Using value-labels in R with sjlabelled package - r

Recently I have switched from STATA to R.
In STATA, you have something called value label. Using the command encode for example allows you to turn a string variable into a numeric, with a string label attached to each number. Since string variables contain names (which repeat themselves most of the time), using value labels allows you to save a lot of space when dealing with large dataset.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to find a similar command in R. The only package I have found that could attach labels to my values vector is sjlabelled. It does the attachment but when I’m trying to merge attached numeric vector to another dataframe, the labels seems to “fall of”.
Example: Start with a string variable.
paragraph <- "Melanija Knavs was born in Novo Mesto, and grew up in Sevnica, in the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia. She worked as a fashion model through agencies in Milan and Paris, later moving to New York City in 1996. Her modeling career was associated with Irene Marie Models and Trump Model Management"
sentences <- strsplit(paragraph, " ")
sentences <- unlist(sentences, use.names = FALSE)
# Now we have a vector to string values.
sentrnces_df <-
sentences <- unique(sentrnces_df$sentences)
group_sentences <- c(1:length(sentences))
sentences <-
group_sentences <-
z <- cbind(sentences,group_sentences)
z$group_sentences <- set_labels(z$group_sentences, labels = (z$sentences))
sentrnces_df <- merge(sentrnces_df, z, by = c('sentences'))
get_labels(z$group_sentences) # the labels I was attaching using set labels
get_labels(sentrnces_df$group_sentences) # the output is just “NULL”
P.S. Sorry about the inelegant code, as I said before, I'm pretty new in R.

Around June of 2007, R introduced hashing of CHARSXP elements in the
underlying C code thanks to Seth Falcon. What this meant was that
effectively, character strings were hashed to an integer
representation and stored in a global table in R. Anytime a given
string was needed in R, it could be referenced by its underlying
integer. This effectively put in place, globally, the factor encoding
behavior of strings from before. Once this was implemented, there was
little to be gained from an efficiency standpoint by encoding
character variables as factor. Of course, you still needed to use
‘factors’ for the modeling functions.

I adjusted your initial test data a little bit. I was confused by so many strings and am unsure whether they are necessary for this issue. Let me know, if I missed a point. Here is my adjustment and the answer:
# initial problem rephrased
# create test data
id = seq(1:20)
variable1 = sample(30:35, 20, replace=TRUE)
variable2 = sample(36:40, 20, replace=TRUE)
df1 <- data.frame(id, variable1)
df2 <- data.frame(id, variable2)
# set arbitrary labels
df1$variable1 <- set_labels(df1$variable1, labels = c("few" = 1, "lots" = 5))
# show labels in this frame
# include associated values
get_labels(df1, values = "as.prefix")
# merge df1 and df2
df_merge <- merge(df1, df2, by = c('id'))
# labels lost after merge
get_labels(df_merge, values = "as.prefix")
# solution with dplyr
df_merge2 <- left_join(x = df1, y = df2, by = "id")
get_labels(df_merge2, values = "as.prefix")
Solution attributed to:
Merging and keeping variable labels in R


Convert List of lists to data frame where each list within the list are the results from using Sapply + decompose on multiple columns

this is my first project using a coded environment so may not phrase things accurately. I am building an ARIMA forecast.
I want to forecast for multiple sectors (business areas) at a time. Using help forums I have managed to write code that takes my time series data as input, fits the model, and sends the outputs to CSV. I am happy with this.
My problem is that I would also like capture the results from the decomposition analysis on a sector level. Currently, when I use a solution I found elsewhere it outputs to CSV in a format that is unusable, where everything is spread by row and the different lists are half in one row and another.
Thanks In advance!
My current solution (probably not super efficient but like I say cobbled together based on forum tips)
Clean data down to TS
NLDemand <- read_excel("TS Demand 2018 + Non London no lockdown.xlsx")
NLDemand <- as_tibble(NLDemand)
NLDemand <- na.omit(NLDemand)
NLDemand <- subset(NLDemand, select = -c(Month,Year))
NLDemand <- subset(NLDemand, select = -c(YearMonth))
##this gets the data to a point where each column is has a header of business sector and the time series data underneath it with no categorical columns left E.G:
Sector 1a, sector1b, sector...
Season capture for all sectors
tsData<-sapply(NLDemand, FUN = ts, simplify = FALSE,USE.NAMES = TRUE,start=c(2018,1),frequency=12)
timeseriescomponents <- sapply(tsData,FUN=decompose,simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
this produces a list of lists where each sublist is the decomposed elements of the sector time series.
##Covert all season captures to the same length
TSC <- list(timeseriescomponents[1:41])
n.obs <- sapply(TSC, length)
seq.max <- seq_len(max(n.obs))
mat <- t(sapply(TSC, "[", i = seq.max ))
##Export to CSV
write.csv(mat, "Non london 2018 + S-T componants.csv", row.names=FALSE)
***What I want as an output would be a table that showed each componant as a a column in a list
Desired output format
Current output(sample)

