R - Extract CSV file from javascript link via RCurl - r

I have a url:
url <- "http://www.railroadpm.org/home/RPM/Performance%20Reports/BNSF.aspx"
that contains a link to a csv file that I would like to download. The "Export to CSV" link on the above page. The problem is that the csv file is not part of a url, but rather it's javascript. What I would like to do is access the link and create a dataframe out of the csv file. The javascript is:
and from that I can tell that the id is
but I am unsure of how this fits into RCUrl, which from SO seems to be the best way to access this data. Any help would be appreciated.

There was zero effort put into this question (esp since the OP came to the conclusion that RCurl is the current best practice for web wrangling in R) but anytime an SO web scraping question that involves a SharePoint site can actually be answered (Microsoft SharePoint is one of the worst things invented ever next to Windows) it's worth posting an answer.
# make an initial connection to get cookies
) -> res
# retrieve some hidden bits we need to pass b/c SharePoint is a wretched thing.
pg <- content(res, as = "parsed")
for_post <- html_nodes(pg, "input[type='hidden']")
# post the hidden form & save out the CSV
body = as.list(
html_attr(for_post, "value"),
html_attr(for_post, "id")
`__EVENTTARGET` = "ctl11$btnCSV"
) -> res


Using R to mimic “clicking” a download file button on a webpage

There are 2 parts of my questions as I explored 2 methods in this exercise, however I succeed in none. Greatly appreciated if someone can help me out.
[PART 1:]
I am attempting to scrape data from a webpage on Singapore Stock Exchange https://www2.sgx.com/derivatives/negotiated-large-trade containing data stored in a table. I have some basic knowledge of scraping data using (rvest). However, using Inspector on chrome, the html hierarchy is much complex then I expected. I'm able to see that the data I want is hidden under < div class= "table-container" >,and here's what I've tied:
SGXurl <- "https://www2.sgx.com/derivatives/negotiated-large-trade"
SGXdata <- read_html(SGXurl, stringsASfactors = FALSE)
However, nothing has been picked up by the code and I'm doubt if I'm using these code correctly.
[PART 2:]
As I realize that there's a small "download" button on the page which can download exactly the data file i want in .csv format. So i was thinking to write some code to mimic the download button and I found this question Using R to "click" a download file button on a webpage, but i'm unable to get it to work with some modifications to that code.
There's a few filtera on the webpage, mostly I will be interested downloading data for a particular business day while leave other filters blank, so i've try writing the following function:
crawlSGXdata = function(date){
body = NULL
encode = "form",
write_disk("SGXdata.csv")) -> resfile
res = read.csv(resfile)
I was intended to put the function input "date" into the “body” argument, however i was unable to figure out how to do that, so I started off with "body = NULL" by assuming it doesn't do any filtering. However, the result is still unsatisfactory. The file download is basically empty with the following error:
Request Rejected
The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 16783946804070790400
The content is loaded dynamically from an API call returning json. You can find this in the network tab via dev tools.
The following returns that content. I find the total number of pages of results and loop combining the dataframe returned from each call into one final dataframe containing all results.
url <- 'https://api.sgx.com/negotiatedlargetrades/v1.0?order=asc&orderby=contractcode&category=futures&businessdatestart=20190708&businessdateend=20190708&pagestart=0&pageSize=250'
r <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)
num_pages <- r$meta$totalPages
df <- r$data
url2 <- 'https://api.sgx.com/negotiatedlargetrades/v1.0?order=asc&orderby=contractcode&category=futures&businessdatestart=20190708&businessdateend=20190708&pagestart=placeholder&pageSize=250'
if(num_pages > 1){
for(i in seq(1, num_pages)){
newUrl <- gsub("placeholder", i , url2)
newdf <- jsonlite::fromJSON(newUrl)$data
df <- rbind(df, newdf)

Scraping multiple urls from a list of urls. Obtaining the data (text) behind each url, and writing out a text file

