Ractive js 0.10 index from context - ractivejs

I'm upgrading an app from 0.7 and in an event I had access to the current stack of indexes:
now instead of event I have context, is there an analogue of this or do I need to explicitly pass #index?

What you can do is get the index from context with ctx.get('#index')


Meteor reactive-var package is missing the equals() method, is this a bug?

I'm learning about reactive programming in Meteor:
I believe that the idea behind Session.equals(key, value) is to remember an association between the reactive variable and the desired value so that updates only propagate to the surrounding code if the equality changes. That way if we have hundreds of views that depend on the variable, only the old and new views get their update code triggered when the value changes.
Note that this would not be the case if we called Session.get(key) === value because every view's code would be called when the variable changes. This is discussed further under the Session.get versus Session.equals() section of the article.
But I found an inconsistency under the Using Reactive Variables section where it says:
Notice that a reactive variable, unlike the Session object, does not have an equals() method. Yes, that is a shame.
So reactive-var is missing equals() but reactive-dict has ReactiveDict.equals().
I can't really see a conceptual reason to exclude ReactiveVar.equals(). Maybe they had no context for storing the association, or maybe there is some scoping or other issue with Javascript that prevents this that I don't fully understand.
So my question is: is this a bug?
Should I just always use reactive-dict? In which case I would change everything from:
let myReactiveVar = new ReactiveVar();
if(myReactiveVar.get() === 'myValue')
To the more verbose (but performant):
let myReactiveDict = new ReactiveDict();
if(myReactiveDict.equals('myReactiveVar', 'myValue'))
Which would match the functionality provided by Session.equals().
Another option would be to extend the ReactiveVar prototype with my own equals() method or inherit it in a child class and provide a MyReactiveVar.equals() method. Kudos if someone can provide examples to do either of these workarounds that we could submit as a pull request to the Meteor maintainers.
Update: I forgot to mention that ReactiveVar does take an equalsFunc optional parameter in its constructor. It might be possible to hack that as a reactive code block to partially implement equals() functionality without extending the class. Also, here is a related issue on GitHub.
Update: to save time, here is the relevant source code for ReactiveVar and ReactiveDict.equals(). I believe that the value parameter gets converted to serializedValue and is then added as a dependency in ReactiveDict, but I still don't see why it wouldn't be possible to do something similar for ReactiveVar.
The reason there's no equals method for ReactiveVar is because set only invalidates the computations is the new value differs from the current value.
Sets the current value of the ReactiveVar, invalidating the Computations that called get if newValue is different from the old value.
const example = new ReactiveVar(0);
Tracker.autorun(() => {
example.set(1); // logs 1
example.set(0); // logs 0
example.set(0); // doesn't log
This is similar behaviour to ReactiveDict's equals method.
Note that set on ReactiveDict does not behave this way. Calling set broadcasts that the value has changed. If you want to prevent the computation from invalidating, that is when you would use equals.
Set a value for a key in the ReactiveDict. Notify any listeners that the value has changed (eg: redraw templates, and rerun any Tracker.autorun computations, that called ReactiveDict.get on this key.)

WinDbg+SOS : How to view the .NET object wrapping the handle?

I have import a dump file from .NET Core process into WinDbg.
There is an event handle
0:000> !handle 3760 f
Handle 0000000000003760
Type Event
Attributes 0
GrantedAccess 0x1f0003:
HandleCount 2
PointerCount 65534
Name <none>
Object specific information
Event Type Auto Reset
Event is Waiting
How can I use the SOS extension to analyze this event? To see where it is created in managed code?
As Event Type is Auto Reset, imho you should look at the instances of AutoResetEvent class.
Not sure about Core but in Framework you can take NetExt extension and perform queries to the heap.
AutoResetEvent has a private field waitHandle with IntPtr to the handle you observe.
So, after running !windex NexExt query will look like:
!wfrom -type System.Threading.AutoResetEvent where (waitHandle == 0000000000003760) select $addr(), $tohexstring(waitHandle)
If NetExt doesn't work with Core you can dump all instances on AutoResetEvents into text file like this and then find your event there.
.logopen c:\temp\autoresetevents.txt
.foreach (obj {!dumpheap -type AutoResetEvent -short}) {!do obj}
With this approach you'll be able to find managed object that corresponds to the handle.
You'll also be able to see the roots with !GCRoot. But you won't be able to see where it is created.
You'll need to search around.
Or you'll need to use different approach, something with PerfView allocation tracing or maybe some special breakpoints.

