Linkedin authentication cancel workflow opens new tab instead of redirect in same page - linkedin

I am trying to integrate LinkedIn in my angular 2.x app. Where i used pop ups to authenticate user. For successful sign in its working perfectly by posting the data back to parent. But for cancel or failure linkedin is opening a new tab and closing the original pop up which is not expected.
Can anyone guide to fix this.
Code sample:
const url = `${clientId}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4200/linkedin/callback&state=987654321&scope=r_basicprofile`;
this.windowHandle =, 'linkedin login', 'height=600,width=550');

This issue seems to be from LinkedIn itself. If the user cancels the authorization, LinkedIn seems to close the window.
Refer this for more details.


Firebase SendEmailVerification in Xamarin : how to handle this in App?

I am trying to use email verification in my Xamarin/Firebase app.
I currently have:
using (var actionCode = ActionCodeSettings.NewBuilder()
.SetHandleCodeInApp(true).Build()) {
await user.SendEmailVerification(actionCode);
This properly sends a verification email.
What I don't know is how to specify a callback in the app to catch user clicking on the verification link.
Any advice/guidance will be appreciated.
It's still unclear to me what's the point of the SetHandleCodeInnApp option. It seems to indicate that there is a way of handling the verification event in the app
Whether the email action link will be opened in a mobile app or a web link first. The default is false. When set to true, the action code link will be be sent as a Universal Link or Android App Link and will be opened by the app if installed. In the false case, the code will be sent to the web widget first and then on continue will redirect to the app if installed.
For more details, you could check the document.

Sign In With Google - Trigger sign in programatically instead of button

I'm trying to migrate to the new Sign In With Google and I'm missing one crucial functionality I was using previously.
Basicly my application is working with locally created application users. At one point in the application, the user is prompted to login with Google Account to confirm that he's the correct user that will do some Google API action. I was able to achieve that with following code from the soon deprecated Google Sign-In library:
const auth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
if (!auth.isSignedIn.get())
await auth.signIn({
prompt: "select_account",
login_hint: employeeEmail
And it worked just fine. Now all the above methods are being deprecated and there are no direct replacements, or at least I don't understand how to achieve the same result. I am able to confirm the user identity by checking the id token received by using:{/*options*/);
But if there's no google session active for the user, nothing happens.
The only way to actually trigger the Sign In is to click the Google Sign In Button, rendered using:, {/*options*/});
After the button is clicked, the sign in popup is shown and everything is fine, the callback of the initialize configuration is called and the flow is resumed.
The problem is, how do I trigger the Sign In popup programatically? All of the above starts with a specific button click on my website.
I actually managed to reproduce almost the same behavior with the new API. It might not be the most elegant way of doing this, but I replaced the signIn method from my post above with google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient. Even though it should be used to only receive the tokens, it will also create a valid Google session that then can be detected by using silent auth (prompt: "none");

Xamarin forms open browser and get Response data

I want to open a website in my mobile app to make the user log in to a specific page (so he can trust that it's the real website), if the login succeeds, there is data in the response which I need for my application. Is there a way to get the response data from the Xamarin.Essentials WebView or Browser or something else?
Some additional Information after Juan Sturla's hint:
I've got this url:
This link refers to the Steam login page. Can I somehow tell the Authenticator to return to the app after logging in without setting up a Backend? Like is it somehow possible to magically bind the app as return URL? I'm on iOS btw.
Thanks a lot in advance

javascript SDK suddenly stopped working without showing any error #linkedin

I have create an app to achieve login-with-linked-in functionality. Previously it worked fine, but all of a sudden it stopped working.
Previously if user already logged-in to LinkedIn, clicking the login-in-with-linkedIn button will lead user to there corresponding dashboard, otherwise login-popup open and user details get saved in db and user redirects to corresponding dashboard,But now nothing happening.
Note:- I have used my custom button to use this functionality. not the linked-in provided button code.
Here is my code and app creation steps:-
Button code:-
<?php echo Labels::getLabel('LBL_Linkedin',$siteLangId);?>
Javascript sdk code:-
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
function doLinkedInLoginForBuyer(){
function onLinkedInAuth() {
IN.API.Profile("me").fields("email-address","first-name","id").result(function (data) {
}).error(function (data) {
$.systemMessage('There was some problem in authenticating your account with LinkedIn,Please try with different login option','alert alert--danger');
processLinkedInUserDetails = function(data){
data = data.values[0];
fcom.ajax(fcom.makeUrl('LinkedIn', 'loginLinkedIn'), data, function(t) {
var response = JSON.parse(t);
if(response.status ==0){
$.systemMessage(response.msg,'alert alert--danger');
if(response.status ==1){
location.href = response.msg;
Note:- It seems that onLinkedInAuth() as well as processLinkedInUserDetails() functions are not called at all now. Previously they worked fine.
Let me know if any other details are required. Thanks!
After a long discussion with LinkedIn Customer Support they just said that they didn't support API-related issues. They asked to buy a premium account for any kind of technical support
Also I come to know that they stopped giving support for Javascript SDK.
Check here:- JavaScript SDK is not currently supported
Solution:- Now I followed the below post and make it work:
Visit LinkedIn Developers page and log in with your LinkedIn account credentials.
Click the Create app button to create a new LinkedIn app.
Provide the information about your app and click Create an app to submit the app registration form.
App name – Name of the application.
Company – Name of your company.
App description – Workflow of the application.
App logo – Logo to display on the OAuth dialog.
Privacy policy URL – URL of the Privacy Policy page.
Business email – Your email address.
Products – Select the products that you’d like to add to your app.
On successful app creation, the page will be redirected to the App settings screen.
Switch to the Auth tab » Scroll down to OAuth 2.0 settings section.
Specify the redirect URL in the Redirect URLs fields and Update the App settings.
Note: The Redirect URLs must be matched with the Redirect URL that is specified in the script.
In the Application credentials section, you will see the Client ID and Client Secret of your LinkedIn App. The App ID and App secret need to be specified in the script at the time of the LinkedIn API call.
Now you have to create PHP code that will call linked-in API with the help of Client ID and Client Secret.
Kindly check Php code of thread for example.

"" clears all the google cookies in browser

I am trying to use Google as OpenID.
Users can successfully login to my site using their Google email.
Problem: They can't sign out successfully from it.
When user clicks sign out button in my website, i can only clear the cookies issued by my site itself but not the cookies issued under Google.
I have googled as well as read many article in stackoverflow. The solution i found is that i can't delete Google cookies myself. In order to delete that cookie i have to redirect my Page to which cleans the Cookies issued by Google in my browser.
Another Problem begins: That url clears all the google cookies in the browser.If the user is login in other sites using Google as OpenID or even gmail at the same time in the same browser, their cookies also get deleted while logging out of my site.
Is there solution to it?
For Demo Try following steps in your own brower:
1- Login Gmail with your own authentication
2. then Click on
What will happen is your gmail account will be logout automatically.
As far as what I understand from your post, you want to log your users out of Google. For which you can use without a problem.
You can use the following function to do it for you:
var logout = function()
document.location.href = "";
where you should replace with your home page.
This should help you get your job done.
Here is a sign-out URL from all Google account, which is working fine for me:
Hope it will help you.
