How to add properties to react-router-redux LOCATION_CHANGE? - redux

I am writing an application using react-router-redux. When the LOCATION_CHANGE action is dispatched, I want to update the UI to show progress based on how far in a survey the user is. My state has this structure:
ui: {
progress: 0
survey: {
question1: true,
question2: null
I have a function that loops through the questions in the survey property and can determine the progress based on the first instance of a question being null. In the above example, the progress will be 1 as question2 is null (yet to be answered).
To update the UI, I have a UI reducer subscribed to the ##router/LOCATION_CHANGE action, in which I can run the function to determine progress.
The problem I am facing is that in the UI reducer, I only have access to the UI state and the payload from LOCATION_CHANGE, not the survey.
Is it possible to modify LOCATION_CHANGE to include additional properties in its payload?

The best way to solve your problem in my opinion is to use a middleware to intercept all ##router/LOCATION_CHANGE actions and execute your logic before it reaches the reducer. You have the getState function available in middleware so you can read both ui and survery states.
export default ({ dispatch, getState }) => (next) => (action) => {
if (action.type === '##router/LOCATION_CHANGE') {
const state = getState(); // this is the whole redux state
const progress = getNewProgressValue(state);
dispatch(updateProgress(progress)); // updateProgress is the action creator to update progress value
You also need to modify your reducer to update progress based on action dispatched by updateProgress action creator.
NOTE: I'm assuming you're not using redux-saga. If you are, you can still get the idea from this method.


How to have a Subject as a payload in an immutable Ngrx action?

Use case: dispatch an action with a cold observable in the payload.
When an effect catches the action, it subscribes (through mergeMap, switchMap, whatever...) to this observable and send back another action. Classic Ngrx process.
export class ServicesStore {
dispatchObservable(operation$: Observable<unknown>) {{ operation$ }));
export class ServicesEffects {
serviceRequest$ = createEffect(() =>
mergeMap((action: ServiceRequestAction) => {
return action.operation$.pipe(
map((result) => {
// send back an action with the result
It works well.
But if this observable is a Subject (say it will break the immutable action Ngrx rule.
Because of the inner subscription, the Subject adds an observer into its internal structure, thus breaking the action immutability. It then triggers the Ngrx runtime checks.
Of course I can disable these check, but I am looking for a better away around this. For example, is there a way to clone a Subject ?
Or any other way to allow a Subject into the action payload ?
AFAIK adding a subject to a NgRx Action isn't supported (if you want to keep the runtime checks enabled).
The classic NgRx process is that the effect results in a new action (popular ones are success and failure).

How to properly handle simultaneous persistence actions in Redux?

React application using Redux. A have a combined reducer, consisting of appStateReducer and contestReducer. Each of these two takes care of some part of the application data.
When action is performed, I want not only the respective state to be changed, but I also want to persistently save the new state, so that if the user reloads application page in the browser, the state would be preserved.
My idea is to add third reducer to take care only of save and load actions (each of the two sub-states separately).
Save and load will use IndexedDB, through localbase package. All of the db actions (add, get, update, delete) appear to be synchronous, i.e. there seems to be no real need to implement asynchronous actions. UPDATE: this is wrong, it is asynchronous, just some basic examples ignore it.
I am not sure how to handle the problem properly.
I will need a database connection object, a singleton, initialized once after page is loaded, which should be shared by all save/load actions regardless of which part of the state is to be stored or loaded. That would lead to a separate reducer working only with the db object. If I do this, the db reducer would have to have access to all the other sub-state, which is normally not the case in Redux.
Or, I could implement save and load action in each reducers separately, not a big deal, actually. But how to make the global db object accessible by the reducers?
It is as React application written in typescript and all components are implemented as classes.
You already have access to all data if you are using middleware, Example:
export const requestPost = (id) => (dispatch,getState) => {
// You can make an bank for post and check If data exist or not
const postState = getState();
const found = postState?.find((post) => === id);
if (found) {
dispatch({ type: SUCCESS.POST, data: found });
} else {
dispatch({ type: REQUEST.POST });
.then((res) => dispatch({ type: SUCCESS.POST, data:[0] }))
.catch((err) => errorHandler(err, FAILURE.POST));
Just make and reducer for saving data on DB or somewhere and read them at the start.

Redux: is it an anti-pattern to put much logic and share date between slice reducers in thunks?

