Register callback in Autofac and build container again in the callback - .net-core

I have a dotnet core application.
My Startup.cs registers types/implementations in Autofac.
One of my registrations needs previous access to a service.
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
containerBuilder.RegisterSettingsReaders(); // this makes available a ISettingsReader<string> that I can use to read my appsettings.json
containerBuilder.RegisterMyInfrastructureService(options =>
options.Username = "foo" //this should come from appsettings
var applicationContainer = containerBuilder.Build();
The dilemma is, by the time I have to .RegisterMyInfrastructureService I need to have available the ISettingsReader<string> that was registered just before (Autofac container hasn't been built yet).
I was reading about registering with callback to execute something after the autofac container has been built. So I could do something like this:
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c =>
var stringReader = c.Resolve<ISettingsReader<string>>();
var usernameValue = stringReader.GetValue("Username");
//now I have my username "foo", but I want to continue registering things! Like the following:
containerBuilder.RegisterMyInfrastructureService(options =>
options.Username = usernameValue
//now what? again build?
but the problem is that after I want to use the service not to do something like starting a service or similar but to continue registering things that required the settings I am now able to provide.
Can I simply call again builder.Build() at the end of my callback so that the container is simply rebuilt without any issue? This seems a bit strange because the builder was already built (that's why the callback was executed).
What's the best way to deal with this dilemma with autofac?
UPDATE 1: I read that things like builder.Update() are now obsolete because containers should be immutable. Which confirms my suspicion that building a container, adding more registrations and building again is not a good practice.
In other words, I can understand that using a register build callback should not be used to register additional things. But then, the question remain: how to deal with these issues?

This discussion issue explains a lot including ways to work around having to update the container. I'll summarize here, but there is a lot of information in that issue that doesn't make sense to try and replicate all over.
Be familiar with all the ways you can register components and pass parameters. Don't forget about things like resolved parameters, modules that can dynamically put parameters in place, and so on.
Lambda registrations solve almost every one of these issues we've seen. If you need to register something that provides configuration and then, later, use that configuration as part of a different registration - lambdas will be huge.
Consider intermediate interfaces like creating an IUsernameProvider that is backed by ISettingsReader<string>. The IUsernameProvider could be the lambda (resolve some settings, read a particular one, etc.) and then the downstream components could take an IUsernameProvider directly.
These sorts of questions are hard to answer because there are a lot of ways to work around having to build/rebuild/re-rebuild the container if you take advantage of things like lambdas and parameters - there's no "best practice" because it always depends on your app and your needs.
Me, personally, I will usually start with the lambda approach.


Chaining Handlers with MediatR

We are using MediatR to implement a "Pipeline" for our dotnet core WebAPI backend, trying to follow the CQRS principle.
I can't decide if I should try to implement a IPipelineBehavior chain, or if it is better to construct a new Request and call MediatR.Send from within my Handler method (for the request).
The scenario is essentially this:
User requests an action to be executed, i.e. Delete something
We have to check if that something is being used by someone else
We have to mark that something as deleted in the database
We have to actually delete the files from the file system.
Option 1 is what we have now: A DeleteRequest which is handled by one class, wherein the Handler checks if it is being used, marks it as deleted, and then sends a new TaskStartRequest with the parameters to Delete.
Option 2 is what I'm considering: A DeleteRequest which implements the marker interfaces IRequireCheck, IStartTask, with a pipeline which runs:
IPipelineBehavior<IRequireCheck> first to check if the something is being used,
IPipelineBehavior<DeleteRequest> to mark the something as deleted in database and
IPipelineBehavior<IStartTask> to start the Task.
I haven't fully figured out what Option 2 would look like, but this is the general idea.
I guess I'm mainly wondering if it is code smell to call MediatR.Send(TRequest2) within a Handler for a TRequest1.
If those are the options you're set on going with - I say Option 2. Sending requests from inside existing Mediatr handlers can be seen as a code smell. You're hiding side effects and breaking the Single Responsibility Principle. You're also coupling your requests together and you should try to avoid situations where you can't send one type of request before another.
However, I think there might be an alternative. If a delete request can't happen without the validation and marking beforehand you may be able to leverage a preprocessor (example here) for your TaskStartRequest. That way you can have a single request that does everything you need. This even mirrors your pipeline example by simply leveraging the existing Mediatr patterns.
Is there any need to break the tasks into multiple Handlers? Maybe I am missing the point in mediatr. Wouldn't this suffice?
public async Task<Result<IFailure,ISuccess>> Handle(DeleteRequest request)
var thing = await this.repo.GetById(request.Id);
if (thing.IsBeignUsed())
return Failure.BeignUsed();
var deleted = await this.repo.Delete(request.Id);
return deleted ? new Success(request.Id) : Failure.DbError();

Where did LoaderService go?

