React component sliding in/out - css

I'm trying to write a sliding menu similar to that with images here:
I've got already components that are changing in time (with arrows) the only thing left is animation. I added the classes and ids that will be useful but I don't know how to use css to animate them. Could you help?

Unfortunately it's not just CSS code you need. As you're going to animate the slides you have to do some more javascript code as well. For example you have to keep track of the direction of the slides. That is if you're pressing the left or right arrow. That, in turn, will decide which direction the slides will slide in/out.
There's a lot of approaches to doing this but it involves more coding in JS. =)
This is not a React slider I've made here but you can download/clone it from Github and take a look at the script for it. Maybe it will give you some idea of what you have to do.


Can you have circle shadows on hover with plain Tailwind CSS?

I recently started learning Tailwind CSS because based on some research about the job market, I felt like it would be a nice marketable skill for my area.
Anyway, I am currently making a website in which I am trying to restrict myself from writing any other CSS classes apart from the ones given to me by Tailwind (In order to familiarize myself with "Tailwind Solutions" to certain problems). However I am kind of running into a dead end with a specific "issue".
I have a couple of circle "buttons" (they are images to be precise, but they have an "onClick" action). Instead of letting the user stumble upon the existence of this button randomly, I wanted to add a hover effect to the button so that a shadow appears around the image when the pointer is hovered on top of the image.
I have only tried the straightforward hover: shadow-sm class but I kind of expected this not to work because this is labeled in the Tailwind Docs as a "box-shadow". However I couldn't find anything else that could be applied in my case.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
I played around with positioning & created this shadow on hover.
Check out and keep me posted in the comments below.

How create a sticky Navbar that is changing the color while scrolling? [with Typescript in Angular]

I want to create a navbar like here:
I couldn't figure it out how to interact with css elements through my ts code.
Maybe you can give me a tip, where I could research a bit more.
I would also love to get this autoscrollbutoon and just be able to interact with my css stuff.
I found a lot of jQuery stuff, but I am not familiar with it. Is that working in angular and should I learn it?
Thanks for your time. Sorry, it is a little bit general question, but I hope you can give me some advice
Check the below article which explain how to create sticky navbar using angular with good explanation and example
I would use an windows eventListener to look at the scroll movement.
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.scroll);
After the scroll hits a number of vertical pixels, you could change the navbar background-color from 'transparent' to the color you want. (in the examples case '#fff'. You could make two different classes with the different background-colors and append or remove the css class.
Hope this helps.

Animated left and right arrow in css

I'm trying to create a loading page and I thought while the page loads i'd give a little instruction to how the page worked.
See this image
Firstly is this possible in css, I think not but i'm amazed at what you can do in css now and secondly, can it be animated slightly maybe a shimmer of light going from left to right and back again?

CSS Transition working one way but not the other, not sure why

I have been working on something based on brad frost's Off Canvas Fullscreen Overlay responsive design pattern.
However for some reason the transition only runs when clicking on the list item (the overlay slides in from the right) but not when you then click on the back button (it is suppose to slide back out). I can't understand why it isn't working when a user closes the overlay. The JS that effects the class of the elements seems to be working correctly.
I've created a codepen so people can see what is happening.
Any ideas? Thanks.

Cycling through CSS animations on scroll or click

I'm looking to build something akin to the effect you can see on - Specifically I mean how the animations launch on page load then when you scroll, or click through the menu the items are animated in various ways to get you through the site.
How can this one after another effect be accomplished? I'm just using standard CSS3 animations currently. Am I looking at a jQuery/AJAX solution?
Just to clarify I'm trying to recreate the fullheight/no scroll bar synced with the animations.
Thanks in advance.
