Redux await async thunk keeps going - redux

I'm currently using redux / redux-thunk to fetch a user using api-sauce like so
let authToken = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#TSQ:auth_token')
if (authToken) {
console.log('show login screen')
// dont worry, if the token is invalid, just send us to onboarding (api determines this)
} else {
Onboarding ()
export const fetchUser = authToken => async dispatch => {
console.log('dispatching auth token')
console.log('here goes request')
let res = await api.get(`/auth/${authToken}`);
if (res.ok) {
console.log('have the user')
} else {
When this code is ran, the user is still loading and the console.logs are not in order
`dispatching auth token`
`here goes request`
`show login screen`
Why is this happening?

This is because the actual call to store.dispatch(fetchUser(authToken)) is synchronous - the dispatch() method is not asynchronous, so the logging "show login screen" will occur immediately after execution of the fetchUser() method.
If you want loggedInView() to be executed after a response is returned from your network request (ie the call to the async method api.get()), then you could consider refactoring your code in the following way:
if (authToken) {
// Remove navigation from here
} else {
Onboarding ()
And then:
export const fetchUser = authToken => async dispatch => {
console.log('dispatching auth token')
console.log('here goes request')
let res = await api.get(`/auth/${authToken}`);
if (res.ok) {
console.log('have the user')
// Occurs after network request is complete
console.log('show login screen')
// Add navigation here to go to logged in view now that request is complete
} else {
Hope this helps!


Vue Axios Interceptor Response Firebase 401 Token Expired/Refresh (undefined)

I'm using the following interceptors in a Vuejs v2 website to push a firebase token to my node backend. There in the backend, I detect/verify the token, pull some data using the uid from a database and then process any api calls.
Even though I am using the firebase onIdTokenChanged to automatically retrieve new ID tokens, sometimes, if the user is logged in, yet inactive for an hour, the token expires without refreshing. Now, this isn't a huge deal - I could check in the axios response interceptor and push them to a login page, but that seems annoying, if I can detect a 401 token expired, resend the axios call and have a refreshed token, the user won't even know it happened if they happen to interact with a component that requires data from an API call. So here is what I have:
Vue.prototype.$axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
const token = store.getters.getSessionToken;
config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return config;
Vue.prototype.$axios.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
return response }, async function (error) {
let originalRequest = error.config
if (error.response.status === 401 && !originalRequest._retry) {
originalRequest._retry = true;
let user = auth.currentUser;
await store.dispatch("setUser", {user: user, refresh: true}).then(() => {
const token = store.getters.getSessionToken;
Vue.prototype.$axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token;
return Vue.prototype.$axios.request(originalRequest);
return Promise.reject(error); });
let app;
auth.onAuthStateChanged(async user => {
await store.dispatch("setUser", {user: user, refresh: false}).then(() => {
if (!app) {
app = new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
.catch(error => {
setUser({dispatch, commit}, {user, refresh}) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
user.getIdToken(refresh).then(token => {
commit('SET_SESSION_TOKEN', token);
this._vm.$axios.get('/api/user/session').then((response) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
.catch(error => {
dispatch('setSnackbar', {
color: "error",
timeout: 4000,
text: 'Server unavailable: '+error
.catch(error => {
dispatch('setSnackbar', {
color: "error",
timeout: 4000,
text: 'Unable to verify auth token.'+error
console.log('running logout');
commit('SET_SESSION_USER', null);
commit('SET_SESSION_TOKEN', null);
I am setting the token in vuex and then using it in the interceptors for all API calls. So the issue I am seeing with this code is, I'm making an API call with an expired token to the backend. This returns a 401 and the axios response interceptor picks it up and goes through the process of refreshing the firebase token. This then makes a new API call with the same config as the original to the backend with the updated token and returns it to the original API call (below).
This all seems to work, and I can see in dev tools/network, the response from the API call is sending back the correct data. However, it seems to be falling into the catch of the following api call/code. I get an "undefined" when trying to load the form field with, for example. This page loads everything normally if I refresh the page (again, as it should with the normal token/loading process), so I know there aren't loading issues.
vue component (loads smtp settings into the page)
getSMTPSettings: async function() {
await this.$axios.get('/api/smtp')
.then((response) => {
this.form.server =;
this.form.port =;
this.form.authemail =;
this.form.authpassword =;
this.form.sendemail =;
this.form.testemail =;
this.form.protocol =;
.catch(error => {
I have been looking at this for a few days and I can't figure out why it won't load it. The data seems to be there. Is the timing of what I'm doing causing me issues? It doesn't appear to be a CORS problem, I am not getting any errors there.
Your main issue is mixing async / await with .then(). Your response interceptor isn't returning the next response because you've wrapped that part in then() without returning the outer promise.
Keep things simple with async / await everywhere.
Also, setting common headers defeats the point in using interceptors. You've already got a request interceptor, let it do its job
// wait for this to complete
await store.dispatch("setUser", { user, refresh: true })
// your token is now in the store and can be used by the request interceptor
// re-run the original request
return Vue.prototype.$axios.request(originalRequest)
Your store action also falls into the explicit promise construction antipattern and can be simplified
async setUser({ dispatch, commit }, { user, refresh }) {
if(user) {
try {
const token = await user.getIdToken(refresh);
commit('SET_SESSION_TOKEN', token);
try {
const { data } = await this._vm.$axios.get('/api/user/session');
commit('SET_SESSION_USER', data);
} catch (err) {
dispatch('setSnackbar', {
color: "error",
timeout: 4000,
text: `Server unavailable: ${err.response?.data ?? err.message}`
} catch (err) {
dispatch('setSnackbar', {
color: "error",
timeout: 4000,
text: `Unable to verify auth token. ${error}`
} else {
console.log('running logout');
commit('SET_SESSION_USER', null);
commit('SET_SESSION_TOKEN', null);