Upgrading AngleSharp from 0.9.6 to 0.9.9 I have this line of code no longer compiling:
return configuration.With(LoaderService(new[] { requester }));
It complains that LoaderService does not exist in the current context. So what happened to LoaderService? Is there a replacement? Does it still exist but just somewhere else?
Good question. Sorry for being late to the party, but even though you may have solved your problem someone else is having a hard time figuring it out.
LoaderService was essentially just a helper to create a loader. But having a service for anything creating a little thing would be overkill and not scale much. Also AngleSharp.Core would need to define all these. So, instead a generic mechanism was introduced, which allows registering such "creator services" via Func<IBrowsingContext, TService>.
However, to solve your piece of code I guess the following line would do the trick:
return configuration.WithDefaultLoader(requesters: requester);
This registers the default loader creator services (one for documents, one for resources inside documents) with the default options (options involve some middleware etc.).
Under the hood (besides some other things) the following is happening:
// just one example, config.Filter is created based on the passed in options
return configuration.With<IDocumentLoader>(ctx => new DocumentLoader(ctx, config.Filter));

How to use Zend\Config (application wide variables)

Main question is self explanatory, but I'll give some side examples:
I'm having trouble figuring out databases, though it seems I can work out config with ServiceManager stuff
I want to use constants for cookie names, so I can change them easily if there are collisions. Current, I'm calling $config = new \Zend\Config\Config(include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../config.php'); every time I want access to my global config.php file. A lot of previous solutions were in Zend 1 (eg Zend_Registry). Is this the right way to do it? It seems a little unwieldy using that over and over.
Is there a way to utilize a Module's configuration file to set module-wide-variables/constants?
Unless I'm completely missing it, there's no application.ini in Zend 2
Storing recaptcha public/private keys
I'm also using my config file for session-variables (same idea as $_SESSION[CONST_NAME]), which makes it really clumsy with the config file above. Is it better to hardcode the session names? Like:
$container = new Zend\Session\Container('auth');
$container->offsetSet('user', $user);
... // instead of
$container = new Zend\Zession\Container($config['auth']['containername']);
$container->offsetSet($config['auth']['user'], $user);
All configuration from each module.config.php or Module.php are put together into a big pot. You can easily access those via $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config')
When it comes down to constants, they should be placed inside the respective classes. Like
class UserStorage {
const SESSIONCONTAINERNAME = 'blubbusersession';
That way you can call \My\User\Model\UserStorage::SESSIONCONTAINERNAME whenever you need this info
As far as your example is concerned thought, there should be almost no need to var-code your session-container-name because the information from your modules session-data should be made available via your modules Service-Classes. But if you still need it, see aboves example.
Furthermore i think it may be a good idea for you to check out how zf-commons\ZfcUser does things

how to unit testing cache layer

I have added a cache layer to my project . now I wonder if I could unit test methods that manipulate cache ? or is there a better way to test Layer's logic ?
I just want to check the process , for example :
1- when the item is not in the cache , method should hit the database
2- the next time method should use cache
3- when a change is made to database , cache should be cleared
4- if data retrieved from databse is null , it shouldn't be added to cache
I want to ensure that the logic I have placed into the methods are working as expected .
I'm presuming the cache is a third party cache? If so, I would not test it. You're testing someone else's code otherwise.
If this caching is so important you need to test it, I'd go with an integration or acceptance test. In other words, hit the page(s)/service(s) in question and check the content that way. By the very definition of what you wish to test, this is not a unit test.
On the flip side, if the cache is one you've rolled yourself, you'll easily be able to unit test the functionality. You might want to check out verification based testing in order to test the behavior of the cache, as apposed to actually checking stuff is added/removed from the cache. Check out mocking for ways to achieve this.
To test for behaviour via Mock objects (or something similar) I'd do the following - although your code will vary.
class Cacher
public void Add(Thing thing)
// Complex logic here...
public Thing Get(int id)
// More complex logic here...
void DoStuff()
var cacher = new Cacher();
var thing = cacher.Get(50);
To test the above method I'd have a test which used a mock Cacher. You'd need to pass this into the method at runtime or inject the dependency into the constructor. From here the test would simply check that cache.Get(50) is invoked. Not that the item is actually retrieved from the cache. This is testing the behavior of how the cacher should be used, not that it is actually caching/retrieving anything.
You could then fall back to state based testing for the Cacher in isolation. E.g you add/remove items.
Like I said previously, this may be overkill depending on what you wish to do. However you seem pretty confident that the caching is important enough to warrant this sort of testing. In my code I try to limit mock objects as much as possible, though this sounds like a valid use case.

When I want one object out of an firebaselistobservable using rxjs, should I still use subscribe?

I am kind of confused about which methods belong with and when to use them.
Right now, I am using subscribe for basically everything and it is not working for me when I want a quick static value out of Firebase. Can you explain when I should use subscribe vs other methods other than for a strict observable?
When working with async values you have a few options: promises, rxjs, callbacks. Every option has its own drawbacks.
When you want to retrieve a single async value it is tempting to use promises for their simplicity (.then(myVal => {})). But this does not give you access to things like timeouts/throttling/retry behaviour etc. Rx streams, even for single values do give you these options.
So my recommendation would be, even if you want to have a single value, to use Observables. There is no async option for 'a quick static value out of a remote database'.
If you do not want to use the .subscribe() method there are other options which let you activate your subscription like .toPromise() which might be easier for retrieving a single value using Rx.
const getMyObjPromise = $firebase.get(myObjId)
getMyObjPromise.then(obj => console.log('got my object'));
My guess is, that you have a subscribe method that contains a bunch of logic like it was a ’.then’ and you save the result to some local variable.
First: try to avoid any logic inside the subscription-method -> use stream-operators before that and then subscribe just to retrieve the data.
You much more flexible with that and it is much easier to unit-test those single parts of your stream than to test a whole component in itself.
Second: try to avoid using a manual subscriptions at all - in angular controllers they are prone to cause memory leaks if not unsubscribed.
Use the async-pipe instead in your template and let angular manage the subscription itself.
