How to rank a column with a condition - r

I have a data frame :
dt <- read.table(text = "
1 390
1 366
1 276
1 112
2 97
2 198
2 400
2 402
3 110
3 625
4 137
4 49
4 9
4 578 ")
The first colomn is Index and the second is distance.
I want to add a colomn to rank the distance by Index in a descending order (the highest distance will be ranked first)
The result will be :
dt <- read.table(text = "
1 390 1
1 66 4
1 276 2
1 112 3
2 97 4
2 198 3
2 300 2
2 402 1
3 110 2
3 625 1
4 137 2
4 49 3
4 9 4
4 578 1")

Another R base approach
> dt$Rank <- unlist(tapply(-dt$V2, dt$V1, rank))
A tidyverse solution
dt %>%
group_by(V1) %>%

transform(dt,s = ave(-V2,V1,FUN = rank))
V1 V2 s
1 1 390 1
2 1 66 4
3 1 276 2
4 1 112 3
5 2 97 4
6 2 198 3
7 2 300 2
8 2 402 1
9 3 110 2
10 3 625 1
11 4 137 2
12 4 49 3
13 4 9 4
14 4 578 1

You could group, arrange, and rownumber. The result is a bit easier on the eyes than a simple rank, I think, and so worth an extra step.
dt %>%
group_by(V1) %>%
arrange(V1,desc(V2)) %>%
mutate(rank = row_number())
# A tibble: 14 x 3
# Groups: V1 [4]
V1 V2 rank
<int> <int> <int>
1 1 390 1
2 1 366 2
3 1 276 3
4 1 112 4
5 2 402 1
6 2 400 2
7 2 198 3
8 2 97 4
9 3 625 1
10 3 110 2
11 4 578 1
12 4 137 2
13 4 49 3
14 4 9 4
A scrambled alternative is min_rank
dt %>%
group_by(V1) %>%
mutate(min_rank(desc(V2)) )


Calculate the ratio between different column, with some restrictions

Consider the dataset:
example1 = data.frame("year"=c(1,1,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5),
"person"= c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2),
"expected income" = c(seq(140,260,10)),
"income" = c(seq(110,230,10)))
Just to have an idea person=1 is the father of the family and person=2 is the mother of the family, in the complete dataset there will be also the children, but it doesn't matter right now.
I need to calculate the ratio between column(4) "expected income" in year(i) and column(5)"income" in year (i+1).
Furthermore the ratio has to be done only when the "person" and "household" is the same.
for example it doesn't have to be calculated the ratio between col(4)-row(4) and col(5)-row(5) because they are two man of different household,
the same for col(5)-row(8) and col(5)-row(9) because they are two different person within the same household.
Instead of the ratio between the "expected income" and the "income" of two different people I need an NA.
It has to be done generically since it is just a semplification of a dataset with more than 60000 row.
It sounds like you need to group by household and person, then find the ratio of the expected income to the lead value of income:
example1 %>%
group_by(person, household) %>%
mutate(ratio = expected.income / lead(income))
#> # A tibble: 13 x 6
#> # Groups: person, household [3]
#> year household person expected.income income ratio
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 1 140 110 1.17
#> 2 2 1 1 150 120 1.15
#> 3 3 1 1 160 130 1.14
#> 4 4 1 1 170 140 NA
#> 5 1 2 1 180 150 1.12
#> 6 2 2 1 190 160 1.12
#> 7 3 2 1 200 170 1.11
#> 8 4 2 1 210 180 NA
#> 9 1 2 2 220 190 1.1
#> 10 2 2 2 230 200 1.10
#> 11 3 2 2 240 210 1.09
#> 12 4 2 2 250 220 1.09
#> 13 5 2 2 260 230 NA
Created on 2022-05-11 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Is this what you are looking for:
example1 %>%
mutate(ratio = ifelse(person == household, expected.income/income, NA))
year household person expected.income income ratio
1 1 1 1 140 110 1.272727
2 1 1 1 150 120 1.250000
3 3 1 1 160 130 1.230769
4 4 1 1 170 140 1.214286
5 1 2 1 180 150 NA
6 2 2 1 190 160 NA
7 3 2 1 200 170 NA
8 4 2 1 210 180 NA
9 1 2 2 220 190 1.157895
10 2 2 2 230 200 1.150000
11 3 2 2 240 210 1.142857
12 4 2 2 250 220 1.136364
13 5 2 2 260 230 1.130435
First order by household, person and year. Then calculate the ratio and set all rations to NA where the next lien is not the next year or not the same household or not the same person.
. <- example1
. <- .[order(.$household, .$person, .$year),]
.$ratio <- .$expected.income / c(.$income[-1], NA)$ratio) <- (1 + .$year) != c(.$year[-1], NA) |
.$household != c(.$household[-1], NA) | .$person != c(.$person[-1], NA)
# year household person expected.income income ratio
#1 1 1 1 140 110 NA
#2 1 1 1 150 120 NA
#3 3 1 1 160 130 1.142857
#4 4 1 1 170 140 NA
#5 1 2 1 180 150 1.125000
#6 2 2 1 190 160 1.117647
#7 3 2 1 200 170 1.111111
#8 4 2 1 210 180 NA
#9 1 2 2 220 190 1.100000
#10 2 2 2 230 200 1.095238
#11 3 2 2 240 210 1.090909
#12 4 2 2 250 220 1.086957
#13 5 2 2 260 230 NA
Don't know if stating two times with year 1 is a typo, but it shows if the condition of next year is considered.

