Apply common header names to all files in the folder - r

I have 4 files in the folder named import_xxx.xlsx.
I need to apply below tasks,
1.First apply common header names to all files in the folder.
Write the applied corrections as seperate file in another folder.
I have tried below code.
1.Read the list of files
filenames_list <- list.files(pattern= ".xls", full.names=TRUE)
My question is how to search for header names and apply naming the changed name to all files.
My column names is as follows with sample data.
Sr No Invoice Date Invoice No Payer Name IGMNo Container No Size Type Act. gate in Date Container Agent Container Agent Name Importer Name CHA Code CHA Name Activity Description Amount Service Tax Total
1 8-1-2018 12:12:29 AM MII180800001 SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED 2200750 ECMU9674562 40 GB 7-26-2018 4:50:35 AM CLC007 CMA CGM SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED CHS020 SEAKING CARGO SERVICES (I) PVT LTD Handling & PNR Movement Charges-FCL 10400 1872 12272
2 8-1-2018 12:12:29 AM MII180800001 SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED 2200750 ECMU9674562 40 GB 7-26-2018 4:50:35 AM CLC007 CMA CGM SAME DEUTZ FAHR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED CHS020 SEAKING CARGO SERVICES (I) PVT LTD Value Added Charges 2000 360 2360
I need to perform below data transformation tasks, which converts lower case characters to upper case characters. i.e column of activity desciption.
data.frame(lapply(df$Activity Description, function(v) {
if (is.character(v)) return(toupper(v))
else return(v)
Do I need to loop through the files to write it? Following code will write the file but I need to loop through and write the applied changes for all files.
Can anyone help me on this to loop through files and perform header transformation and write the files within the loop?

I would do something along the lines of the following. You will have to define the vector with the new common header, common_header.
filenames_list <- list.files(pattern= "\\.xls", full.names=TRUE)
target_dir <- "path/to/target/directory/"
lapply(filenames_list, function(fl){
DF <- read.xlsx2(fl)
names(DF) <- common_header
target_fl <- paste0(target_dir, basename(fl))
write.xlsx2(DF, target_fl)


How to change working directory within function?

I have a dataset of around 4k newspapers with some information about them. Relevant variables:
name year_first_published year_last_published
Herald 1902 1903
Jumo 1933 1990
I want to create a folder for each newspaper called 'name' and within that folder I want to create annual subfolders going from year first published to year last published. So in the example above, folder 'Herald' would have 2 subfolders "1902" and "1903", whereas "Jumo" would have 58 subfolders named in similar fashion from 1933 to 1990
subfolder_names <- dataset$name
for (i in 1:length(subfolder_names)){
for (i in year_first_published:year_last_published){ #It breaks here or line below
Essentially I am not sure how to change the working directory after creating the folder for a newspaper. I would appreciate any advice that would allow me to do it within the same function call. I am aware that I could iterate over 'newspaper name' folders once they have been created but I was wondering if there is potentially a more direct approach.

Moving large amounts of files from one large folder to several smaller folders using R

I have over 7,000 .wav files in one folder which need to be split up into groups of 12 and placed into separate smaller folders.
The files correspond to 1-minute recordings taken every 5 minutes, so every 12 files corresponds to 1 hour.
The files are stored on my PC in the working directory: "E:/Audiomoth Files/Winter/Rural/Emma/"
Examples of the file names are as follows:
which would be one hour, then
and so on.
I need the files split into groups of 12 and then I need a new folder to be created in: "E:/Audiomoth Files/Winter/Rural/Emma/Organised Files"
With the new folders named 'Hour 1', 'Hour 2' and so on.
What is the exact code I need to do this?
As is probably very obvious I'm a complete beginner with R so if the answer could be spelt out in layman's terms that would be brilliant.
Thank you in advance
Something like this?
I intentionally used copy instead of cut in order to prevent data from being lost. I edited the answer so the files will keep their old names. I order to give them new names, replace name in the last line by "Part_", i, ".wav", for example.
# get a list of the paths to all the files
old_files <- list.files("E:/Audiomoth Files/Winter/Rural/Emma/", pattern = "\\.wav$", full.names = TRUE)
# create new directory
dir.create("E:/Audiomoth Files/Winter/Rural/Emma/Organised Files")
# start a loop, repeat as often as there are groups of 12 within the list of files
for(i in 1:(round(length(old_files)/12)+1)){
# create a directory for the hour
directory <- paste("E:/Audiomoth Files/Winter/Rural/Emma/Organised Files", "/Hour_", i, sep = "")
# select the files that are to copy (I guess it will start with 1*12-11 = 1st file
# and end with i*12 = 12th file)
filesToCopy <- old_files[(i*12-11):(i*12)]
# for those files run another loop:
for(file in 1:12){
# get the name of the file
name <- basename(filesToCopy[file])
# copy the file to the current directory
file.copy(filesToCopy[file], paste(directory, "/", name, sep = ""))
When you're not entirely sure, I'd recommend to copy the files instead of moving them directly (which is what I hope this script here does). You can delete them manually, later on. After you checked that everything worked well and all data is where it should be. Otherwise data can be lost due to even small errors, which we do not want to happen.

