QT String to char * adds extra characters - qt

I have a qTextEdit that I grab the text from (QString) and convert to a char* with this code:
QString msgQText = ui->textMsg->toPlainText();
size_t textSize = (size_t)msgQText.size();
if (textSize > 139) {
textSize = 139;
unsigned char * msgText = (unsigned char *)malloc(textSize);
memcpy(msgText, msgQText.toLocal8Bit().data(), textSize);
msgText[textSize] = '\0';
if (textSize > 0) {
Msg * newTextMsg = new Msg;
newTextMsg->type = 1; // text message type
newTextMsg->bitrate = 0;
newTextMsg->samplerate = 0;
newTextMsg->bufSize = (int)textSize;
newTextMsg->len = 0;
newTextMsg->buf = (char *)malloc(textSize);
memcpy((char *)newTextMsg->buf, (char *)msgText, textSize);
lPushToEnd(sendMsgList, newTextMsg, sizeof(Msg));
ui->sendRecList->addItem((char *)newTextMsg->buf);
I put the text into a qListBox, but it shows up like
However, the character array, if I print it out, does not have the extra characters.
I have tried checking the "compile using UTF-8" option, but it doesn't make a difference.
Also, I send the text using RS232, and the receiver side also displays the extra characters.
The receiver code is here:
const QByteArray data = m_serial->readAll();
if (data.size() > 0) {
qDebug() << "New serial data: " << data;
QString str = QString(data);
if (str.contains("0x6F8C32E90A")) {
qDebug() << "TEST SUCCESSFUL!";
return data.data();
} else {
return NULL;

There is a difference between the size of a QString and the size of the QByteArray returned by toLocal8Bit(). A QString contains unicode text stored as UTF-16, while a QByteArray is "just" a char[].
A QByteArray is null-terminated, so you do not need to add it manually.
As #GM pointed out: msgText[textSize] = '\0'; is undefined behavior. You are writing to the textSize + 1 position of the msgText array.
This position may be owned by something else and may be overwritten, so you end up with a non null terminated string.
This should work:
QByteArray bytes = msgQText.toLocal8Bit();
size_t textSize = (size_t)bytes.size() + 1; // Add 1 for the final '\0'
unsigned char * msgText = (unsigned char *) malloc(textSize);
memcpy(msgText, bytes.constData(), textSize);
Additional tips:
Prefer using const functions on Qt types that are copy-on-write, e.g. use QBytearray::constData() instead of QByteArray::data(). The non-const functions can cause a deep-copy of the object.
Do not use malloc() and other C-style functions if possible. Here you could do:
unsigned char * msgText = new unsigned char[textSize]; and later delete[] msgText;.
Prefer using C++ casts (static_cast, reinterpret_cast, etc.) instead of C-style casts.
You are making 2 copies of the text (2 calls to memcpy), given your code only 1 seem to be enough.


QFile write a WAV header writes only 4 byte data

I'm writing a WAV recorder, using QFile as backbone. However, when I fill my Wav struct, and try to write it to my QFile it writes only "RIFF", I viewed it with unix's od -cb 1.wav. Here is the samle code:
Wav::Wav(const char *fname, QFile* parent)
: QFile(fname, parent),
bool res = this->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);
if (res) {
std::cout << "File opened for RW\n";
void Wav::writeHeader(const WavHdr* hdr)
void Wav::appendData(const QByteArray &data)
QByteArray Wav::getWavData()
return m_data;
And the usage is as follows:
WavHdr hdr;
hdr.bits_per_sample = 8;
hdr.riff[0] = 'R';
hdr.riff[1] = 'I';
hdr.riff[2] = 'F';
hdr.riff[3] = 'F';
hdr.sample_rate = 8;
hdr.fmt[0] = 'f';
hdr.fmt[1] = 'm';
hdr.fmt[2] = 't';
The WavHdr has the following setup:
struct WavHdr
char riff[4];
qint32 file_size;
char wave[4];
char fmt[4];
char len[3];
qint16 type;
quint16 format;
qint32 sample_rate;
qint32 sr_bs_channs;
quint8 bits_per_sample;
char data[4];
qint32 fsize;
You can't dump WavHdr to disk directly.
The way you use the write method only makes sense for zero-terminated strings. It will stop writing at the first zero-valued byte. A WavHdr is not a null-terminated string.
You cannot assume that the struct has any particular representation in memory. The compiler is free to arrange that structure the way it sees fit. Not only it can pad and align the members arbitrarily, it can also rearrange them. So that's a non-portable anti-pattern: it may happen to work on some compilers, on others it will be thoroughly broken.
Your WavHdr is wrong.
See here for reference. I've included a correct header structure below.
You probably wish to use a QSaveFile.
When saving files, you usually intend the file writing to be atomic: either it succeeds and you get a complete, valid WAV file, or it fails and nothing changes on disk (e.g. an existing file is not overwritten and corrupted). That's what QSaveFile is designed for.
You probably want your wave class to use an I/O device, but not be one.
I/O can be done with just an instance of a QIODevice*: you'll then be able to easily write the data to in-memory buffers, files, network sockets, etc. The user of your class should be free to choose what particular device to use.
Instead, use QDataStream to write the header in a portable way:
struct WavHdr
constexpr static quint32 k_riff_id = 0x46464952;
constexpr static quint32 k_wave_format = 0x45564157;
constexpr static quint32 k_fmt_id = 0x20746d66;
constexpr static quint32 k_data_id = 0x61746164;
quint32 chunk_id = k_riff_id;
quint32 chunk_size;
quint32 chunk_format = k_wave_format;
// fmt
quint32 fmt_id = k_fmt_id;
quint32 fmt_size;
quint16 audio_format;
quint16 num_channels;
quint32 sample_rate;
quint32 byte_rate;
quint16 block_align;
quint16 bits_per_sample;
// data
quint32 data_id = k_data_id;
quint32 data_size;
bool write(QIODevice * dev, const WavHdr & h) {
QDataStream s{dev};
s.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); // for RIFF
s << h.chunk_id << h.chunk_size
<< h.chunk_format;
s << h.fmt_id << h.fmt_size
<< h.audio_format
<< h.num_channels
<< h.sample_rate
<< h.byte_rate
<< h.block_align
<< h.bits_per_sample;
s << h.data_id << h.data_size;
return s.status() == QDataStream::Ok;

