ModelSim Timeline Interval Fix - modelsim

Today I am working with ModelSim for a lab, and I cannot figure out how to change the timeline interval on the bottom of the screen. I want to have every grey vertical line represent 100 ns, but right now it represents 1000 ns. This is too large for me to be able to see my results of the wave. Any help would be great. I have tried right clicking on the timeline and looking through the properties, and I still can't figure it out.

You can zoom in/out your waveform using ctrl + Mouse scroll or by pressing I (zoom in) / O (zoom out).


Star Generation - Game Maker

I am making in Game Maker where you are a ship. You stay in the middle of the screen while the stars would move around you, giving the illusion of movement.
So far the spaceship rotates to follow the mouse and when you press the space bar the stars are given the direction and velocity that the ship should have and it is applied to the star.
The mechanic i'm struggling with is generation the stars randomly as you 'move'. It would need to seem as if you were travelling through space and could relocate the same star generation if you flew back to it.
If anyone has any ideas, that would be highly appreciated.
you could use a random_range() for the star creation, but for having them stay in place forever its a little hard, maybe you could make only 1 room for everything and make a function that only fill the rooms with stars and starts on create (and then deactivate forever) then save the state of the room and voila (idk if im being clear)

How to increase click radius in bokeh?

I'm doing some simple plotting and would like to increase the usability of my figure.
I have quite a lot of points on my graph and have issues with selecting the ones I want because the click radius is so tiny.
I can increase the circle radius of my point but the radius of the area which displays a tooltip is still only 1 dot. Can I increase the radius somehow without having to create additional points around which respond the same?
Would it be even possible to increase the click detection radius without increasing the actual circle radius?
in the current version (0.8.2) and in the upcoming version (0.9) this is not yet a tunable parameter. It would be a good feature to expose a click radius, so I have made an issue on our issue tracker, that you can follow, here:
In the short term, a possible workaround is to have a second, invisible set of glyphs that are used for hit testing. They would be at the same locations, but bigger, to provide a bigger hit area.

How do I benchmark the FPS of a CSS3 animation?

In WebGL, I can measure frames per second by recording the timestamps of when requestAnimationFrame occur.
How do I measure the frames-per-second of a CSS3 animation? I can measure how long the animation took, but how do I quantify the jank during the animation?
If you are using a webkit based browser do:
1.) ctrl + shift + j to bring up the dev tools.
2.) At the bottom you will see a tab called "Rendering", drag it up so you can see it's content.
4.) Put a check to "Show FPS" meter.
FPS metter should appear in your top right corner of the browser viewport, showing you the current fps and a graph.

How to pan beyond the scrollbar range in a QGraphicsview?

I am building a node graph in a QGraphicsView and I am currently implementing panning.
I used the following question "how to pan images in QGraphicsView" to start but the panning is limited by the scrollbar range.
I also tried the translate method but it gives the same result. The view is limited to a certain rectangle.
I would like to pan without limits, the graph can becomes quite large and it is useful to be able to work in different area of the scene (one graph here, another graph over there, etc).
If you take a look at this video, at the 3 minute mark you'll see the demonstration panning the screen. The application here is one I developed and although it doesn't show it, the real estate of the board appears limitless when panning.
What I did for this was to create a QGraphicsScene of 32000 x 32000 and start the application with the view at the centre of the QGraphicsScene. The test team spent ages trying to pan to the edge of the graphics scene and everyone gave up before getting there - perhaps the scene could have been smaller!
The scroll bar policies are set to off and translation is done by moving the QGraphicsView via its translate function, passing in the delta of either touch, or mouse movement that is applied in the mouseMoveEvent.
Done this way, you need not worry about exceeding the scroll bar range and there was no problem creating a very large QGraphicsScene as it's just a coordinate space.
I came across the same issue. However, setting the scene to something big and leaving it I do not think is the best option. I have developed a dynamic way of changing the scene size so it lets you move freely. You can find it in this other stack overflow answer.
You want to plot graphs. Try out this Qt library - QCustomPlot , it will save you hours of hard work.

Google Earth overlay disappearing

I've created a simple triangular overlay using the Winforms GE API. As I'm zooming in and out parts or all of the overlay will disappear. The overlay is on the order of 80 miles in length.
The overlay is set to an altitude of 100 so I understand that when the overlay goes through a terrain feature it will disappear. My concern is when it is completely visible and I zoom in it disappears completely or in part. Since it is visible at a higher altitude shouldn't it also be visible at a lower altitude? (and I do realize that once I go 'below' the overlay it will disappear. This is not my problem.)
Any ideas or thoughts?
Actually, a ground overlay should stay on top of the terrain. So when the terrain is higher than '100' the overlay should be 'wrapped' over top of it. I am not sure about the overlay 'disappearing' at various heights (POV)
Recently, there was this question on SO - and the OP ended up saying they had contacted Google and the consensus was it was some sort of bug.......
