QtConcurrent::map segmentation fault - qt

When I have been trying to implement "parallel for" using QtConcurrent::map:
QFuture<void> parForAsync(size_t n, std::function<void (size_t)> Op)
size_t nThreads =
size_t nn = n/nThreads + 1;
using Sequence = QVector<std::function<void()>>;
Sequence vFuns;
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i+=nn)
size_t firstIdx = i,
lastIdx = i + nn > n ? n : i + nn;
for(size_t i = firstIdx; i < lastIdx; ++i)
return QtConcurrent::map<Sequence> //<-Segmentation fault!
(vFuns, [](std::function<void()> f)
I've got segmentation fault in this place:
template<typename _Res, typename... _ArgTypes>
function(const function& __x)
: _Function_base()
if (static_cast<bool>(__x))
__x._M_manager(_M_functor, __x._M_functor, __clone_functor); //<-Segmentation fault!
_M_invoker = __x._M_invoker;
_M_manager = __x._M_manager;
Why is this happening? It seems that std::function had passed checking. How can I make this code working?
Thanks in advance!

I cannot reproduce your case but I can give you some example to illustrate issue
QFuture<void> test ()
// preparing v vector
QFuture<void> f = QtConcurrent::map(v,someFunction); // returns immediately
return f;
[1] QtConcurrent::map takes v by reference NOT BY COPY.
[2] QtConcurrent::map returns immediately.
[3] So when test function ends, parallel operations started by map use v vector which was deleted because it is local variable in test function.
You can use waitForFinished for QFuture but then your function doesn't make sense because it blocks until parallel task ends.


Need help recursion explanation Leetcode

How does this code work? (leetcode 95 question) I don't understand how the 2 recursions work inside the for loop. Does the 2nd inner for loop end when the recursive function returns NULL? Or would it continue executing the 3rd inner for loop?
class Solution {
vector<TreeNode*> generateTrees(int n) {
if(n == 0) {
return {};
vector<TreeNode*> ans = generateT(1,n);
return ans;
vector<TreeNode*> generateT(int l, int r) {
if(l > r) return {nullptr};
vector<TreeNode*> ans;
for(int i=l; i <= r; ++i) {
for(TreeNode*left: generateT(l, i-1)) {
for(TreeNode* right:generateT(i+1, r)) {
ans.push_back(new TreeNode(i));
ans.back()->left = left;
ans.back()->right = right;
return ans;
Problem statement:
Given an integer n, return all the structurally unique BST's (binary search trees), which has exactly n nodes of unique values from 1 to n. Return the answer in any order.
Does the 2nd inner for loop end when the recursive function returns NULL?
No. The recursive function is not returing NULL, it is returning vector of nullptr.
Or would it continue executing the 3rd inner for loop?
Of course, it will.
How does this code work? I don't understand how the 2 recursions work inside the loop.
I suppose the following snippet is the cause of confusion, so commented the case when nullptr provided by outer loop.
vector<TreeNode*> generateT(int l, int r) {
if(l > r) return { nullptr };
vector<TreeNode*> ans;
for ( int i = l; i <= r; i++ ) {
// if l = 0, i = 0
for ( TreeNode* left :generateT(l, i-1) ) // if l = 0, i = -1, returns { nullptr } (vector of nullptr)
for (TreeNode* right :generateT(i+1, r)) { // now this snippet will execute
auto node = new TreeNode(i);
node->left = left; // the nullptr we have from the outer loop, will provide null value for this
node->right = right;
return ans;
Visually, for a combination of node where,
/ \
null c
the above pattern occurs the provided { nullptr } from outer loop will come in handy setting left node.