How do I use API middlewares to protect API routes from unauthenticated users in Next.js?

I have a next.js app that has several API routes that I am hoping to protect from users who are not logged in. Using next-auth, I understand that I can add the following code to each API route to achieve this.
import { getSession } from 'next-auth/client'
export default async (req, res) => {
const session = await getSession({ req })
if (session) {
res.send({ content: 'This is protected content. You can access this content because you are signed in.' })
} else {
res.send({ error: 'You must be sign in to view the protected content on this page.' })
However, I was wondering if it is possible to use API middlewares, so I am not repeating the same code over and over again? I read through the Next.js API middlewares documentation ( and did the following:
import Cors from 'cors';
import { getSession } from 'next-auth/react';
function initMiddleware(middleware) {
return (req, res) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
middleware(req, res, async (result) => {
const session = await getSession({ req });
if (!session) {
return reject(result);
return resolve(result);
const cors = initMiddleware(
methods: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'],
export default async function handler(req, res) {
await cors(req, res);
\* fetching from database *\
Although it works, the following error is returned when I tried to access the API route when unauthenticated, and it feels like I'm not doing it properly.
error - null
wait - compiling /_error (client and server)...
Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
at ServerResponse.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:561:11)
at DevServer.renderError (/Users/alextung/Desktop/Projects/askit/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:1677:17)
at (/Users/alextung/Desktop/Projects/askit/node_modules/next/dist/server/dev/next-dev-server.js:452:35)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async DevServer.handleRequest (/Users/alextung/Desktop/Projects/askit/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:325:20) {
error - Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
Would really appreciate some help on this given that this is my first time working with middlewares. Thank you!

Firebase Auth: How to unsubscribe from Auth observer after user creation and then subscribe again?

