Material UI GridListTileBar override not working - css

This material UI code generates a ul with a bunch of <img /> tags as the li. I'm trying to override the width for these <img /> tags, but for some reason material UI classes override doesn't seem to be registering. Anyone have any clues about this?
const styles = theme => ({
tile: {
width: '100%',
function SingleLineGridList(props) {
const { classes, tileData } = props;
return (
<GridList cols={2.5}>
{ => (
<GridListTile classes={{root: classes.tile}} key={tile.img}>
<img src={tile.img} alt={tile.title} />
export default withStyles(styles)(SingleLineGridList);


Pass CSS variable as prop to the react component

I am having this component that can be displayed in different colors depending on prop color that component received.
const Card = ({color}) => {
return (
<p style={{color}}>Some Text</p>
I am having these global css variables:
--bg-clr-1: #E7F8F8;
--card-clr-red: #F03E3E;
--card-clr-violet: #7950F2;
--card-clr-green: #12B886;
--text-clr: #333;
Is there a way to pass this css variable as prop to "Card" component? Like so:
import variableStyles from '../../styles/globalVariables.css'
const App = () => {
<Card color={variableStyles['--text-clr']} />
You can pass the variable string as a props, and inject that into var():
<p style={{ color: `var(${color})` }}>Some Text</p>
const Card = ({color}) => {
return (
<p style={{ color: `var(${color})` }}>Some Text</p>
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Card color={'--card-clr-red'} />
<Card color={'--card-clr-violet'} />
ReactDOM.render(<Example />, document.body);
--bg-clr-1: #E7F8F8;
--card-clr-red: #F03E3E;
--card-clr-violet: #7950F2;
--card-clr-green: #12B886;
--text-clr: #333;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Hide nav button in react-material-ui-carousel

I've just implemented the react material ui carousel, and it was pretty straightforward, the only thing i didn't catch, is how to hide buttons and show them only on over.
I noticed the props navButtonsAlwaysVisible and set it to false but it isn't enough.
Should i implement my own logic for that, or maybe I'm just missing something?
here's the component code:
import styles from '../../styles/Testimonial.module.scss'
import Image from 'next/image'
import Carousel from 'react-material-ui-carousel'
const Testimonial = _ => {
const items = [
imageUrl: "/png/image0.webp",
feedback: "feedback0",
name: "name0",
location: "location0"
imageUrl: "/png/image1.jpeg",
feedback: "feedback1",
name: "name1",
location: "location1"
return (
<div id="customers" className={`section ${styles.testimonial}`}>
<h2 className={`title ${styles.title}`}>Clientes Felizes</h2>
<span className={"separator"}> </span>
style: {
backgroundColor: "#8f34eb",
opacity: 0.4
{ (item, i) => <Item key={i} item={item} /> )
function Item(props)
return (
<article className={styles.testimonial__card}>
<div className={styles.testimonial__photo_container}>
<p className={styles.testimonial__copy}>{}</p>
<span className={styles.testimonial__name}>{}</span>
<span className={styles.testimonial__city}>{props.item.location}</span>
export default Testimonial;
there's a prop called navButtonsAlwaysInvisible
You can try using Custom CSS for your purpose. Based on the current rendered markup,
.jss6 {
opacity: 0;
transition: all ease 1000ms; /* So that it does not disappear quickly */
You can define the hover for the parent so that it displays only when the parent container is hovered on:
.jss1.Testimonial_carousel__3rny3:hover .jss6 {
opacity: 1;
This is how it works now:

React component won't align with react-bootstrap navbar

I'm trying to align and size a react component under a Navbar using react-bootstrap v0.33.1. I want the map to have the full width of the Navbar component and be centrally aligned beneath it. However, no matter how I place the component, it will do one of the following:
If I use the <Grid> and <Col> component to wrap the <Map> component, then the map is too far to the right.
export default function Map() {
return (
<Col md={12}>
<MapContainer />
If I remove <Grid> and then I end up with the` component being the full width of my device screen.
export default function Map() {
return (
<MapContainer />
Here are the other components:
function MapContainer(props) {
const mapStyles = {
width: '100%',
return (
// style={{
// width: "300px"
// }}
lat: 47.6128856,
lng: -122.3631801
function App() {
return (
<div className="App container">
<Navbar fluid collapseOnSelect>
<Link to="/">Skatespots</Link>
<Navbar.Toggle />
<Nav pullRight>
{ isAuthenticated
? <NavItem onClick={handleLogout}>Logout</NavItem>
: <>
<LinkContainer to="/signup">
<LinkContainer to="/login">
<AppContext.Provider value={{isAuthenticated, userHasAuthenticated}}>
<Routes />
.App {
margin-top: 15px;
.App .navbar-brand {
font-weight: bold;
I do not know what the issue is and this simple issue is being such a pain. using a negative margin value seems like it'd be the wrong way to fix scenario 1 and using a fixed width with px seems like it wouldn't be dynamic for different screen sizes for scenario 2. Thanks.

