Sending passwords through GET request -

I have an app that requires users to enter database passwords. These passwords will not be saved on the server, and the server does not need to remember anything about the database after the request. If it's my understanding, most web servers will log get requests, and the browser can as well (does it do this even for fetch() requests?). I do not want to put databases at risk, but I also understand that you should not use a body in GET requests.
I am also not creating resources, so from what I also understand, I should not be using a POST request. Is there a safe way to send a get request with the password (over https) that makes sure it is not logged on the server? This would be an app that anyone could start - so I have no idea what their server configuration could be so I couldn't specifically disable it on one server to ignore it.

so from what I also understand, I should not be using a POST request.
Your understanding is incorrect. POST is the appropriate verb when none of the other verbs make sense. From the spec:
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics.
Put simply, that means POST does whatever the service says it does. It isn't safe, idempotent, or cacheable so there are disadvantages to just using it for everything, but the intent is for it to be the catch-all verb.
You should not use GET because, as you mentioned, you should not include a body and URLs often get logged, which would expose your credentials.

If the client for your app is going to be a browser you can just use https only cookies to handle the authentication flow. In case if you want it to extend or use it in any other type of client, you can use the Authorization HTTP header.


Track a client through HTTP request

In case of HTTP requests like HEAD / GET / POST etc, which information of client is received by the server?
I know some of the info includes client IP, which can be used to block a user in case of, lets say, too many requests.
Another information of use would be user-agent, which is different for browsers, scripts, curl, postman etc. (Of course client can change default by setting request headers, but thats alright)
I want to know which other parameters can be used to identify a client (or define some properties)? Does the server get the mac address somehow?
So, is there a possibility that just by the request, it is identifiable that this request is being done by a "bot" (python or java code, eg.) vs a genuine user?
Assume there is no token or any such secret shared between client-server so there is no session...each subsequent request is independent.
The technique you are describing is generally called fingerprinting - the article covers properties and techniques. Depending on the use there are many criticisms of it, as it bypasses a users intention of being anonymous. In all cases it is a statistical technique - like most analytics.
Putting your domain behind a service like cloudflare might help prevent some of those bots from hitting your server. Other than a service like that, setting up a reCAPTCHA would block bots from accessing any pages behind it.
It would be hard to detect bots using solely HTTP because they can send you whatever headers they want. These services use other techniques to try and detect and filter out the bots, while allowing real users to access the site.
I don't think you can rely on any HTTP request header, because a client might not send it to the server, and/or there might be proxies between the client and the server that strip or alter the request headers.
If you just want to associate a unique ID to an HTTP request, you could generate an ID on your backend. For example, the JavaScript framework Hapi.js computes a request ID using this code:
new Date() + '-' + + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10000)
You might not even need to generate an ID manually. For example, if your app is on AWS and there is an Application Load Balancer in front of your backend, the incoming request will have the custom header X-Amzn-Trace-Id.
As for distinguishing between requests made by human clients and bots, I think you could adopt a "time trap" approach like the one described in this answer about honeypots for spambots.
HTTP request headers are not a good way to track users that use your site. This is because users can edit these headers and the server has no way to verify their authenticy. Also, in the case of the IP Address, it can change during a session if, for example, a user is on a mobile network.
My suggestion is using a cookie with a unique, random id, given to the user the first time they land on a page of your site. Keep in mind that the user can still edit/remove this cookie, so it isn't a perfect method. If you can force the user to login, then you could track the user with their session token.

