What is the purpose of async/await in Rust? - asynchronous

In a language like C#, giving this code (I am not using the await keyword on purpose):
async Task Foo()
var task = LongRunningOperationAsync();
// Some other non-related operation
result = task.Result;
In the first line, the long operation is run in another thread, and a Task is returned (that is a future). You can then do another operation that will run in parallel of the first one, and at the end, you can wait for the operation to be finished. I think that it is also the behavior of async/await in Python, JavaScript, etc.
On the other hand, in Rust, I read in the RFC that:
A fundamental difference between Rust's futures and those from other languages is that Rust's futures do not do anything unless polled. The whole system is built around this: for example, cancellation is dropping the future for precisely this reason. In contrast, in other languages, calling an async fn spins up a future that starts executing immediately.
In this situation, what is the purpose of async/await in Rust? Seeing other languages, this notation is a convenient way to run parallel operations, but I cannot see how it works in Rust if the calling of an async function does not run anything.

You are conflating a few concepts.
Concurrency is not parallelism, and async and await are tools for concurrency, which may sometimes mean they are also tools for parallelism.
Additionally, whether a future is immediately polled or not is orthogonal to the syntax chosen.
async / await
The keywords async and await exist to make creating and interacting with asynchronous code easier to read and look more like "normal" synchronous code. This is true in all of the languages that have such keywords, as far as I am aware.
Simpler code
This is code that creates a future that adds two numbers when polled
fn long_running_operation(a: u8, b: u8) -> impl Future<Output = u8> {
struct Value(u8, u8);
impl Future for Value {
type Output = u8;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _ctx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
Poll::Ready(self.0 + self.1)
Value(a, b)
async fn long_running_operation(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
a + b
Note that the "before" code is basically the implementation of today's poll_fn function
See also Peter Hall's answer about how keeping track of many variables can be made nicer.
One of the potentially surprising things about async/await is that it enables a specific pattern that wasn't possible before: using references in futures. Here's some code that fills up a buffer with a value in an asynchronous manner:
use std::io;
fn fill_up<'a>(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<usize>> + 'a {
futures::future::lazy(move |_| {
for b in buf.iter_mut() { *b = 42 }
fn foo() -> impl Future<Output = Vec<u8>> {
let mut data = vec![0; 8];
fill_up(&mut data).map(|_| data)
This fails to compile:
error[E0597]: `data` does not live long enough
--> src/main.rs:33:17
33 | fill_up_old(&mut data).map(|_| data)
| ^^^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
34 | }
| - `data` dropped here while still borrowed
= note: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `data` because it is borrowed
--> src/main.rs:33:32
33 | fill_up_old(&mut data).map(|_| data)
| --------- ^^^ ---- move occurs due to use in closure
| | |
| | move out of `data` occurs here
| borrow of `data` occurs here
= note: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...
use std::io;
async fn fill_up(buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
for b in buf.iter_mut() { *b = 42 }
async fn foo() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut data = vec![0; 8];
fill_up(&mut data).await.expect("IO failed");
This works!
Calling an async function does not run anything
The implementation and design of a Future and the entire system around futures, on the other hand, is unrelated to the keywords async and await. Indeed, Rust has a thriving asynchronous ecosystem (such as with Tokio) before the async / await keywords ever existed. The same was true for JavaScript.
Why aren't Futures polled immediately on creation?
For the most authoritative answer, check out this comment from withoutboats on the RFC pull request:
A fundamental difference between Rust's futures and those from other
languages is that Rust's futures do not do anything unless polled. The
whole system is built around this: for example, cancellation is
dropping the future for precisely this reason. In contrast, in other
languages, calling an async fn spins up a future that starts executing
A point about this is that async & await in Rust are not inherently
concurrent constructions. If you have a program that only uses async &
await and no concurrency primitives, the code in your program will
execute in a defined, statically known, linear order. Obviously, most
programs will use some kind of concurrency to schedule multiple,
concurrent tasks on the event loop, but they don't have to. What this
means is that you can - trivially - locally guarantee the ordering of
certain events, even if there is nonblocking IO performed in between
them that you want to be asynchronous with some larger set of nonlocal
events (e.g. you can strictly control ordering of events inside of a
request handler, while being concurrent with many other request
handlers, even on two sides of an await point).
This property gives Rust's async/await syntax the kind of local
reasoning & low-level control that makes Rust what it is. Running up
to the first await point would not inherently violate that - you'd
still know when the code executed, it would just execute in two
