Ambiguous column names while querying mySQL using Metabase - metabase

I'm Getting
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Column 'pid' in on clause is ambiguous
I have two tables having columns with the same name (pid).
Is there a way to make metabase use tablename.columnname format to avoid this error ?

This seems to be fixed in v0.30.1


db2 create index but hit SQLSTATE=42703

I have a table created successfully.
1 of the column name is code and another 1 is "deleted".
Thus, I plan to use this 2 field to create its index. I am doing something like follow:
This is working fine in my local. However, I hit this error in UAT:
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0205N Column, attribute, or period "code" is not defined in
I double check the table and confirm the "code" column or "deleted" is exist and same with my local.
I believe something wrong is inside but I cant find the root cause.
Kindly advise.
As per my comment. You are using double-quotes around the column names the column case (uppercase, lowercase) must match between the table-definition and the index definition.
Make sure to name the columns as they were created and are listed in the system catalog. Look for the column names in SYSCAT.COLUMNS (for most Db2 versions). If you don't use quotes, Db2 converts identifiers to uppercase by default. However, if you use quotes they always need to be referenced exactly as written.
"code" is different from "Code" or "COde" or CODE. Thus, check how the column is really named.

How to find constraint 's column list in Sybase IQ?

I want to get columns list based on constraint name in Sybase IQ.
so who knows which system table could provide constraint columns information.
select primary_tname,role,foreign_tname
from sysforeignkeys
does this solve your problem? If you need indexes,it should be easy to join also the sysindex table, to also get the index information of the columns and then you got it all.

oracle sql developer table column without quotations

I'm using SQL Developer to create oracle tables. I'm trying to create the columns without quotes, but after creating the table, when I see the DDL, all columns and table names are in quotations. I want all the columns to be case-insensitive.
How do I do that? Please advise.
The context here is, I have my code in PHP. I'm migrating my backend from MySQL to Oracle. While using MySQL, I referenced all my table columns in lower case. But it looks like OCI_FETCH_ARRAY returns the data in Uppercase columns.
So do I have to change my PHP code to use Uppercase or is there any other alternative? I have hell lot of code to change!!
Ahh, finally figured this out. Yes I agree, quotations dont always make an object case-sensitive, but my problem was OCI_FETCH_ALL, OCI_FETCH_ARRAY etc retrieved the table columns in Upper case, whereas I wanted them in lower case. The following statement is a workaround for the issue. it converts the columns into lower case.
$data_upper = oci_fetch_assoc($data_res);
$data = array_change_key_case($data_upper, CASE_LOWER);
Quotation marks don't always make an object case-sensitive. Objects in all upper-case are always case-insensitive, even if they are surrounded by quotation marks.
SQL> create table test1("QUOTES_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_HERE" number);
Table created.
SQL> select quotes_DONT_do_ANYTHING_here from test1;
no rows selected
You normally only see quotation marks because some tools automatically add them to everything.

Column ' ' in where clause is ambiguous Error in mysql

SELECT tbl_user.userid,
FROM tbl_user
INNER JOIN tbl_organisation
ON tbl_user.organisationid = tbl_organisation.organisationid
WHERE organisationid = #OrganisationID;
I am using this statement to do a databind. I am getting a error here.
Column 'OrganisationID' in where clause is ambiguous
What should I do is it wrong to name the OrganisationID in tbl_user same as tbl_organisation.
OrganisationID is a foreign key from tbl_Organisation
Since you have two columns with the same name on two different tables (and that's not a problem, it's even recommended on many cases), you must inform MySQL which one you want to filter by.
Add the table name (or alias, if you were using table aliases) before the column name. In your case, either
WHERE tbl_user.OrganisationID
WHERE tbl_Organisation.OrganisationID
should work.
You just need to indicate which table you are targeting with that statement, like "tbl_user.OrganisationID". Otherwise the engine doesn't know which OrganisationID you meant.
It is not wrong the have the same column names in two tables. In many (even most) cases, it is actually perferred.

BizTalk Database Lookup functoid fixed condition

Is there a way to further restrict the lookup performed by a database lookup functoid to include another column?
I have a table containing four columns.
Id (identity not important for this)
MapId int
Ident1 varchar
Ident2 varchar
I'm trying to get Ident2 for a match on Ident1 but wish it to only lookup where MapId = 1.
The functoid only allows the four inputs any ideas?
It appears there is a technique if you are interested in searching across columns that are string data types. For those interested I found this out here...
Google Books: BizTalk 2006 Recipes
Seeing as I wish to restrict on a numberic column this doesn't work for me. If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it. Otherwwise I may need to think about my MapId column becoming a string.
I changed the MapId to MapCode of type char(3) and used the technique described in the book I linked to in the update to the original question.
The only issue I faced was that my column collations where not in line so I was getting an error from the SQL when they where concatenated in the statement generated by the map.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM IdentMap WHERE MapCode+Ident1= #P1',N'#P1 nvarchar(17)',N'<MapCode><Ident2>'
Sniffed this using the SQL Profiler
