Algorithmic Differentiation vs Multiple Explicit Components with Analytical Derivatives - openmdao

I have a problem composed of around 6 mathematical expressions - i.e. (f(g(z(y(x))))) where x are two independent arrays.
I can divide this expression into multiple explicit comps with analytical derivatives or use an algorithmic differentiation method to get the derivatives which reduces the system to a single explicit component.
As far as i understand it is not easy to tell in advance the possible computational performance difference between these 2 approaches.
It might depend on the algorithmic differentiation tools capabilities on the reverse mode case but maybe the system will be very large with multiple explicit components that it would still be ok to use algo diff.
my questions is :
Is algo diff. a common tool being used by any of the developers/users ?
I found AlgoPY but not sure about other python tools.

As of OpenMDAO v2.4 the OpenMDAO development team has not heavily used AD tools on any pure-python components. We have experimented with it a bit and found roughly a 2x increase in computational vs hand differentiated components. While some computational cost increase is expected, I do not want to indicate that I expect 2x to be the final rule of thumb. We simply don't have enough data to provide such an estimate.
Python based AD tools are much less well developed than those for compiled languages. The dynamic typing and general language flexibility both make it much more challenging to write good AD tools.
We have interfaced OpenMDAO with compiled codes that use AD, such as CFD and FEA tools. In these cases you're always using the matrix-free derivative APIs for OpenMDAO (apply_linear and compute_jacvec_product).
If your component is small enough to fit in memory and fast enough to run on a single process, I suggest you hand differentiate your code. That will give you the best overall performance for now.
AD support for small serial components is something we'll look into supporting in the future, but we don't have anything to offer you in the near term (as of OpenMDAO v2.4)


Understanding the reasons behind Openmdao design

I am reading about MDO and I find openmdao really interesting. However I have trouble understanding/justifying the reasons behind some basic choices.
Why Gradient-based optimization ? Since gradient-based optimizer can never guarantee global optimum why is it preferred. I understand that finding a global minima is really hard for MDO problems with numerous design variables and a local optimum is far better than a human design. But considering that the application is generally for expensive systems like aircrafts or satellites, why settle for local minima ? Wouldn't it be better to use meta-heuristics or meta-heuristics on top of gradient methods to converge to global optimum ? Consequently the computation time will be high but now that almost every university/ leading industry have access to super computers, I would say it is an acceptable trade-off.
Speaking about computation time, why python ? I agree that python makes scripting convenient and can be interfaced to compiled languages. Does this alone tip the scales in favor of Python ? But if computation time is one of the primary reasons that makes finding the global minima really hard, wouldn't it be better to use C++ or any other energy efficient language ?
To clarify the only intention of this post is to justify (to myself) using Openmdao as I am just starting to learn about MDO.
No algorithm can guarantee that it finds a global optimum in finite time, but gradient-based methods generally find locals faster than gradient-free methods. OpenMDAO concentrates on gradient-based methods because they are able to traverse the design space much more rapidly than gradient-free methods.
Gradient-free methods are generally good for exploring the design space more broadly for better local optima, and there's nothing to prevent users from wrapping the gradient-based optimization drivers under a gradient-free caller. (see the literature about algorithms like Monotonic Basin Hopping, for instance)
Python was chosen because, while it's not the most efficient in run-time, it considerably reduces the development time. Since using OpenMDAO means writing code, the relatively low learning curve, ease of access, and cross-platform nature of Python made it attractive. There's also a LOT of open-source code out there that's written in Python, which makes it easier to incorporate things like 3rd party solvers and drivers. OpenMDAO is only possible because we stand on a lot of shoulders.
Despite being written in Python, we achieve relatively good performance because the algorithms involved are very efficient and we attempt to minimize the performance issues of Python by doing things like using vectorization via Numpy rather than Python loops.
Also, the calculations that Python handles at the core of OpenMDAO are generally very low cost. For complex engineering calculations like PDE solvers (e.g. CFD or FEA) the expensive parts of the code can be written in C, C++, Fortran, or even Julia. These languages are easy to interface with python, and many OpenMDAO users do just that.
OpenMDAO is actively used in a number of applications, and the needs of those applications drives its design. While we don't have a built-in monotonic-basin-hopping capability right now (for instance), if that was determined to be a need by our stakeholders we'd look to add it in. As our development continues, if we were to hit roadblocks that could be overcome by switching do a different language, we would consider it, but backwards compatibility (the ability of users to use their existing Python-based models) would be a requirement.