Opening JSON files in R

I have downloaded some data from the following site as a zip file and extracted it onto my computer. Now, I'm having trouble trying to open the included json data files.
Running following code:
comp <- fromJSON("statsbomb/data/competitions")
gave this error:
Error in fromJSON("statsbomb/data/competitions") : unexpected character 's'
Also, is there a way to load all files at once instead of writing individual statements each time?
Here is what I did(Unix system).
Clone the Github repo(mark location)
git clone
Set working directory(directory to which you cloned the repo or extracted the zip file).
setwd("path to directory where you cloned the repo")
Read data.
With rjson: rjson::fromJSON(file="competitions.json")
To run all the files at once, move all .json files to a single directory and use lapply/assign to assign your objects to your environment.
Result(single file):
competition_id season_id country_name
1 37 4 England
2 43 3 International
3 49 3 United States of America
4 72 30 International
competition_name season_name match_updated
1 FA Women's Super League 2018/2019 2019-06-05T22:43:14.514
2 FIFA World Cup 2018 2019-05-14T08:23:15.306297
3 NWSL 2018 2019-05-17T00:35:34.979298
4 Women's World Cup 2019 2019-06-21T16:45:45.211614
1 2019-06-05T22:43:14.514
2 2019-05-14T08:23:15.306297
3 2019-05-14T08:02:00.567719
4 2019-06-21T16:45:45.211614
The function fromJSON takes a JSON string as a first argument unless you specify you are giving a file (fromJSON(file = "competitions.json")).
The error you mention comes from the function trying to parse 'statsbomb/data/competitions' as a string and not a file name. In JSON however, everything is enclosed in brackets and strings are inside quotation marks. So the s from "statsbomb" is not a valid first character.
To read all json files you could do:
lapply(dir("open-data-master/",pattern="*.json",recursive = T), function(x) {
assign(gsub("/","_",x), fromJSON(file = paste0("open-data-master/",x)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
however this will take a long time to complete! You probably should elaborate a little bit on this function. E.g. split the list of files obtained with dir into chunks of 50 before running the lapply call.

How to find a common variable in a large number of databases using Stata

So I have a large number of databases (82) in Stata, that each contain around 1300 variables and several thousand observations. Some of these databases contain variables that give the mean or standard deviation of certain concepts. For example, a variable in such a dataset could be called "leverage_mean". Now, I want to know which datasets contain variables called concept_mean or concept_sd, without having to go through every dataset by hand.
I was thinking that maybe there is a way to loop through the databases looking for variables containing "mean" or "sd", unfortunately I have idea how to do this. I'm using R and Stata datafiles.
Yes, you can do this with a loop in stata as well as R. First, you should check out the stata command ds and the package findname, which will do many of the things described here and much more. But to show you what is happening "under the hood", I'll show the Stata code that can achieve this below:
/*Set your current directory to the location of your databases*/
cd "[your cd here]"
Save the names of the 82 databases to a list called "filelist" using stata's dir function for macros. NOTE: you don't specify what kind of file your database files are, so I'm assuming .xls. This command saves all files with extension ".xls" into the list. What type of file you save into the list and how you import your database will depend on what type of files you are reading in.
local filelist : dir . files "*.xls"
Then loop over all files to show which ones contain variables that end with "_sd" or "_mean".
foreach file of local filelist {
/*import the data*/
import excel "`file'", firstrow clear case(lower)
/*produce a list of the variables that end with "_sd" and "_mean"*/
cap quietly describe *_sd *_mean, varlist
if length("r(varlist)") > 0 {
/*If the database contains variables of interest, display the database file name and variables on screen*/
display "Database `file' contains variables: " r(varlist)
Final note, this loop will only display the database name and variables of interest contained within it. If you want to perform actions on the data, or do anything else, those actions need to be included in the position of the final "display" command (which you may or may not ultimately actually need).
You can use filelist, (from SSC) to create a dataset of files. To install filelist, type in Stata's Command window:
ssc install filelist
With a list of datasets in memory, you can then loop over each file and use describe to get a list of variables for each file. You can store this list of variables in a single string variable. For example, the following will collect the names of all Stata datasets shipped with Stata and then store for each the variables they contain:
findfile "auto.dta"
local base_dir = subinstr("`r(fn)'", "/a/auto.dta", "", 1)
dis "`base_dir'"
filelist, dir("`base_dir'") pattern("*.dta")
gen variables = ""
local nmatch = _N
qui forvalues i = 1/`nmatch' {
local f = dirname[`i'] + "/" + filename[`i']
describe using "`f'", varlist
replace variables = " `r(varlist)' " in `i'
leftalign // also from SSC, to install: ssc install leftalign
Once you have all this information in the data in memory, you can easily search for specific variables. For example:
. list filename if strpos(variables, " rep78 ")
| filename |
13. | auto.dta |
14. | auto2.dta |
The lookfor_all package (SSC) is there for that purpose:
cd "pathtodirectory"
lookfor_all leverage_mean
Just make sure the file extensions are in lowercase(.dta) and not upper.