different places depending on whether it came before or after an
await. However, I think the decision made by other languages to start
executing immediately largely stems from their systems which
immediately schedule a task concurrently when you call an async fn
(for example, that's the impression of the underlying problem I got
from the Dart 2.0 document).
Some of the Dart 2.0 background is covered by this discussion from munificent:
Hi, I'm on the Dart team. Dart's async/await was designed mainly by
Erik Meijer, who also worked on async/await for C#. In C#, async/await
is synchronous to the first await. For Dart, Erik and others felt that
C#'s model was too confusing and instead specified that an async
function always yields once before executing any code.
At the time, I and another on my team were tasked with being the
guinea pigs to try out the new in-progress syntax and semantics in our
package manager. Based on that experience, we felt async functions
should run synchronously to the first await. Our arguments were
Always yielding once incurs a performance penalty for no good reason. In most cases, this doesn't matter, but in some it really
does. Even in cases where you can live with it, it's a drag to bleed a
little perf everywhere.
Always yielding means certain patterns cannot be implemented using async/await. In particular, it's really common to have code like
(pseudo-code here):
if (downloadAlreadyInProgress):
return cachedFuture
cachedFuture = startDownload()
return cachedFuture
In other words, you have an async operation that you can call multiple times before it completes. Later calls use the same
previously-created pending future. You want to ensure you don't start
the operation multiple times. That means you need to synchronously
check the cache before starting the operation.
If async functions are async from the start, the above function can't use async/await.
We pleaded our case, but ultimately the language designers stuck with
async-from-the-top. This was several years ago.
That turned out to be the wrong call. The performance cost is real
enough that many users developed a mindset that "async functions are
slow" and started avoiding using it even in cases where the perf hit
was affordable. Worse, we see nasty concurrency bugs where people
think they can do some synchronous work at the top of a function and
are dismayed to discover they've created race conditions. Overall, it
seems users do not naturally assume an async function yields before
executing any code.
So, for Dart 2, we are now taking the very painful breaking change to
change async functions to be synchronous to the first await and
migrating all of our existing code through that transition. I'm glad
we're making the change, but I really wish we'd done the right thing
on day one.
I don't know if Rust's ownership and performance model place different
constraints on you where being async from the top really is better,
but from our experience, sync-to-the-first-await is clearly the better
trade-off for Dart.
cramert replies (note that some of this syntax is outdated now):
If you need code to execute immediately when a function is called
rather than later on when the future is polled, you can write your
function like this:
fn foo() -> impl Future<Item=Thing> {
println!("prints immediately");
async_block! {
println!("prints when the future is first polled");
Code examples
These examples use the async support in Rust 1.39 and the futures crate 0.3.1.
Literal transcription of the C# code
use futures; // 0.3.1
async fn long_running_operation(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
a + b
fn another_operation(c: u8, d: u8) -> u8 {
c * d
async fn foo() -> u8 {
let sum = long_running_operation(1, 2);
another_operation(3, 4);
fn main() {
let task = foo();
futures::executor::block_on(async {
let v = task.await;
println!("Result: {}", v);
If you called foo, the sequence of events in Rust would be:
Something implementing Future<Output = u8> is returned.
That's it. No "actual" work is done yet. If you take the result of foo and drive it towards completion (by polling it, in this case via futures::executor::block_on), then the next steps are:
Something implementing Future<Output = u8> is returned from calling long_running_operation (it does not start work yet).
another_operation does work as it is synchronous.
the .await syntax causes the code in long_running_operation to start. The foo future will continue to return "not ready" until the computation is done.
The output would be:
Result: 3
Note that there are no thread pools here: this is all done on a single thread.
async blocks
You can also use async blocks:
use futures::{future, FutureExt}; // 0.3.1
fn long_running_operation(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
a + b
fn another_operation(c: u8, d: u8) -> u8 {
c * d
async fn foo() -> u8 {
let sum = async { long_running_operation(1, 2) };
let oth = async { another_operation(3, 4) };
let both = future::join(sum, oth).map(|(sum, _)| sum);
Here we wrap synchronous code in an async block and then wait for both actions to complete before this function will be complete.
Note that wrapping synchronous code like this is not a good idea for anything that will actually take a long time; see What is the best approach to encapsulate blocking I/O in future-rs? for more info.
With a threadpool
// Requires the `thread-pool` feature to be enabled
use futures::{executor::ThreadPool, future, task::SpawnExt, FutureExt};
async fn foo(pool: &mut ThreadPool) -> u8 {
let sum = pool
.spawn_with_handle(async { long_running_operation(1, 2) })
let oth = pool
.spawn_with_handle(async { another_operation(3, 4) })
let both = future::join(sum, oth).map(|(sum, _)| sum);