cumsum by participant and reset on 0 R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
R cumulative sum by condition with reset
(3 answers)
Cumulative sum that resets when 0 is encountered
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a data frame that looks like this below. I need to sum the number of correct trials by participant, and reset the counter when it gets to a 0.
Participant TrialNumber Correct
118 1 1
118 2 1
118 3 1
118 4 1
118 5 1
118 6 1
118 7 1
118 8 0
118 9 1
118 10 1
120 1 1
120 2 1
120 3 1
120 4 1
120 5 0
120 6 1
120 7 0
120 8 1
120 9 1
120 10 1
I've tried using splitstackshape:
df$Count <- getanID(cbind(df$Participant, cumsum(df$Correct)))[,.id]
But it cumulatively sums the correct trials when it gets to a 0 and not by participant:
Participant TrialNumber Correct Count
118 1 1 1
118 2 1 1
118 3 1 1
118 4 1 1
118 5 1 1
118 6 1 1
118 7 1 1
118 8 0 2
118 9 1 1
118 10 1 1
120 1 1 1
120 2 1 1
120 3 1 1
120 4 1 1
120 5 0 2
120 6 1 1
120 7 0 2
120 8 1 1
120 9 1 1
120 10 1 1
I then tried using dplyr:
df %>%
group_by(Participant) %>%
mutate(Count=cumsum(Correct)) %>%
ungroup %>%
Participant TrialNumber Correct Count
118 1 1 1
118 2 1 2
118 3 1 3
118 4 1 4
118 5 1 5
118 6 1 6
118 7 1 7
118 8 0 7
118 9 1 8
118 10 1 9
120 1 1 1
120 2 1 2
120 3 1 3
120 4 1 4
120 5 0 4
120 6 1 5
120 7 0 5
120 8 1 6
120 9 1 7
120 10 1 8
Which gets me closer, but still doesn't reset the counter when it gets to 0. If anyone has any suggestions to do this it would be greatly appreciated, thank you
Does this work?
df %>%
mutate(grp = rleid(Correct)) %>%
group_by(Participant, grp) %>%
mutate(Count = cumsum(Correct)) %>%
select(- grp)
# A tibble: 10 x 4
# Groups: Participant, grp [6]
grp Participant Correct Count
<int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 A 1 1
2 1 A 1 2
3 1 A 1 3
4 2 A 0 0
5 3 A 1 1
6 3 B 1 1
7 3 B 1 2
8 4 B 0 0
9 5 B 1 1
10 5 B 1 2
Toy data:
df <- data.frame(
Participant = c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 5)),
Correct = c(1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1)