In the Redux Style Guide, it is strongly recommended to Put as Much Logic as Possible in Reducers:
Wherever possible, try to put as much of the logic for calculating a
new state into the appropriate reducer, rather than in the code that
prepares and dispatches the action (like a click handler).
What I'm not sure of is, if thunks are also considered to be "the code" of some sort. Besides, we've also been (mis?)using thunks to grab data from other slices of state.
Hypothetically simplified code snippet of such thunk:
const addX = x => (dispatch, getState) => {
const { data, view } = getState();
const { y } = view; // <-- here accessing data from `view` state.
const yy = doSomeLogicWith(y);
const z = doSomeMoreLogicWith(yy);
dispatch({ type: 'data/xAdded', payload: { x, z } });
Is this actually considered to be an anti-pattern in Redux? If so, what are the cons of doing this?
Yes, a thunk would qualify as "the code that dispatches the action" for this case. So, what the rule is recommending here is that if possible, the action would just contain y, and the function calls to doSomeLogicWith(y) and doSomeMoreLogicWith(yy) would ideally exist within the reducer instead.
Having said that, it's totally fine for a thunk to extract pieces of data from the state and include that in the action, and it's not wrong for a thunk to do some pre-processing of data before dispatching the action.
The style guide rule is just saying that, given a choice between running a particular piece of logic in a reducer or outside a reducer, prefer to do it in the reducer if at all possible.

async reducer with react-router seems to have multiple stores?

I have an async reducer structure. On any given page, I inject the page's reducer with:
export const injectReducer = (store, { key, reducer }) => {
// store.asyncReducers already initialized to {}
// makeRootReducer just returns combineReducers({})
store.asyncReducers[key] = reducer
I use react-router 3 and the plain routes definitions on any given page. I use require.ensure for async handling of routes within getComponent of the plain route definition:
export default (store) => ({
path : 'counter',
getComponent (nextState, cb) {
require.ensure([], (require) => {
const Counter = require('./containers/Counter').default
const reducer = require('./modules/counter').default
injectReducer(store, { key: 'counter', reducer })
cb(null, Counter)
}, 'Counter')
My problem is that if I use dispatch followed by browserHistory.push, I would expect that the state gets updated before going to the new page. What happens however, is that there appears to be 2 separate stores. For example, navigating between pages, the value of the counter from the previous page seems to be preserved despite it being on the same key. What is going on here???
Sample repo of my problem. You can git clone, npm install, npm start and go to localhost:3000/counter. If you click Double (Async) it doubles the counter and then goes to the /otherPage. If you then click Half (Async) it will bring you back to /counter. However the value of the counter is the value from doubling, not from halving. Also, importantly, pulling up Redux DevTools and navigating between the pages seems to show the counter change for ALL data before. Almost as if the entire store was replaced, yet the prior values are preserved.
What is going on here???
After much investigation I have discovered that in development ReduxDevTools will recompute the entire state history on a new page. Inserting a new reducer where initialState is different on the new page results in 2 different results. There are not 2 stores or any caches, it is just redux dev tools recomputing the entire state history with different initialStates.
Hence in my scenario, dispatch was updating the state on my first page. Then browserHistory makes a push to go to the second page. The second page recomputes the entire state history. However the second page has a reducer that is missing the action handler for the first page. Hence when recomputing the entire state history, the state doesn't change from that last action.

"Thread safety" in Redux?

Let's pretend I have a long-running function working on computing my new state.
Meanwhile another action comes in and changes the state while the first one did not finish and is working on stuff.
If I am imagining things correctly there is no actions queue and the state might be resolved in some unpredictable manner.
Should I be worried about this at all?
I don't mean real threads, just a concept for the lack of better wording. Actions are asynchronous and state keys are being accessed by reference.
I was concerned about the same thing so I just did some digging. It looks like two threads concurrently calling dispatch() (if it were possible) could raise an exception. But it shouldn't be possible and that error message points to a particular, different cause. The "actions queue" is in the browser's own event loop. That event loop runs async/interaction callbacks (from which we call dispatch()) one-at-a-time.
That's the responsibility of your own action creators and your own reducers, and heavily related to how you structure your actions and reducers conceptually. The Redux FAQ question on structuring "business logic" is very relevant here:Redux FAQ
Thunk action creators have access to getState, so it's very common to have a thunk check the current state and only dispatch under certain conditions, such as this example:
// An example of conditional dispatching based on state
const MAX_TODOS = 5;
function addTodosIfAllowed(todoText) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
if(state.todos.length < MAX_TODOS) {
dispatch({type : "ADD_TODO", text : todoText});
Your reducer can also have sanity checks as well:
function todosReducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case "ADD_TODO": {
if(state.todos.length >= state.maxTodos) {
return state;
return {
todos : state.todos.concat(action.newTodo)
default : return state;
Personally, I don't like to have my reducers just blindly merge in whatever data's in the action, unless it's very small (like, say, the name of the currently selected tab or something). I prefer to have a reasonable amount of logic in my action creator to set up the action, a minimal-ish amount of data included in the action itself, and a sufficiently smart reducer to do the work based on that action.