I am learning python (using 3.5). I realize I will probably take a bit of heat for posting my question. Here goes: I have literally reviewed several hundred posts, help docs, etc. all in an attempt to construct the code I need. No luck thus far. I hope someone can help me. I have a set of URLs say, 18 or more. Only 2 illustrated here:
[1] "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/111915.html"
[2] "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/092215.htm"
I need to scrape all the data (text) behind each url and write out to individual text files (one for each URL) for future topic model analysis. Right now, I pull in the urls through R using rvest. I then take each url (one at a time, by code) into python and do the following:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen('http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/14info/chappelle-nadal/Columns/012314-Condensed.html').read())
txt = soup.find('div', {'class' : 'body'})
#print(soup.prettify()) not much help
#store the info in an object, then write out the object
#below does write a file
#how to take my BS object and get it in
open_file = open('23Jan2014cplNadal1.txt', 'w')
The above gets me partially to my target. It leaves me just a little clean up regarding the text, but that's okay. The problem is that it is labor intensive.
Is there a way to
Write a clean text file (without invisibles, etc.) out from R with all listed urls?
For python 3.5: Is there a way to take all the urls, once they are in a clean single file (the clean text file, one url per line), and have some iterative process retrieve the text behind each url and write out a text file for each URL's data(text) to a location on my hard drive?
I have to do this process for approximately 1000 state-level senators. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
Edit to original: Thank you so much all. To N. Velasquez: I tried the following:
for (url in urls) {
download.file(url, destfile = basename(url), method="curl", mode ="w", extra="-k")
html files are then written out to my working directory. However, is there a way to write out text files instead of html files? I've read download.file info and can't seem to figure out a way to push out individual text files. Regarding the suggestion for a for loop: Is what I illustrate what you mean for me to attempt? Thank you!
The answer for 1 is: Sure!
The following code will loop you through the html list and export atomic TXTs, as per your request.
Note that through rvest and html_node() you could get a much more structure datset, with recurring parts of the html stored separately. (header, office info, main body, URL, etc...)
urls <- (c("http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/111915.html", "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/092215.htm"))
for (i in 1:length(urls))
ht <- list()
ht[i] <- html_text(html_node(read_html(urls[i]), xpath = '//*[#id="mainContent"]'), trim = TRUE)
ht <- gsub("[\r\n]","",ht)
writeLines(ht[i], paste("DOC_", i, ".txt", sep =""))
Look for the DOC_1.txt and DOC_2.txt in your working directory.

Download mp3 file

I would like to use a website from R. The website is http://soundoftext.com/ where I can download WAV. files with audios from a given text and a language (voice).
There are two steps to download the voice in WAV:
1) Insert text and Select language. And Submit
2) On the new window, click Save and select folder.
Until now, I could get the xml tree, convert it to list and modify the values of text and language. However, I don't know how to convert the list to XML (with the new values) and execute it. Then, I would need to do the second step too.
Here is my code so far:
webpage <- getURL("http://soundoftext.com/")
webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)
pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
# Inserting word
# Select language
I have follow this approach but there is an error with "tag".
UPDATED: I just tried to use rvest to download the audio file, however, it does not respond or trigger anything. What am I doing wrong (missing)?
url <- "http://soundoftext.com/"
s <- html_session(url)
f0 <- html_form(s)
f1 <- set_values(f0[[1]], text="Raúl", lang="es")
attr(f1, "type") <- "Submit"
s[["fields"]][["submit"]] <- f1
attr(f1, "Class") <- "save"
test <- submit_form(s, f1)
I see nothing wrong with your approach and it was worth a try.. that's what I'd write too.
The page is somewhat annoying in that uses jquery to append new divs at each request. I still think that should be possible to do with rvest, but I found a fun workaround using the httr package:
url <- "http://soundoftext.com/sounds"
fd <- list(
submit = "save",
text = "Banana",
resp<-POST(url, body=fd, encode="form")
id <- content(resp)$id
download.file(URLencode(paste0("http://soundoftext.com/sounds/", id)), destfile = 'test.mp3')
Essentially when it send the POST request to the server, an ID come back, if we simply GET that id when can download the file.
Creator of Sound of Text here. Sorry it took so long for me to find this post.
I just redesigned Sound of Text, so your html parsing probably won't work anymore.
However, there is now an API that you can use which should make things considerably easier for you.
You can find the documentation here: https://soundoftext.com/docs
I apologize if it's not very good. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Scrape contents of dynamic pop-up window using R

