clone,
impl<T: std::clone::Clone> Unshift<T> for Vec<T> {
fn unshift(&mut self, s: &[T]) -> ()
// where
// T: std::clone::Clone,
self.splice(0..0, s.to_vec());
impl<T: std::clone::Clone> UnshiftVec<T> for Vec<T> {
fn unshift_vec(&mut self, s: Vec<T>) -> ()
T: std::clone::Clone,
self.splice(0..0, s);
impl<T: std::clone::Clone> UnshiftMemoryHog<T> for Vec<T> {
fn unshift_memory_hog(&mut self, s: Vec<T>) -> ()
T: std::clone::Clone,
let mut tmp: Vec<_> = s.to_owned();
//let mut tmp: Vec<_> = s.clone(); // this also works for some data types
let local_s: Vec<_> = self.clone(); // explicit clone()
tmp.extend(local_s); // to vec is possible
*self = tmp;
//*self = (*tmp).to_vec(); // Just because it compiles, doesn't make it right.
// this works for: v = unshift(v, &vec![8]);
// (If you don't want to impl Unshift for Vec<T>)
fn unshift_fn<T>(v: Vec<T>, s: &[T]) -> Vec<T>
T: Clone,
// create a mutable vec and fill it
// with a clone of the array that we want
// at the start of the vec.
let mut tmp: Vec<_> = s.to_owned();
// then we add the existing vector to the end
// of the temporary vector.
// return the tmp vec that is identitcal
// to unshift-ing the original vec.
N.B. It is sometimes (often?) more memory efficient to reverse
the vector and use push/pop, rather than splice/drain;
Especially if you create your vectors in "stack order" to begin with.
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<usize> = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("Before push:\t {:?}", v);
println!("After push:\t {:?}", v);
println!("popped:\t\t {:?}", v);
println!("drain(0..1)\t {:?}", v);
// We could use a function
let c = v.clone();
v = unshift_fn(c, &vec![0]);
v.splice(0..0, vec![0]);
println!("splice(0..0, vec![0]) {:?}", v);
println!("shift\t\t {:?}", v);
v.unshift_memory_hog(vec![8, 16, 31, 1]);
println!("MEMORY guzzler unshift {:?}", v);
println!("back to the start: {:?}", v);
println!("zerothed with unshift: {:?}", v);
let mut w = vec![4, 5, 6];
let prepend_this = &[1, 2, 3];
w.unshift(&[1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(&w, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
println!("{:?} == {:?}", &w, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

How do I concatenate a vector of integers into a single integer?

I'm trying to concatenate all of the contents of a vector into a single number. This would be like [1, 2, 4] -> 124. Here's what I have right now:
fn sumVector(vec: &Vec<u32>) -> u32 {
return vec.to_owned().concat();
This is failing with error
error[E0599]: no method named `concat` found for type `std::vec::Vec<u32>` in the current scope
--> src/lib.rs:2:27
2 | return vec.to_owned().concat();
| ^^^^^^ method not found in `std::vec::Vec<u32>`
As said in the comments by Stargateur, you can do:
fn concat(vec: &[u32]) -> u32 {
vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, elem| acc * 10 + elem)
You can also write the same function in imperative style:
fn concat(vec: &[u32]) -> u32 {
let mut acc = 0;
for elem in vec {
acc *= 10;
acc += elem;
You can follow Ortomala Lokni's procedure if your input vector contains single digit integers.
If the vector contains multi-digit integers, the function may not return the intended value. The following concat_new function handles this case.
fn main() {
let a = vec![10_i32, 20, 300];
println!("{:?}", concat_new(&a));
println!("{:?}", concat(&a));
fn concat_new(vec: &[i32]) -> i32 {
let t = vec.iter().fold("".to_string(), |acc, x| acc + &x.to_string());
fn concat(vec: &[i32]) -> i32 {
vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, elem| acc * 10 + elem)

How to achieve a pure function with dynamic programming in Kotlin?

I've been trying to transform some of my code to pure functions to learn how to use Kotlin in a functional way, with this simple snippet of code I can't think of any way to make my calculateFibonacci function a pure function.
I'm aware of a potentially recursive solution but what about a potential stack overflow, does Kotlin implement Tail Call Optimization?
val fibonacciValues = hashMapOf<Int, BigInteger>(0 to BigInteger.ONE, 1 to BigInteger.ONE);
// * TODO investigate how to do dynamic programming with a pure function ** //
private fun calculateFibonacci(n: Int): BigInteger? {
if (fibonacciValues.contains(n)) {
return fibonacciValues.get(n)
} else {
val f = calculateFibonacci(n - 2)!!.add(calculateFibonacci(n - 1))
fibonacciValues.put(n, f)
return f
For the whole snippet I uploaded this gist:
The whole thing is about breaking out of the imperative approach and thinking in terms of sequence manipulation.
In the case of the Fibonacci Sequence, it might be tricky because it's very tempting to think of it as a sequence of Ints but it gets much easier if you think of it as a sequence of pairs (from which you eventually derive a sequence of Ints)
So, you could create an infinite sequence of pairs where the next pair is defined as the second element of the previous pair and a sum of elements in a previous pair:
generateSequence(1 to 1) { it.second to it.first + it.second }
.map { it.first }
And yes, you can utilize the Tail Call Optimization by marking your method with the tailrec keyword - no worries about the stack overflow. You just apply it before the fun keyword:
fun fibonacciAt(n: Int) = {
tailrec fun fibonacciAcc(n: Int, a: Long, b: Long): Long {
return when (n == 0) {
true -> b
false -> fibonacciAcc(n - 1, a + b, a)
fibonacciAcc(n, 1, 0)
Here is more info about the Tail Recursion in Kotlin.
fun fib(i: Int): Int {
tailrec fun go(k: Int, p: Int, c: Int): Int {
return if (k == 0) p
else go(k - 1, c, p + c)
return go(i, 0, 1)
generateSequence actually shows a Fibonacci implementation as example.
fun fibonacci(): Sequence<Int> {
// fibonacci terms
// 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, ...
return generateSequence(Pair(0, 1), { Pair(it.second, it.first + it.second) }).map { it.first }
println(fibonacci().take(10).toList()) // [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
does Kotlin implements Tail Call Optimization
Yes, there is tailrec keyword for that.