R Loop To New Data Frame Summary Weighted

I have a tall data frame as such:
data = data.frame("id"=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),
data1 <- reshape(data, direction = "long",
varying = list(c(paste0("score",1:5)),c(paste0("weight",1:5))),
v.names = c("score","weight"),
idvar = "id", timevar = "count", times = c(1:5))
data1 <- data1[order(data1$id), ]
And what I want to create is a new data frame like so:
want = data.frame("score"=rep(1:4,6),
"weightedCOUNT"=NA) # how to calculate this? count(data1, score, wt = weight)
I am just not sure how to calculate weightedCOUNT which should apply the weights to the score variable so then it gives in column 'weightedCOUNT' a weighted count that is aggregated by score and group and type.
An option would be to melt (from data.table - which can take multiple measure patterns, and then grouped by 'group', 'type' get the count
melt(setDT(data), measure = patterns('^score', "^weight"), = c("score", "weight")) %>%
group_by(group, type) %>%
count(score, wt = weight)
If we need to have a complete set of combinations
melt(setDT(data), measure = patterns('^score', "^weight"), = c("score", "weight")) %>%
group_by(group, type) %>%
ungroup %>%
complete(group, type, score, fill = list(n = 0))
If I understand correctly, weightedCOUNT is the sum of weights grouped by score, group, and type.
For the sake of completeness, I would like to show how the accepted solution would look like when implemented in pure base R and pure data.table syntax, resp.
Base R
The OP was almost there. He has already reshaped data from wide to long format for multiple value variables. Only the final aggregation step was missing:
data1 <- reshape(data, direction = "long",
varying = list(c(paste0("score",1:5)),c(paste0("weight",1:5))),
v.names = c("score","weight"),
idvar = "id", timevar = "count", times = c(1:5))
result <- aggregate(weight ~ score + group + type, data1, FUN = sum)
score group type weight
1 1 1 1 479
2 3 1 1 558
3 4 1 1 454
4 1 2 1 378
5 2 2 1 154
6 3 2 1 174
7 4 2 1 145
8 1 2 2 535
9 2 2 2 855
10 3 2 2 248
11 4 2 2 499
12 1 1 3 189
13 2 1 3 351
14 3 1 3 600
15 4 1 3 362
16 1 2 3 596
17 2 2 3 265
18 3 2 3 193
19 4 2 3 522
result can be reordered by
with(result, result[order(score, group, type), ])
score group type weight
1 1 1 1 479
12 1 1 3 189
4 1 2 1 378
8 1 2 2 535
16 1 2 3 596
13 2 1 3 351
5 2 2 1 154
9 2 2 2 855
17 2 2 3 265
2 3 1 1 558
14 3 1 3 600
6 3 2 1 174
10 3 2 2 248
18 3 2 3 193
3 4 1 1 454
15 4 1 3 362
7 4 2 1 145
11 4 2 2 499
19 4 2 3 522
As shown by akrun, melt() from the data.table package can be combined with dplyr. Alternatively, we can stay with the data.table syntax for aggregation:
cols <- c("score", "weight") # to save typing
melt(setDT(data), measure = patterns(cols), = cols)[
, .(weightedCOUNT = sum(weight)), keyby = .(score, group, type)]
score group type weightedCOUNT
1: 1 1 1 479
2: 1 1 3 189
3: 1 2 1 378
4: 1 2 2 535
5: 1 2 3 596
6: 2 1 3 351
7: 2 2 1 154
8: 2 2 2 855
9: 2 2 3 265
10: 3 1 1 558
11: 3 1 3 600
12: 3 2 1 174
13: 3 2 2 248
14: 3 2 3 193
15: 4 1 1 454
16: 4 1 3 362
17: 4 2 1 145
18: 4 2 2 499
19: 4 2 3 522
The keyby parameter is used for grouping and ordering the output in one step.
Completion of missing combinations of the grouping variables is also possible in data.table syntax using the cross join function CJ():
melt(setDT(data), measure = patterns(cols), = cols)[
, .(weightedCOUNT = sum(weight)), keyby = .(score, group, type)][
CJ(score, group, type, unique = TRUE), on = .(score, group, type)][, weightedCOUNT := 0][]
score group type weightedCOUNT
1: 1 1 1 479
2: 1 1 2 0
3: 1 1 3 189
4: 1 2 1 378
5: 1 2 2 535
6: 1 2 3 596
7: 2 1 1 0
8: 2 1 2 0
9: 2 1 3 351
10: 2 2 1 154
11: 2 2 2 855
12: 2 2 3 265
13: 3 1 1 558
14: 3 1 2 0
15: 3 1 3 600
16: 3 2 1 174
17: 3 2 2 248
18: 3 2 3 193
19: 4 1 1 454
20: 4 1 2 0
21: 4 1 3 362
22: 4 2 1 145
23: 4 2 2 499
24: 4 2 3 522
score group type weightedCOUNT

