I am using the 'bife' package to run the fixed effect logit model in R. However, I cannot compute any goodness-of-fit to measure the model's overall fit given the result I have below. I would appreciate if I can know how to measure the goodness-of-fit given this limited information. I prefer chi-square test but still cannot find a way to implement this either.
Fixed effects logit model
with analytical bias-correction
Estimated model:
Y ~ X1 +X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 | Z
Log-Likelihood= -9153.165
n= 20383, number of events= 5104
Demeaning converged after 6 iteration(s)
Offset converged after 3 iteration(s)
Corrected structural parameter(s):
Estimate Std. error t-value Pr(> t)
X1 -8.67E-02 2.80E-03 -31.001 < 2e-16 ***
X2 1.79E+00 8.49E-02 21.084 < 2e-16 ***
X3 -1.14E-01 1.91E-02 -5.982 2.24E-09 ***
X4 -2.41E-04 2.37E-05 -10.171 < 2e-16 ***
X5 1.24E-01 3.33E-03 37.37 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
AIC= 18730.33 , BIC= 20409.89
Average individual fixed effects= 1.6716
Let the DGP be
n <- 1000
x <- rnorm(n)
id <- rep(1:2, each = n / 2)
y <- 1 * (rnorm(n) > 0)
so that we will be under the null hypothesis. As it says in ?bife, when there is no bias-correction, everything is the same as with glm, except for the speed. So let's start with glm.
modGLM <- glm(y ~ 1 + x + factor(id), family = binomial())
modGLM0 <- glm(y ~ 1, family = binomial())
One way to perform the LR test is with
lrtest(modGLM0, modGLM)
# Likelihood ratio test
# Model 1: y ~ 1
# Model 2: y ~ 1 + x + factor(id)
# #Df LogLik Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
# 1 1 -692.70
# 2 3 -692.29 2 0.8063 0.6682
But we may also do it manually,
1 - pchisq(c((-2 * logLik(modGLM0)) - (-2 * logLik(modGLM))),
modGLM0$df.residual - modGLM$df.residual)
# [1] 0.6682207
Now let's proceed with bife.
modBife <- bife(y ~ x | id)
modBife0 <- bife(y ~ 1 | id)
Here modBife is the full specification and modBife0 is only with fixed effects. For convenience, let
logLik.bife <- function(object, ...) object$logl_info$loglik
for loglikelihood extraction. Then we may compare modBife0 with modBife as in
1 - pchisq((-2 * logLik(modBife0)) - (-2 * logLik(modBife)), length(modBife$par$beta))
# [1] 1
while modGLM0 and modBife can be compared by running
1 - pchisq(c((-2 * logLik(modGLM0)) - (-2 * logLik(modBife))),
length(modBife$par$beta) + length(unique(id)) - 1)
# [1] 0.6682207
which gives the same result as before, even though with bife we, by default, have bias correction.
Lastly, as a bonus, we may simulate data and see it the test works as it's supposed to. 1000 iterations below show that both test (since two tests are the same) indeed reject as often as they are supposed to under the null.
I'm trying to estimate parameter for Zero-inflated Conway Maxwell Poisson Mixed Model. I'm not getting why GlmmTMP function is giving approx half value for the non zero effect part and giving nice estimates for the Zero part and dispersion part?
E.g:- Actual value for intercept is 2.5 and I'm getting 1.21
for sexfemale actual value is 1.2 and I'm getting 0.548342
please help me out in this situation?
