Error in temp[requiredperson, ] : subscript out of bounds - r

doubt image
for(i in 1:rowcount){
t = sum(temp[i,])
rowmean = mean(temp[i,])
rowsd = sd(temp[i,])*sqrt(colcount-1)
temp[i,] = (temp[i,]-rowmean)/rowsd
requiredperson =4661 #Obama
dotproducts = numeric(rowcount)
for( i in 1:rowcount){
dotproducts[i] = sum(temp[requiredperson,]*temp[i,])
Error in temp[requiredperson, ] : subscript out of bounds


R Incorrect Number of Dimensions Error from data.frame Assignment

When running the code below I get the error:
Error in data[, 4] : incorrect number of dimensions
Both data[,4] and goals have the same length (480) so I don't understand what the issue is. Data is a data.frame with 4 columns and goals is a length 480 vector.
simulate_games = function(data) {
mod <- glmmTMB(goals ~ home + (1|attack) + (1|defence), poisson, data=data, REML=TRUE)
goals = predict(mod,newdata = data, type = "response")
data[,4] = goals #Error here
res = comp_ranks(goals)[,2] #comp_ranks is a user defined function
for (i in 1:1000) {
data[,4] = rpois(480,goals)
res = cbind(res,comp_ranks(data)[,2])
long <- read.csv("", colClasses = c("factor","factor","factor","numeric"))
Here is also the comp_ranks function although I don't think its whats causing the error.
comp_ranks = function(data) {
goals = data[,4]
goals = goals[!]
teams = unique(data[,1])
teams_points =,teams)
goals_scored =,teams)
goals_conceded =,teams)
for (i in 1:length(teams)) {
tfs = data[,1] == teams[i]
tfc = data[,2] == teams[i]
goals_scored[i,1] = sum(na.omit(goals[tfs]))
goals_conceded[i,1] = sum(na.omit(goals[tfc]))
for (i in seq(1,length(goals)-1,2)) {
idx_1 = match(data[,1][i],teams)
idx_2 = match(data[,1][i+1],teams)
if (goals[i] - goals[i+1] > 0) {
teams_points[idx_1,1] = teams_points[idx_1,1] + 3
else if (goals[i] - goals[i+1] < 0 ) {
teams_points[idx_2,1] = teams_points[idx_2,1] + 3
else {
teams_points[idx_1,1] = teams_points[idx_1,1] + 1
teams_points[idx_2,1] = teams_points[idx_2,1] + 1
#Sort data.frame by ranks
colnames(teams_points) = c("Points","Teams")
teams_points = teams_points[with(teams_points, order(-Points)), ]
diff = goals_scored[,1] - goals_conceded[,1]
goals_diff =,teams)
teams_ranked = teams_points[,2]
for (i in 1:length(teams_points)) {
for (j in 1:length(teams_points)) {
if(j != i) {
if (teams_points[i,1] == teams_points[j,1]) {
if (goals_diff[i,1] == goals_diff[j,1]) {
if (goals_scored[i,1] < goals_scored[j,1] ) {
teams_ranked = replace(teams_ranked,c(i,j), teams_ranked[c(j,i)])
teams_points[,2] = teams_ranked
else if(goals_diff[i,1] < goals_diff[j,1] ) {
teams_ranked = replace(teams_ranked,c(i,j), teams_ranked[c(j,i)])
teams_points[,2] = teams_ranked
ranks = data.frame("Ranks" = c(1:16), "Teams" = teams_points[,2], "Points" = teams_points[,1])