Extending styles with styled-components not working

I'm trying to extend styles for a react component using styled-components but is not working.
AFAIK, I'm doing it the right way, but perhaps I'm missing something...
Here is what I have:
import React from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
const TextContainer = ({ text }) => {
return <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: text }} />;
const Paragraph = styled(TextContainer)`
background: red;
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
const { t } = this.props;
return <Paragraph text="This is a test" />;
export default Home;
Of course, the expected result is to have a red background on p, but right now the output looks like this:
Any idea on how to solve this? Probably I'm missing something, but I can't realize what.
Thanks is advance!
As stated in documentation:
The styled method works perfectly on all of your own or any
third-party components, as long as they attach the passed className
prop to a DOM element.
// This could be react-router-dom's Link for example, or any custom component
const Link = ({ className, children }) => (
<a className={className}>
const StyledLink = styled(Link)`
color: palevioletred;
font-weight: bold;
<Link>Unstyled, boring Link</Link>
<br />
<StyledLink>Styled, exciting Link</StyledLink>
I didn't know that was a way to do it.
I would do:
const Link = styled.a`
..put you css styles here (className styles)
const StyledLink = styled(Link) `
color: palevioletred;
font-weight: bold;
<Link>Unstyled, boring Link</Link>
<br />
<StyledLink>Styled, exciting Link</StyledLink>

Conditionally inline style a react component based on prop

I need to set the background color of a div based on a prop passed into my react component. Inline styling of React components I am pretty clear on, but I don't know how to correctly apply the inline style to change depending on a prop. I only want to assign the value of the prop rightSideColor in the inline styling of right-toggle if the prop selected is equal true.
export default function UiToggle(props) {
const { leftLabel, rightLabel, selected, rightSideColor, leftSideColor } = props;
return (
<div className="lr-toggle-select" style={{ width: `${width}px` }} >
<div className="lr-gray-background" />
<div className={'lr-toggle right-toggle' style={{ selected ? (backgroundColor: rightSideColor) : null }}>
Fixed a typo - { before className
and you can return an empty object if selected is false else the expected value
export default function UiToggle(props) {
const { leftLabel, rightLabel, selected, rightSideColor, leftSideColor } = props;
return (
<div className="lr-toggle-select" style={{ width: `${width}px` }} >
<div className="lr-gray-background" />
<div className='lr-toggle right-toggle' style={ selected ? {backgroundColor: rightSideColor} : {} }}>
I would suggest placing all styling and also the conditional operator in a separate const.
export default function UiToggle(props) {
const { leftLabel, rightLabel, selected, rightSideColor, leftSideColor } = props;
const rightToggleStyle = {
backgroundColor: selected ? rightSideColor : null
return (
<div className="lr-toggle-select" style={{ width: `${width}px` }} >
<div className="lr-gray-background" />
<div className="lr-toggle right-toggle" style={rightToggleStyle}>
I would try to do the same with the styling of the width. Good luck!
You can conditionally set the value of attributes like style, override them using rules of precedence, and determine whether to include them at all.
export default function UiToggle(props) {
const { leftLabel, rightLabel, selected, rightSideColor, leftSideColor } = props;
//specify style and id (and any other attributes) or don't.
const attrs = selected ? { style: { backgroundColor: "rightSideColor" },id:"hi123" }:{}
//Conditionally override the class names if we want:
if (props.className) attrs.className = props.className
return (
<div className="lr-toggle-select" style={{ width: `${width}px` }} >
<div className="lr-gray-background" />
{/*Use the spread operator to apply your attributes from attr*/}
{/*Note that the 'id' set below can't be overridden by attrs whereas*/}
{/*className will be. That's because precedence goes from right to left.*/}
{/*Rearrange them to get what you want.*/}
{/*Funky comment format is to make valid JSX and also make SO formatter happy*/}
<div className='lr-toggle right-toggle' {...attrs} id="attrs_cant_override_this_because_its_on_the_right">
Try something like this:
<div className='lr-toggle right-toggle' style={ selected ? {backgroundColor: rightSideColor} : '' }}>
