is there a way to see how many pages is on my website that's created each month on Google Analytics? - google-analytics

I have a pretty big website, and I'm wondering if google analytics api allows me to look at how many pages were made per month. Or rather, a list of sites that were made with a date tag, that way I can transform it into a count.

No, GA will only provide you with information based on visits, if pages were created and no one visits them, then that page will be missing. Plus you're looking at this MoM, if all of your pages don't get visited during a month, then they will be missing as well. Your best bet is to use a site crawler to index all of your pages.
If you really want to capture this in GA, then consider triggering a GA event when pages are created, this is assuming the creation process is via a web interface (wordpress for example).


Tracking HubSpot forms submission conversions in GA

I have multiple HubSpot forms on site. I need to track each on setting up conversion goals in GA. Ideally, I'd like to be able to track how organic traffic is converting.
I set up goals as explained here:
The problem is that since it tracks an Event, it triggers a conversion for all HubSpot forms, no matter which one is filled in.
Is there a way to set it up to track the conversion for HubSpot per destination page? All forms have separate thank you pages.
If you configure 2 different goals, one for each form (for example by distinguishing them with the event label), you can make sure that the two forms are activated separately, however if you have many forms all the same, for the current session you will not be activated more than one goal for each type of goal per session.
You can always rely on events, perhaps by writing the landing page url in the label to more easily distinguish them in Analytics.

GA Cross Domain Tracking for subfolders with different UA-ID

Our site is broken down into 4 main subfolders lets say,, and
Each of those subfolders has a different Google Analytics tracking account because we treat those subfolders as different divisions.
We want to be able to track clicks from to
Because they have different tracking codes the clicks between divisions don't carry over between GA accounts. So when the page has stats the referrer is {not set} and the previous page path is set to {entrance}, even though they should be
It was suggested, during the creation of our GA accounts to put our domain in the Referral Exclusion List to avoid new sessions being created but I'm wondering if this is what is causing the clicks to not detect the previous page or referrer page, because we are excluding it.
Can anyone help me figure out how I am going to track these stats?
Is using cross domain tracking an option, even though we're not changing domains?
Any help on this will be a big help. TIA
The exclusion from the referral is certainly what makes the direct traffic result, however it is correct that it is set like this. The main problem is that track the same site by dividing the sections into 4 different Analytics Properties is not a good practice.
Cross-domain tracking will not work because they are different Properties (unless you have GA360).
However you can get what you need by using the UTMs parameters on the links, for example for a link from site A to site B you will have to write the URL of the link like this:
In reports you will see these values ​​in referral channel with the defined source instead of direct traffic.

View Google Analytics Data of Multiple Sites?

On the Google Analytics account I use, we collect analytics for multiple websites. We can see users and sessions for each website, that's great.
So far, every feature of Analytics I've come across only allows me to view information from just one site at a time, but now I'd like to see multiple sites.
What we are looking for, is a way to simultaneously view the number of users and sessions of all the websites under our account. I have google searched the problem, I've messed with every single setting I can think of. No progress.
How can we do this?
You could use Data Studio for this. You can either have separate tables on one page for all of the sites you want to report, or to make it more seamless, make a data blend to get stats from multiple sites with multiple GA accounts into one table
It is impossible to create a single view for different trackers in GA.
But you can download data from different trackers to one scheduled report in Google Spreadsheets using Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on
Or create one new tracker and implement on all your websites.
You need to set up cross-domain measurement.
Cross-domain measurement makes it possible for Analytics to see sessions on two related sites as a single session. This is sometimes called site linking.

Google analytics showing hundreds of views for page that doesn't exist

I recently signed up for a google analytics account in anticipation of a new site I'm putting together. The site has not been published, and the tracking script has not been put in the code yet.
Somehow after logging back in to grab the tracking code, it's showing I've already had 275 views in the past month. How is this possible???
These are very likely ghost referrals sent by spammers targeting random GA property IDs (which explains why you see them even before your Web site is live). Since you are setting up a new site, probably the easiest way to get rid of them is to create a new Web property so that you get an ID not ending with -1. The reason is that this type of spam is only targeted at the first property in an account.
If you want to get more information about how referrer spam works and alternative solutions to eliminate it, here is an article I wrote some time ago:

Tracking displays of iframe component in Google Analytics

Site A gives their affiliates an interactive component (traffic map based on Google Maps), which they in turn put on their sites (Site B) in an iframe. The component is dynamic, doesn't change the URL of parent site, and has an id for each affiliate site.
What I would like to do is track the displays of the component. (Price of using Google Maps for the component depends on number of views).
At the moment the component is in <iframe src=",18.910,10&cm=1"></iframe>.
I have looked at the other topics but didn't found a solution to that problem. I would really appreciate any help, I had no experience with cross-site tracking yet.
You as siteA owner want to count number of displays of iframe on other sites, correct?
The basic way to do it is logs analysis β€” every time your server returns page,18.910,10&cm=1 or similar it adds an entry to your server's log files. The can be count when. There is a number of solutions for analyzing log data. Some of them opensource and free, other are paid services. For exmaple:
There is other ways to count it, but it's probably easiest way of all.