I am using the createUserWithEmailAndPassword() method for signing up new users. Immediately after this user creation process, I am sending an email verification. Then, in my onAuthStateChanged() I have a condition to check whether the user has verified their email. The problem is that the Auth observer is logging out the user BEFORE the email sendEmailVerification() method is complete.
Based on the below code, where is the best place to succuessfully unsubscribe the observer ? And, how to do it with Firebase JS SDK v9?
Let me explain my use case and show my code:
async signUp() {
const auth = getAuth()
const batch = writeBatch(db)
try {
const UserCredential = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
const userDocRef = doc(db, 'users', UserCredential.user.uid)
batch.set(userDocRef, {
uid: UserCredential.user.uid,
displayName: this.formValues.displayName,
photoURL: `${md5(
const usernameDocRef = doc(db, 'usernames', this.formValues.displayName)
batch.set(usernameDocRef, { uid: UserCredential.user.uid })
// Commit batch
await batch.commit()
console.log('batch committed, user is:', UserCredential.user.uid)
await this.verifyEmail() // <-- user is logged out before this has a chance to fire!
async verifyEmail() {
const auth = getAuth()
const actionCodeSettings = {
url: `${this.$config.baseUrl}/email-confirmation/success`
try {
await sendEmailVerification(auth.currentUser, actionCodeSettings)
} catch (error) {
console.error('An email verification error happened', error)
this.errorMessage = error.message
In my onAuthStateChanged() method, I am immediately logging out the user IF their email is not yet verified. This causes the following error:
And here is how I have my onAuthStateChanged observer set up (it runs before the page is rendered):
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
if (user) {
if (!user.emailVerified) {
// User has not verified the email yet
// TO DO: finish up rest of user logic
Should the unsubscribe be in the auth.js or the pages/sign-up page? I am unsure how to unsubscribe.
If you need to perform certain actions after signup/login, then you should unsubscribe from auth observer as you've figured out.
const authObserver = onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
// ...
async signUp() {
//unsubscribe here i.e when user clicks signup button
const auth = getAuth()
const batch = writeBatch(db)
// ...
Do note that, if you you auth observer is meant to redirect logged in user somewhere else then it won't do it now. So make sure you do that manually.

Redux-saga firebase onAuthStateChanged eventChannel

How to handle firebase auth state observer in redux saga?
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
I want to run APP_START saga when my app starts which will run firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged observer and will run other sagas depending on the callback.
As I understand eventChannel is right way to do it. But I don't understand how to make it work with firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged.
Can someone show how to put firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged in to eventChannel?
You can use eventChannel. Here is an example code:
function getAuthChannel() {
if (!this.authChannel) {
this.authChannel = eventChannel(emit => {
const unsubscribe = firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => emit({ user }));
return unsubscribe;
return this.authChannel;
function* watchForFirebaseAuth() {
// This is where you wait for a callback from firebase
const channel = yield call(getAuthChannel);
const result = yield take(channel);
// result is what you pass to the emit function. In this case, it's an object like { user: { name: 'xyz' } }
When you are done, you can close the channel using this.authChannel.close().
Create your own function onAuthStateChanged() that will return a Promise
function onAuthStateChanged() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
} else {
reject(new Error('Ops!'));
Then use call method to get the user synchronously
const user = yield call(onAuthStateChanged);
This could be handled in the Saga such as the following for Redux Saga Firebase:
// Redux Saga: Firebase Auth Channel
export function* firebaseAuthChannelSaga() {
try {
// Auth Channel (Events Emit On Login And Logout)
const authChannel = yield call(;
while (true) {
const { user } = yield take(authChannel);
// Check If User Exists
if (user) {
// Redux: Login Success
yield put(loginSuccess(user));
else {
// Redux: Logout Success
yield put(logoutSuccess());
catch (error) {
here is how you would run the onAuthStateChanged observable using redux-saga features (mainly eventChannel)
import { eventChannel } from "redux-saga";
import { take, call } from "redux-saga/effects";
const authStateChannel = function () {
return eventChannel((emit) => {
const unsubscribe = firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(
(doc) => emit({ doc }),
(error) => emit({ error })
return unsubscribe;
export const onAuthStateChanged = function* () {
const channel = yield call(authStateChannel);
while (true) {
const { doc, error } = yield take(channel);
if (error) {
// handle error
} else {
if (doc) {
// user has signed in, use `doc.toJSON()` to check
} else {
// user has signed out
please note that other solutions that don't utilize channel sagas are not optimal for redux-saga, because turning an observable into a promise is not a valid solution in this case since you would need to call the promise each time you anticipate a change in authentication state (like for example: taking every USER_SIGNED_IN action and calling the "promisified" observable), which will negate the whole purpose of an observable