The purpose of async/await in Rust is to provide a toolkit for concurrency—same as in C# and other languages.
In C# and JavaScript, async methods start running immediately, and they're scheduled whether you await the result or not. In Python and Rust, when you call an async method, nothing happens (it isn't even scheduled) until you await it. But it's largely the same programming style either way.
The ability to spawn another task (that runs concurrent with and independent of the current task) is provided by libraries: see async_std::task::spawn and tokio::task::spawn.
As for why Rust async is not exactly like C#, well, consider the differences between the two languages:
Rust discourages global mutable state. In C# and JS, every async method call is implicitly added to a global mutable queue. It's a side effect to some implicit context. For better or worse, that's not Rust's style.
Rust is not a framework. It makes sense that C# provides a default event loop. It also provides a great garbage collector! Lots of things that come standard in other languages are optional libraries in Rust.

Consider this simple pseudo-JavaScript code that fetches some data, processes it, fetches some more data based on the previous step, summarises it, and then prints a result:
.then(response -> parseObjects(response.data))
.then(data -> findAll(data, 'foo'))
.then(foos -> getWikipediaPagesFor(foos))
.then(sum -> console.log("sum is: ", sum));
In async/await form, that's:
async {
let response = await getData(url);
let objects = parseObjects(response.data);
let foos = findAll(objects, 'foo');
let pages = await getWikipediaPagesFor(foos);
let sum = sumPages(pages);
console.log("sum is: ", sum);
It introduces a lot of single-use variables and is arguably worse than the original version with promises. So why bother?
Consider this change, where the variables response and objects are needed later on in the computation:
async {
let response = await getData(url);
let objects = parseObjects(response.data);
let foos = findAll(objects, 'foo');
let pages = await getWikipediaPagesFor(foos);
let sum = sumPages(pages, objects.length);
console.log("sum is: ", sum, " and status was: ", response.status);
And try to rewrite it in the original form with promises:
.then(response -> Promise.resolve(parseObjects(response.data))
.then(objects -> Promise.resolve(findAll(objects, 'foo'))
.then(foos -> getWikipediaPagesFor(foos))
.then(pages -> sumPages(pages, objects.length)))
.then(sum -> console.log("sum is: ", sum, " and status was: ", response.status)));
Each time you need to refer back to a previous result, you need to nest the entire structure one level deeper. This can quickly become very difficult to read and maintain, but the async/await version does not suffer from this problem.


How to tell if an async computation is sent to the thread pool?

