How to manage wordpress plugins outside wp-admin? - wordpress

I have a client and I made his website using wordpress. I am using the plugin "Ultimate Member" and I want to enable my client to approve User Registrations without ever accessing the wp-admin panel.

You do it by REST API
OR simple create a page where fetch all those pending user listig with joining of table.
then show listing add one button APPROVE or REJECT. On that button click fire post method and change status of that list.


Segment to exclude based on a page view and an event

We have a website that provides information about our SAAS product, it also has a login button that redirects our users to the saas app that is on another domain.
I want to create a segment that excludes these users from our analytics, they all take the same journey of hitting the home page then clicking login which fires the event.
How can I achieve this, I can see how to filter for an event and path but not exclude if both these happen
On the Analytics page:
Configure -> Audiences -> Create custom audience
Here you may choose on which conditions the users will be included in this audience. The idea is to include all users except those who clicked on the login button. So as a condition you can specify click event and make sure that it was not on the login button, and how to achieve that depends on your metrics.

When does a wordpress subscriber become a woocommerce customer?

Ok so I'm trying to find out what determines a wordpress user becomes a subscriber or a customer. So my site has over 5000 subscribers but 1000 customers. Lately I have been getting hit by bots that will register 300 - 400 accounts in a day. So I'm trying to determine if its' the registration form itself that determines who becomes what role. Like if it's original wordpress form they become a subsriber but a woocommerce registration form they become a customer. As the bots are using a very specific link to automatically register and it's the default wordpress registration link. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to avoid this from happening while also being able to determine fake subscriber from real subsribers, as checking some of the subsribers have actually logged in. I figured then all customers should have logged in, assuming customers were created once they purchased something from the store but in fact thats not the case. So any real input on this would be very nice and helpful.
So talking to Wordpress and Woocommerce it is when the user uses the Woocommerce Registration Form is when a user is assigned the Customer Role over Subscriber Role.
I want to add to this now also, I'm unsure what update this occured but in Wordpress Settings->General Tab there is a box that asks for New User Default Role. So now you can make sure every user is a customer or a subscriber or whatever role you decide to choose.

Account creation during checkout Woocommerce

i need help to change the user profile that WC sets when a user create his account during the checkout. It sets “Customer” profile.
Because i’m getting an redirection error when the users use this option (they can’t go to “online order” in the navbar) when they press click in "online order" it redirects to his account profile.
If i switch the profile “Customer” to “Suscriptor” now they can go to “online order”.
I just gived the same config of "Suscriptor" to "Customer" and it works, thanks.

How to create a woo-commerce store were the user can't purchase an item without being accepted by the admin

Summarized problem:
I'm setting up a woo commerce store where the customer has to ask for permission before creating an account on the store. How do I do that?
Provide background:
My client is selling products that require detailed instructions that only qualified people can use, at the moment anyone can create an account and buy a product. Is there a way the website can notify the client of registering customers before giving the customer access to the products? like an accept or reject email for new customer registrations?
Block the common ways to create an account;
Create a condition that shows the "buy" button just for logged-in users;
Add a form for the user to demonstrate their interest in having the access to buy the products, with the data that is needed to the approval;
The admin check the submited form, and then creates the account with some "welcome" message.
This can be handled with some plugins, using the hooks from woocommerce and wordpress.
You could even create a new panel on Wp dashboard that sees the submited forms, with 2 buttons with "approve", "disapprove", and a field for feedback.
When approve is clicked, the plugin creates a new account and send to the user the feedback and instructions.
When disapprove is clicked, the plugin sends to the user the feedback message with "sorry" message.
This way would be less frustrating to the user, they wouldn't need the approval for every buy.
Some links to help you in this quest:
Woocommerce hooks API Documentation
Add dashboard page : Wordpress Documentation

How to set individual mail for each admin in wordpress

I have a Wordpress site with more than 10 admins. I want to set individual web mail for each admin so that when they login to the site's admin panel, they can see the mails sent to them.
In front-end there will be a contact form with a combo box in it. From that combo box visitors can select which admin they want to send mail to.
Is it possible? If yes, how?
Right question. please go for the custom email plugin [WP Change Default Email]. thanks