Need help copying a char array into an array struct with char pointer

I'm trying to copy char array word to char pointer s[1].c, an then another word to char pointer s[2].c but when i'm trying to do that , the second word appears to be copied in all two pointers . How can i fix that ? I don't want to use strings .
struct Stud {
char *c;
} s[100];
char word[32];
int main()
cout<<s[1].c<<" "<<s[2].c;
return 0;
In your code you are setting s[1].c = word; which means you are setting s[1].c to the address of word. Then you set s[2].c = word; which is the same exact memory location. (With c strings, (char *)s1 = (char *)2 does not do a string copy as you might expect. It just assigns one pointer to another).
With strdup you allocate a new memory block and then copy the string into the allocated space.
Here's your code modified.
struct Stud
char *c;
} s[100];
int main()
char word[32];
strcpy(word, "one");
s[0].c = strdup(word); // In C/C++ the first array index is 0
strcpy(word, "two");
s[1].c = strdup(word);
// Should check to make sure s[0].c and s[1].c are not NULL....
cout << s[0].c << " " <<s [1].c;
return 0;

Search QString character by character

I'm trying to parse a QString character by character with a while loop, but I can't figure out how to parse an individual character to char type. Here's my code, I know it's not optimal:
QString temp = (QString)t[0];
int i = 1;
while (t[i] != " ");
i += 1;
I've seen the casting with toLocal8bit function, but whatever I try I just cannot adapt it to my code.
Qt Creator shows this error:
error: conversion from 'const char [2]' to 'QChar' is ambiguous
in line with the while function call
You can use C++ 11 range based for loop
for (auto chr : text)
if (!chr.isDigit()) // for exmpl.
return false;
Why don't you try that :
QString test = "test";
for(int i = 0; i< test.length(); i++)
if (test.at(i) != " ")

Qt array QString

I get result from db by selectall query and I want save result in array and send it by socket.
QSqlQuery *selectall = new QSqlQuery(db);
selectall->prepare("select * from phone_table");
QString result;
QByteArray arrayresult;
int index = 0;
while (selectall->next())
index += 1;
// qint16 id = selectall->value(0).toString();
QString name_ = selectall->value(1).toString();
QString surname = selectall->value(2).toString();
QString phone_number = selectall->value(3).toString();
result = "*"+ name_+"*"+surname+"*"+phone_number;
arrayresult[index] = result;
I get this error binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const char [16]'
You are trying to set a QByteRef to a QString.
I think you may want a QList and to arrayresult.append(result).
Or else if you want one QByteArray with the concat of all results use arrayresult+= result.
You may build the QString you want to initialize QByteArray. To then convert from QString to QByteArray, you can do
QByteArray array_ = string_.toLatin1();
if encoding is Latin1.
You may alternatively use append
QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( const QString & str )
This is an overloaded function.
Appends the string str to this byte array. The Unicode data is
converted into 8-bit characters using QString::toAscii().
If the QString contains non-ASCII Unicode characters, using this
function can lead to loss of information. You can disable this
function by defining QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII when you compile your
applications. You then need to call QString::toAscii() (or
QString::toLatin1() or QString::toUtf8() or QString::toLocal8Bit())
explicitly if you want to convert the data to const char *.
append is doing the same as + operator.
You can do the following with the toLatin1() function of the QString.
// ...
QString result = QString( "*%1*%2*%3" ).arg( name_ )
.arg( surname )
.arg( phone_number );
QByteArray resultArray = result.toLatin1();
// Or ...
// QByteArray resultArray = result.toLocal8Bit();
// QByteArray resultArray = result.toUtf8();
And you shall use a QList< QByteArray > for containing the results, or you can just append the last result item to your final result object.

QByteArray convert to/from unsigned char *

QByteArray inArray = " ... ";
unsigned char *in = convert1(inArray);
unsigned char *out;
someFunction(in, out);
QByteArray outArray = convert2(out);
the question is how can I correctly make these conversions (convert1 and convert2).
I cannot change someFunction(unsigned char *, unsigned char *), but I have to work with QByteArray here.
Qt has really great docs, you should use them.
If someFunction doesn't modify or store pointer to in data you can use this:
QByteArray inArray = " ... ";
unsigned char *out;
someFunction((unsigned char*)(inArray.data()), out);
QByteArray outArray((char*)out);
Otherwise you have to make a deep copy of the char* returned by QByteArray::data() (see the docs for code snippet).
if someFunction takes a const char* args then just use ConstData() or data() in QByteArray class.
if you need a char*, you can then use strdup(). This method is doing this
char *strdup (const char *s) {
char *d = malloc (strlen (s) + 1); // Space for length plus nul
if (d == NULL) return NULL; // No memory
strcpy (d,s); // Copy the characters
return d; // Return the new string
more info here: strdup() - what does it do in C?