I'm stuck on this one after much searching....
I started with scraping the contents of a table from:
Which is easy:
data <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:100){
print(paste("page", i, "of 100"))
url <- paste("http://www.skatepress.com/skates-top-10000/artworks/", i, "/", sep = "")
temp <- readHTMLTable(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, url, which = 1, encoding = "UTF-8")
data <- rbind(data, temp)
} # end of scraping loop
However, I need to additionally scrape the detail that is contained in a pop-up box when you click on each name (and on the artwork title) in the list on the site.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to pass the breadcrumb (or artist-id or painting-id) through in order to make this happen. Since straight up using rvest to access the contents of the nodes doesn't work, I've tried the following:
I tried passing the painting id through in the url like this:
url <- ("http://www.skatepress.com/skates-top-10000/artworks/?painting_id=576")
site <- html(url)
But it still gives an empty result when scraping:
node1 <- "bread-crumb > ul > li.activebc"
site %>% html_nodes(node1) %>% html_text(trim = TRUE)
I'm (clearly) not a scraping expert so any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated! I need a way to capture this additional information for each of the 10,000 items on the list...hence why I'm not interested in doing this manually!
Hoping this is an easy one and I'm just overlooking something simple.
This will be a more efficient base scraper and you can get progress bars for free with the pbapply package:
base_url <- "http://www.skatepress.com/skates-top-10000/artworks/%d/"
n <- 100
bind_rows(pblapply(1:n, function(i) {
mutate(html_table(html_nodes(read_html(sprintf(base_url, i)), "table"))[[1]],
`Sale Date`=as.Date(`Sale Date`, format="%m.%d.%Y"),
`Premium Price USD`=as.numeric(gsub(",", "", `Premium Price USD`)))
})) -> skatepress
I added trivial date & numeric conversions.
I belive your main issue is that the site requires a login to get the additional data. You should give that (i.e. logging in) a shot using httr and grab the wordpress_logged_inXXXXXXX… cookie from that endeavour. I just grabbed it from inspecting the session with Developer Tools in Chrome and that will also work for you (but it's worth the time to learn how to do it via httr).
You'll need to scrape two additional <a … tags from each table row. The one for "artist" looks like:
Pablo Picasso
You can scrape the contents with:
verbose()) -> artist_response
fromJSON(content(artist_response, as="text"))
(The return value is too large to post here)
The one for "artwork" looks like:
Les femmes d′Alger (Version ′O′)
and you can get that in similar fashion:
verbose()) -> artwork_response
fromJSON(content(artwork_response, as="text"))
That's not huge but I won't clutter the response with it.
NOTE that you can also use rvest's html_session to do the login (which will get you cookies for free) and then continue to use that session in the scraping (vs read_html) which will mean you don't have to do the httr GET/PUT.
You'll have to figure out how you want to incorporate that data into the data frame or associate it with it via various id's in the data frame (or some other strategy).
You can see it call those two php scripts via Developer Tools and it also shows the data it passes in. I'm also really shocked that site doesn't have any anti-scraping clauses in their ToS but they don't.