Dispatch Action Inside A Promise Then Function In A Saga

I have a saga (using redux-saga) that calls a function that POSTs to an API endpoint (using axios). The deeper API call through axios returns a promise. I'd like to dispatch actions inside the then() method of the promise, but I obviously can't use a yield. A put() doesn't seem to put anything. What's the right way to do this?
Here's the saga:
export function* loginFlow(action) {
try {
const {username, password} = action.payload;
const responsePromise = yield call(login, {username, password, isRegistering: false});
yield responsePromise
.then(result => {
console.log('loginFlow responsePromise result', result);
put(creators.queueLoginSucceededAction()); // doesn't work
put(push('/')); // doesn't work
.catch(err => {
console.log('loginFlow responsePromise err', err);
put(creators.queueLoginFailedAction()); // doesn't work
catch(err) {
yield put(creators.queueLoginFailedAction());
Here's the function being called:
export function* login(options) {
try {
// if we are already logged in, via token in local storage,
// then skip checking against server
if( store.get('token') ) {
return Promise.resolve('Already logged in.');
// query server for valid login, returns a JWT token to store
const hash = yield bcrypt.hashSync(options.password, 10);
yield put(creators.queueLoginHttpPostedAction());
return'/auth/local', {
params: {
username: options.username,
password: hash,
hash: true,
.then(result => {
console.log('api>auth>login>result', result);
put(creators.queueLoginHttpSucceededAction()); // doesn't work
return Promise.resolve('Login successful');
.catch(err => {
console.log('api>auth>login>err', err);
put(creators.queueLoginHttpFailedAction()); // doesn't work
return Promise.reject(err.message);
catch (err) {
yield put(creators.queueLoginHttpFailedAction());
return Promise.reject('Login could not execute');
A saga 'yield call' will wait for a returned promise to complete. If it fails, it throws an error, so instead of using 'then' and 'catch' for promises, you can just use a normal try-catch instead.
The Redux Saga docs explain this in more detail - definitely worth a read:
In other words, the login(options) function below will execute the HTTP request and so long as it doesn't send back a rejected promise, it will continue to queue the succeeded action and redirect the user back. If it does send back a rejected promise, it will instead immediately jump to the 'catch' block instead.
Corrected for the login flow:
export function * loginFlow(action) {
try {
const {username, password} = action.payload;
const responsePromise = yield call(login, {username, password, isRegistering: false});
console.log('loginFlow responsePromise result', result);
yield put(creators.queueLoginSucceededAction());
yield put(push('/'));
catch(err) {
console.log('loginFlow responsePromise err', err);
yield put(creators.queueLoginFailedAction());
And for the actual login process:
export function * login(options) {
// if we are already logged in, via token in local storage,
// then skip checking against server
if( store.get('token') ) {
return Promise.resolve('Already logged in.');
// query server for valid login, returns a JWT token to store
const hash = yield bcrypt.hashSync(options.password, 10);
yield put(creators.queueLoginHttpPostedAction());
try {
yield call(,
{ params: { username: options.username, password: hash, hash: true } }
console.log('api>auth>login>result', result);
yield put(creators.queueLoginHttpSucceededAction()); // doesn't work
return Promise.resolve('Login successful');
} catch(err) {
console.log('api>auth>login>err', err);
yield put(creators.queueLoginHttpFailedAction()); // doesn't work
return Promise.reject(err.message);