Thank you
#--------Simulation from ZICOMP mix lambda---------
n <- 100 # number of subjects
K <- 8 # number of measurements per subject
t_max <- 5 # maximum follow-up time
# we constuct a data frame with the design:
# everyone has a baseline measurment, and then measurements at random follow-up times
DF_CMP <- data.frame(id = rep(seq_len(n), each = K),
time = c(replicate(n, c(0, sort(runif(K - 1, 0, t_max))))),
sex = rep(gl(2, n/2, labels = c("male", "female")), each = K))
# design matrices for the fixed and random effects non-zero part
X <- model.matrix(~ sex * time, data = DF_CMP)
Z <- model.matrix(~ 1, data = DF_CMP)
# design matrices for the fixed and random effects zero part
X_zi <- model.matrix(~ sex, data = DF_CMP)
betas <- c(2.5 , 1.2 , 2.3, -1.5) # fixed effects coefficients non-zero part
shape <- 2
gammas <- c(-1.5, 0.9) # fixed effects coefficients zero part
D11 <- 0.5 # variance of random intercepts non-zero part
# we simulate random effects
b <- rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(D11))
# linear predictor non-zero part
eta_y <- as.vector(X %*% betas + rowSums(Z * b[DF_CMP$id,drop = FALSE]))
# linear predictor zero part
eta_zi <- as.vector(X_zi %*% gammas)
DF_CMP$CMP_y <- rzicmp(n * K, lambda = exp(eta_y), nu = shape, p = plogis(eta_zi))
#------ estimation -------------
CMPzicmpm0 = glmmTMB(CMP_y~ sex*time + (1|id) , zi= ~ sex, data = DF_CMP, family=compois)
> summary(CMPzicmpm0)
Family: compois ( log )
Formula: CMP_y ~ sex * time + (1 | id)
Zero inflation: ~sex
Data: DF_CMP
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
4586.2 4623.7 -2285.1 4570.2 792
Random effects:
Conditional model:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
id (Intercept) 0.1328 0.3644
Number of obs: 800, groups: id, 100
Overdispersion parameter for compois family (): 0.557
Conditional model:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.217269 0.054297 22.42 < 2e-16 ***
sexfemale 0.548342 0.079830 6.87 6.47e-12 ***
time 1.151549 0.004384 262.70 < 2e-16 ***
sexfemale:time -0.735348 0.009247 -79.52 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Zero-inflation model:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.6291 0.1373 -11.866 < 2e-16 ***
sexfemale 0.9977 0.1729 5.771 7.89e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
I have run the Hosmer Lemeshow statistic in R, but I have obtained an p-value of 1. This seems strange to me. I know that a high p-valvalue means that we do not reject the null hypothesis that observed and expected are the same, but is it possible i have an error somewhere?
How do i interpret such p-value?
Below is the code i have used to run the test. I also attach how my model looks like. Response variable is a count variable, while all regressors are continous. I have run a negative binomial model, due to detected overdispersion in my initial poisson model.
> hosmerlem <- function(y, yhat, g=10)
+ {cutyhat <- cut(yhat, breaks = quantile(yhat, probs=seq(0,1, 1/g)), include.lowest=TRUE)
+ obs <- xtabs(cbind(1 - y, y) ~ cutyhat)
+ expect <- xtabs(cbind(1 - yhat, yhat) ~ cutyhat)
+ chisq <- sum((obs - expect)^2/expect)
+ P <- 1 - pchisq(chisq, g - 2)
+ return(list(chisq=chisq,p.value=P))}
> hosmerlem(y=TOT.N, yhat=fitted(final.model))
[1] -2.529054
[1] 1
> final.model <-glm.nb(TOT.N ~ D.PARK + OPEN.L + L.WAT.C + sqrt(L.P.ROAD))
> summary(final.model)
glm.nb(formula = TOT.N ~ D.PARK + OPEN.L + L.WAT.C + sqrt(L.P.ROAD),
init.theta = 4.979895131, link = log)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.08218 -0.70494 -0.09268 0.55575 1.67860
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.032e+00 3.363e-01 11.989 < 2e-16 ***
D.PARK -1.154e-04 1.061e-05 -10.878 < 2e-16 ***
OPEN.L -1.085e-02 3.122e-03 -3.475 0.00051 ***
L.WAT.C 1.597e-01 7.852e-02 2.034 0.04195 *
sqrt(L.P.ROAD) 4.924e-01 3.101e-01 1.588 0.11231
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(4.9799) family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 197.574 on 51 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 51.329 on 47 degrees of freedom
AIC: 383.54
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1
Theta: 4.98
Std. Err.: 1.22
2 x log-likelihood: -371.542
As correctly pointed out by #BenBolker, Hosmer-Lemeshow is a test for logistic regression, not for a negative binomial generalized linear model.