How can I use R (Rcurl/XML packages ?!) to scrape this webpage?

I have a (somewhat complex) web scraping challenge that I wish to accomplish and would love for some direction (to whatever level you feel like sharing) here goes:
I would like to go through all the "species pages" present in this link:
So for each of them I will go to:
The species page link (for example:
And then to the "Secondary Structures" page link (for example:
Inside that link I wish to scrap the data in the page so that I will have a long list containing this data (for example):
chr.trna3 (1-77) Length: 77 bp
Type: Ala Anticodon: CGC at 35-37 (35-37) Score: 93.45
Str: >>>>>>>..>>>>.........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>>>>>.......<<<<<<<<<<<<....
Where each line will have it's own list (inside the list for each "trna" inside the list for each animal)
I remember coming across the packages Rcurl and XML (in R) that can allow for such a task. But I don't know how to use them. So what I would love to have is:
1. Some suggestion on how to build such a code.
2. And recommendation for how to learn the knowledge needed for performing such a task.
Thanks for any help,
You could use R and the XML package to do this, but (damn) that is some poorly formed HTML you are trying to parse. In fact, in most cases your would want to be using the readHTMLTable() function, which is covered in this previous thread.
Given this ugly HTML, however, we will have to use the RCurl package to pull the raw HTML and create some custom functions to parse it. This problem has two components:
Get all of the genome URLS from the base webpage ( using the getURLContent() function in the RCurlpackage and some regex magic :-)
Then take that list of URLS and scrape the data you are looking for, and then stick it into a data.frame.
So, here goes...
### 1) First task is to get all of the web links we will need ##
links<-strsplit(base_html,"a href=")[[1]]
get_data_url<-function(s) {
ifelse(grep("[[:upper:]]",u_split2)==1 & length(strsplit(u_split2,"#")[[1]])<2,return(u_split2),return(NA))
# Extract only those element that are relevant
### 2) Now, scrape the genome data from all of those URLS ###
# This requires two complementary functions that are designed specifically
# for the UCSC website. The first parses the data from a -structs.html page
# and the second collects that data in to a multi-dimensional list
parse_genomes<-function(g) {
# Pull all of the data and stick it in a list
ID<-g_split2[1] # Sequence ID
LEN<-strsplit(g_split2[2],": ")[[1]][2] # Length
TYPE<-strsplit(g_split3[1],": ")[[1]][2] # Type
AC<-strsplit(g_split3[2],": ")[[1]][2] # Anticodon
SEQ<-strsplit(g_split1[3],": ")[[1]][2] # ID
STR<-strsplit(g_split1[4],": ")[[1]][2] # String
# This will be a high dimensional list with all of the data, you can then manipulate as you like
get_structs<-function(u) {
for (d in 1:length(data_list)) {data_list[[d]]<-append(data_list[[d]],u)}
# Collect data, manipulate, and create data frame (with slight cleaning)
genomes_list<-lapply(genomes[1:2],get_structs) # Limit to the first two genomes (Bdist & Spurp), a full scrape will take a LONG time
genomes_rows<-unlist(genomes_list,recursive=FALSE) # The recursive=FALSE saves a lot of work, now we can just do a straigh forward manipulation
genome_data<-subset(genome_data,ID!="</PRE>") # Some malformed web pages produce bad rows, but we can remove them
The resulting data frame contains seven columns related to each genome entry: ID, length, type, sequence, string, and name. The name column contains the base genome, which was my best guess for data organization. Here it what it looks like:
1 .>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>>>>>.......<<<<<<<<<<<.. Spurp
2 .>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>>>>>.......<<<<<<<<<<<.. Spurp
3 .>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>>>>>.......<<<<<<<<<<<.. Spurp
4 >>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>.>>>.......<<<.<<<<<<<<. Spurp
5 .>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<.....>>>>>.......<<<<<<<<<<<.. Spurp
6 >>>>>>>..>>>>........<<<<.>>>>>.......<<<<<......>>>>.......<<<<.<<<<<<<. Spurp
I hope this helps, and thanks for the fun little Sunday afternoon R challenge!
Just tried it using Mozenda ( After roughly 10 minutes and I had an agent that could scrape the data as you describe. You may be able to get all of this data just using their free trial. Coding is fun, if you have time, but it looks like you may already have a solution coded for you. Nice job Drew.
Interesting problem and agree that R is cool, but somehow i find R to be a bit cumbersome in this respect. I seem to prefer to get the data in intermediate plain text form first in order to be able to verify that the data is correct in every step... If the data is ready in its final form or for uploading your data somewhere RCurl is very useful.
Simplest in my opinion would be to (on linux/unix/mac/or in cygwin) just mirror the entire site (using wget) and take the files named /-structs.html, sed or awk the data you would like and format it for reading into R.
I'm sure there would be lots of other ways also.
