getting error in VM during flume command execution - flume-ng

i am getting this exception in my VM after running the flume coomand in my Vm-flume-ng agent -n agent1 --conf ./ -f spoolagent.
the error is as follows-
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/flume/node/Application : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
give me a proper soulution for VM on linux sysytem


openstack-nova-api has conflicted with the httpd service among the port 8774

I can't use httpd and nova-api at the same time.
when I used httpd service.The nova-api is dead(or inactive).
#systemctl restart openstack-nova-api
Job for openstack-nova-api.service failed because the control process exited
with error code. See "systemctl status openstack-nova-api.service" and
"journalctl -xe" for details.
I checked out the log,I get the error as follows.
LOG:ERROR nova.wsgi [-] Could not bind to error: [Errno 98] Address already in use.
CRITICAL nova [-] Unhandled error: error: [Errno 98] Address already in use.
And then,I try to find which process have used the port8774.
#netstat -tunlp | grep 8774
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 61690/httpd
When I #systemctl stop httpd->#systemctl restart nova-api->#systemctl restart http. I get a similiar mistake(I use RDO to install openstack-train version on centos 7).
they can't exist together

ConMan start error, cannot recognize options in conman.conf, how to fix?

conman version:
conman.x86_64 0.2.5-2.4.el6 #rhel-install
server syslog="local4"
global ipmiopts="admin,Password#_"
global log="/home/tops/%N.log"
global logopts="nosanitize,timestamp"
console name="17B001682" dev="ipmi:"
running output:
[tops#HP380 ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/conman restart
Starting ConMan: ERROR: CONFIG[/home/tops/conman.conf:2]: unrecognized token 'ipmiopts'
ERROR: CONFIG[/home/tops/conman.conf:6]: console [17B001682] device "ipmi:" type unrecognized
ERROR: Configuration "/home/tops/conman.conf" has no consoles defined
Why this error takes place and how can I fix it? thanks!

Nodes not starting. Jar manifest missing

I am not not able to start nodes on a Linux server
I am getting the following (edited) output
[user#host nodes]$ ./runnodes
which: no osascript in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/home/user/.local/bin:/home/user/bin)
Starting nodes in /opt/nodes
Starting corda.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeA on debug port 5005
Starting corda-webserver.jar in /opt/nodes/Agent on debug port 5006
Starting corda.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeB on debug port 5007
Starting corda-webserver.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeB on debug port 5008
Starting corda.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeC on debug port 5009
Starting corda-webserver.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeC on debug port 5010
Starting corda.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeZ on debug port 5011
Starting corda-webserver.jar in /opt/nodes/NodeZ on debug port 5012
Started 8 processes
Finished starting nodes
[user#host nodes]$ Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.webserver.WebServer_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.node.Corda_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.webserver.WebServer_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.node.Corda_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.webserver.WebServer_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.node.Corda_0.12.1/quasar-core-0.7.6-jdk8.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5012
Unknown command line arguments: no-local-shell is not a recognized option
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5011
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/user/.capsule/apps/net.corda.node.Corda_0.12.1/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/nodes/NodeZ/dependencies/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory]
What am I missing to start these nodes?
Did you build the nodes on Mac, than transfer them to Linux? If so, try building the nodes directly on the Linux machine.

Oozie could not be started -usergroupiformation error

sudo ./bin/ run
ERROR: Oozie could not be started
REASON: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)V

Riak 1.3.1 will not start on lucid, Ec2 instance

I have installed riak (apt-get) on an EC2 instance, lucid, amd64 with libssl.
When running riak start I get:
Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
Riak failed to start within 15 seconds,
see the output of 'riak console' for more information.
If you want to wait longer, set the environment variable
WAIT_FOR_ERLANG to the number of seconds to wait.
Running riak console:
Exec: /usr/lib/riak/erts-5.9.1/bin/erlexec -boot /usr/lib/riak/releases/1.3.1/riak
-embedded -config /etc/riak/app.config
-pa /usr/lib/riak/lib/basho-patches
-args_file /etc/riak/vm.args -- console
Root: /usr/lib/riak
Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]
/usr/lib/riak/lib/os_mon-2.2.9/priv/bin/memsup: Erlang has closed.
Erlang has closed
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_core, {shutdown,{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}
Crash dump was written to: /var/log/riak/erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,riak_core, {shutdown,{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}})
The error logs:
2013-04-24 11:36:20.897 [error] <0.146.0> CRASH REPORT Process riak_core_handoff_listener with 1 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: {error,eaddrinuse} in gen_server:init_it/6 line 332
2013-04-24 11:36:20.899 [error] <0.145.0> Supervisor riak_core_handoff_listener_sup had child riak_core_handoff_listener started with riak_core_handoff_listener:start_link() at undefined exit with reason bad return value: {error,eaddrinuse} in context start_error
2013-04-24 11:36:20.902 [error] <0.142.0> Supervisor riak_core_handoff_sup had child riak_core_handoff_listener_sup started with riak_core_handoff_listener_sup:start_link() at undefined exit with reason shutdown in context start_error
2013-04-24 11:36:20.903 [error] <0.130.0> Supervisor riak_core_sup had child riak_core_handoff_sup started with riak_core_handoff_sup:start_link() at undefined exit with reason shutdown in context start_error
I'm new to Riak and basically tried to run through the "Fast Track" docs.
None of the default core IP settings in the configs have been changed. They are still set to {http, [ {"", 8098 } ]}, {handoff_port, 8099 }
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know this is old but there is some solid documentation about the errors in the crash.dump file on the Riak site.