IsPublished method is throwing InvalidUriException when component is checked out

I am looping the components in a folder and searching a component whose one field of type DateTime lies in range current date to next 7 days on the basis of its published status.
But if any of the Components is checked out then IsPublished method throws an exception InvalidUriException. How can I handle this situation if I don't want to skip this checked out component by catching the exception and continue looping?
The third line throws InvalidUriException for checked-out components.
componentUri = new TcmUri(node.Attributes[CommonConstants.Id].Value).GetVersionlessUri();
dummyComponent = engine.GetObject(componentUri) as Component;
bool isPublished = PublishEngine.IsPublished(dummyComponent , publicationTarget);
Invalid uri exception means the tcm id (item) doesn't exist. When a component is checked out, it may have a minor version number appended to the uri, e.g. tcm:xx-yy-yy-v1. So you need to grab that.
Try this: open the checked out component's version history and see what the latest version's ID is.
Looking at your code you pass in the component itself, shouldn't it be a TcmUri?
Even throws an exception when you hard-code the URI?
Invalid uri exception is thrown if the method does not support version uri or editable uri. Use the versionless uri then it should work fine i think. U can use TcmUri.GetVersionLess uri method.

"Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." without any meaningfull stack trace

Regularly during my application run, I get
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.managers::SystemManager/stageEventHandler()[C:\autobuild\3.4.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\SystemManager.as:5649]
This is the full stack trace. Obviously, I guess there is something wrong, but I can't understand what.
Is there any way for me to find the origin of that bad behaviour ?
Having added my SDK sources to my debugger, I can now say precisely which line it is :
private function stageEventHandler(event:Event):void
if (event.target is Stage)
mouseCatcher.dispatchEvent(event); // This is line 5649
mouseCatcher is indeed null. The current event target is indeed a Stage object, and event type contains the "deactivate" String. As event occurs at application startup (before I try to do any kind of user interaction), I guess it's a kind of initialization bug, but where ? and why ?
Look at the source code, this is always your best option. The 3.4 SDK is open source (datavisualization and the flash player itself aside) and you probably already have the source for it in your FlashBuilder/FlexBuilder install/sdks folder. Use grep or windows grep to find the file in question (or find, whatever floats your boat). Open the SystemManager file and check what's happening at that line, check for calls to the method (if it's public use grep again, if it's private you just need to look within the SystemManager). Try to understand why it gets to this point, as pointed out by some others it's likely a timing related issue where you're trying to access something before it has been assigned, in this case the SystemManager, you probably need to defer whatever action you're taking that is causing the error to a later part of the life-cycle (if you're using initialize event or pre-initialize try on creationComplete instead since that will be dispatched after the createChildren method is called).
Note: Mine is located here
In my copy of SystemManager with the version of the SDK I have that line number doesn't make any sense since it's a block closure not an executable line so you'll have to look at your specific version.
It looks like you are using the Flex 3.4 SDK. Are you listening for the ADDED_TO_STAGE event when the application loads? Or doing anything with the Stage object on load? If so, you might be hitting a bug specific to the 3.4 SDK:
The most obvious solution is to swap out the 3.4 SDK for a later version (3.4A, 3.5 or 3.6). You can do that here: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+3
All of your code should be backwards compatable with the newer Flex 3 SDKs.

Why does $find(strSomeOtherRadAjaxPanel) return null?

Problem context:
1) rcbComboBoxInRadPanel is a Telerik RadComboBox.
2) rcbComboBoxInRadPanel has "OnClientSelectedIndexChange" event which fires "itemSelected."
3) rcbComboBoxInRadPanel is contained a radAjaxPanel called "foo."
4) strSomeOtherRadAjaxPanel names a RadAjaxPanel that exists outside of "foo."
5) $find(strSomeOtherRadAjaxPanel) returns a valid RadAjaxPanel if executed alone.
function itemSelected(rcbComboBoxInRadPanel)
var strComboBoxInRadPanel = rcbComboBoxInRadPanel.get_id();
var intRecordID = rcbComboBoxInRadPanel.get_value();
It appears that $find(strSomeOtherRadAjaxPanel) always returns null when called from the "OnClientSelectedIndexChange" event of rcbComboBoxInRadPanel.
Is there another way for me obtain a valid reference to the RadAjaxPanel using $find(strSomeOtherRadAjaxPanel)?
Any help you can offer would be helpful.
Can you obtain reference to the strSomeOtherAjaxPanel from other client handler of the combo or when it is moved outside of its ajax panel holder? If the strSomeOtherAjaxPanel is initialized properly on the client, it should be available in each of these cases.
check your rendered html source code. ASP dynamically generates clientID names so your server side IDs may not have persisted. They probably now look something like ctl100aFMLksdjflFML
Either target them some other way (like class name, jQuery search, etc) or set the client ID mode to static (if it is the only instance of this object) then try again.
