How to load 500MB data from txt file in QT - qt

I am working on a big (~500Mb) RAW txt file.
There are about 20,000,000 lines in the file.
Each line includes one double and one int. For example:
45782.1234852 10
Below is my simple code:
QTextStream rdStream(&qFile_Input);
while (!rdStream.atEnd())
//QStringList qList_data=rdStream.readLine().split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
It takes about 30 seconds just to read line QTextStream::readLine();
If I add .split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts) into a Qstringlist, then the total time required jumps to 5 minutes. My question is three fold:
Where does the time gap comes from?
Is there a way to get a shorter processing time?
If my file is larger than the RAM of PC, will I encounter an
error? If so, what can I do?
Thanks in advance!

Well, it seems that the splitting part adds an enormous overhead time-wise. Instead of using the Qt class QTextStream, you could probably just use the methods from the c++ standard library. You should get better performance than the 5 minutes you are seeing now.
#include <fstream>
int main()
std::ifstream infile("thefile.txt");
double a;
int b;
while(infile >> a >> b)
//Do something with a and b here, they've been read
return 0;


sprintf causing timing-issues?

I'm experiencing a perculiar issue when using sprintf.
I need a char array to look like this: g;cmd;arg;e;, where arg gets leading zeros so it is always 3 chars long, and cmd gets leading zeros so it's always 15 chars long.
As an example, if cmd = 20 and arg = 3749, I need a char array looking like this: g;020;000000000003749;e;.
Both arg and cmd are integers.
I initially accomplished this in pretty inefficient way, but I changed it to something much simpler using sprintf because I needed my code to be faster. Both my initial code and my change can be found on github.
My current implementation looks like this:
#define cmdMsgLength 3
#define argMsgLength 15
#define totalFormatedMsgLength (2+cmdMsgLength+1+argMsgLength+3)
#define msgFormater "g;%03d;%015d;e;"
char msgToSendFormated[totalFormatedMsgLength];
void sendMsg(int _cmd, int _arg) {
sprintf(msgToSendFormated, msgFormater, _cmd, _arg);
This seemed to work well, until my uC also had to control 4 ESC's. I honestly can't find any relation between the two, but it seems like this implementation leads to problems with the ESC's, where of course timing is quite important. The ESC's are being programmed correctly, but when using the Arduino function servo.writeMicroseconds to actuate them, they seem to act randomly. After quite a lot of tests, only this change to my code seems to be causing the issue. As this piece code is so simple and the old code (check the github link) also used Serial.print, I assume sprintf is the culprit.
Is sprintf known to cause these sort of timing-issues? Could it be anything else?
As JVApen pointed out, sprintf always writes a null terminator. As msgToSendFormated was not long enough for that, I'd get an overflow. Setting char msgToSendFormated[totalFormatedMsgLength + 1]; fixed the problem.

XC8 builds font tables from top ROM

I wrote a barebone progran template in XC8 (1.37) that I use to develop and test new GLCD functions for the 18F family. Programming is done via a PICkit3. Since I need to quicky reprogram several times the code it is really important that programming is faster as much as possible.
Tipically, the code size is around 2K and it takes less than 10 sec to program,
Everiything is fine until I must use a font table, defined as:
const char font8[] = {....
Now, with just $400 bytes added, the compiler place the table at the ROM's end and the programming of 64K memory takes more than 1 minute.
Is there any way to avoid this?
I tried to manually limit the memory range in the MPLABX options, but this is annoying and a little unsafe (sometimes part of code is truncated).
A while back I had to write some code for emissions testing, where I needed to copy data between extreme ends of RAM. To do that I needed to specify the exact memory addresses. You can also use the C extension __at() construct.
int scanMode __at(0x200);
const char keys[] __at(123) = { ’r’, ’s’, ’u’, ’d’};
int modify(int x) __at(0x1000) {
return x * 2 + 3;

