Orthogonal check; incorrect maths or function usage? - math

I am comparing 2 angles (in degrees) and I want to know if they are orthogonal.
So I use the following scipy.spatial.distance function:
print( dist.cosine([181], [1]) )
However it prints out 0.0. Shouldn't this result give me either 1 or -1? Ie, its in the opposite direction? Am I using the function wrong?

dist.cosine actually computes the cosine distance, which (wikipedia) is a term that
is often used for the complement in positive space, that is:
D C ( A , B ) = 1 − S C ( A , B )
where D C is the cosine distance and S C is the
cosine similarity.
This isn't what you want at all. I'm no Python expert, but doesn't
math.cos(math.radians(181 - 1))
do what you want?


Dart - Find all roots in a function

I am trying to find all roots [f(x) = 0] in a function. My current solution only works if they are spaced out enough and don't interfer with each other. (e.g. it works for x^2 - 2)
bool numberIsCloseToZero(num number){
return (num.parse(number.abs().toStringAsFixed(1)) == 0.0) ? true : false;
List<num> calculateRoots(String function){
num eval = 0.0;
List<num> roots = [];
for (num x = -10; x < 10; x += 0.1){
eval = calculateYOfX(function, x);
if (numberIsCloseToZero(num.parse(eval.toStringAsFixed(2)))){
return roots;
Obviously, this is due to my rounding. (e.g. the surrounding values of the root of x^2 are too close to zero, so it assumes they are roots as well). Do you think I should go through actually solving the equation instead of "brute forcing" the roots?
If you can find analytical solution - use it. It is possible for low-degree polynomial equations (like mentioned x^2 - 2).
In general case - you definitely have to learn numerical methods - in this case, root finding.
Start with bisection method or Newthon's method. They allow to get more and more exact position of root at every step.
You'll need to put some restrictions on what is an allowable function, otherwise you have no hope.
For example without any restrictions you've no guarantee that there are is only a finite number of values (consider f(x)=sin(x) ), or even a finite number of values in a given interval (consider f(x)=x sin(1/x) ). Or even an infinity of connected zeros ( f(x) = max(0,x) )
And these cases are not even considered particularly pathological mathematical functions.
If you're willing to go down the path of requiring your function to be non-zero almost-everywhere, smooth, continuous and with bounded first and second derivatives then I think you may be able to come up with a relatively simple algorithm that guarantees you get all zeros in a given finite region.
(I'd look for a subdivision based algorithm which recursively splits the region and determines strict bounds on each interval.)
We can derive an example algorithm for when the derivative is bounded by a known constant i.e. |f'(x)| < D. Note that if we evaluate f at some point p then for any other point p+d we can show that f(p) - |d| D < f(p+d) < f(p) + |d| D.
Using this we can consider root finding in an interval [A,B] - which we can write as [p-d, p+d] where p=(A+B)/2, d=(B-A)/2. Sample f at the mid-point to get f(p). The minimum value f could take on the interval is f(p) - d D and the maximum value is f(p) + d D. We can only have a root in this interval if f(p)-d D <= 0 <= f(p) +d D which is equivalent to |f(p)| < d D.
If there can be no root in [A,B] we're done, otherwise we repeat on the two halves [A,p] and [p,B]. (some care needs to be taken in the case f(p)=0 )

Do anyone know how to raytrace NURBS of degree 2?

I'm programming a GLSL raytrace since a while and I done some improvement, but since a view days I think that it would be much faster to raytrace curved surfaces instead of many triangles so I came across NURBS. If I write the equation (extended --> only +, -, *, /, sqrt and square) down I can't see any way to get an intersection point with a ray.
Does any one of you know how to raytrace a NURBS of degree 2?
This is my equation (no real NURBS equation):
given :
(A to I are 3d vectors)
a = 2(B-A)
b = 2B-A-C
c = 2(E-D)
d = 2E-D-F
e = 2(H-G)
f = 2H-G-I
(a to f are defined to have the equation a bit shorter later)
(o and r are 3d vectors again)
searched :
u, v (, t)
to solve :
(A+au-bu²) + ((D+cu-du²)-(A+au+bu²))2v - (2(D+cu-bu²)-(A+au-bu²)-(G+eu-fu²))v² = o+rt
There is quite a bit of literature on the subject for example https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232644373_Direct_and_fast_ray_tracing_of_NURBS_surfaces . This is for general NURBS. Not sure if you can simplify things for quadratic NURBS.
The basic idea is to think of your ray as the intersection of two planes N . r = a, M . r = b. With N, M normal vectors to the planes, a, b constants. If r = R(u,v) is you NURB function. This gives you two equations in two variables to solve.
This is where I'm a little unsure. I think for quadratics NURBS you can represent the function as a quotient of two quadratic polynomials R(u,v) = P(u,v) / Q(u,v), where P is vector valued and Q is just a 1D polynomial. If so the equation you want to solve are
N . P(u,v) = a Q(u,v)
M . P(u,v) = b Q(u,v)
that is two quadratics in two variables. You can use a variety numerical methods like Newton's method or gradient descent and as the equations are quadratics it should converge relatively quickly.
You will need to consider each patch separately (0 < u < 1/3, 0 < v < 1/3 etc.) to cope with the piecewise nature of the functions.

