Uneven numbers of tokens and subscript out of bound errors - r

I am trying to analyze data from flow cytometry, where there is a package that was developed like 10 years ago. It requires a few dependencies packages that I was able to install all.
Now when I tried to run it with the first function to create a gate frame for a winlist processed fcs file.
create_gate_frame(frame = archframe1x36x16, inputfile =c("facsdata/TrungTran/Gelfree-8-lane7-5_1_1_A5.fcs"), popdesc = "frames/popdescriptions/array1xpopdesc.txt").
I just got the following errors that I don't know how to solve. So, any help would be very much appreciated.
uneven number of tokens: 1013
The last keyword is dropped.
uneven number of tokens: 1013
The last keyword is dropped.
Error in mat[, c(scatters, dims1, dims2, PE)] : subscript out of bounds


Accessing API with for-loop randomly has encoding error, which breaks loop in R

I'm trying to access an API from iNaturalist to download some citizen science data. I'm using the package rinat to get this done (see vignette). The loop below is, essentially, pulling all observations for one species, in one state, in one year iteratively on a per-month basis, then summing the number of observations for that year (input parameters subset from my actual script for convenience).
state_ids <- c(18, 14)
bird_ids <- c(14886,1409)
months <- c(1:12)
final_nums <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(state_ids)){
total_count <- vector()
for(j in 1:length(months)){
monthly <- get_inat_obs(place_id=state_ids[i],
month = months[j])
total_count <- append(total, length(monthly$scientific_name))
print(paste("done with month", months[j], "in state", state_ids[i]))
final_nums <- append(final_nums, sum(total_count))
print(paste("done with state", state_ids[i]))
Occasionally, and seemingly randomly, I get the following error:
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
Error in if (!x$headers$`content-type` == "text/csv; charset=utf-8") { :
argument is of length zero
This ends up breaking the loop or makes the loop run without actually pulling any real data. Is this an issue with my script, or the API, or something else? I've tried manually supplying encoding information to the get_inat_obs() function, but it doesn't accept that as an argument. Thank you in advance!
I don't believe this is an error in your script. The issue is with the api most likely.
the error argument is of length zero is a common error when you try to make a comparison that has no length. For example:
if(logical(0) == "TEST") print("WORKED!!")
#Error in if (logical(0) == "TEST") print("WORKED!!") :
# argument is of length zero
I did some a few greps on their source code to see where this if statement is and it seems to be within inat_handle line 211 in get_inate_obs.R
This would suggest that the authors did not expect for
!x$headers$`content-type` == 'text/csv; charset=utf-8'
to evaluate to logical(0), but more specifically
to be NULL.
I would suggest making a bug report on their GitHub and recommend they change the specified line to:
if(is.null(x$headers$`content-type`) || !x$headers$`content-type` == 'text/csv; charset=utf-8'){
Suggesting a bug is usually more well received if you have a reproducible example.
Also, you could totally make this change yourself locally by cloning out the git repository, editing the file, rebuild the package, and then confirm if you no longer get an error in your code.

Error while using "EpiEstim" and "ggplot2" libraries

First of all, I must say I'm completely noob in R. So I apologize in advance for asking for help with such a simple task. My task is to form a graph of COVID-19 cases for a certain period using data from the CSV file. Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot contact the person from the World Health Organization who provided the data and the script for launching. But I was left with an error that I cannot fix either myself, not with the help of Google.
Date,Suspected per day,Total suspected,Discarded/pending,Confirmed per day,Total confirmed,Deaths per day,Deaths Total,Case fatality rate,Daily confirmed,Recovered per day,Recovered total,Active cases,Tested with PCR,# of PCR tests total,average tests/ 7 days,Inf HCW,Inf HCW/d,Vent HCW,Susp per day
Error in process_I(incid) (script.R#4): incid must be a vector or a dataframe with either i) a column called 'I', or ii) 2 columns called 'local' and 'imported'.
For the example data the issue seems to be that it does only cover 7 data points, and the configurator assumes that there it can window over more than 7 days. What worked for me was the following code (working in the sense that it does not throw an error).
config <- make_config(incid = COVID$Daily.confirmed,
list(mean_si=4,std_si=3, t_start = c(2,3),t_end = c(6,7)))