I was recently informed that in
async {
return! async { return "hi" } }
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> printfn "%s"
the nested Async<'T> (async { return 1 }) would not be sent to the thread pool for evaluation, whereas in
async {
use ms = new MemoryStream [| 0x68uy; 0x69uy |]
use sr = new StreamReader (ms)
return! sr.ReadToEndAsync () |> Async.AwaitTask }
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> printfn "%s"
the nested Async<'T> (sr.ReadToEndAsync () |> Async.AwaitTask) would be. What is it about an Async<'T> that decides whether it's sent to the thread pool when it's executed in an asynchronous operation like let! or return!? In particular, how would you define one which is sent to the thread pool? What code do you have to include in the async block, or in the lambda passed into Async.FromContinuations?
TL;DR: It's not quite like that. The async itself doesn't "send" anything to the thread pool. All it does is just run continuations until they stop. And if one of those continuations decides to continue on a new thread - well, that's when thread switching happens.
Let's set up a small example to illustrate what happens:
let log str = printfn $"{str}: thread = {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}"
let f = async {
log "1"
let! x = async { log "2"; return 42 }
log "3"
do! Async.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0))
log "4"
log "starting"
f |> Async.StartImmediate
log "started"
If you run this script, it will print, starting, then 1, 2, 3, then started, then wait 3 seconds, and then print 4, and all of them except 4 will have the same thread ID. You can see that everything until Async.Sleep is executed synchronously on the same thread, but after that async execution stops and the main program execution continues, printing started and then blocking on ReadLine. By the time Async.Sleep wakes up and wants to continue execution, the original thread is already blocked on ReadLine, so the async computation gets to continue running on a new one.
What's going on here? How does this function?
First, the way the async computation is structured is in "continuation-passing style". It's a technique where every function doesn't return its result to the caller, but calls another function instead, passing the result as its parameter.
Let me illustrate with an example:
// "Normal" style:
let f x = x + 5
let g x = x * 2
printfn "%d" (f (g 3)) // prints 11
// Continuation-passing style:
let f x next = next (x + 5)
let g x next = next (x * 2)
g 3 (fun res1 -> f res1 (fun res2 -> printfn "%d" res2))
This is called "continuation-passing" because the next parameters are called "continuations" - i.e. they're functions that express how the program continues after calling f or g. And yes, this is exactly what Async.FromContinuations means.
Seeming very silly and roundabout on the surface, what this allows us to do is for each function to decide when, how, or even if its continuation happens. For example, our f function from above could be doing something asynchronous instead of just plain returning the result:
let f x next = httpPost "http://calculator.com/add5" x next
Coding it in continuation-passing style would allow such function to not block the current thread while the request to calculator.com is in flight. What's wrong with blocking the thread, you ask? I'll refer you to the original answer that prompted your question in the first place.
Second, when you write those async { ... } blocks, the compiler gives you a little help. It takes what looks like a step-by-step imperative program and "unrolls" it into a series of continuation-passing calls. The "breaking" points for this unfolding are all the constructs that end with a bang - let!, do!, return!.
The above async block, for example, would look somethiing like this (F#-ish pseudocode):
let return42 onDone =
log "2"
onDone 42
let f onDone =
log "1"
return42 (fun x ->
log "3"
Async.Sleep (3 seconds) (fun () ->
log "4"
onDone ()
Here, you can plainly see that the return42 function simply calls its continuation right away, thus making the whole thing from log "1" to log "3" completely synchronous, whereas the Async.Sleep function doesn't call its continuation right away, instead scheduling it to be run later (in 3 seconds) on the thread pool. That's where the thread switching happens.
And here, finally, lies the answer to your question: in order to have the async computation jump threads, your callback passed to Async.FromContinuations should do anything but call the success continuation immediately.
A few notes for further investigation
The onDone technique in the above example is technically called "monadic bind", and indeed in real F# programs it's represented by the async.Bind method. This answer might also be of help understanding the concept.
The above is a bit of an oversimplification. In reality the async execution is a bit more complicated than that. Internally it uses a technique called "trampoline", which in plain terms is just a loop that runs a single thunk on every turn, but crucially, the running thunk can also "ask" it to run another thunk, and if it does, the loop will do so, and so on, forever, until the next thunk doesn't ask to run another thunk, and then the whole thing finally stops.
I specifically used Async.StartImmediate to start the computation in my example, because Async.StartImmediate will do just what it says on the tin: it will start running the computation immediately, right there. That's why everything ran on the same thread as the main program. There are many alternative starting functions in the Async module. For example, Async.Start will start the computation on the thread pool. The lines from log "1" to log "3" will still all happen synchronously, without thread switching between them, but it will happen on a different thread from log "start" and log "starting". In this case thread switching will happen before the async computation even starts, so it doesn't count.

