ASP.NET : get page source into a string -

Using ASP.NET, how could I get the page source into a string?
I'm getting the error:
BC30002: Type 'WebRequest' not defined
Thanks for any help.
My code
<head><title>Get HTML Page Source</title></head>
<center>Page Source Display<br><br></center>
DIM strUrl, websitesource, strHtml
Response.Write("Page Source Display<br>")
strUrl = ""
Dim myReq As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(strUrl)
Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse = myReq.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As Stream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()


Simple HttpWebRequest POST with Redirect URL

Here I have simple HTML page that make a POST to other page.
After I fill out that form and press Submit it takes me back to callback URL.
<form action="http://somedomain/products/cotd" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="callback" value="">
<button type="submit">Go</button>
Now I need to implement the same in ASP.NET
Private Sub post()
Dim req2 As HttpWebRequest
Dim resp As HttpWebResponse
dim result As string
dim url = "http://somedomain/products/cotd"
url += "?callback="
Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
req.Method = "POST"
req2 = CType(req, HttpWebRequest)
req2.AllowAutoRedirect = true
resp = TryCast(req2.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
result = getResponse(resp)
End Sub
function getResponse(response as HttpWebResponse) As string
Dim responseText As String
Dim encoding1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII
Using reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), encoding1)
responseText = reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Return responseText
End function
The thing is nothing happens here. Neither the new page opens neither it redirects back. IN a response I do get callback page but first it does not open page where I need to submit values.
What am I missing here please?

How to parse an xml response from a post in

I am posting to a website to get data back. The site returns it as an xml. I am able to get the data into a string. But what i really want to do is to have each item in the xml in a different string field.
Sub lookup(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim wData As String
wData = WRequest("", "POST","str=31&Password=pn&UserID=Q&Postcode="+txtPcode.Text)
End Sub
Function WRequest(URL As String, method As String, POSTdata As String) As String
Dim responseData As String = ""
Dim hwrequest As Net.HttpWebRequest = Net.Webrequest.Create(URL)
hwrequest.Accept = "*/*"
hwrequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true
hwrequest.UserAgent = "http_requester/0.1"
hwrequest.Timeout = 60000
hwrequest.Method = method
If hwrequest.Method = "POST" Then
hwrequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Dim encoding As New Text.ASCIIEncoding() 'Use UTF8Encoding for XML requests
Dim postByteArray() As Byte = encoding.GetBytes(POSTdata)
hwrequest.ContentLength = postByteArray.Length
Dim postStream As IO.Stream = hwrequest.GetRequestStream()
postStream.Write(postByteArray, 0, postByteArray.Length)
End If
Dim hwresponse As Net.HttpWebResponse = hwrequest.GetResponse()
If hwresponse.StatusCode = Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Dim responseStream As IO.StreamReader = _
New IO.StreamReader(hwresponse.GetResponseStream())
responseData = responseStream.ReadToEnd()
End If
Catch e As Exception
responseData = "An error occurred: " & e.Message
End Try
Return responseData
End Function
The above code works and writes out a line...
Some Road City LU1 5QG
The Xml being returned is ..
<Address xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<strOrganisation />
<strProperty />
<strStreet>Some Road</strStreet>
<strLocality />
<strCounty />
<strPostcode>LU1 5QG</strPostcode>
<strDPS />
I want to be able to split these fields and set them to different text boxes on the
Load the xml string into an XmlDocument and extract the values with XPath:
Dim doc = new XmlDocument()
Dim nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
nsm.AddNamespace("a", "")
txtStreet.Text = doc.SelectSingleNode("/a:Address/a:strStreet", nsm).InnerText
Here's a working snippet:
Dim doc = New XmlDocument()
doc.LoadXml("<Address xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns=""""><strOrganisation /> <strProperty /> <strStreet>Some Road</strStreet> <strLocality /> <strTown>City</strTown> <strCounty /> <strPostcode>LU1 5QG</strPostcode><strDPS /></Address>")
Dim nsm = New XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
nsm.AddNamespace("a", "")
Dim streetValue = doc.SelectSingleNode("/a:Address/a:strStreet", nsm).InnerText
Some things to note:
For XPath lookups, if your xml has a namespace you'll need to add it to an
XmlNameSpaceManager created from your XmlDocument's NameTable.
If you don't want to
bother with that, you can walk the node collections manually via
doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0] etc.
Or try this, which is what I believe the author was asking.
' Use XML Reader
Dim xmlDoc = New XmlDocument
Dim xmlNode As Xml.XmlNode
xmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//" + "strStreet")
If Not xmlNode Is Nothing Then
Dim Street = xmlNode.InnerText
End If