CDN: Forward to a different resource instead of redirect

I need to send different resources (specially images) for same urls depending on a complex logic based on different factors (cookie, IP, time, random). I want to take advantage of CDNs (cache, availability, proximity). So, I want this CDN to make a call to my server in order to decide which resource serve to any request. It is very important to not use redirects, so the user will never see a 30X status code.
For clarification:
User makes a request to, which domain is under CDN
CDN makes a call to my server, sending url requested, cookies and user IP
My server returns the name of the real resource to serve (
CDN requests that image if not in cache
CDN responds to user request sending a-version3.jpg data, but without any redirect
Is it possible using any current commercial solution?
Yes, I think it is already supported by CDNetworks long time ago.
It is called "Origin Logic Control" now. You can check the description from
Allows a customer’s domain to require checking with the origin on every request.
You can return a special HTTP header (or special HTTP body, I am not sure now) to tell CDNetworks to return resources directly (and using cached version if available), not 30x status code.
You can enable Redirect Chasing to get what you are looking for. Alternatively, look at the Akamai blog post on Edge Redirect for a faster option.

Symfony2 - Check server-server request

I need to know when a request comes from a browser and when it comes from a server.
I have created an API and a listener to onKernelRequest event, I need to know what kind of request I received to execute a function or other.
How can I do this on Symfony 2.7?
A “server“ is an HTTP client just as a browser is. They only handle your websites response differently. So there’s no way to be sure who you are talking to. You can only check for a number of indicators.
You can examine the HTTP headers in the Request object. Your best bet would probably be the User-Agent header. But a non-browser could just as well fake the user agent header of an actual browser, so you’d only detect them if they want you to. And you’d have to prepare a list of user agents that you’d consider “servers“.

What happens when a HTTP request uses different browser headers?

I'm trying to understand how an IIS server handles different browsers in the header of an HTTP request.
The situation is that I have some load tests set up that fire off HTTP requests to an IIS server, constructing them and sending them over the wire. My code allows me to specify the browser in the header, but I'm not sure what that would actually change.
So what does IIS do with that particular information in the header?
As far as i am aware IIS doesn't actually do anything with the header.
You can create rules to explicitly handle a type of browser, this is pretty useful if you block traffic from countries but you still want to allow bots for example.
Its useful to also have this information in Log Files too

How to work around POST being changed to GET on 302 redirect?

Some parts of my website are only accessible via HTTPS (not whole website - security vs performance compromise) and that HTTPS is enforced with a 302 redirect on requests to the secure part if they are sent over plain HTTP.
The problem is for all major browsers if you do a 302 redirect on POST it will be automatically switched to GET (afaik this should only happen on 303, but nobody seems to care). Additional issue is that all POST data is lost.
So what are my options here other than accepting POSTs to secure site over HTTP and redirecting afterwards or changing loads of code to make sure all posts to secure part of website go over HTTPS from the beginning?
You are right, this is the only reliable way. The POST request should go over https connection from the very beginning. Moreover, It is recommended that the form, that leads to such POST is also loaded over https. Usually the first form after that you have the https connection is a login form. All browsers applying different security restrictions to the pages loaded over http and over https. So, this lowers the risk to execute some malicious script in context that own some sensible data.
I think that's what 307 is for. RFC2616 does say:
If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other
than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the
request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might
change the conditions under which the request was issued.
but it says the same thing about 302 and we know what happens there.
Unfortunately, you have a bigger problem than browsers not dealing with response codes the way the RFC's say, and that has to do with how HTTP works. Simplified, the process looks like this:
The browser sends the request
The browser indicates it has sent the entire request
The server sends the response
Presumably your users are sending some sensitive information in their post and this is why you want them to use encryption. However, if you send a redirect response (step 3) to the user's unencrypted POST (step 1), the user has already sent all of the sensitive information out unencrypted.
It could be that you don't consider the information the user sends that sensitive, and only consider the response that you send to be sensitive. However, this turns out not to make sense. Sensitive information should be available only to certain individuals, and the information used to authenticate the user is necessarily part of the request, which means your response is now available to anyone. So, if the response is sensitive, the request is sensitive as well.
It seems that you are going to want to change lots of code to make sure all secure posts use HTTPS (you probably should have written them that way in the first place). You might also want to reconsider your decision to only host some of your website on HTTPS. Are you sure your infrastructure can't handle using all HTTPS connections? I suspect that it can. If not, it's probably time for an upgrade.