Lifetime error using traits and async function on protobuffers

I'm having some issues understanding lifetimes in Rust. It may also be the way I implement my design.
error[E0597]: `request` does not live long enough
--> src/service/session/server.rs:25:23
25 | let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
| ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
32 | let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
| ---------------- cast requires that `request` is borrowed for `'static`
44 | }
| - `request` dropped here while still borrowed
The main source:
impl Session for SessionImplementation {
async fn signup(
request: Request<SignupRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<SessionResponse>, Status> {
let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
let signup = TxSignup::new(&msg_ref.name, &msg_ref.addr, &msg_ref.pwd);
let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
let tx = Transaction::new(body);
let mut tx_signup: Box<dyn Tx> = Box::new(tx);
let response = SessionResponse {
deadline: 0,
cookie: "".to_string(),
status: 0,
/* more code */
The idea is to have a Transaction, that implements Tx { execute(&self), result(&self) ... };. This Transaction has a parameter body of the type Box<dyn Box>, being the trait Body { /*some fn*/ }. Having this, I'm pretending to implement some kind of hierarchy.
The code above
On line 24 I'm getting some requests of the type SignupRequest (from proto file). This is the implementation of proto's server, using Tonic and Tokio.
After this, I have also an object TxSignup with some parameters of the type &str (set in from line 27 till 29). TxSignup implements the Body trait so I'm able to turn it into a Tx trait, apparently. The Transaction object wraps a Body implementation. I call the execute() function from the given trait Tx. All that explained has been done from line 32 till 35.
The problem
If I replace the &str type from TxSignup by type String it works. However, if I want them to be of the type &str, a lot of "incongruencies" with lifetimes emerge. I want it to be &str because none of these values will change. I think it is better to keep them on the stack instead of in the heap. Am I wrong?
If I want &str, I'm coerced to define TxSignup with <'a>, and here is where I get lost. I get why a lifetime is required, but not why all these problems appear.
As far I do understand, all elements inside the function should have the same lifetime, being killed at the end of its block (line 44). I will never send them outside.
I have tried giving to Body trait also an <'a>, and even to Tx trait (meaning the Transaction object must have one too to match the trait).
Is there any way to make it work? Am I misunderstanding the Trait use and how they work, or this patter design will never work?
Reproduction on GitHub
I have reproduced this same error in my rust-proto repository. Running cargo run should be enough.
I come from Go development and some C++, Java and Python, so I have a way of coding that may not be the most appropriate one using Rust. That's what I want to solve.

How can I join all the futures in a vector without cancelling on failure like join_all does?

I've got a Vec of futures created from calling an async function. After adding all the futures to the vector, I'd like to wait on the whole set, getting either a list of results, or a callback for each one that finishes.
I could simply loop or iterate over the vector of futures and call .await on each future and that would allow me to handle errors correctly and not have futures::future::join_all cancel the others, but I'm sure there's a more idiomatic way to accomplish this task.
I also want to be able to handle the futures as they complete so if I get enough information from the first few, I can cancel the remaining incomplete futures and not wait for them and discard their results, error or not. This would not be possible if I iterated over the vector in order.
What I'm looking for is a callback (closure, etc) that lets me accumulate the results as they come in so that I can handle errors appropriately or cancel the remainder of the futures (from within the callback) if I determine I don't need the rest of them.
I can tell that's asking for a headache from the borrow checker: trying to modify a future in a Vec in a callback from the async engine.
There's a number of Stack Overflow questions and Reddit posts that explain how join_all joins on a list of futures but cancels the rest if one fails, and how async engines may spawn threads or they may not or they're bad design if they do.
Use futures::select_all:
use futures::future; // 0.3.4
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
async fn might_fail(fails: bool) -> Result<i32> {
if fails {
} else {
async fn many() -> Result<i32> {
let raw_futs = vec![might_fail(true), might_fail(false), might_fail(true)];
let unpin_futs: Vec<_> = raw_futs.into_iter().map(Box::pin).collect();
let mut futs = unpin_futs;
let mut sum = 0;
while !futs.is_empty() {
match future::select_all(futs).await {
(Ok(val), _index, remaining) => {
sum += val;
futs = remaining;
(Err(_e), _index, remaining) => {
// Ignoring all errors
futs = remaining;
if sum > 42 {
// Early exit
return Ok(sum);
This will poll all the futures in the collection, returning the first one that is not pending, its index, and the remaining pending or unpolled futures. You can then match on the Result and handle the success or failure case.
Call select_all inside of a loop. This gives you the ability to exit early from the function. When you exit, the futs vector is dropped and dropping a future cancels it.
As mentioned in comments by #kmdreko, #John Kugelman and #e-net4-the-comment-flagger, use join_all from the futures crate version 0.3. The join_all in futures version 0.2 has the cancel behavior described in the question, but join_all in futures crate version 0.3 does not.
For a quick/hacky solution without having to mess with select_all. You can use join_all, but instead of returning Result<T> return Result<Result<T>> - always returning Ok for the top-level result
Or you can use join_all
The example from the documentation:
use futures::future::join_all;
async fn foo(i: u32) -> u32 { i }
let futures = vec![foo(1), foo(2), foo(3)];
assert_eq!(join_all(futures).await, [1, 2, 3]);