Is there a way to optimize this code so it doesn't overflow the stack?

I am working on the third Project Euler problem:
fn main() {
println!("{}", p3());
fn p3() -> u64 {
let divs = divisors(1, 600851475143, vec![]);
let mut max = 0;
for x in divs {
if prime(x, 0, false) && x > max {
max = x
fn divisors(i: u64, n: u64, div: Vec<u64>) -> Vec<u64> {
let mut temp = div;
if i * i > n {
} else {
if n % i == 0 {
temp.push(n / i);
divisors(i + 2, n, temp)
fn prime(n: u64, i: u64, skip: bool) -> bool {
if !skip {
if n == 2 || n == 3 {
} else if n % 3 == 0 || n % 2 == 0 {
} else {
prime(n, 5, true)
} else {
if i * i > n {
} else if n % i == 0 || n % (i + 2) == 0 {
} else {
prime(n, i + 6, true)
The value 600851475143 is the value that is at some point causing it to overflow. If I replace that with any value that is in the 1010 order of magnitude or less, it returns an answer. While keeping it as a recursive solution, is there any way to either:
Increase the stack size?
Optimize my code so it doesn't return a fatal runtime: stack overflow error?
I know this can be done iteratively, but I'd prefer to not do that.
A vector containing 600 * 109 u64s means you'll need 4.8 terabytes of RAM or swapspace.
I'm sure you don't need that for this problem, you're missing some knowledge of math here: scanning till the square root of the 600851475143 will be sufficient. You may also speed up the program by using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Project Euler is nice to sharpen your math skills, but it doesn't help you with any programming language in particular. For learning Rust I started with Exercism.
Performing some optimizations, such as going just up to the square root of the number when checking for its factors and for whether it's a prime, I've got:
fn is_prime(n: i64) -> bool {
let float_input = n as f64;
let upper_bound = float_input.sqrt() as i64;
for x in 2..upper_bound + 1 {
if n % x == 0 {
return false;
return true;
fn get_factors(n: i64) -> Vec<i64> {
let mut factors: Vec<i64> = Vec::new();
let float_input = n as f64;
let upper_bound = float_input.sqrt() as i64;
for x in 1..upper_bound + 1 {
if n % x == 0 {
factors.push(n / x);
fn get_prime_factors(n: i64) -> Vec<i64> {
.filter(|&x| is_prime(x))
fn main() {
if let Some(max) = get_prime_factors(600851475143).iter().max() {
println!("{:?}", max);
On my machine, this code runs very fast with no overflow.
./problem003 0.03s user 0.00s system 90% cpu 0.037 total
If you really don't want the iterative version:
First, make sure that you compile with optimizations (rustc -O or cargo --release). Without it there's no chance for TCO in Rust. Your divisors function is tail-recursive, but it seems that moving this Vec up and down the recursion stack is confusing enough for LLVM to miss that fact. We can help the compiler a little, by using just a reference here:
fn divisors(i: u64, n: u64, mut div: Vec<u64>) -> Vec<u64> {
divisors_(i, n, &mut div);
fn divisors_(i: u64, n: u64, div: &mut Vec<u64>) {
if i * i > n {
} else {
if n % i == 0 {
div.push(n / i);
divisors_(i + 2, n, div)
On my machine that changes make the code no longer segfault.
If you want to increase the stack size anyway, you should run your function in a separate thread with increased stack size (using std::thread::Builder::stack_size)
Rust has reserved the become keyword for guaranteed tail recursion,
so maybe in the future you'll just need to add one keyword to your code to make it work.

How would I write this C function in Rust?

How would I write the function below in Rust? Is there a way to write replace() safely or is the operation inherently unsafe? list does not have to be an array, a vector would work as well. It's the replacement operation that I'm interested in.
void replace(int *list[], int a, int b) {
*list[a] = *list[b];
I would like the following behavior:
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int *list[] = { &a, &a, &b, &b };
*list[0] = 3; // list has pointers to values: [3, 3, 2, 2]
replace(list, 2, 0); // list has pointers to values: [3, 3, 3, 3]
*list[0] = 4; // list has pointers to values: [4, 4, 4, 4]
Answer for modified question
Rust does not allow you to have multiple mutable references (aliasing) to the same item. This means you'd never be able to run the equivalent of your third line:
fn main() {
let mut a = 1;
let vals = &[&mut a, &mut a];
This fails with:
cannot borrow `a` as mutable more than once at a time
What about using Rc and RefCell?
Rc doesn't let us mutate the value:
A reference-counted pointer type over an immutable value.
(Emphasis mine)
RefCell::borrow_mut won't allow multiple concurrent borrows:
Panics if the value is currently borrowed.
Answer for original question
It's basically the same. I picked a u8 cause it's easier to type. :-)
fn replace(v: &mut [&mut u8], a: usize, b: usize) {
*v[a] = *v[b]
fn main() {
let mut vals = vec![1,2,3,4];
let mut val_refs: Vec<&mut u8> = vals.iter_mut().collect();
replace(&mut val_refs, 0, 3);
println!("{:?}", vals);
(playpen link)
Rust does do boundary-checking, so if you call with an index bigger than the slice, the program will panic and you don't get memory corruption.