Run arduino sketch from an sd card

Is it possible to put a sketch (.HEX file) to an SD card and run it from there?
My objective is to utilize SD storage instead of flash memory for a program.
If yes, are there any libraries doing exactly this?
All i found was "flashing arduino from sd card", which is not what i need.
the sketch's loop calling is implemented in the bootloader.
so i assume there is something like this in the bootloader:
can it be changed to this? :
//signature changed from void loop() to int loop()
int retval = call_sketch_loop(); //get loop call's return value
if( 0 == retval )
continue; // if 0, iterate the loop as usual
//copy 1.HEX from sd to flash and reboot
copy_hex_from_sd_to_flash( retval + ".HEX" );
change loop singature to int loop()
put {int}.HEX files to an SD card - 1.HEX , 2.HEX , 3.HEX
the loop() call returns 0
continue with next iteration as usual
the loop() call returns 2
copy file 2.HEX from SD card into program flash memory
reboot device
with this approach, we can run flash-capacity-exceeding programs if we split them up to smaller subprograms.
The technical term you are looking for is "SD card bootloader".
Have you looked into this: ""?
As far as I understand, 2boot will first load the hex into the flash and then execute it from there. This is not exactly what you are looking for (you want to load it directly to RAM, right?).
The problem with what you are looking for is that arduino's RAM is really small. And there is liittle advantage in loading directly to RAM. Therfore such library might not exist at all.
I can sugget a poor-mans approach for doing this. First write a sketch that contains a function that have an infinite loop inside it and inside this loop, put the code of your desired "loop". In the setup of the sketch take the pointer to this function and write sufficient ammount of bytes into a binary file on the SD card.
Then upload another sketch wich has an empty buffer. This sketch will load the binary file into it and refernce to it's beginning as a pointer to a function. Viola, you can now execute your "loop".
This is ugly and unless you have very specific and isoteric need for loading directly into RAM, I suggest to try the 2boot library.

QSettings INI file: value containing semicolon

I'm trying to read and edit a Desktop Entry .desktop file using Qt QSettings. The problem is that these files contain keys with multiple values separated by semicolon ;. I tried reading these as QStringList but no luck. I only get the first value. For example:
Getting the values with:
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toStringList();
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toString();
returns only the first value (in my example: disc, GTK or application/x-cd-image).
How to I return the full value from those keys? And how do I write it back using QSettings?
Update (first attempt was completely useless)
Variant 1
QMap<QString, QString> settings;
QFile inFile("<input filename.ini>");
QTextStream in(&inFile);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList linelist = line.split("=");
settings[linelist[0]] = linelist[1];
Variant 2
use QSettings::registerFormat().
This is probably the only "clean" way to do it with QSettings. The advantage is that you can register it with the .desktop extension. You'll have to write a pair of ReadFunc() and WriteFunc() functions.
I think you can't do it. QSettings has certain interpretation of .ini file format, which is very close to Windows interpretation, and is not meant for generic parsing. Semicolon starts a comment, and apparently QSettings allows comment after value until end of line, and AFAIK there's no way around it.
You need to find a different library to handle .desktop files, or implement one yourself.

Arduino Serial Output Dropping Characters

I have a bizarre one here with the serial output when trying to write some code for my Arduino Uno.
I have this proto-code:
MyClass myclass;
void setup()
void loop()
int status = myclass.DoWork();
Serial.println("Status: " + status);
class MyClass
int DoWork()
Serial.println("Doing some work...");
return 1;
Now when this runs I get the following output:
Doing some work...
atus: 1
So the strange part is the "Status: 1" missing the first few characters. Is this because I am using serial in an object improperly or something?
I have noticed when I reference another library that also uses serial like MyClass does that I get other strange output behavior... so I assume that I am doing something wrong.
EDIT: In the end this turned out to actually be a memory issue. A library I was including was quite large and it was consuming the available memory. I found this by adding a few more debugging statements and found the corruption shifted around based on the string lengths and positions. By using the F() function I moved the strings to flash memory (e.g. I now run Serial.println(F("Starting...")); and it has corrected the strange output.
You cannot add strings and integers in C++. It would have been better for you if this failed to compile:
Serial.println("Status: " + status);
Instead the compiler guessed at something. It guessed wrong. Use this:
Serial.print("Status :");
or for complete control of outputting numbers and strings learn to use C string formatting, sprintf()
In the end this turned out to actually be a memory issue. A library I was including was quite large and it was consuming the available memory. I found this by adding a few more debugging statements and found the corruption shifted around based on the string lengths and positions. By using the F() function I moved the strings to flash memory (e.g. I now run Serial.println(F("Starting...")); and it has corrected the strange output.
One more possible explanation.
I was running minicom to monitor, and I usually like that it auto-reconnects after resetting my device.
Well I minimized a terminal running minicom last night, and today I started a new instance that somehow also got connected to the same serial port (if that is even possible).
I think the two instances of minicom were each reading ~50% of the serial characters roughly at random, leaving me with quite a mess of text.