Error in textConnection(): all connections are in use

I have read most of the posts concerning an error of this type but neither applies to my case. I am new in R, working on an assignment for school based on Nolan and Lang's book Data Science Case Studies in R. I am working on using stats to identify spam, url for the code can be found here, which require working with files from (which are pretty big)
Now the problem I am facing is the following (just posting the chunks of code where I have encountered the issue):
sampleSplit = lapply(sampleEmail, splitMessage)
processHeader = function(header)
# modify the first line to create a key:value pair
header[1] = sub("^From", "Top-From:", header[1])
headerMat = read.dcf(textConnection(header), all = TRUE)
headerVec = unlist(headerMat)
dupKeys = sapply(headerMat, function(x) length(unlist(x)))
names(headerVec) = rep(colnames(headerMat), dupKeys)
headerList = lapply(sampleSplit,
function(msg) {
processHeader(msg$header)} )
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
names(contentTypes) = NULL
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
boundaries = getBoundary(contentTypes[ hasAttach ])
boundary = boundaries[9]
body = sampleSplit[[15]]$body
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
diff(c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc))
### This code has mistakes in it - and we fix them later!
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, "$", sep = "")
bStringLocs = grep(bString, body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--$", sep = "")
eStringLoc = grep(eString, body)
n = length(body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n + 1
if (length(bStringLocs) == 1) attachLocs = NULL
else attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc)
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : min(n, (bStringLocs[2] - 1),
na.rm = TRUE)]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
contentTypeLoc = grep("[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
contentType = body[ begL + contentTypeLoc]
contentType = gsub('"', "", contentType )
MIMEType = sub(" *Content-Type: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", contentType)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachInfo = NULL) )
else return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = attachTypes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
bodyList = lapply(sampleSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
lens = sapply(attList, function(processedA)
body = bodyList[hasAttach][[2]]
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
n = length(body)
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n
if (length(bStringLocs) <= 1) {
attachLocs = NULL
msgLastLine = n
if (length(bStringLocs) == 0) bStringLocs = 0
} else {
attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[ -1 ], eStringLoc)
msgLastLine = bStringLocs[2] - 1
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : msgLastLine]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
CTloc = grep("^[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
if ( length(CTloc) == 0 ) {
} else {
CTval = body[ begL + CTloc[1] ]
CTval = gsub('"', "", CTval )
MIMEType = sub(" *[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", CTval)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachDF = NULL) )
return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = unlist(attachTypes),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
readEmail = function(dirName) {
# retrieve the names of files in directory
fileNames = list.files(dirName, full.names = TRUE)
# drop files that are not email
notEmail = grep("cmds$", fileNames)
if ( length(notEmail) > 0) fileNames = fileNames[ - notEmail ]
# read all files in the directory
lapply(fileNames, readLines, encoding = "latin1")
processAllEmail = function(dirName, isSpam = FALSE)
# read all files in the directory
messages = readEmail(dirName)
fileNames = names(messages)
n = length(messages)
# split header from body
eSplit = lapply(messages, splitMessage)
# process header as named character vector
headerList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg)
# extract content-type key
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
# extract the body
bodyList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
# which email have attachments
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
# get summary stats for attachments and the shorter body
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
contentTypes[hasAttach], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
bodyList[hasAttach] = lapply(attList, function(attEl)
attachInfo = vector("list", length = n )
attachInfo[ hasAttach ] = lapply(attList,
function(attEl) attEl$attachDF)
# prepare return structure
emailList = mapply(function(header, body, attach, isSpam) {
list(isSpam = isSpam, header = header,
body = body, attach = attach)
headerList, bodyList, attachInfo,
rep(isSpam, n), SIMPLIFY = FALSE )
names(emailList) = fileNames
Everything runs fine right up to:
emailStruct = mapply(processAllEmail, fullDirNames,
isSpam = rep( c(FALSE, TRUE), 3:2))
emailStruct = unlist(emailStruct, recursive = FALSE)
sampleStruct = emailStruct[ indx ]
save(emailStruct, file="emailXX.rda")
I get the error Error in textConnection(header) : all connections are in use, therefore it doesn't recognize "emailStruct", which I need later on. I seriously don't know how to overcome it so that I can continue with the rest of the code, which requires some of these variables to work.
When you run textConnection() you are opening a text connection, but you are never closing it. Try closing it explicitly after you read from it
read.dcf(tc<-textConnection(header), all = TRUE)