How to return an array using .C interface to R

I have this simple bit of code:
void test(int *testvec, int *testlen, int *testres) {
for (int i = 0; i < *testlen; i++){
if (testvec[i] < 0){
testres[i] = -1;}
else if (testvec[i] == 0){
testres[i] = 0;}
else {testres[i] = 1;}
When I pass
testresult = function (testvec, len){
signC = .C("signC", as.integer(testvec), as.integer(length(testvec)), as.integer(testvector("integer"), length(testvec)))
return (signC)
testvec = c(1,2,-3,0,2)
It seems that nothing has been processed.
I am pretty new to C and I can't understand how to assign a value to an array dynamically within the contest of .C interface within R.
Thank you for your help.
.C interface functions can’t return values. If you want to modify values in C, you need to pass a vector of sufficient size into the function, and write into that vector:
sign = function (testvec) {
sign_c = integer(length(testvec))
.C("signC", as.integer(testvec), length(testvec), sign_c)

Rcpp template class for custom input and output

I'm trying to create C++ function which will apply any funtion on R vector of any type. I've been reading and searching for an answer but my knowledge is still too chaotic and I can't put everything together. I was inspired by sapply example and some from Rcpp gallery but it's to advanced so far.
What I've already done is simple class which kinda-works, but I'm having problem even with this one. Error happens when I'm trying to call function which returns something else than numeric. However I don't know how to extend function to work with custom output type.
At this point, I don't know how:
Obtain type of R Function return value and use this type do define out - same size as x
Alternatively - use std::string type argument in apply_fun which could switch OUTTYPE
Pass any x to the class and use in f - I think I've managed this correctly with <int XTYPE>
Perhaps answer to this question might be to complex so I appreciate all hints. Below I present current progress. Thanks!
Rcpp class
#include <Rcpp.h>
namespace apply {
template <int XTYPE>
class SomeClass {
Rcpp::Vector<XTYPE> x;
Rcpp::Function f;
Rcpp::Vector<XTYPE> run() {
typedef typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type<XTYPE>::type STORAGE;
int n = x.size();
Rcpp::Vector<XTYPE> out(n);
for (unsigned int i{0}; i < n; i++) {
out(i) = Rcpp::as<STORAGE>(f(x(i)));
// Rcpp::Rcout << out(i) << std::endl;
return out;
SomeClass (Rcpp::Vector<XTYPE> x, Rcpp::Function f)
: x{x}, f{f} {
std::cout << "Initialized SomeClass" << std::endl;
Exported Rcpp function
//' #export
Rcpp::RObject apply_fun(Rcpp::RObject x,
Rcpp::Function f) {
if (TYPEOF(x) == INTSXP) {
apply::SomeClass<13> r{Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(x), f};
return r.run();
} else if (TYPEOF(x) == REALSXP) {
apply::SomeClass<14> r{Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(x), f};
return r.run();
} else if (TYPEOF(x) == STRSXP) {
apply::SomeClass<16> r{Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(x), f};
return r.run();
} else if (TYPEOF(x) == LGLSXP) {
apply::SomeClass<10> r{Rcpp::as<Rcpp::LogicalVector>(x), f};
return r.run();
} else if (TYPEOF(x) == CPLXSXP) {
apply::SomeClass<15> r{Rcpp::as<Rcpp::ComplexVector>(x), f};
return r.run();
} else {
Rcpp::stop("Invalid data type - only integer, numeric, character, factor, date, logical, complex vectors are possible.");
return R_NilValue;
R calls
apply_fun(c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5), f = function(x) { x + 10})
# 11.5 12.5 13.5
apply_fun(letters[1:3], f = function(x) paste(x, "-"))
# Error in apply_run(letters[1:3], f = function(x) x) :
# Evaluation error: unimplemented type 'char' in 'eval'