add values of one group into another group in R

I have a question on how to add the value from a group to rest of the elements in the group then delete that row. for ex:
df <- data.frame(Year=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),
in the above example, my data is grouped by Year, Cluster, Seed and Day where seed=99 values need to be added to above rows based on (Year, Cluster and Day) group then delete this row. for ex: Row # 16, is part of (Year=1, Cluster=a,Day=1 and Seed=99) group and the value of Row #16 which is 55 should be added to Row #1 (5+55), Row # 6 (6+55) and Row # 11 (2+55) and row # 16 should be deleted. But when it comes to Row #21, which is in cluster=C with seed=99, should remain in the database as is as it cannot find any matching in year+cluster+day combination.
My actual data is of 1 million records with 10 years, 80 clusters, 500 days and 10+1 (1 to 10 and 99) seeds, so looking for so looking for an efficient solution.
Year Cluster Seed Day value
1 1 a 1 1 60
2 1 a 1 2 68
3 1 a 1 3 78
4 1 a 1 4 90
5 1 a 1 5 107
6 1 a 2 1 61
7 1 a 2 2 73
8 1 a 2 3 86
9 1 a 2 4 91
10 1 a 2 5 104
11 1 a 3 1 57
12 1 a 3 2 67
13 1 a 3 3 79
14 1 a 3 4 96
15 1 a 3 5 105
16 1 c 99 1 10
17 2 b 1 1 60
18 2 b 1 2 68
19 2 b 1 3 78
20 2 b 1 4 90
21 2 b 1 5 107
22 2 b 2 1 61
23 2 b 2 2 73
24 2 b 2 3 86
25 2 b 2 4 91
26 2 b 2 5 104
27 2 b 3 1 57
28 2 b 3 2 67
29 2 b 3 3 79
30 2 b 3 4 96
31 2 b 3 5 105
32 2 d 99 1 10
A data.table approach:
df <- setDT(df)[, `:=` (value = ifelse(Seed != 99, value + value[Seed == 99], value),
flag = Seed == 99 & .N == 1), by = .(Year, Cluster, Day)][!(Seed == 99 & flag == FALSE),][, "flag" := NULL]
Year Cluster Seed Day value
1: 1 a 1 1 60
2: 1 a 1 2 68
3: 1 a 1 3 78
4: 1 a 1 4 90
5: 1 a 1 5 107
6: 1 a 2 1 61
7: 1 a 2 2 73
8: 1 a 2 3 86
9: 1 a 2 4 91
10: 1 a 2 5 104
11: 1 a 3 1 57
12: 1 a 3 2 67
13: 1 a 3 3 79
14: 1 a 3 4 96
15: 1 a 3 5 105
16: 1 c 99 1 10
17: 2 b 1 1 60
18: 2 b 1 2 68
19: 2 b 1 3 78
20: 2 b 1 4 90
21: 2 b 1 5 107
22: 2 b 2 1 61
23: 2 b 2 2 73
24: 2 b 2 3 86
25: 2 b 2 4 91
26: 2 b 2 5 104
27: 2 b 3 1 57
28: 2 b 3 2 67
29: 2 b 3 3 79
30: 2 b 3 4 96
31: 2 b 3 5 105
32: 2 d 99 1 10
Here's an approach using the tidyverse. If you're looking for speed with a million rows, a data.table solution will probably perform better.
df <- data.frame(Year=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),
seeds <- df %>%
filter(Seed == 99)
matches <- df %>%
filter(Seed != 99) %>%
inner_join(select(seeds, -Seed), by = c("Year", "Cluster", "Day")) %>%
mutate(value = value.x + value.y) %>%
select(Year, Cluster, Seed, Day, value)
no_matches <- anti_join(seeds, matches, by = c("Year", "Cluster", "Day"))
bind_rows(matches, no_matches) %>%
arrange(Year, Cluster, Seed, Day)
#> Year Cluster Seed Day value
#> 1 1 a 1 1 60
#> 2 1 a 1 2 68
#> 3 1 a 1 3 78
#> 4 1 a 1 4 90
#> 5 1 a 1 5 107
#> 6 1 a 2 1 61
#> 7 1 a 2 2 73
#> 8 1 a 2 3 86
#> 9 1 a 2 4 91
#> 10 1 a 2 5 104
#> 11 1 a 3 1 57
#> 12 1 a 3 2 67
#> 13 1 a 3 3 79
#> 14 1 a 3 4 96
#> 15 1 a 3 5 105
#> 16 1 c 99 1 10
#> 17 2 b 1 1 60
#> 18 2 b 1 2 68
#> 19 2 b 1 3 78
#> 20 2 b 1 4 90
#> 21 2 b 1 5 107
#> 22 2 b 2 1 61
#> 23 2 b 2 2 73
#> 24 2 b 2 3 86
#> 25 2 b 2 4 91
#> 26 2 b 2 5 104
#> 27 2 b 3 1 57
#> 28 2 b 3 2 67
#> 29 2 b 3 3 79
#> 30 2 b 3 4 96
#> 31 2 b 3 5 105
#> 32 2 d 99 1 10
Created on 2018-11-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Merge 2 dataframes based on condition in R

