I'm using JfxUtils and LineChart. In some situations I want to give commands like zoom in/out and panning. Do any of you know a way to achieve this?
Well I did this How to fire mouse event programmatically in JavaFX? and made the mouse event act like zoom in/out and pan.
Im looking for this effect in background http://prism.umbrella.al/agency/. I saw it on few sites. This with green line and dots. Can you tell me how its called or give a link?
It a canvas drawing,
using mouse move event to fetch coordinates of mouse and draw accordingly
you can see there page source to check the code
Anyone know how to create animated auto-hide on ApplicationControlBar just like Windows's taskbar?
I'm totally new on this.
The issue with doing this is that on Windows, you have a 'lower bound'--also known as the bottom of the screen which is used to trigger the display of the task bar based on the mouse location.
In a browser based app, you don't have that spot which is easy for the user to roll their mouse over.
That said, if you're still adamant, you should be able to put something together easily using the mouse over events to swap the visibility of the ApplicationControlBar and then you can use show / hide effects to display the control bar.
If a SWF file or even a component within it has scrollbars, wouldn't it make sense that if the user is hovered over that area (it's in focus) and uses the mouse wheel, that this movement would automatically translate to the scrollbar moving.
Any ideas how this is done, the events or classes used for this? I'm open to outside components or classes too. I haven't started yet, but I'll do an item renderer because it's easy to give it scrollbar.
Here's some code which will let you deal with mouse wheel scrolling, it's pretty easy to deal with:
objectToBeHoveringOver.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollObject);
function scrollObject(event:MouseEvent):void
The event.delta part will be a number that's either positive or negative, depending on which way you scrolled the wheel. You can use this to move your object up and down. Hope this helps.
I'm trying to implement a dragging system which can only be described as similar to dragging the map on Google Maps. I can set up dragging easily in Flex, but unfortunately the standard model of dragging i.e. dragging an element proxy and dropping it in another element is not what I'm after.
Is there anything built into flex where the actual element rather than a proxy can be repositioned in a different place within the same parent? Or will I have to hand code something using mouse events as you would if implementing a solution in JavaScript?
DragManager and its associated constructs are specifically for dragging and dropping. You will likely want to place your draggable item inside of a canvas with scroll policies turned off, and capture MOUSE_DOWN on the object, then activate MOUSE_MOVE, translating its origin analogous to the change in mouse position, deactivating the MOUSE_MOVE listener when MOUSE_UP or Event.MOUSE_LEAVE fires on the stage.
Ok found a much more simple solution! Most elements have a dragStart and dragStop method which can be attached to the mouse down/up events.
I'm building an application in Flex and I have few windows with scroll. When I'm trying to use mouse scrollwheel the window does not scroll up/down. Plus if it is possible to make the window to scroll up/down then is it possible to make to scroll right/left.
in as3 there is a mouseevent.mouse_wheel event. Listening for this will yield property delta. the delta property wil tell you if your mousewheel is scrolling up or down. unfortunately this doesnt work with macs. Fortunately, there are some classes out there [internet land] that address this.
re the second bit, side to side, i imagine you could harness an up/down motion to move a scroller left/right, but i dont think thats what your after.
This guy made it possible. Some examples and explaination: http://blog.pixelbreaker.com/flash/as30-mousewheel-on-mac-os-x/