Can Firebase database used for both android and website - firebase

I am having an app with firebase as database. And i am creating a website with the same data as in app. can i use same database for both app and website. when data update take place in app should also be resembled in website and vice versa

Yes, that is definitely possible. For example, the FriendlyPix sample app is available for iOS, Android, and Web, and all these talks to the same back-end services. So photos posted in one platform show up in all other platforms too.


How to create an admin Web app with client Mobile app using Flutter

Im currently working with Mobile app with firebase back end. I wonder how to build another admin Web app which should be hosted on the Web and pass data to the Mobile app. Should i open another project to build the Web app?Or build the both app within one project which should share with one firebase back end. Someone please guide me as Im clueless. Would appreciated for the sharing.
Since the application admin app is managing the same set of data, it will typically be part of the same Firebase project too. This is actually a quite common scenario, and I regularly add an admin web app to my Firebase project precisely for that purpose.

How many of my clients apps could I manage on Firebase?

Pretty simple Use-case, clients buy our app and pay 20$/month.
We want to implement push notifications on both iOS and Android and are thinking of a scalable solution.
We thought of simply grouping all Apps inside one Firebase project, as we only need Push Notifications.
Google Firebase FAQ says:
A project is a container for apps across iOS, Android and web. While there is no restriction on number of apps within a project, adding an app can create one or more underlying OAuth 2.0 client IDs. There is a limit of around 30 client IDs that can be created within a single project.
You should ensure that all apps within a project are platform variants of the same application from an end user perspective. For example, if you develop a white label application, each independently labelled app should have its own Firebase project.
Would this limit us?
Do I need a client ID for each and every App inside my project?
firebaser here
What you're trying to do is known as whitelisting, and is not an intended use-case of having multiple apps in a project. To not run into the limitation you've found, you will need to create a separate project for each client.
If you create multiple technical applications for a single client that are logically the same, those can exist in a single project. For example: the Android, iOS and Web versions of an app are typically using the same Firebase project, as may be specific app you build for the application administrators of your client. By having those apps be part of the same project, they can share backend resources.

How to connect client android app with admin website

I have created an android app on android studio with firebase database.
Now I want to develop an administrative website through which the admin will control all the operations of the app.
I want to know how to connect the app to the website. Also, should the database be connected to the app or the website?
Your website doesn't need to be directly connected to the app or vice versa. That is what firebase is for. When using the website or app, you connect directly to firebase. When data changes in the database, you can reflect these changes on both the website and app.
So there is no direct link between the app and website. They are just interfaces to manipulate and view data in firebase.
Basically your quesion is "How can you connect your Android application to a web server".
You need to look at the URLConnection class. An example is here If you are writing the server side web service, I suggest making it a RESTful service returning JSON data (as that is easier to deal with on the handset)

Mobile friendly ASP.Net app to mobile app?

I have an ASP.Net web application (web forms) with Telerik ajax controls.
It is currently mobile-friendly, but I would like to put it into an app that a user could download from the app stores.
Is there a quick and easy way to make this work using something like a
WebView or am I likely stuck writing a full native app? The
application​ is mostly data driven (lots of Telerik grids) and will
need an internet connection for most functions.
I guess you could create a native app that opens the web site inside a WebView. That's fairly simple. I've done as much in the Video player app I wrote for my book. However, that isn't in the spirit of mobile apps. The point of putting it in the app store is generally to give your users an app that works like they expect on their phone.
If it is data driven, then expose the data via REST APIs and consume those APIs in a mobile app. If you want offline sync (for resilience or performance), that's an additional consideration. If you want mobile specific functionality like push notifications or authentication via touch id, for example, then those would also need a native app.
Short version - the simple "project my web app into a native app" is easy. But it's unlikely to be satisfying to your users and won't allow you to extend your app with native features.

How to create admin portal on google firebase for application on google firebase

I am using GoolgeFirebase for my android application. I want to make an admin portal at GoogleFirebase connected to that application's database to view some admin related tasks, like showing waiters with rating where i have all the wiaters and rating data stored in Google Firebase Realtime Database.
Do i have to create a web app, connected and hosted at the Google Firebase or the GoogleFirebase facilitate itslef for creating some admin portal for the android app.
You have to build something. A web app using firebase hosting is really easy but you can host it anywhere you want including on your own PC. Of course you can also build any kind of app using one of the SDKs or anything that can do HTTPS requests. An special admin android app is an option. Java desktop GUI app may be to your liking.
Sometimes I find building a commandline tool in node.js is perfect for my needs. The command line lets me pipe the output to other tools that are helpful.
Firebase provides a number of Admin SDKs to help build server-side or desktop applications. As of now there are Admin SDKs available for Node.js, Java and Python (although the Python SDK is new and doesn't have realtime DB support yet). You can use one of these SDKs to build your admin portal webapp.