Why do I have to wrap an Async<T> into another async workflow and let! it?

I'm trying to understand async workflows in F# but I found one part that I really don't understand.
The following code works fine:
let asynWorkflow = async{
let! result = Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition) |> Async.AwaitTask
return result
let stream = Async.RunSynchronously asynWorkflow
|> fun openResult -> if openResult.Found then openResult.Stream else Stream(partition)
I define a async workflow where TryOpenAsync returns a Task<StreamOpenResult> type. I convert it to Async<StreamOpenResult> with Async.AwaitTask. (Side quest: "Await"Task? It doesn't await it just convert it, does it? I think it has nothing to do with Task.Wait or the await keyword). I "await" it with let! and return it.
To start the workflow I use RunSynchronously which should start the workflow and return the result (bind it). On the result I check if the Stream is Found or not.
But now to my first question. Why do I have to wrap the TryOpenAsync call in another async computation and let! ("await") it?
E.g. the following code does not work:
let asynWorkflow = Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition) |> Async.AwaitTask
let stream = Async.RunSynchronously asynWorkflow
|> fun openResult -> if openResult.Found then openResult.Stream else Stream(partition)
I thought the AwaitTask makes it an Async<T> and RunSynchronously should start it. Then use the result. What do I miss?
My second question is why is there any "Async.Let!" function available? Maybe because it does not work or better why doesn't it work with the following code?
let ``let!`` task = async{
let! result = task |> Async.AwaitTask
return result
let stream = Async.RunSynchronously ( ``let!`` (Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition)) )
|> fun openResult -> if openResult.Found then openResult.Stream else Stream(partition)
I just insert the TryOpenAsync as a parameter but it does not work. By saying does not work I mean the whole FSI will hang. So it has something to do with my async/"await".
--- Update:
Result of working code in FSI:
Real: 00:00:00.051, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val asynWorkflow : Async<StreamOpenResult>
val stream : Stream
Result of not working code in FSI:
And you cannot execute anything in the FSI anymore
--- Update 2
I'm using Streamstone. Here the C# example: https://github.com/yevhen/Streamstone/blob/master/Source/Example/Scenarios/S04_Write_to_stream.cs
and here the Stream.TryOpenAsync: https://github.com/yevhen/Streamstone/blob/master/Source/Streamstone/Stream.Api.cs#L192
I can't tell you why the second example doesn't work without knowing what Stream and partition are and how they work.
However, I want to take this opportunity to point out that the two examples are not strictly equivalent.
F# async is kind of like a "recipe" for what to do. When you write async { ... }, the resulting computation is just sitting there, not actually doing anything. It's more like declaring a function than like issuing a command. Only when you "start" it by calling something like Async.RunSynchronously or Async.Start does it actually run. A corollary is that you can start the same async workflow multiple times, and it's going to be a new workflow every time. Very similar to how IEnumerable works.
C# Task, on the other hand, is more like a "reference" to an async computation that is already running. The computation starts as soon as you call Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition), and it's impossible to obtain a Task instance before the task actually starts. You can await the resulting Task multiple times, but each await will not result in a fresh attempt to open a stream. Only the first await will actually wait for the task's completion, and every subsequent one will just return you the same remembered result.
In the async/reactive lingo, F# async is what you call "cold", while C# Task is referred to as "hot".
The second code block looks like it should work to me. It does run it if I provide dummy implementations for Stream and StreamOpenResult.
You should avoid using Async.RunSynchronously wherever possible because it defeats the purpose of async. Put all of this code within a larger async block and then you will have access to the StreamOpenResult:
async {
let! openResult = Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition) |> Async.AwaitTask
let stream = if openResult.Found then openResult.Stream else Stream(partition)
return () // now do something with the stream
You may need to put a Async.Start or Async.RunSynchronously at the very outer edge of your program to actually run it, but it's better if you have the async (or convert it to a Task) and pass it to some other code (e.g. a web framework) that can call it in a non-blocking manner.
Not that I want to answer your question with another question, but: why are you doing code like this anyway? That might help to understand it. Why not just:
let asyncWorkflow = async {
let! result = Stream.TryOpenAsync(partition) |> Async.AwaitTask
if result.Found then return openResult.Stream else return Stream(partition) }
There's little point in creating an async workflow only to immediately call RunSynchronously on it - it's similar to calling .Result on a Task - it just blocks the current thread until the workflow returns.