If we consider to apply the test to a logistic regression,
the inputs of the function hosmerlem (a copy of the hoslem.test function in the package ResourceSelection) should be:
- y = a numeric vector of observations, binary (0/1)
- yhat = expected values (probabilities)
Here is an illustrative example that shows how to get the correct inputs:
n <- 500
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(0.1 + 0.5*x))
logmod <- glm(y ~ x, family=binomial)
# Important: use the type="response" option
yhat <- predict(logmod, type="response")
hosmerlem(y, yhat)
[1] 4.522719
[1] 0.8071559
The same result is given by the function hoslem.test:
hoslem.test(y, yhat)
Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test
data: y, yhat
X-squared = 4.5227, df = 8, p-value = 0.8072
As already mentioned, HL-test is not appropriate for the specified model. It is also important to know that a large p-value doesn't necessarily mean a good fit. It could also be that there isn't enough evidence to prove it's a poor fit.
Meanwhile, the gofcat package implementation of the HL-test provides for passing model objects directly to the function without necessarily supplying the observed and predicted values. For the simulated data one has:
n <- 500
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(0.1 + 0.5*x))
logmod <- glm(y ~ x, family=binomial)
hosmerlem(logmod, group = 10)
Hosmer-Lemeshow Test:
Chi-sq df pr(>chi)
binary(Hosmerlem) 4.5227 8 0.8072
H0: No lack of fit dictated
rho: 100%
In order to correct heteroskedasticity in error terms, I am running the following weighted least squares regression in R :
#lm(formula = a ~ q + q2 + b + c, data = mydata, weights = weighting)
#Weighted Residuals:
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#-1.83779 -0.33226 0.02011 0.25135 1.48516
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) -3.939440 0.609991 -6.458 1.62e-09 ***
#q 0.175019 0.070101 2.497 0.013696 *
#q2 0.048790 0.005613 8.693 8.49e-15 ***
#b 0.473891 0.134918 3.512 0.000598 ***
#c 0.119551 0.125430 0.953 0.342167
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 0.5096 on 140 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.9639, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9628
#F-statistic: 933.6 on 4 and 140 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Where "weighting" is a variable (function of the variable q) used for weighting the observations. q2 is simply q^2.
Now, to double-check my results, I manually weight my variables by creating new weighted variables :
mydata$a.wls <- mydata$a * mydata$weighting
mydata$q.wls <- mydata$q * mydata$weighting
mydata$q2.wls <- mydata$q2 * mydata$weighting
mydata$b.wls <- mydata$b * mydata$weighting
mydata$c.wls <- mydata$c * mydata$weighting
And run the following regression, without the weights option, and without a constant - since the constant is weighted, the column of 1 in the original predictor matrix should now equal the variable weighting:
lm(formula = a.wls ~ 0 + weighting + q.wls + q2.wls + b.wls + c.wls,
data = mydata)
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#-2.38404 -0.55784 0.01922 0.49838 2.62911
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#weighting -4.125559 0.579093 -7.124 5.05e-11 ***
#q.wls 0.217722 0.081851 2.660 0.008726 **
#q2.wls 0.045664 0.006229 7.330 1.67e-11 ***
#b.wls 0.466207 0.121429 3.839 0.000186 ***
#c.wls 0.133522 0.112641 1.185 0.237876
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 0.915 on 140 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.9823, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9817
#F-statistic: 1556 on 5 and 140 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
As you can see, the results are similar but not identical. Am I doing something wrong while manually weighting the variables, or does the option "weights" do something more than simply multiplying the variables by the weighting vector?
Provided you do manual weighting correctly, you won't see discrepancy.