R forecastML package keeps renaming outcome columns

I am trying to use the forecast ML r package to run some tests but the moment I hit this step, it renames the columns
data <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\DG ST Forecast\\LassoTemporalForecast.csv", header=TRUE)
date_frequency <- "1 week"
dates <- seq(as.Date("2012-10-05"), as.Date("2020-10-05"), by = date_frequency)
data_train <- data[1:357,]
data_test <- data[358:429,]
outcome_col <- 1 # The column index of our DriversKilled outcome.
horizons <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) # 4 models that forecast 1, 1:3, 1:6, and 1:12 time steps ahead.
# A lookback across select time steps in the past. Feature lags 1 through 9, for instance, will be
# silently dropped from the 12-step-ahead model.
lookback <- c(1)
# A non-lagged feature that changes through time whose value we either know (e.g., month) or whose
# value we would like to forecast.
dynamic_features <- colnames(data_train)
data_list <- forecastML::create_lagged_df(data_train,
type = "train",
outcome_col = 1,
horizons = horizons,
lookback = lookback,
date = dates[1:nrow(data_train)],
frequency = date_frequency,
dynamic_features = colnames(data_train)
After the data_list, here is a snapshot of what happens in the console:
Next, when I try to create windows following the name change,
windows <- forecastML::create_windows(lagged_df = data_list, window_length = 36,
window_start = NULL, window_stop = NULL,
include_partial_window = TRUE)
plot(windows, data_list, show_labels = TRUE)
this error: Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column cases doesn't exist.
I've checked through many times based on my input data and the code previously and still can't understand why the name change occurs, if anyone is familiar with this package please assist thank you!
I'm the package author. It's difficult to tell without a reproducible example, but here's what I think is going on: Dynamic features are essentially features with a lag of 0. Dynamic features also retain their original names, as opposed to lagged features which have "_lag_n" appended to the feature name. So by setting dynamic_features to all column names you are getting duplicate columns specifically for the outcome column. My guess is that "cases" is the outcome here. Fix this by removing dynamic_features = colnames(data_train) and setting it to only those features that you really want to have a lag of 0.

Extracting from the data frame produced using GageRR/GageRRDesign in R

How do I extract the 'VarCompContrib" column in the data frame produced using the gageRR function in R?
This is for a GageRR analysis of a measurement system. I'm trying to make a very user friendly program where other people can just enter the information required, like number of operators, parts, and measurements, as well as the measurements themselves, and output the correct analysis. I'm gonna use an if-statement later on to do the "analysis" portion, but I am having trouble actually managing the data frame produced with gageRR.
design = gageRRDesign(Operators=3, Parts=10, Measurements=2, randomize=FALSE)
response(design) = c(23,22,22,22,22,25,23,22,23,22,20,22,22,22,24,25,27,28,
I am looking to get a 7 number column vector under VarCompContrib
For starters, you can look at the structure of gdo with str(gdo). From there, we see that Varcomp is a slot, so we can access it with gdo#Varcomp and just convert it to a data.frame:
design <- gageRRDesign(Operators = 3, Parts = 10, Measurements = 2, randomize = FALSE)
response(design) <- c(
gdo <- gageRR(design)
# totalRR repeatability reproducibility a a_b bTob totalVar
# 1 1.66441 1.209028 0.4553819 0.4553819 0 1.781211 3.445621

