Why Delphi XE 7 places component/events definitions in a wrong section? - delphi-xe7

I have annoying problem with my Delphi XE 7. When I place some component on a form or double click to generate some event i.e. OnCreate it is placed in a public declarations instead of class declaration.
Every time I get compilation errors. Then I have to look where it placed new declarations. Form definition is not too complicated. It worked fine in a Delphi 6.

I found solution: cut those 600 lines with public variables and copy them to external file *. inc and then incude it just after public keyword. Now Delphi xe 7 puts component decalations in a proper place.


How do I specify an asp.net mvc 5 resource file in a VB Class Data Annotation?

VS 2013, MVC 5, VB, Entity Framework
This is part of my Class:
Public Class Order
Private mFirstName As String
<Required(ErrorMessage:="First name required - hard coded")>
Public Property FirstName() As String
Return mFirstName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFirstName = value
End Set
End Property
I want to setup a resource file to allow error messages to change with different countries. What would I write to have the error message pulled from a resource file named ErrorMessages.resx?
The examples for doing this are mostly in C#, and finding the VB equivalent was difficult, at least for me, and I thought other VB programmers might appreciate the proper syntax.
The C# answer is:
What was difficult was to find the proper VB operator to apply for the C# "typeof" operator. In VB the line above is:
<Required(ErrorMessageResourceName:="FirstNameRequired", ErrorMessageResourceType:=GetType(Resources.ErrorMessages))>
in the lines above, the Name/Value pairs are stored in ErrorMessages.resx (see how to create below), and "FirstNameRequired" is the Name of the string that will hold the actual text to be displayed.
Just to cover the bases:
What's pretty neat is that VS2013 automatically creates the Class and type definitions for the resource file and they show up in Intellisense, as in the VB line above 'Resources.ErrorMessages'.
It's also important to note the Data Annotation operators can have only one or the other of the two error message string properties, so the property "ErrorMessage" had to be removed as seen in the code lines in this answer post.
To use a Global Resource file (local files are possible), on the project node do an Add > Add ASP.NET Folder > Add App_GlobalResources. Then inside that folder Add > New Item > Resources File. After that the Name-Value pairs can be added, and then later additional country-culture resource files can be added, and online documentation for this process is fairly plentiful. ASP.NET, and MSDN for the country-culture.
The MSDN page that lists all of the data annotations is here; But I didn't find enough code samples to readily explain how to take advantage of the properties listed.
Hope this is helpful for someone else.
Best Regards,

Understanding some code

I have an application which was built a few years ago. I came across a section of code that baffled me as the functionality this provides throughout the ASP .Net application is great but i just dont understand it. Perhaps its the [] throwing me off but i think it could be some C# code converted to VB .Net.... Not sure but wondered if anyone understands this and if so could they share what its doing
The code in an NotInheritable class
Public Overloads Function [Get](Of B)() As B
Dim myType = GetType(B)
Return DirectCast([Get](myType), B)
End Function
I understand it overloads a function but
Why are the [] there for and what do they mean? When would you use them? If i remove them i have a compiler error.
Get in VB .Net is used in properties so is this some shortcut access to a property somewhere? Or
where could i view which method its overloading?
I've used code similar to List(Of Customer), IQueryable(of Customer) but how has (Of B) allowed in this manner?
I have read up on MSDN and researched around. The only thing that comes to mind is either some C# syntax conversion or some old VB6 syntax which the original developer must have used whilst creating the application.
Appreciate any clarification on this.
Because Get is part of Visual Basic Language Keywords. You need the bracket to indicate you want to use them as a method/property name.
Here is an excerpt from Microsoft on Keywords as Element Names in Code (Visual Basic):
Any program element — such as a variable, class, or member — can have
the same name as a restricted keyword. For example, you can create a
variable named Loop. However, to refer to your version of it — which
has the same name as the restricted Loop keyword — you must either
precede it with a full qualification string or enclose it in square
brackets ([ ]), as the following example shows.
1) Brackets allow you to use reserved words as identifiers (like the ampersand in c#).
2) It appears to be a bad naming decision. If they wanted to hide an existing member they could have used the Shadows keyword.
3) You'll need to examine the inheritance hierarchy. Start with the most recent parent.
4) It is calling a different overload of Get in the implementation but the Of B is trying to contrain it to B for some reason.

