How to get firebase real-time database usage programmatically - firebase

Is there any API available for getting real-time database usage.
We need to show usage and related info on our dashboard and my client don't want to visite firebase consol and option for the upgrade or downgrade plan programmatically

There is currently no API for this. You may file a feature request here.


With the free account of Firebase is it possible to backup firestore? How?

I have Spark plan (free) and I would like to backup the Firestore Data. I followed this Tutorial but it returns this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.export) PERMISSION_DENIED: This API method requires billing to be enabled. Please enable billing on project by visiting then retry. If you enabled billing for this project recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Is there a way to to backup it WITHOUT UPGRADING TO BLAZE? If yes, how?
The error message is pretty explicit:
This API method requires billing to be enabled.
The documentation on exporting data also has this note:
Firebase projects must be on the Blaze plan to use the managed export and import feature. Enabling billing for the Google Cloud automatically upgrades your Firebase project to the Blaze plan.
So it looks like your project will need to be on the Blaze plan to use scheduled exports.

Can Firebase be used in an app supported by another Backend and Database?

I am looking to make an app that would have its Backend on another service like AWS or some other. This app would be having many features and functionalities.
But for chat feature, I am exploring options and wondering that would I be able to integrate Firebase in my app.
I have read about Firebase Functions to add more functionality at the backend and also the installation of Firebase Admin to servers.
But still I am not convinced about their capabilities and exactly what all I can do with them.
It would be great if someone who has experience with Firebase help me out figuring if going with it is the best case for me or is there something else I should look into.
So first you can't use Firebase in combination with AWS or Azure etc. Firebase is based on Google Cloud and is the interface between the mobile client (the running app on the client's smartphone) and the backend (your Firebase project).
What I use is, for example, Firebase Cloud Messaging, to simply notify one or multiple users by trigger an HTTP Request from my own web server.
I also made some apps to store the data in FireStore or in the Realtime-Database, so that I don't have to set up a whole new infrastructure. And this is basically the goal of Firebase that you can simply start with your app, without carrying about that.
So what I've heard about Firebase is that you currently cannot install Firebase on a server of your choice and you have to use Google Cloud.
Hopefully, you can do something with my answer. If you have further questions feel free to ask them.

Monitortool for Realtime database of Firebase

Is there any tool to monitor the data transfer to my real time database in firebase? To see how many user connect at live time and how much data is transferred?
There's a usage tab in your Firebase Database console that has most of that information.
We also just released a tool that allows you to profile your database usage. See that tool's blog post and reference documentation.

Where to find Firebase usage report? [duplicate]

After I migrated my app to I cannot view the database usage quota, bandwidth usage and several other statistics in the analytics tab. Is there any way to check this using new panel?
Update: you can now see your project's Realtime Database, Cloud Storage, and Hosting usage in the Firebase console.
Update (20160727): you can now see your project's database usage from the Firebase Console. Thanks for your patience!
Previous answer: the database usage quota charts are not yet available in the new Firebase Console. We're working on adding them, as well as adding similar charts for Storage and Hosting. Hang in there!
I see a new Usage tab now. Console > Database > Usage
Currently shows Sent Bytes, Storage and Connections. Looks like it may not be stable yet, because it does not match the stats reflected in my billing section.

implement push notification in firebase with batch

I am trying to make firebase and batch work together so that I can fire push notification when something in firebase db got changed. I followed this tutorial and now i want to make them work automatically and for that i contacted with batch's and they replied me
write your own server-side code to 1. detect Firebase db changes 2. call the Batch API.
For "detect Firebase db changes" I have to create a server-side code which will track changes and call batch's api accordingly. Then follow this documentation for attaching the changed content and send it to appropriate user.
I don't know how to create the server side code. Anyone can give me a quick instructions on it or there's any tutorial related to this?
To write server-side Firebase code you can use the node.js SDK. See (search the page for node.js).
The API is exactly the same as the regular web API except that you'll be writing it as a node.js application that can be run on the server. You can then integrate this with Batch's API.