So the correct way to go is:
X <- model.matrix(~ q + q2 + b + c, mydata) ## non-weighted model matrix (with intercept)
w <- mydata$weighting ## weights
rw <- sqrt(w) ## root weights
y <- mydata$a ## non-weighted response
X_tilde <- rw * X ## weighted model matrix (with intercept)
y_tilde <- rw * y ## weighted response
## remember to drop intercept when using formula
fit_by_wls <- lm(y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
fit_by_ols <- lm(y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
Although it is generally recommended to use lm.fit and lm.wfit when passing in matrix directly:
matfit_by_wls <- lm.wfit(X, y, w)
matfit_by_ols <- lm.fit(X_tilde, y_tilde)
But when using these internal subroutines lm.fit and lm.wfit, it is required that all input are complete cases without NA, otherwise the underlying C routine stats:::C_Cdqrls will complain.
If you still want to use the formula interface rather than matrix, you can do the following:
## weight by square root of weights, not weights
mydata$root.weighting <- sqrt(mydata$weighting)
mydata$a.wls <- mydata$a * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$q.wls <- mydata$q * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$q2.wls <- mydata$q2 * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$b.wls <- mydata$b * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$c.wls <- mydata$c * mydata$root.weighting
fit_by_wls <- lm(formula = a ~ q + q2 + b + c, data = mydata, weights = weighting)
fit_by_ols <- lm(formula = a.wls ~ 0 + root.weighting + q.wls + q2.wls + b.wls + c.wls,
data = mydata)
Reproducible Example
Let's use R's built-in data set trees. Use head(trees) to inspect this dataset. There is no NA in this dataset. We aim to fit a model:
Height ~ Girth + Volume
with some random weights between 1 and 2:
set.seed(0); w <- runif(nrow(trees), 1, 2)
We fit this model via weighted regression, either by passing weights to lm, or manually transforming data and calling lm with no weigths:
X <- model.matrix(~ Girth + Volume, trees) ## non-weighted model matrix (with intercept)
rw <- sqrt(w) ## root weights
y <- trees$Height ## non-weighted response
X_tilde <- rw * X ## weighted model matrix (with intercept)
y_tilde <- rw * y ## weighted response
fit_by_wls <- lm(y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
#lm(formula = y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
#X(Intercept) XGirth XVolume
# 83.2127 -1.8639 0.5843
fit_by_ols <- lm(y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
#lm(formula = y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
#X_tilde(Intercept) X_tildeGirth X_tildeVolume
# 83.2127 -1.8639 0.5843
So indeed, we see identical results.
Alternatively, we can use lm.fit and lm.wfit:
matfit_by_wls <- lm.wfit(X, y, w)
matfit_by_ols <- lm.fit(X_tilde, y_tilde)
We can check coefficients by:
#(Intercept) Girth Volume
# 83.2127455 -1.8639351 0.5843191
#(Intercept) Girth Volume
# 83.2127455 -1.8639351 0.5843191
Again, results are the same.
Using lm, I would like to fit the model:
y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2
My question is:
How can I specify that the coefficient of the interaction should equal the multiplication of the coefficients the main effects?
I've seen that to set the coefficient to a specific value you can use offset() and I() but I don't know how to specify a relationship between coefficient.
Here is a simple simulated dataset:
n <- 50 # Sample size
x1 <- rnorm(n, 1:n, 0.5) # Independent variable 1
x2 <- rnorm(n, 1:n, 0.5) # Independent variable 2
b0 <- 1
b1 <- 0.5
b2 <- 0.2
y <- b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2 + rnorm(n,0,0.1)
To fit Model 1: y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x1*x2, I would use:
summary(lm(y~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2))
But how do I fit Model 2: y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2?
One of the main differences between the two models is the number of parameters to estimate. In Model 1, we estimate 4 parameters: b0 (intercept), b1 (slope of var. 1), b2 (slope of var. 2), and b3 (slope for the interaction between vars. 1 & 2). In Model 2, we estimate 3 parameters: b0 (intercept), b1 (slope of var. 1 & part of slope of the interaction between vars. 1 & 2), and b2 (slope of var. 2 & part of slope of the interaction between vars. 1 & 2)
The reason why I want to do this is that when investigating whether there is a significant interaction between x1 & x2, model 2, y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2, can be a better null model than y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2.
Many thanks!