Using embedded WebResources throughout Webresource.axd

The question's simple: how could one use embedded resources in asp.net applications? What are the steps to include a resource in the assembly, and how to reference it? What are the gotchas that could be encountered?
Edit: For a version without referencing Page and ClientScript, see What is the right way to handle Embedded Resources on a Razor View?
After spending a half of a day I've learned these:
to embed a resource one needs to set it's Build Action to Embedded Resource (in VS Solution Explorer rightclick the file -> Properties)
next AsssemblyInfo.vb must be modified to make this resources available for WebResource queries. Add [Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyWebResourceProj.Test.css", "text/css")] to AssemblyInfo.vb located in MyProject folder of the project.
The name consists of root namespace/assembly name +'.'+filename. To be 100% sure of the name, use the following code snippet to look it up:
Dim resNames = Assembly.LoadFile("YourDll.dll").GetManifestResourceNames()
Note that the assembly's Root Namespace must be the same as the Assembly Name (this took me about 4 hours to realize. At least with .Net v4 that is the case)
If there are references inside the css ( <%=WebResource("NS.image.jpg")%> ) than pass PerformSubstitution:=true for that css's WebResource attribute.
Referencing the resource can be done with Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(GetType(MyWebResourceProj.ConssumingPage), "MyWebResourceProj.Test.css")
Note that instead of GetType(Typename) one could use Me.GetType(), but again, that won't work if the class is inherited, so beware!
Debugging ASP.NET 2.0 Web Resources: Decrypting the URL and Getting the Resource Name
Using embedded resources through WebResource.axd is a pain in the neck, as you can see from your own answer. You have to keep assemblyinfo.vb|cs in sync, and it always seems damn near impossible to get all the namespace & assembly names right in all the right places.
When you finally get it to work, your reward is an include script line that that looks like a core memory dump.
I suggest an alternative. Write yourself a very simple web handler (e.g. MyResourceLoader.ashx. Then add a method to your class that simply serves it's own embedded resources, in whatever way you think is meaningful. You can use reflection to get the classes, like WebResource does, or just hardcode whatever you need into your loader, if it's just for a specific purpose. A public method in your class might look like:
public static Stream GetResource(string resourceName) {
// get the resource from myself, which is easy and doesn't require
// anything in assemblyinfo, and return it as a stream. As a bonus,
// you can parse it dynamically or even return things that aren't
// just embedded, but generated completely in code!
Or if you decide to make something more general purpose, you can get all fancy and return more data using a class, e.g.
class ResourceInfo
public Stream Data;
public string MimeType;
public string FileName;
Now you have the ability to serve up your embedded resources any way you want, e.g.
<script language="javascript" src="/MyResourceLoader.ashx/MyControlScript.js">
I think MS made a mess of that WebResource business. Luckily its' pretty straightforward to do your own thing.

why are some IronPython dlls generated with a DLRCachedCode class inside?

when I compile some .py codefiles with no class definitions into dlls , the compiled dll is created with a "DRLCachedCode" class inside. Why is that?
When you compile IronPython code it doesn't get compiled to normal .NET code where you'd have a class at the IL level for each class you have at the source level. Instead it gets compiled into the same form that we compile to internally using the DLR.
For user code this is just a bunch of executable methods. There's one method for each module, function definition, and class definition. When the module code runs it executes against a dictionary. Depending on what you do in the module the .NET method may publish into the dictionary a:
PythonType for new-style classes
An OldClass for old-style classes
A PythonFunction object for function
Any values that you assign to (e.g.
Any side effects of doing exec w/o providing a dictionary (e.g. exec "x=42")
The final piece of the puzzle is where is this dictionary stored and how do you get at it? The dictionary is stored in a PythonModule object and we create it when the user imports the pre-compiled module and then we execute the module against it. Therefore this code is only available via Python's import statement (or the extension method on ScriptEngine "ImportModule" which is exposed via IronPython.Hosting.Python class).
So all of the layout of the code is considered an internal implementation detail which we reserve the right to change at any point in time.
Finally the name DLRCachedCode comes because the DLR (outer layer) saves this code for us. Multiple languages can actually be saved into a single DLL if someone really wanted to.
This link answers the question: http://www.ironpython.info/index.php/Using_Compiled_Python_Classes_from_.NET/CSharp_IP_2.6 how to access an IronPython class from C#.
Manual compilation: \IronPython 2.7\Tools\Scripts>ipy pyc.py /out:MyClass /target:dll MyClass.py did not work. Only when I used SharpDevelop with IronPython it worked as in the post.

XtraGrid doesn't display properly newly added line

I'm using XtraGrid of DevExpress 2.9.5 to display a blotter of dynamic set of lines. The blotter is integrated into another application, this is why it has to be based on UserControl class and also implement a couple of custom interfaces.
public partial class BlotterForm : UserControl, ISMMdiEmbeddable, ISMAssociatedMFCWindow
private BindingList<BlotterTrade> fDeals;
As the data is binded to control using BindedList, any change should be reflected in the form automatically. And if I try to add new line to fDeals like follows:
public void AddDeal()
fDeals.Add(new BlotterTrade(1,2,3));
... i can see the line, but it's content is rubbish.
I tried to do the same in a small test application. It works ok with only difference that the blotter in test application is based on DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm. To me it looks now that the form of original blotter doesn't overload some method or miss some event. But I cannot find out what exactly is missed.
Can somebody tell me what I do wrong or don't do?
A couple of things:
BindingList doesn't always work too well with DevExpress, and it's suggested to use XPCollection instead.
Do you have any more info about how you setup your columns in the xtragrid? If you use incorrect field names in the column, then they won't show what you're looking for.
If the params you're using (1, 2, 3) are ids stored as fkeys to other objects (not sure if you're using xpo or not) then they won't show up correctly either (there'll likely be a '+' in the cell instead of any values).
[aside] be sure that blottertrade implements INotifyPropertyChanged for better interaction with the grid.
Thanks to everybody for the answers and comments. I think I sorted out the problem. It was actually related to interaction between native C++ and C# layers in my application. The object that was supposed to be displayed in XtraGrid was created in C++ layer, the grid was displayed asynchronously with object construction/deconstruction, that's why at the moment when the grid was ready to display it, the object itself didn't exist. Hence the rubbish. It's good the grid itself was not crashing or firing exceptions.