Does it make sense to use a gradient free optimizer within openmdao framework

Is my understanding correct that : using a gradient free optimizer wraps the whole problem and treats it as a black box (even though the problem has multiple groups/components attached to inner solvers with gradients etc.).
Then the actual capabilities of openmdao are not exploited well and the advantage of openmdao boils down to easily tracking your calculations with smaller routines etc.
Though it is true that OpenMDAO's most unique and powerful feature is its automatic derivatives capability, IMO that does not mean that it is only useful in the context of gradient based optimization. The framework offers several other features that are useful regardless of what optimizer you chose. For example:
support for parallelization
library of powerful nonlinear solvers
modular model construction
You could certainly hand-code a large, complex model without OpenMDAO, then wrap that with a gradient free optimizer, but I would argue that you would ultimately end up doing a bit more work in the long run. Using a framework provides organization and structure to your model that pays off long term.

Using ExternalCodeComp as the single comp and OpenMDAO concept

I am very much attracted to the idea of using the OpenMDAO. However I am not sure if it is worthwhile to use OpenMDAO in an optimization scenario where I use an external code as a single component and nothing else.
Is there any difference between the implementation using an optimizer available in SciPy versus the aforementioned openmdao implementation.
Or any difference between that and implementation of similar approach in some other language like matlab optimization toolbox etc?
(Of course the way optimizers are implemented may differ but i mean conceptually am i taking advantage of OpenMDAO with this approach?)
As far as I read the articles; openMDAO is powerful in cases where multiple components ''interact'' with each other and "global derivatives"" are obtained?
Am I taking advantage of openMDAO by using single ExternalCodeComp
Using just a single ExternalCodeComp would not be using the full potential of OpenMDAO. There would still be some advantages, because the ExternalCodeComp handles a lot of file wrapping details for you. Additionally, there are often details in an optimization, such as adding constraints, the will commonly require additional components. In that case you might use an ExecComp to add a few additional calculations.
Lastly, using OpenMDAO would allow you to potentially grow your model in the future to include other disciplines.
If you are sure that you'll never do anything other than optimize the one external code, then OpenMDAO does reduce down to a similarly functionality to using the bare pyoptsparse, scipy, or matlab optimizers though. In this corner case, OpenMDAO doesn't bring a whole lot to the table, other than the ease of use of the ExternalCodeComp.

Constraint handling, integer & parallel optimization

I have recently been assigned to a project where an optimization tool will be developed in python.
Various online search points out there are multiple libraries/platforms that come with pros and cons. As far as I have looked up with the existing openmdao framework we can not have an optimizer that can do constraint handling, mixed-integer, parallel optimization. Here with parallel it is meant that each iteration should be parallellized as in GADriver. I wanted to ask some advice from the developers considering the future possible improvements on openmdao:
Is it a good idea to look into writing a wrapper for an existing optimizer that can handle the aforementioned request or should one opt out from openmdao completely as openmdao may not be the strongest platform in this specific problem?
if writing a wrapper is a good idea i assume one should look for driver routines in the openmdao 2.2.X github. Do you have any advice for an optimizer type within python (paid or free) that can be easily compatible with openmdao.
There is an AIAA paper titled "Next generation aircraft design considering airline operations and economics", which described current state-of-the-art research into mixed integer programming problems. The approach here used a hybrid method that takes advantage of the efficient gradient based capabilities of OpenMDAO to handle larger numbers of continuous design variables.
In general, there is no limitation on mixed integer programming. You just need to write your own driver to handle it. These algorithsm are complex, but SimpleGADriver is a decent place to start to see how to run the model in parallel.