Because of the constraint that you impose on the coefficients, the model you specify is not a linear model and so lm can not be used to fit it. You would need to use a non-linear regression, such as nls.
> summary(nls(y ~ b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2, start=list(b0=0, b1=1, b2=1)))
Formula: y ~ b0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + b1 * b2 * x1 * x2
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
b0 0.987203 0.049713 19.86 <2e-16 ***
b1 0.494438 0.007803 63.37 <2e-16 ***
b2 0.202396 0.003359 60.25 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.1121 on 47 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to convergence: 5
Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.545e-06
You can really see that the model is non-linear when you re-write it as
> summary(nls(y ~ b0+(1+b1*x1)*(1+b2*x2)-1, start=list(b0=0, b1=1, b2=1)))
Formula: y ~ b0 + (1 + b1 * x1) * (1 + b2 * x2) - 1
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
b0 0.987203 0.049713 19.86 <2e-16 ***
b1 0.494438 0.007803 63.37 <2e-16 ***
b2 0.202396 0.003359 60.25 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.1121 on 47 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to convergence: 5
Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.25e-06
Brian provides a way to fit the constrained model you specify but if you're interested in if the unconstrained model fits better than your constrained model you use the delta method to test that hypothesis.
# Let's make some fake data where the constrained model is true
n <- 100
b0 <- 2
b1 <- .2
b2 <- -1.3
b3 <- b1 * b2
sigma <- 1
x1 <- rnorm(n)
# make x1 and x2 correlated for giggles
x2 <- x1 + rnorm(n)
# Generate data according to the model
y <- b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x1*x2 + rnorm(n, 0, sigma)
# Fit full model y = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x3 + b3*x1*x2 + error
o <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2)
# If we want to do a hypothesis test of Ho: b3 = b1*b2
# this is the same as Ho: b3 - b1*b2 = 0
# Get estimate of the difference specified in the null
est <- unname(coef(o)["x1:x2"] - coef(o)["x1"] * coef(o)["x2"])
# Use the delta method to get a standard error for
# this difference
standerr <- deltamethod(~ x4 - x3*x2, coef(o), vcov(o))
# Calculate a test statistic. We're relying on asymptotic
# arguments here so hopefully we have a decent sample size
z <- est/standerr
# Calculate p-value
pval <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(z))
I explain what the delta method is used for and more on how to use it in R in this blog post.
Expanding on Brian's answer you could alternatively do this by comparing the full model to the constrained model - however you have to use nls to fit the full model to be able to easily compare the models.
o2 <- nls(y ~ b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b1*b2*x1*x2, start=list(b0=0, b1=1, b2=1))
o3 <- nls(y ~ b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x1*x2, start = list(b0 = 0, b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1))
anova(o2, o3)
There's no way to do what you're asking for in lm and there's no reason for it to be able to do it. You run lm to get estimates of of your coefficients. If you don't want to estimate the coefficient then don't include the predictor in the model. You can use coef to extract the coefficients you want and multiply them out afterwards.
Note that leaving the interaction out is a different model and will produce a different b1 and b2. You could alternatively leave I(x1 * x2) in and not use the coefficient.
As for why you want to do this, there's not good a priori justification that your constrained model actually fits better than the simple additive model. Having more free parameters necessarily means a model fits better but you haven't added that, you've added a constraint that, in the real world, could make it fit worse. In that case would you consider it a better "baseline" for comparison to the model including the interaction?
I am trying to fit a two-part line to data.