automating the login to the uk data service website in R with RCurl or httr

I am in the process of writing a collection of freely-downloadable R scripts for http://asdfree.com/ to help people analyze the complex sample survey data hosted by the UK data service. In addition to providing lots of statistics tutorials for these data sets, I also want to automate the download and importation of this survey data. In order to do that, I need to figure out how to programmatically log into this UK data service website.
I have tried lots of different configurations of RCurl and httr to log in, but I'm making a mistake somewhere and I'm stuck. I have tried inspecting the elements as outlined in this post, but the websites jump around too fast in the browser for me to understand what's going on.
This website does require a login and password, but I believe I'm making a mistake before I even get to the login page.
Here's how the website works:
The starting page should be: https://www.esds.ac.uk/secure/UKDSRegister_start.asp
This page will automatically re-direct your web browser to a long URL that starts with: https://wayf.ukfederation.org.uk/DS002/uk.ds?[blahblahblah]
(1) For some reason, the SSL certificate does not work on this website. Here's the SO question I posted regarding this. The workaround I've used is simply ignoring the SSL:
set_config( config( ssl.verifypeer = 0L ) )
and then my first command on the starting website is:
z <- GET( "https://www.esds.ac.uk/secure/UKDSRegister_start.asp" )
this gives me back a z$url that looks a lot like the https://wayf.ukfederation.org.uk/DS002/uk.ds?[blahblahblah] page that my browser also re-directs to.
In the browser, then, you're supposed to type in "uk data archive" and click the continue button. When I do that, it re-directs me to the web page https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk/idp/Authn/UserPassword
I think this is where I'm stuck because I cannot figure out how to have cURL followlocation and land on this website. Note: no username/password has been entered yet.
When I use the httr GET command from the wayf.ukfederation.org.uk page like this:
y <- GET( z$url , query = list( combobox = "https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk/shibboleth-idp" ) )
the y$url string looks a lot like z$url (except it's got a combobox= on the end). Is there any way to get through to this uk data archive authentication page with RCurl or httr?
I can't tell if I'm just overlooking something or if I absolutely must use the SSL certificate described in my previous SO post or what?
(2) At the point I do make it through to that page, I believe the remainder of the code would just be:
values <- list( j_username = "your.username" ,
j_password = "your.password" )
POST( "https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk/idp/Authn/UserPassword" , body = values)
But I guess that page will have to wait...
The relevant data variables returned by the form are action and origin, not combobox. Give action the value selection and origin the value from the relevant entry in combobox
y <- GET( z$url, query = list( action="selection", origin = "https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk/shibboleth-idp") )
> y$url
[1] "https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk:443/idp/Authn/UserPassword"
It looks as though the handle pool isn't keeping your session alive correctly. You therefore need to pass the handles directly rather than automatically. Also for the POST command you need to set multipart=FALSE as this is the default for HTML forms. The R command has a different default as it is mainly designed for uploading files. So:
y <- GET( handle=z$handle, query = list( action="selection", origin = "https://shib.data-archive.ac.uk/shibboleth-idp") )
Response [https://www.esds.ac.uk/]
Status: 200
Content-type: text/html
Introduction to ESDS
<meta name="description" content="Introduction to the ESDS, home page" />
I think one way to address "enter your organization" page goes like this:
org <- "your_organization"
user <- "your_username"
password <- "your_password"
signin <- "http://esds.ac.uk/newRegistration/newLogin.asp"
# get to org page and enter org
p0 <- html_session(signin) %>%
org_link <- html_nodes(p0, "option") %>%
str_subset(org) %>%
str_match('(?<=\\")[^"]*') %>%
f0 <- html_form(p0) %>%
first() %>%
set_values(origin = org_link)
fake_submit_button <- list(name = "submit-btn",
type = "submit",
value = "Continue",
checked = NULL,
disabled = NULL,
readonly = NULL,
required = FALSE)
attr(fake_submit_button, "class") <- "btn-enabled"
f0[["fields"]][["submit"]] <- fake_submit_button
c0 <- cookies(p0)$value
names(c0) <- cookies(p0)$name
p1 <- submit_form(session = p0, form = f0, config = set_cookies(.cookies = c0))
Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the whole problem—(2) is harder than it looks. I've got more of what I think is a solution posted here: R: use rvest (or httr) to log in to a site requiring cookies. Hopefully someone will help us get the rest of the way.