Rcpp memory management

I am trying to convert some character data to numeric as below. The data will come with special caracters so I have to get them out. I convert the data to std:string to search for the special caracters. Dos it creates a new variable in memory? I want to know if there is a better way to do it.
NumericVector converter_ra_(Rcpp::RObject x){
if(x.sexp_type() == STRSXP){
CharacterVector y(x);
NumericVector resultado(y.size());
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < y.size(); i++){
std::string ra_string = Rcpp::as<std::string>(y[i]);
//std::cout << ra_string << std::endl;
double t = 0;
int base = 0;
for(int j = (int)ra_string.size(); j >= 0; j--){
if(ra_string[j] >= 48 && ra_string[j] <= 57){
t += ((ra_string[j] - '0') * base_m[base]);
//std::cout << t << std::endl;
resultado[i] = t;
return resultado;
}else if(x.sexp_type() == REALSXP){
return NumericVector(x);
return NumericVector();
Does it creates a new variable in memory?
If the input object actually is a numeric vector (REALSXP) and you are simply returning, e.g. as<NumericVector>(input), then no additional variables are created. In any other case new memory will, of course, need to be allocated for the returned object. For example,
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector demo(RObject x) {
if (x.sexp_type() == REALSXP) {
return as<NumericVector>(x);
return NumericVector::create();
/*** R
y <- rnorm(3)
z <- letters[1:3]
# [1] "0x6828398"
# [1] "0x6828398"
# [1] "0x68286f8"
# [1] "0x5c7eea0"
I want to know if there is a better way to do it.
First you need to define "better":
Uses less memory?
Fewer lines of code?
More idiomatic?
Personally, I would start with the last definition since it often entails one or more of the others. For example, in this approach we
Define a function object Predicate that relies on the standard library function isdigit rather than trying to implement this locally
Define another function object that uses the erase-remove idiom to eliminate characters as determined by Predicate; and if necessary, uses std::atoi to convert what remains into a double (again, instead of trying to implement this ourselves)
Uses an Rcpp idiom -- the as converter -- to convert the STRSXP to a std::vector<std::string>
Calls std::transform to convert this into the result vector
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
struct Predicate {
bool operator()(char c) const
{ return !(c == '.' || std::isdigit(c)); }
struct Converter {
double operator()(std::string s) const {
std::remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(), Predicate()),
return s.empty() ? NA_REAL : std::atof(s.c_str());
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector convert(RObject obj) {
if (obj.sexp_type() == REALSXP) {
return as<NumericVector>(obj);
if (obj.sexp_type() != STRSXP) {
return NumericVector::create();
std::vector<std::string> x = as<std::vector<std::string> >(obj);
NumericVector res(x.size(), NA_REAL);
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), res.begin(), Converter());
return res;
Testing this for minimal functionality,
x <- c("123 4", "abc 1567.35 def", "abcdef", "")
# [1] 1234.00 1567.35 NA NA
(y <- rnorm(3))
# [1] 1.04201552 -0.08965042 -0.88236960
# [1] 1.04201552 -0.08965042 -0.88236960
# numeric(0)
Will this be as performant as something hand-written by a seasoned C or C++ programmer? Almost certainly not. However, since we used library functions and common idioms, it is reasonably concise, likely to be bug-free, and the intention is fairly evident even at a quick glance. If you need something faster then there are probably a handful of optimizations to be made, but there's no need to begin on that premise without benchmarking and profiling first.

Are there any example of Mutual recursion?