Here's some sample data:
x<-c(0.00101959664756622, 0.001929220749155, 0.00165657261751726,
0.00182514724375389, 0.00161532360585458, 0.00126991061099209,
0.00149545009309177, 0.000816386510029308, 0.00164402569283353,
0.00128029006251656, 0.00206892841921455, 0.00132378793976235,
0.000953143467154676, 0.00272964503695939, 0.00169743839571702,
0.00286411493120396, 0.0016464862337286, 0.00155672067449593,
0.000878271561566836, 0.00195872573138819, 0.00255412836538339,
0.00126212428137799, 0.00106206607962734, 0.00169140916371657,
0.000858015581562961, 0.00191955159274793, 0.00243104345247067,
0.000871042201994687, 0.00229814264111745, 0.00226756341241083)
y<-c(1.31893118849162, 0.105150790530179, 0.412732029152914, 0.25589805483046,
0.467147868109498, 0.983984462069833, 0.640007862668818, 1.51429617241365,
0.439777145282391, 0.925550163462951, -0.0555942758921906, 0.870117027565708,
1.38032147826294, -0.96757052387814, 0.346370836378525, -1.08032147826294,
0.426215616848312, 0.55151485221263, 1.41306889485598, 0.0803478641720901,
-0.86654892295057, 1.00422341998656, 1.26214517662281, 0.359512373951839,
1.4835398594013, 0.154967053938309, -0.680501679226447, 1.44740598234453,
-0.512732029152914, -0.359512373951839)
I am hoping to be able to define the best fitting two part line (hand drawn example shown)
I then define a piecewise function that should find a two part linear function. The definition is based on the gradients of the two lines and their intercept with each other, which should completely define the lines.
# A=gradient of first line segment
# B=gradient of second line segment
# Cx=inflection point x coord
# Cy=inflexion point y coord
out_model <- nls(y ~ I(x <= Cx)*Cy-A*(Cx-x)+I(x > Cx)*Cy+B*(x),
data = data.frame(x,y),
start = c(A=-500,B=-500,Cx=0.0001,Cy=-1.5) )
However I get the error:
Error in nls(y ~ I(x <= Cx) * Cy - A * (Cx - x) + I(x > Cx) * Cy + B * :
singular gradient
I got the basic method from Finding a curve to match data
Any ideas where I am going wrong?
I don't have an elegant answer, but I do have an answer.
If Cx is small enough that there are no data points to fit A and Cy to, or if Cx is big enough that there are no data points to fit B and Cy to, the QR decomposition matrix will be singular because there will be many different values of Cx, A and Cy or Cx, B and Cy respectively that will fit the data equally well.
I tested this by preventing Cx from being fitted. If I fix Cx at (say) Cx = mean(x), nls() solves the problem without difficulty:
nls(y ~ ifelse(x < mean(x),ya+A*x,yb+B*x),
data = data.frame(x,y),
start = c(A=-1000,B=-1000,ya=3,yb=0))
... gives:
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ ifelse(x < mean(x), ya + A * x, yb + B * x)
data: data.frame(x, y)
A B ya yb
-1325.537 -1335.918 2.628 2.652
residual sum-of-squares: 0.06614
Number of iterations to convergence: 1
Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.294e-08
That led me to think that if I transformed Cx so that it could never go outside the range [min(x),max(x)], that might solve the problem. In fact, I'd want there to be at least three data points available to fit each of the "A" line and the "B" line, so Cx has to be between the third lowest and the third highest values of x. Using the atan() function with the appropriate arithmetic let me map a range [-inf,+inf] onto [0,1], so I got the code:
trans <- function(x) 0.5+atan(x)/pi
xs <- sort(x)
xlo <- xs[3]
xhi <- xs[length(xs)-2]
nls(y ~ ifelse(x < xlo+(xhi-xlo)*trans(f),ya+A*x,yb+B*x),
data = data.frame(x,y),
start = c(A=-1000,B=-1000,ya=3,yb=0,f=0))
Unfortunately, however, I still get the singular gradient matrix at initial parameters error from this code, so the problem is still over-parameterised. As #Henrik has suggested, the difference between the bilinear and single linear fit is not great for these data.