average value when comparing each element with each other element in a list

I have number of strings (n strings) and I am computing edit distance between strings in a way that I take first one and compare it to the (n-1) remaining strings, second one and compare it to (n-2) remaining, ..., comparing until I ran out of the strings.
Why would an average edit distance be computed as sum of all the edit distances between all the strings divided by the number of comparisons squared. This squaring is confusing me.
I assume you have somewhere an answer that seems to come with a squared factor -which I'll take as n^2, where n is the number of strings (not the number of distinct comparisons, which is n*(n-1)/2, as +flaschenpost points to ). It would be easier to give you a more precise answer if you'd exactly quote what that answer is.
From what I understand of your question, it isn't, at least it's not the usual sample average. It is, however, a valid estimator of central tendency with the caveat that it is a biased estimator.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias_of_an_estimator.
Let's define the sample average, which I will denote as X', by
X' = \sum^m_i X_i/N
IF N=m, we get the standard average. In your case, this is the number of distinct pairs which is m=n*(n-1)/2. Let's call this average Xo.
Then if N=n*n, it is
X' = (n-1)/(2*n) Xo
Xo is an unbiased estimator of the population mean \mu. Therefore, X' is biased by a factor f=(n-1)/(2*n). For n very large this bias tends to 1/2.
That said, it could be that the answer you see has a sum that runs not just over distinct pairs. The normalization would then change, of course. For instance, we could extend that sum to all pairs without changing the average value: The correct normalization would then be N = n*(n-1); the value of the average would still be Xo though as the number of summands has double as well.
Those things are getting easier to understand if done by hand with pen and paper for a small example.
If you have the 7 Strings named a,b,c,d,e,f,g, then the simplest version would
Compare a to b, a to c, ... , a to g (this are 6)
Compare b to a, b to c, ... , b to g (this are 6)
. . .
Compare g to a, g to b, ... , g to f (this are 6)
So you have 7*6 or n*(n-1) values, so you divide by nearly 7^2. This is where the square comes from. Maybe you even compare a to a, which should bring a distance of 0 and increase the values to 7*7 or n*n. But I would count it a bit as cheating for the average distance.
You could double the speed of the algorithm, just changing it a small bit
Compare a to b, a to c, ... , a to g (this are 6)
Compare b to c, ... , b to g (this are 5)
Compare c to d, ... , b to g (this are 4)
. . .
Compare f to g (this is 1)
That is following good ol' Gauss 7*6/2, or n*(n-1)/2.
So in Essence: Try doing a simple example on paper and then count your distance values.
Since Average is still and very simply the same as ever:
sum(values) / count(values)

scilab plotting factorial; first trying to correct the equation?

I'm trying to execute this equation in scilab; however, I'm getting error: 59 of function %s_pow called ... even though I define x.
z = factorial(3); w = factorial(n);u = factorial(3-n);
y = z /(w.*u);
t = y.*x^n*(1-x)^(3-n)
(at this point I haven't added in the plot command, although I would assume it's plot(t)?)
Thanks for any input.
The power x^n and (1-x)^(3-n) on the last line both cause the problem, because x and n are matrices and they are not the same size.
As mentioned in the documentation the power operation can only be performed between:
(A:square)^(b:scalar) If A is a square matrix and b is a scalar then A^b is the matrix A to the power b.
(A:matrix).^(b:scalar) If b is a scalar and A a matrix then A.^b is
the matrix formed by the element of A to the power b (elementwise
power). If A is a vector and b is a scalar then A^b and A.^b performs
the same operation (i.e elementwise power).
(A:scalar).^(b:matrix) If A is a scalar and b is a matrix (or
vector) A^b and A.^b are the matrices (or vectors) formed by
(A:matrix).^(b:matrix) If A and b are vectors (matrices) of the same
size A.^b is the A(i)^b(i) vector (A(i,j)^b(i,j) matrix).

How to calculate n log n = c

I have a homework problem for my algorithms class asking me to calculate the maximum size of a problem that can be solved in a given number of operations using an O(n log n) algorithm (ie: n log n = c). I was able to get an answer by approximating, but is there a clean way to get an exact answer?
There is no closed-form formula for this equation. Basically, you can transform the equation:
n log n = c
log(n^n) = c
n^n = exp(c)
Then, this equation has a solution of the form:
n = exp(W(c))
where W is Lambert W function (see especially "Example 2"). It was proved that W cannot be expressed using elementary operations.
However, f(n)=n*log(n) is a monotonic function. You can simply use bisection (here in python):
import math
def nlogn(c):
lower = 0.0
upper = 10e10
while True:
middle = (lower+upper)/2
if lower == middle or middle == upper:
return middle
if middle*math.log(middle, 2) > c:
upper = middle
lower = middle
the O notation only gives you the biggest term in the equation. Ie the performance of your O(n log n ) algorithm could actually be better represented by c = (n log n) + n + 53.
This means that without knowing the exact nature of the performance of your algorithm you wouldn't be able to calculate the exact number of operations required to process an given amount of data.
But it is possible to calculate that the maximum number of operations required to process a data set of size n is more than a certain number, or conversely that the biggest problem set that can be solved, using that algorithm and that number of operations, is smaller than a certain number.
The O notation is useful for comparing 2 algorithms, ie an O(n^2) algorithm is faster than a O(n^3) algorithm etc.
see Wikipedia for more info.
some help with logs