embedding image not displaying in emaill using

I am trying to display an embed an image within the body of an email. The is sent, however without the image.
Below is the code:
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
mail.From = New MailAddress("")
mail.Subject = "Test Email"
Dim Body As String = "<b>Welcome to!!</b><br><BR>Online resource for .net articles.<BR><img alt="""" hspace=0 src=""cid:imageId"" align=baseline border=0 >"
Dim htmlView As AlternateView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(Body, Nothing, "text/html")
Dim imagelink As New LinkedResource(Server.MapPath(".") & "\uploads\CIMG1443.JPG", "image/jpg")
imagelink.ContentId = "imageId"
imagelink.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient()
smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis
smtp.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SMTP")
smtp.Port = 587
'smtp.EnableSsl = True
smtp.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FROMEMAIL"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FROMPWD"))
In the body of the email only the following is display:
Welcome to CodeDigest.Com!!
Any idea how I can get the CIMG1443.JPG displaying?
you could try to inline the image, by converting it to a base64-string with the following method:
Public Function ImageToBase64(image As Image, format As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat) As String
If image Is Nothing Then Return ""
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
' Convert Image to byte[]
image.Save(ms, format)
Dim imageBytes As Byte() = ms.ToArray()
' Convert byte[] to Base64 String
Dim base64String As String = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes)
Return base64String
End Using
End Function
Then you add the image to your HTML using something like this (where yourImage is an instance of the Image-class):
dim imageString = "<img src=""data:image/png;base64," + ImageToBase64(yourImage, ImageFormat.Png) + "="" />"
That way you would get around adding the image as resource. This worked for me in several places, even though I must admit that I haven't tryed it on hmlt emails.

What are valid values for the MediaType Property on a HttpWebRequest

What are valid values for the MediaType Property on a HttpWebRequest?
I want to do something like this:
Dim url As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
Dim req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(New Uri(url)), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
' Add the current authentication cookie to the request
Dim cookie As HttpCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName)
Dim authenticationCookie As New System.Net.Cookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookie.Value, cookie.Path, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority)
req.CookieContainer = New System.Net.CookieContainer()
req.MediaType = "PRINT"
Dim res As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse()
'Read data
Dim ResponseStream As Stream = res.GetResponseStream()
'Write content into the MemoryStream
Dim resReader As New BinaryReader(ResponseStream)
Dim docStream As New MemoryStream(resReader.ReadBytes(CInt(res.ContentLength)))
I think this wikipedia page should give you a fairly comprehensive list of media types:
Media Types

Customize the Default Web Page for a ClickOnce Application

Sander, has wrote a related article for this...
unfortunately the code is in C#.
Which is the equivelant to the version?
Converted with
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Xml.Xsl
Imports System.Net
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.Create("...url to the original publish.htm file..."), HttpWebRequest)
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
responseFromServer = responseFromServer.Replace(" ", " ")
Dim xml As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
Dim xslt As New XslCompiledTransform()
Dim html As TextWriter = New StringWriter()
xslt.Transform(xml, Nothing, html)
Let me know if it works.
Please comment answers and check best answer, so we can keep in touch.