I can nevertheless get an answer for the bilinear fit, however. Since nls() solves the problem when Cx is fixed, I can now find the value of Cx that minimises the residual standard error by simply doing a one-dimensional minimisation using optimize(). Not a particularly elegant solution, but better than nothing:
xs <- sort(x)
xlo <- xs[3]
xhi <- xs[length(xs)-2]
nn <- function(f) nls(y ~ ifelse(x < xlo+(xhi-xlo)*f,ya+A*x,yb+B*x),
data = data.frame(x,y),
start = c(A=-1000,B=-1000,ya=3,yb=0))
ssr <- function(f) sum(residuals(nn(f))^2)
f = optimize(ssr,interval=c(0,1))
print (f$minimum)
print (nn(f$minimum))
... gives output of:
[1] 0.8541683
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ ifelse(x < xlo + (xhi - xlo) * f, ya + A * x, yb + B * x)
data: data.frame(x, y)
A B ya yb
-1317.215 -872.002 2.620 1.407
residual sum-of-squares: 0.0414
Number of iterations to convergence: 1
Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.913e-08
Formula: y ~ ifelse(x < xlo + (xhi - xlo) * f, ya + A * x, yb + B * x)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
A -1.317e+03 1.792e+01 -73.493 < 2e-16 ***
B -8.720e+02 1.207e+02 -7.222 1.14e-07 ***
ya 2.620e+00 2.791e-02 93.854 < 2e-16 ***
yb 1.407e+00 3.200e-01 4.399 0.000164 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.0399 on 26 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to convergence: 1
There isn't a huge difference between the values of A and B and ya and yb for the optimum value of f, but there is some difference.
Having separated the problem into two steps, it isn't necessary to use nls() any more. lm() works fine, as follows:
function (x,y)
f <- function (Cx)
lhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < Cx,Cx-x,0)
rhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < Cx,0,x-Cx)
fit <- lm(y ~ lhs(x) + rhs(x))
summary(fit)$coef[1], summary(fit)$coef[2],
r2 <- function(x) -(f(x)[1])
res <- optimize(r2,interval=c(min(x),max(x)))
res <- c(res$minimum,f(res$minimum))
best_Cx <- res[1]
coef1 <- res[3]
coef2 <- res[4]
coef3 <- res[5]
abline(coef1+best_Cx*coef2,-coef2) #lhs
abline(coef1-best_Cx*coef3,coef3) #rs
... which gives:
If the breakpoint is known it is possible to use linear regression
Broken stick regression from "Practical Regression and Anova using R"
Julian J. Faraway
December 2000
k <- 0.0025
lhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < k,k-x,0)
rhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < k,0,x-k)
fit <- lm(y ~ lhs(x) + rhs(x))
The package segmented was designed for this type of problem.
First, create a regular linear regression with lm:
linmod <- lm(y ~ x)
Which gives us:
lm(formula = y ~ x)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.108783 -0.025432 -0.006484 0.040092 0.088638
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.630e+00 2.732e-02 96.28 <2e-16 ***
x -1.326e+03 1.567e+01 -84.63 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.04869 on 28 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9961, Adjusted R-squared: 0.996
F-statistic: 7163 on 1 and 28 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Next, we use the linear model to produce a segmented model with 1 break point:
segmod <- segmented(linmod, seg.Z = ~x)
And the segmented model provides a slightly better r-squared:
***Regression Model with Segmented Relationship(s)***
segmented.lm(obj = linmod, seg.Z = ~x)
Estimated Break-Point(s):
Est. St.Err
0.003 0.000
Meaningful coefficients of the linear terms:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.659e+00 2.882e-02 92.239 <2e-16 ***
x -1.347e+03 1.756e+01 -76.742 <2e-16 ***
U1.x 5.167e+02 4.822e+02 1.072 NA
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.04582 on 26 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9968, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9964
Convergence attained in 3 iterations with relative change 0
You can check the plot, intercept and slope:
Thank to Henrik for putting me on the right path!
Here's a more complete and relatively elegant solution with a simple plot:
for (i in 1:intervals)
lhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < Cx,Cx-x,0)
rhs <- function(x) ifelse(x < Cx,0,x-Cx)
fit <- lm(y ~ lhs(x) + rhs(x))
best_r2<-max(r2) # get best r squared
best_Cx<-min(x)+(pos-1)*(range_x/intervals) # get Cx for best r2
abline(coef1[pos]+best_Cx*coef2[pos],-coef2[pos]) #lhs
abline(coef1[pos]-best_Cx*coef3[pos],coef3[pos]) #rs