Are there any examples for a recursive function that calls an other function which calls the first one too ?
Example :
//do something
//do something
//do something
//do something
Mutual recursion is common in code that parses mathematical expressions (and other grammars). A recursive descent parser based on the grammar below will naturally contain mutual recursion: expression-terms-term-factor-primary-expression.
+ terms
- terms
term + terms
term - terms
factor * term
factor / term
primary ^ factor
( expression )
name ( expression )
The proper term for this is Mutual Recursion.
There's an example on that page, I'll reproduce here in Java:
boolean even( int number )
if( number == 0 )
return true;
return odd(abs(number)-1)
boolean odd( int number )
if( number == 0 )
return false;
return even(abs(number)-1);
Where abs( n ) means return the absolute value of a number.
Clearly this is not efficient, just to demonstrate a point.
An example might be the minmax algorithm commonly used in game programs such as chess. Starting at the top of the game tree, the goal is to find the maximum value of all the nodes at the level below, whose values are defined as the minimum of the values of the nodes below that, whose values are defines as the maximum of the values below that, whose values ...
I can think of two common sources of mutual recursion.
Functions dealing with mutually recursive types
Consider an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that keeps position information in every node. The type might look like this:
type Expr =
| Int of int
| Var of string
| Add of ExprAux * ExprAux
and ExprAux = Expr of int * Expr
The easiest way to write functions that manipulate values of these types is to write mutually recursive functions. For example, a function to find the set of free variables:
let rec freeVariables = function
| Int n -> Set.empty
| Var x -> Set.singleton x
| Add(f, g) -> Set.union (freeVariablesAux f) (freeVariablesAux g)
and freeVariablesAux (Expr(loc, e)) =
freeVariables e
State machines
Consider a state machine that is either on, off or paused with instructions to start, stop, pause and resume (F# code):
type Instruction = Start | Stop | Pause | Resume
The state machine might be written as mutually recursive functions with one function for each state:
type State = State of (Instruction -> State)
let rec isOff = function
| Start -> State isOn
| _ -> State isOff
and isOn = function
| Stop -> State isOff
| Pause -> State isPaused
| _ -> State isOn
and isPaused = function
| Stop -> State isOff
| Resume -> State isOn
| _ -> State isPaused
It's a bit contrived and not very efficient, but you could do this with a function to calculate Fibbonacci numbers as in:
fib2(n) { return fib(n-2); }
fib1(n) { return fib(n-1); }
if (n>1)
return fib1(n) + fib2(n);
return 1;
In this case its efficiency can be dramatically enhanced if the language supports memoization
In a language with proper tail calls, Mutual Tail Recursion is a very natural way of implementing automata.
Here is my coded solution. For a calculator app that performs *,/,- operations using mutual recursion. It also checks for brackets (()) to decide the order of precedence.
Flow:: expression -> term -> factor -> expression
#include <string>
using namespace std;
/****** A Calculator Class holding expression, term, factor ********/
class Calculator
/**Default Constructor*/
/** Parameterized Constructor common for all exception
* #aparam e exception value
* */
Calculator(char e);
* Function to start computation
* #param input - input expression*/
void start(string input);
* Evaluates Term*
* #param input string for term*/
double term(string& input);
/* Evaluates factor*
* #param input string for factor*/
double factor(string& input);
/* Evaluates Expression*
* #param input string for expression*/
double expression(string& input);
/* Evaluates number*
* #param input string for number*/
string number(string n);
* Prints calculates value of the expression
* */
void print();
* Converts char to double
* #param c input char
* */
double charTONum(const char* c);
* Get error
char get_value() const;
/** Reset all values*/
void reset();
int lock;//set lock to check extra parenthesis
double result;// result
char error_msg;// error message
/**Error for unexpected string operation*/
class Unexpected_error:public Calculator
Unexpected_error(char e):Calculator(e){};
/**Error for missing parenthesis*/
class Missing_parenthesis:public Calculator
Missing_parenthesis(char e):Calculator(e){};
/**Error if divide by zeros*/
class DivideByZero:public Calculator{
// Name : Calculator.cpp
// Author : Anurag
// Version :
// Copyright : Your copyright notice
// Description : Calculator using mutual recursion in C++, Ansi-style