Undefined columns selected error in R

I apologize in advance because I'm extremely new to coding and was thrust into it just a few days ago by my boss for a project.
My data set is called s1. S1 has 123 variables and 4 of them have some form of "QISSUE" in their name. I want to take these four variables and duplicate them all, adding "Rec" to the end of each one (That way I can freely play with the new variables, while still maintaining the actual ones).
Running this line of code keeps giving me an error:
b<- llply(s1[,
[str_detect(names(s1), fixed("QISSUE"))],
The error is as such:
Error in `[.data.frame`(s1, , str_c(names(s1)[str_detect(names(s1), fixed("QISSUE")) & :
undefined columns selected
Thank you!
Use this to get the subset. Of course there is other ways to do that with simpler code
b<- llply(s1[,
names(s1)[str_detect(names(s1), fixed("QISSUE"))]
nwnam=str_c(names(s1)[str_detect(names(s1), fixed("QISSUE"))],"Rec")
# of course you can do

Scilab Error 10000

Hi I am new to scilab and don't have much mathematical background.
I have been following code for another example and am being shown error 10000 for the following code:
function [z]=f(x,y)
disp("x y")
function z=fe(x)
for i=1:n
plot (x,y,'ro',xe, ye,'-b');legend ('rk4','Exact',3);
xtitle('solving dy/dx=k(1-y/ym)y','x','y');
I have worked through several other error messages. I am lost and don't know if the problem is in the code or the way I set up the problem. The following is the current error message:
!--error 10000
plot: Wrong size for input argument #2: A non empty matrix expected.
at line 57 of function checkXYPair called by :
at line 235 of function plot called by :
plot (x,y,'ro',xe, ye,'-b');legend ('rk4','Exact',3);
at line 25 of exec file called by :
I would appreciate any help.
Start by adding clear as first statement, this will erase all variables before running your function. In the above script you don't declare ye.
Also the statement x=[x0:h:xn]; is strange with those values for x0,h and xn. You are now trying to get a list of x-values starting at 1950 and with positive steps of 10 up until 5 is reached.
I would recommend to try each line and see if the outcome is as expected. You do not need to know everything about the code, but probaly x and y should contain at least some values. The error is telling you that it expected a non-empty matrix for argument 2. This is y, so essentially it is telling you y is empty.

`data.table` error: "reorder received irregular lengthed list" in setkey

I have a fairly basic data.table in R, with 250k rows and 90 columns. I am trying to key the data.table on one of the columns which is of class character. When I call:
I receive the following cryptic error message:
"Error in setkeyv(x, cols, verbose=verbose) :
reorder received irregular lengthed list"
I have found a source-code commit with this message, but can't quite decipher what it means. My key column contains no NA or blank values, seems perfectly reasonable to look at (it contains stock tickers), and behaves well with the default order() command.
Even more frustrating, the following code completes correctly:
first.dt <- my.dt[1:100000]
second.dt <- my.dt[100001:nrow(my.dt]
I have no idea what could be going on here. Any tips?
Edit 1: I have confirmed every value in the key fits a fairly standard format:
> length(grep("[A-Z]{3,4}\\.[A-Z]{2}",my.dt$my.column)) == nrow(my.dt)
[1] TRUE
Edit 2: My system info is below (note that I'm actually using Windows 7). I am using data.table version 1.8.
> Sys.info()
sysname release version nodename machine login
"Windows" "Server 2008 x64" "build 7600" "WIN-9RH28AH0CKG" "x86-64" "Administrator"
user effective_user
"Administrator" "Administrator"
Please run :
sapply(my.dt, length)
I suspect that one or more columns have a different length to the first column, and that's an invalid data.table. It won't be one of the first 5 because your .Internal(inspect(my.dt)) (thanks) shows those and they're ok.
If so, there is this bug fix in v1.8.1 :
o rbind() of DT with an irregular list() now recycles the list items
correctly, #2003. Test added.
Any chance there's an rbind() at an earlier point to create my.dt together with an irregular lengthed list? If not, please step through your code running the sapply(my.dt,length) to see where the invalidly lengthed column is being created. Armed with that we can make a work around and also fix the potential bug. Thanks.
The original cryptic error message is now improved in v1.8.1, as follows :
DT = list(a=6:1,b=4:1)
Error in setkeyv(x, cols, verbose = verbose) :
Column 2 is length 4 which differs from length of column 1 (6). Invalid
data.table. Check NEWS link at top of ?data.table for latest bug fixes. If
not already reported and fixed, please report to datatable-help.
NB: This method to create a data.table is not recommended because it lets you create an invalid data.table. Unless, you are really sure the list is regular and you really do need speed (i.e. for speed you want to avoid the checks that as.data.table() and data.table() do), or you need to demonstrate an invalid data.table, as I'm doing here.