Is there a more friendly RefCell-like object?

I'm looking for a class much like Vec<RefCell<T>>, in that it is the ultimate owner & allocator of all of its data, yet different pieces of the array can be be mutably borrowed by multiple parties indefinitely.
I emphasize indefinitely because of course pieces of Vec<T> can also be mutably borrowed by multiple parties, but doing so involves making a split which can only be resolved after the parties are done borrowing.
Vec<RefCell<T>> seems to be a world of danger and many ugly if statements checking borrow_state, which seems to be unstable. If you do something wrong, then kablammo! Panic! This is not what a lending library is like. In a lending library, if you ask for a book that isn't there, they tell you "Oh, it's checked out." Nobody dies in an explosion.
So I would like to write code something like this:
let mut a = LendingLibrary::new();
let b1 = a.get(0); // <-- b1 is an Option<RefMut<Foo>>
let b2 = a.get(1); // <-- b2 is an Option<RefMut<Foo>>
// the 0th element has already been borrowed, so...
let b3 = a.get(0); // <-- b3 is Option::None
Does such a thing exist? Or is there another canonical way to get this kind of behavior? A kind of "friendly RefCell"?
If the answer happens to be yes, is there also a threadsafe variant?
RefCell is not designed for long-lived borrows. The typical use case is that in a function, you'll borrow the RefCell (either mutably or immutably), work with the value, then release the borrow before returning. I'm curious to know how you're hoping to recover from a borrowed RefCell in a single-threaded context.
The thread-safe equivalent to RefCell is RwLock. It has try_read and try_write functions that do not block or panic if an incompatible lock is still acquired (on any thread, including the current thread). Contrarily to RefCell, it makes sense to just retry later if locking a RwLock fails, since another thread might just happen to have locked it at the same time.
If you end up always using write or try_write, and never read or try_read, then you should probably use the simpler Mutex instead.
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut, BorrowState};
struct LendingLibrary<T> {
items: Vec<RefCell<T>>
impl<T> LendingLibrary<T> {
fn new(items: Vec<T>) -> LendingLibrary<T> {
LendingLibrary {
items: items.into_iter().map(|e| RefCell::new(e)).collect()
fn get(&self, item: usize) -> Option<RefMut<T>> {
.and_then(|cell| match cell.borrow_state() {
BorrowState::Unused => Some(cell.borrow_mut()),
_ => None
fn main() {
let lib = LendingLibrary::new(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let a = lib.get(0); // Some
let b = lib.get(1); // Some
let a2 = lib.get(0); // None
This currently requires a nightly release to work.