#include "Calculator.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
Calculator::Calculator():lock(0),result(0),error_msg(' '){
Calculator::Calculator(char e):result(0), error_msg(e) {
char Calculator::get_value() const {
return this->error_msg;
void Calculator::start(string input) {
result = expression(input);
}catch (Unexpected_error e) {
cout<<"***** Unexpected "<<e.get_value()<<endl;
}catch (Missing_parenthesis e) {
cout<<"***** Missing "<<e.get_value()<<endl;
}catch (DivideByZero e) {
cout<<"***** Division By Zero" << endl;
double Calculator::expression(string& input) {
double expression=0;
return 0;
expression = term(input);
if(input[0] == ' ')
input = input.substr(1);
if(input[0] == '+') {
input = input.substr(1);
expression += term(input);
else if(input[0] == '-') {
input = input.substr(1);
expression -= term(input);
if(input[0] == '%'){
result = expression;
throw Unexpected_error(input[0]);
if(input[0]==')' && lock<=0 )
throw Missing_parenthesis(')');
return expression;
double Calculator::term(string& input) {
return 1;
double term=1;
term = factor(input);
if(input[0] == ' ')
input = input.substr(1);
if(input[0] == '*') {
input = input.substr(1);
term = term * factor(input);
else if(input[0] == '/') {
input = input.substr(1);
double den = factor(input);
if(den==0) {
throw DivideByZero();
term = term / den;
return term;
double Calculator::factor(string& input) {
double factor=0;
if(input[0] == ' ') {
input = input.substr(1);
if(input[0] == '(') {
input = input.substr(1);
factor = expression(input);
if(input[0]==')') {
input = input.substr(1);
return factor;
throw Missing_parenthesis(')');
else if (input[0]>='0' && input[0]<='9'){
string nums = input.substr(0,1) + number(input.substr(1));
input = input.substr(nums.size());
return stod(nums);
else {
result = factor;
throw Unexpected_error(input[0]);
return factor;
string Calculator::number(string input) {
if(input.substr(0,2)=="E+" || input.substr(0,2)=="E-" || input.substr(0,2)=="e-" || input.substr(0,2)=="e-")
return input.substr(0,2) + number(input.substr(2));
else if((input[0]>='0' && input[0]<='9') || (input[0]=='.'))
return input.substr(0,1) + number(input.substr(1));
return "";
void Calculator::print() {
cout << result << endl;
void Calculator::reset(){
int main() {
Calculator* cal = new Calculator;
string input;
cout<<"Expression? ";
cout<<"Expression? ";
cout << "Done!" << endl;
return 0;
Sample input-> Expression? (42+8)*10 =
Output-> 500
Top down merge sort can use a pair of mutually recursive functions to alternate the direction of merge based on level of recursion.
For the example code below, a[] is the array to be sorted, b[] is a temporary working array. For a naive implementation of merge sort, each merge operation copies data from a[] to b[], then merges b[] back to a[], or it merges from a[] to b[], then copies from b[] back to a[]. This requires n · ceiling(log2(n)) copy operations. To eliminate the copy operations used for merging, the direction of merge can be alternated based on level of recursion, merge from a[] to b[], merge from b[] to a[], ..., and switch to in place insertion sort for small runs in a[], as insertion sort on small runs is faster than merge sort.
In this example, MergeSortAtoA() and MergeSortAtoB() are the mutually recursive functions.
Example java code:
static final int ISZ = 64; // use insertion sort if size <= ISZ
static void MergeSort(int a[])
int n = a.length;
if(n < 2)
int [] b = new int[n];
MergeSortAtoA(a, b, 0, n);
static void MergeSortAtoA(int a[], int b[], int ll, int ee)
if ((ee - ll) <= ISZ){ // use insertion sort on small runs
InsertionSort(a, ll, ee);
int rr = (ll + ee)>>1; // midpoint, start of right half
MergeSortAtoB(a, b, ll, rr);
MergeSortAtoB(a, b, rr, ee);
Merge(b, a, ll, rr, ee); // merge b to a
static void MergeSortAtoB(int a[], int b[], int ll, int ee)
int rr = (ll + ee)>>1; // midpoint, start of right half
MergeSortAtoA(a, b, ll, rr);
MergeSortAtoA(a, b, rr, ee);
Merge(a, b, ll, rr, ee); // merge a to b
static void Merge(int a[], int b[], int ll, int rr, int ee)
int o = ll; // b[] index
int l = ll; // a[] left index
int r = rr; // a[] right index
while(true){ // merge data
if(a[l] <= a[r]){ // if a[l] <= a[r]
b[o++] = a[l++]; // copy a[l]
if(l < rr) // if not end of left run
continue; // continue (back to while)
while(r < ee){ // else copy rest of right run
b[o++] = a[r++];
break; // and return
} else { // else a[l] > a[r]
b[o++] = a[r++]; // copy a[r]
if(r < ee) // if not end of right run
continue; // continue (back to while)
while(l < rr){ // else copy rest of left run
b[o++] = a[l++];
break; // and return
static void InsertionSort(int a[], int ll, int ee)
int i, j;
int t;
for (j = ll + 1; j < ee; j++) {
t = a[j];
i = j-1;
while(i >= ll && a[i] > t){
a[i+1] = a[i];
a[i+1] = t;