I have the following 2 data frames that I want to merge:
x <- data.frame(a= 1:11, b =3:13, c=2:12, d=7:17, invoice = 1:11)
x =
a b c d invoice
1 3 2 7 1
2 4 3 8 2
3 5 4 9 3
4 6 5 10 4
5 7 6 11 5
6 8 7 12 6
7 9 8 13 7
8 10 9 14 8
9 11 10 15 9
10 12 11 16 10
11 13 12 17 11
y <- data.frame(nr = 100:125, invoice = 1)
y$invoice[12:26] <- 2
> y
nr invoice
100 1
101 1
102 1
103 1
104 1
105 1
106 1
107 1
108 1
109 1
110 1
111 2
112 2
113 2
114 2
115 2
116 2
117 2
I want to merge the letters from dataframe X with dataframe Y when the invoice number is the same. It should start with merging the value from letter A, then B ect. This should be happening until the invoice number is not the same anymore and then choose the numbers from invoice nr 2.
the output should be like this:
> output
nr invoice letter_count
100 1 1
101 1 3
102 1 2
103 1 7
104 1 1
105 1 3
106 1 2
107 1 7
108 1 1
109 1 2
110 1 7
111 2 2
112 2 4
113 2 3
114 2 8
115 2 2
116 2 4
I tried to use the merge function with the by argument but this created an error that the number of rows is not the same. Any help I will appreciate.
Here is a solution using the purrr package.
# Prepare the data frames
x <- data.frame(a = 1:11, b = 3:13, c = 2:12, d = 7:17, invoice = 1:11)
y <- data.frame(nr = 100:125, invoice = 1)
y$invoice[12:26] <- 2
# Load package
# Split the data based on invoice
y_list <- split(y, f = y$invoice)
# Design a function to transfer data
trans_fun <- function(main_df, letter_df = x){
# Get the invoice number
temp_num<- unique(main_df$invoice)
# Extract letter_count information from x
add_vec <- unlist(letter_df[letter_df$invoice == temp_num, 1:4])
# Get the remainder of nrow(main_df) and length(add_vec)
reamin_num <- nrow(main_df) %% length(add_vec)
# Get the multiple of nrow(main_df) and length(add_vec)
multiple_num <- nrow(main_df) %/% length(add_vec)
# Create the entire sequence to add
add_seq <- rep(add_vec, multiple_num + 1)
add_seq2 <- add_seq[1:(length(add_seq) - (length(add_vec) - reamin_num))]
# Add new column, add_seq2, to main_df
main_df$letter_count <- add_seq2
# Apply the trans_fun function using map_df
output <- map_df(y_list, .f = trans_fun)
# See the result
nr invoice letter_count
1 100 1 1
2 101 1 3
3 102 1 2
4 103 1 7
5 104 1 1
6 105 1 3
7 106 1 2
8 107 1 7
9 108 1 1
10 109 1 3
11 110 1 2
12 111 2 2
13 112 2 4
14 113 2 3
15 114 2 8
16 115 2 2
17 116 2 4
18 117 2 3
19 118 2 8
20 119 2 2
21 120 2 4
22 121 2 3
23 122 2 8
24 123 2 2
25 124 2 4
26 125 2 3