Error when implementing a custom layer in keras for R

I am trying to implement a custom layer for the package keras in R (github).
The layer I am implementing is based on this AttentionWithContext layer available here: gist
Here is my code:
AttentionWithContext <- R6::R6Class("AttentionWithContext",
inherit = KerasLayer,
public = list(
W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
name = NULL,
initialize = function(name = 'attention',
W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
bias=TRUE ) {
self$supports_masking = TRUE
self$init = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform()
self$W_regularizer = W_regularizer
self$b_regularizer = b_regularizer
self$u_regularizer = u_regularizer
self$W_constraint = W_constraint
self$b_constraint = b_constraint
self$u_constraint = u_constraint
self$bias = bias
self$name = name
build = function(input_shape) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(input_shape) == 3)
self$W = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]],input_shape[[3]], NULL),
initializer = self$init,
regularizer = self$W_regularizer,
constraint = self$W_constraint)
if (self$bias) {
self$b = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]]),
name = stringr::str_interp('${self$name}_b'),
regularizer = self$b_regularizer,
constraint = self$b_constraint)
self$u = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]]),
name = stringr::str_interp('${self$name}_u'),
regularizer = self$u_regularizer,
constraint = self$u_constraint)
compute_mask = function(input, input_mask=NULL) {
call = function(x, mask = NULL) {
uit = keras::k_squeeze(keras::k_dot(x, keras::k_expand_dims(self$W)), axis=-1)
if (self$bias) {
uit = uit + self$b
uit = keras::k_tanh(uit)
ait = keras::k_dot(uit, self$u)
a = keras::k_exp(ait)
if (!is.null(mask)) {
a = a * keras::k_cast(mask, keras::k_floatx())
a = a/keras::k_cast(keras::k_sum(a, axis = 1, keepdims = TRUE) + keras::k_epsilon(), keras::k_floatx())
weighted_input = x * keras::k_expand_dims(a)
keras::k_sum(weighted_input, axis=1)
compute_output_shape = function(input_shape) {
list(input_shape[[1]], input_shape[[3]])
# define layer wrapper function
layer_attention_with_context <- function(object, W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
name = 'attention_with_context') {
create_layer(AttentionWithContext, object, list(W_regularizer = W_regularizer,
b_regularizer = b_regularizer,
u_regularizer = u_regularizer,
W_constraint= W_constraint,
name = name
# Example
model <- keras_model_sequential()
model %>%
layer_embedding(input_dim = 20000,
output_dim = 128,
input_length = 30) %>%
layer_lstm(64, return_sequences = TRUE) %>%
layer_attention_with_context() %>%
When I run this, I get a cryptic error message:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
RuntimeError: Evaluation error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'int'.
I tried to explore this error and I think it might come from this line :
reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]],input_shape[[3]], NULL)
In the original code, in python, we can see this:
(input_shape[-1], input_shape[-1],)
I could not find a way to create this structure in R.
Any ideas ?

Curly bracket issues - R - ifelse statement within for loop

I have a code that is failing to work because of curly bracket issues
o1 = read.table('/Users/manshi/Desktop/PSYC57H3/PSYC57_Homework3/Object1.csv', header=TRUE, sep=",")
PredictedValue = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = 100)
PredictionError = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = 100)
PredictedValue[1] = 0
AlAccepts = vector(mode = 'logical', length = 100)
for (trial in 1:100){
ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == FALSE, 0, 1) {
PredictionError[trial] = o1$Reward[trial] - PredictedValue[trial]
PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial] + .3*PredictionError[trial]
} ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == TRUE, 0, 1) {
PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial]
The error message that I am getting is:
> for (trial in 1:100){
+ ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == FALSE, 0, 1) {
Error: unexpected '{' in:
"for (trial in 1:100){
ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == FALSE, 0, 1) {"
> PredictionError[trial] = o1$Reward[trial] - PredictedValue[trial]
> PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial] + .3*PredictionError[trial]
> } ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == TRUE, 0, 1) {
Error: unexpected '}' in " }"
> PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial]
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in " }"
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
What am I doing wrong?
ifelse (AlAccepts[trial] == FALSE, 0, 1) is a function and results in a return value, in this case 0 or 1. Further conditioned excecution is not done so the following brackets show a syntax error. Using else if(){} should work as you intended:
for (trial in 1:100){
if (AlAccepts[trial] == FALSE) {
PredictionError[trial] = o1$Reward[trial] - PredictedValue[trial]
PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial] + .3*PredictionError[trial]
} else if(AlAccepts[trial] == TRUE) {
PredictedValue[trial + 1] = PredictedValue[trial]