How to group repeating sequences of numbers using R

The simplest description of what I am trying to do is that I have a column in a data.frame like 1,2,3,..., n, 1,2,3,...n,.... and I want group the first 1...n as 1 the second 1...n as 2 and so on.
The full context is; I am using the R spcosa package to do equal area stratification composite sampling on parcels of land. I start with a shape file from a GIS that contains a number of polygons (land parcels). The end result I want is a GIS file with each of the strata and sample locations in a GIS file format with each stratum and sample location labeled by land parcel, stratum and sample id. So far I can do all this except one bit which is identifying the stratum that the samples belongs too and including it in the sample label. The sample label needs to look like "parcel#-strata#-composite# (where # is the number). In practice I don't need this actual label but as separate attributes in GIS file.
The basic work flow is a follows
For each individual polygon using spcosa::stratify I divide it into a number of equal area strata like
strata.CSEA <- stratify(poly[i,], nStrata = n, nTry = 1, equalArea = TRUE, nGridCells = x)
Note spcosa::stratify generates a CompactStratificationEqualArea object. I cocerce this to a SpatialPixelData then use rasterToPolygon to be able to output it as a GIS file.
I then generate the sample locations as follows:
samples.SPRC <- spsample(strata.CSEA, n = n, type = "composite")
spcosa::spsample creates a SamplingPatternRandomComposite object. I coerce this to a SpatialPointsDataFrame
samples.SPDF <- as(samples.SPRC, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")
and add two columns to the #data slot
samples.SPDF#data$Strata <- "this is the bit I can't do yet"
samples.SPDF#data$CEA <- poly[i,]$name
I can then write samples.SPDF as a GIS file ( ie writeOGE) with all the wanted attributes.
As above the part I can't sort out is how the sample ids relate to the strata ids. The sample points are a vector like 1,2,3...n, 1,2,3...n,.... How do I extract which sample goes with which strata? As actual strata number are arbitrary, I can just group ( as per my simple question above) but ideally I would like to use the numbering of the actual strata so everything lines up.
To give any contributors access to a hands on example I copy below the code from the spcosa documentation slightly modified to generate the correct objects.
# Note: the example below requires the 'rgdal'-package You may consider the 'maptools'-package as an alternative
if (require(rgdal)) {
# read a vector representation of the `Farmsum' field
shpFarmsum <- readOGR(
dsn = system.file("maps", package = "spcosa"),
layer = "farmsum"
# stratify `Farmsum' into 50 strata
# NB: increase argument 'nTry' to get better results
myStratification <- stratify(shpFarmsum, nStrata = 50, nTry = 1, equalArea = TRUE)
# sample two sampling units per stratum
mySamplingPattern <- spsample(myStratification, n = 2 type = "composite")
# plot the resulting sampling pattern on
# top of the stratification
plot(myStratification, mySamplingPattern)
Maybe order() function can help you
n <- 10
dat <- data.frame(col1 = rep(1:n, 2), col2 = rnorm(2*n))
dat[order(dat$col1), ]
I did not get where the "ID" (1,2,3...n) is to be found; so let's assume you have your SpatialPolygonsDataFrame called shpFarmsum with a attribute data column "ID". You can access this column via shpFarmsum$ID. Therefore, if you want to create individual subsets for each ID this is one way to go:
for (i in unique(shpFarmsum$ID)) {
tempSubset shpFarmsum[shpFarmsum$ID == i,]
writeOGR(tempSubset, ".", paste0("subset_", i), driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
I added the line writeOGR(... so all subsets are written to your working direktory. However, you can change this line or add further analysis into the for-loop.
How it works
unique(shpFarmsum$ID) extracts all occuring IDs (compareable to your 1,2,3...n).
In each repetition of the for loop, another value of this IDs will be used to create a subset of the whole SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, which you can use for further analysis.

cca per groups and row.names

I am somewhat new to R, so forgive my basic questions.
I perform a CCA on a full dataset (358 sites, 40 abiotic parameters, 100 species observation).
env <- read.table("env.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ",")
otu <- read.table(otu.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ",")
cca <- cca(otu~., data=env)
cca.plot <- plot(cca, choices=c(1,2))
ccared <- cca(formula = otu ~EnvPar1,2,n, data = env)
ccared.plot <- plot(ccared, choices=c(1,2))
orditorp(ccared.plot, display="sites")
This works without using sample names in the first columns (initially, the first column containing numeric samples names got interpreted as a variable, so i used tables without that information. When i add site names to the plot via orditorp, it gives "" in the plot.)
I want to use my sample names, however. I tried row.names=1 on both tables with sample name information:
envnames <- read.table("envwithnames.txt", header = TRUE, row.names=1, sep = "\t", dec = ",")
otunames <- read.table("otuwithnames.txt", header = TRUE, row.names=1, sep = "\t", dec = ",")
, and any combination of env/otu/envnames/otunames. cca worked out well in any case, but any plot command yielded
plot.ccarownames <- plot(cca(ccarownames, choices=c(1,2)))
Error in rowSums(X) : 'x' must be numeric
My second problem is connected to that: The 358 sites are grouped into 6 groups (4x60,2x59). The complete matrix has this information inferred as an extra column.
Since i couldnt work out the row name problem, i am even more stuck with nominal data, anyhow.
The original matrix contains a first column (sample names, numeric, but can be easily transformed to nominal) and second one (group identity, nominal), followed by biological observations.
What i would like to have:
A CCA containing all six groups that is coloring sites per group.
A CCA containing only data for one group (without manual
construction of individual input tables)
CCA plots that are using my original sample names.
Any help is appreciated! Really, i am stuck with it since yesterday morning :/
I'm using cca() from vegan myself and I have some of your own problems, however I've been able to at least solve your original "row names" problem. I'm doing a CCA analysis on data from 41 soils, with 334 species and 39 environmental factors.
In my case I used
rownames(MyDataSet) <- MyDataSet$ObservationNamesColumn
(I used default names such as MyDataSet for the sake of example here)
However I still had environmental factors which weren't numerical (such as soil texture). You could try checking for non numerical factors in case you have a mistake in your original dataset or an abiotic factor which is not interpreted as numerical for any other reason. To do this you can either use the command str(MyDataSet) which tells you the nature of each of your variable, or lapply(MyDataSet, class) which also tells you the same but in a different output.
In case you have abiotic factors which are not numerical (again, such as texture) and you want to remove them, you can do so by creating a whole new dataset using only the numerical variables (you will still keep your observation names as they were defined as row names), this is rather easy to do and can be done using something similar to this:
MyDataSet.num <- MyDataSet[,sapply(MyDataSet, is.numeric)]
This creates a new data set which has the same rows as the original but only columns (variables) with numeric values. You should be able then to continue your work using this new data set.
I am very new to both R programming and statistics (I'm a microbiologist) but I hope this helps!
