Multiple tables into one lookup field - ms-access-2010

I have multiple tables that have different machine lists based on different criteria. I'm trying to create one master table to use as a contact list, so I can document which machine owners I've contacted.
Here's a basic list of tables:
Table 1
IP Address | Asset Name | Contact
Table 2
Asset Name | Contact
Table 3
IP Address | Contact
In another table, is it possible to have one field that includes the Contact value from the 3 tables into one? So the table would have the following columns:
IP Address | Asset Name | Merged Contacts Field

What I ended up doing was just using several nested IFERROR VLOOKUPS in Excel for what I needed to do in Access.
I'm sure there's a way to do it in Access, so that'll be my next step.


Naming Cucumber's Data Table

I am creating test cases on forms that could contains over 50 parameters, some of them would show up when a certain set of questions would be answered specifically.
The data tables were getting very long so I broke them into multiple data tables, each for a specific section of form.
I don't want to add every heading in the step so I want to use the data table's name instead.
Instead of:
When I fill in <title> <first name> <surname> ...
|title|first name|surname|...|
I want:
When I fill in <personal details>
And "personal details":
|title|first name|surname|...|
Is it possible to add and use the data table's name as the placeholder?
Note: I am working with Behave and Python.
It's definitely not possible using the <> syntax.
If you don't have many rows and your main concern is the readability of very wide tables then one option might be "transposing" the table like this:
When I fill in the personal details
| Field | Value |
| Title | Prof. |
| Surname | Einstein |
| ... | |
An other option could be to define the recurring set of properties in the Background like this:
Given the personal details for 'minimal personal details'
| Surname | First name |
| Doe | John |
And the personal details for 'insufficient personal details'
| First name |
| Jack |
And the personal details for 'all personal details'
When I fill in personal details using 'insufficient personal details'
The bindings of the background register their data in the context and the 'when' binding uses the data from the context.
In either case, you'll need a binding that will tolerate missing properties and catch unknown ones.
Am not sure about what you are asking but if you are using the same details in different scenarios then it is better to use Background option of Cucumber. So that it will be checked before executing every scenario.
Tables in Gherkin are a view on the real data (meaning a subset of columns and which rows are of interest). For readability reasons (and that somebody understands what you are doing), you should have at most 7 (plus/minus 2) columns. Maybe, the remaining data can be injected from configuration-files or config-profile database ?!? You basically use the provided Table columns as keys to be able select the configuration-row and to retrieve the remaining data from your configuration-profiles.

Enter data in mother table using data from child tables

Hi all,
I have 3 tables in an access 2010 database:
Crew: CrewID; Name; Adres;...
Voyage: VoyageId; Voyage name; Departure harbour; Arrival harbour
Crewlist: CrewlistId, VoaygeId, CrewId, Rank
The VoaygeId and CrewId from the Crewlist table are linked (relation) to the autonumber ID's from tables 2 and 1.
My first and main question is: Upon boarding everyone has to ‘sign in’ selecting the voyage and there name, and assign them a roll (of to be donde by the responsible officer). How can I make a form that lets the users browse through the voyagenames and crewnames in stead of the ID’s uses in the ‘mother’ table (table 3: Crewlist)
2nd question: how can I make sure that someone isn’t enrolled twice for the same voyage (adding same voyagenumber and same crewId number in crewlist). This would preferably be blocked upon trying to add the same person a second time on a voyage.
To prevent duplicates in Crewlist, add a unique index to the table on both CrewId and VoyageId
It would be a good idea to add relationships and enforce referential integrity
You are now in a position to use the wizards to create a form based on Voyage and a subform based on CrewList with a combobox based on Crew
There are a number of refinements you could add.
Make sure you do not use reserved words like Name and do not put spaces in field names. You will thank yourself later.
See also create form to add records in multiple tables

Missing values in

I am working with the practice repository in preparation for doing upcoming work with a large enterprise client using BQ. The repository link is:
I have 3 questions to ask in relation to the sample repository & a query that was run (please see the bottom of the link for the query that motivated the question:
1) What is the difference between customDimensions.index, customDimensions.value and hits.customDimensions.index, hits.customDimensions.value?
2) If a single hit has multiple custom dimensions/metrics how is that returned/queried? I only see single dimensions matching at the hit level in the sample data.
3) There are no custom metric values passed in the example data, what will those values look like?
Here is the query that motivated the previous 3 questions:
Every record in that table represents one Google Analytics Session. Big Query has this concept of nested fields and that's how individual hits are defined. They are nested into the hits record.
Answering your questions:
1) customDimensions.index and customDimensions.value are the index and value for user or session scoped custom dimensions. hits.customDimensions.index and hits.customDimensions.value re custom Dimensions set at hit scope level. The scope is defined when you create the custom Dimension through GA interface. indexes are integers from 1 to 20 (as defined in the Admin section) and value is the string passed as the value for that custom Dimension. More info about Custom Dimensions/Metrics
2) Both rows and rows.customDimensions are REPEATED RECORDS in Big Query. So in essence every row in that BQ table looks like this:
|- date
|- (....)
+- hits
|- time
+- customDimensions
|- index
|- value
But when you query the data this should be FLATTEN by default. Because it's flatten if a single hit has multiple custom dimensions and metrics it should show multiple rows, one for each.
3) Should be the same as customDimensions but the values are INTEGER instead of STRINGS.
For a simpler and more educational dataset I suggest that you create a brand new BQ table and load the data provided on this developer document page.
PS: Tell my good friends at Cardinal Path that Eduardo said Hello!

How to create a table like structure in drupal content type?

I am almost there with this but cannot seem to get this functionality going as planned.
I am creating a questionnaire using drupal content type. What I am trying to do is to create a table like structure as below in content type. The second and third column contain check boxes and first column data(i.e computer, internet) and first row(i.e Everyone have access , Nobody have access) are taxonomy terms . Is it possible to display like this in content type by using some modules in drupal? Anybody have any better suggestions?
| | Everyone have access | Nobody have access |
| Computers | 1 | 2 |
| Internet | 1 | 2 |
| Fax | 1 | 2 |
You can use the Term Level Field module. This module provides a field type for referencing terms with a level to an entity.
You may use Editable fields with Views module. Of course, if you didn't need such a display (table forms) you should use Views Bulk Operations modules.
If you need to do this in a node use Tableform module. But if you want to show nodes whike editing a node it is the same. A node should not be used for tasks just for content. dynamic data websites insert of associated tables in the same form

Im trying dynamic data websites. I have a customers table and a customers-telephones table. The dynamic data website creates 2 separated forms for the insert in these tables, and I need my form to have the insert of the customer and the insert of the telephones to be in the same form for requirements of the buyer. is it possible to modify something to have the insert of these 2 tables in the same form and with only one accept button?
You can either create a nested gridview, or you can de-normalize your data, giving a fixed maximum of phone numbers per customer.
If you say your customers have maximum 3 different phone numbers (e.g. land, mobile and fax) you can just add these as three new columns on the customers table. In that case you will only need one insert (and one form) to add a customer and all his/her phone numbers.