Oracle R Enterprise: Error ORE object has no unique key

I need to make a function which call Oracle R Enterprise ore.corr function and output result as a data.frame.
My R code here:
f_sts_corelation =
function(dat, target_col="",corr_type="spearman",group_by="")
v_target_col = gsub("\n","",target_col, fixed = TRUE);
v_target_col_list = "";
for (s_name in strsplit(v_target_col,",")[[1]])
n_pos = regexpr(".",s_name,fixed = TRUE);
if (n_pos > 0)
s_name = substring(s_name,n_pos+1);
s_name = gsub("\"","",s_name, fixed = TRUE);
if (is.numeric(dat[,trim(s_name)]))
if (nchar(v_target_col_list)== 0)
v_target_col_list = trim(s_name)
v_target_col_list =paste(v_target_col_list,",",trim(s_name))
} = ore.push(dat)
v_id = c()
v_row = c()
v_col = c()
v_statistic = c()
v_pvalue = c()
v_df = c()
#group_by = ""
s_group_by = trim(gsub("\n","",group_by, fixed = TRUE));
if (nchar(s_group_by) > 0)
n_pos = regexpr(".",s_group_by,fixed = TRUE);
if (n_pos > 0)
s_group_by = substring(s_group_by,n_pos+1);
s_group_by = trim(gsub("\"","",s_group_by, fixed = TRUE));
ore.corr.res = ore.corr(,var = v_target_col_list, = s_group_by)
for (i in 1:length(ore.corr.res))
if (i == 1)
v_group = rep(names(ore.corr.res[i]),length(ore.corr.res[[i]]$ROW))
v_row = as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]]$ROW)
v_col = as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]]$COL)
v_statistic = as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,3])
v_pvalue = as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,4])
v_df = as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,5])
v_group = c(v_group,rep(names(ore.corr.res[i]),length(ore.corr.res[[i]]$ROW)))
v_row = c(v_row,as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]]$ROW))
v_col = c(v_col,as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]]$COL))
v_statistic = c(v_statistic,as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,3]))
v_pvalue = c(v_pvalue,as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,4]))
v_df = c(v_df,as.vector(ore.corr.res[[i]][,5]))
else if(nchar(s_group_by) == 0)
ore.corr.res = ore.corr(,var = v_target_col_list)
v_group = rep(" ",length(ore.corr.res$ROW))
v_row = as.vector(ore.corr.res$ROW)
v_col = as.vector(ore.corr.res$COL)
v_statistic = as.vector(ore.corr.res[,3])
v_pvalue = as.vector(ore.corr.res[,4])
v_df = as.vector(ore.corr.res[,5])
df_res = data.frame(Group_by = v_group,
Row = v_row,
Col = v_col,
Statistic = v_statistic,
P_Value = v_pvalue,
DF = v_df)
After that, I run the function by following script:
dat = iris;
V_target_col= '"IRIS_N$10002"."Sepal.Length",
group_by =
df_result = f_sts_corelation(dat,target_col = target_col, group_by = group_by)
But following error happen.
Error: ORE object has no unique key
I have tried to run each R command inside my function step by step and I sure that the Error happen from the last R command:
df_res = data.frame(Group_by = v_group,
Row = v_row,
Col = v_col,
Statistic = v_statistic,
P_Value = v_pvalue,
DF = v_df)
I don't know how to avoid this error.