Tuning Mathematical Parallel Codes

Assuming that I am interested in performance rather than portability of my linear algebra iterative multi-threaded solver and that I have the results of profiling my code in hand, how do I go about tuning my code to run optimally on that machine of my choice?
The algorithm involves Matrix-Vector multiplications, norms and dot-products. (FWIW, I am working on CG and GMRES).
I am working on codes which are of matrix size roughly equivalent to the full size of the RAM (~6GB). I'll be working on Intel i3 Laptop. I'll be linking my codes using Intel MKL.
Is there a good resource(PDF/Book/Paper) for learning manual tuning? There are numerous things that I learnt by doing for instance : Manual Unrolling isn't always optimal or about compiler flags but I would prefer a centralized resource.
I need something to translate profiler information to improved performance. For instance, my profiler tells me that my stacks of one processor are being accessed by another or that my mulpd ASM is taking too much time. I have no clue what these mean and how I could use this information for improving my code.
My intention is to spend as much time as needed to squeeze as much compute power as possible. Its more of a learning experience than for actual use or distribution as of now.
(I am concerned about manual tuning not auto-tuning)
Misc Details:
This differs from usual performance tuning since the major portions of the code are linked to Intel's proprietary MKL library.
Because of Memory Bandwidth issues in O(N^2) matrix-vector multiplications and dependencies, there is a limit to what I could manage on my own through simple observation.
I write in C and Fortran and I have tried both and as discussed a million times on SO, I found no difference in either if I tweak them appropriately.
Gosh, this still has no answers. After you've read this you'll still have no useful answers ...
You imply that you've already done all the obvious and generic things to make your codes fast. Specifically you have:
chosen the fastest algorithm for your problem (either that, or your problem is to optimise the implementation of an algorithm rather than to optimise the finding of a solution to a problem);
worked your compiler like a dog to squeeze out the last drop of execution speed;
linked in the best libraries you can find which are any use at all (and tested to ensure that they do in fact improve the performance of your program;
hand-crafted your memory access to optimise r/w performance;
done all the obvious little tricks that we all do (eg when comparing the norms of 2 vectors you don't need to take a square root to determine that one is 'larger' than another, ...);
hammered the parallel scalability of your program to within a gnat's whisker of the S==P line on your performance graphs;
always executed your program on the right size of job, for a given number of processors, to maximise some measure of performance;
and still you are not satisfied !
Now, unfortunately, you are close to the bleeding edge and the information you seek is not to be found easily in books or on web-sites. Not even here on SO. Part of the reason for this is that you are now engaged in optimising your code on your platform and you are in the best position to diagnose problems and to fix them. But these problems are likely to be very local indeed; you might conclude that no-one else outside your immediate research group would be interested in what you do, I know you wouldn't be interested in any of the micro-optimisations I do on my code on my platform.
The second reason is that you have stepped into an area that is still an active research front and the useful lessons (if any) are published in the academic literature. For that you need access to a good research library, if you don't have one nearby then both the ACM and IEEE-CS Digital Libraries are good places to start. (Post or comment if you don't know what these are.)
In your position I'd be looking at journals on 2 topics: peta- and exa-scale computing for science and engineering, and compiler developments. I trust that the former is obvious, the latter may be less obvious: but if your compiler already did all the (useful) cutting-edge optimisations you wouldn't be asking this question and compiler-writers are working hard so that your successors won't have to.
You're probably looking for optimisations which like, say, loop unrolling, were relatively difficult to find implemented in compilers 25 years ago and which were therefore bleeding-edge back then, and which themselves will be old and established in another 25 years.
First, let me make explicit something that was originally only implicit in my 'answer': I am not prepared to spend long enough on SO to guide you through even a summary of the knowledge I have gained in 25+ years in scientific/engineering and high-performance computing. I am not given to writing books, but many are and Amazon will help you find them. This answer was way longer than most I care to post before I added this bit.
Now, to pick up on the points in your comment:
on 'hand-crafted memory access' start at the Wikipedia article on 'loop tiling' (see, you can't even rely on me to paste the URL here) and read out from there; you should be able to quickly pick up the terms you can use in further searches.
on 'working your compiler like a dog' I do indeed mean becoming familiar with its documentation and gaining a detailed understanding of the intentions and realities of the various options; ultimately you will have to do a lot of testing of compiler options to determine which are 'best' for your code on your platform(s).
on 'micro-optimisations', well here's a start: Performance Optimization of Numerically Intensive Codes. Don't run away with the idea that you will learn all (or even much) of what you want to learn from this book. It's now about 10 years old. The take away messages are:
performance optimisation requires intimacy with machine architecture;
performance optimisation is made up of 1001 individual steps and it's generally impossible to predict which ones will be most useful (and which ones actually harmful) without detailed understanding of a program and its run-time environment;
performance optimisation is a participation sport, you can't learn it without doing it;
performance optimisation requires obsessive attention to detail and good record-keeping.
Oh, and never write a clever piece of optimisation that you can't easily un-write when the next compiler release implements a better approach. I spend a fair amount of time removing clever tricks from 20-year old Fortran that was justified (if at all) on the grounds of boosting execution performance but which now just confuses the programmer (it annoys the hell out of me too) and gets in the way of the compiler doing its job.
Finally, one piece of wisdom I am prepared to share: these days I do very little optimisation that is not under one of the items in my first list above; I find that the cost/benefit ratio of micro-optimisations is unfavourable to my employers.
