Expressing Natural Number by sum of Triangular numbers - math

Triangular numbers are numbers which is number of things when things can be arranged in triangular shape.
For Example, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15... are triangular numbers.
o o o o o o o o o o is shape of n=4 triangular number
what I have to do is A natural number N is given and I have to print
N expressed by sum of triangular numbers.
if N = 4
output should be
1 1 1 1
1 3
3 1
else if N = 6
output should be
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 3
1 1 3 1
1 3 1 1
3 1 1 1
3 3
I have searched few hours and couldn't find answers...
please help.
(I am not sure this might help, but I found that
If i say T(k) is Triangular number when n is k, then
T(k) = T(k-1) + T(k-3) + T(k-6) + .... + T(k-p) while (k-p) > 0
and p is triangular number )
Here's Code for k=-1(Read comments below)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
long TriangleNumber(int index);
void PrintTriangles(int index);
vector<long> triangleNumList(450); //(450 power raised by 2 is about 200,000)
vector<long> storage(100001);
int main() {
int n, p;
for (int i = 0; i < 450; i++) {
triangleNumList[i] = i * (i + 1) / 2;
cin >> n >> p;
cout << TriangleNumber(n);
if (p == 1) {
return 0;
long TriangleNumber(int index) {
int iter = 1, out = 0;
if (index == 1 || index == 0) {
return 1;
else {
if (storage[index] != 0) {
return storage[index];
else {
while (triangleNumList[iter] <= index) {
storage[index] = ( storage[index] + TriangleNumber(index - triangleNumList[iter]) ) % 1000000;
return storage[index];
void PrintTriangles(int index) {
// What Algorithm?

Here is some recursive Python 3.6 code that prints the sums of triangular numbers that total the inputted target. I prioritized simplicity of code in this version. You may want to add error-checking on the input value, counting the sums, storing the lists rather than just printing them, and wrapping the entire routine into a function. Setting up the list of triangular numbers could also be done in fewer lines of code.
Your code saved time but worsened memory usage by "memoizing" the triangular numbers (storing and reusing them rather than always calculating them when needed). You could do the same to the sum lists, if you like. It is also possible to make this more in the dynamic programming style: find the sum lists for n=1 then for n=2 etc. I'll leave all that to you.
""" Given a positive integer n, print all the ways n can be expressed as
the sum of triangular numbers.
def print_sums_of_triangular_numbers(prefix, target):
"""Print sums totalling to target, each after printing the prefix."""
if target == 0:
for tri in triangle_num_list:
if tri > target:
print_sums_of_triangular_numbers(prefix + [tri], target - tri)
n = int(input('Value of n ? '))
# Set up list of triangular numbers not greater than n
triangle_num_list = []
index = 1
tri_sum = 1
while tri_sum <= n:
index += 1
tri_sum += index
# Print the sums totalling to n
print_sums_of_triangular_numbers([], n)
Here are the printouts of two runs of this code:
Value of n ? 4
1 1 1 1
1 3
3 1
Value of n ? 6
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 3
1 1 3 1
1 3 1 1
3 1 1 1
3 3


Modify dijkstra's algorithm with some conditions

Given an undirected graph with costs on edges, find the shortest path, from given node A to B. Let's put it this way: besides the costs and edges we start at time t = 0 and for every node you are given a list with some times that you can't pass through those nodes at that times, and you can't do anything in that time you have to wait until "it passes". As the statement says, you are a prisoner and you can teleport through the cells and the teleportation time requires the cost of the edge time, and those time when you can't do anything is when a guardian is with you in the cell and they are in the cell at every timestamp given from the list, find the minimum time to escape the prison.
What I tried:
I tried to modify it like that: in the normal dijkstra you check if it's a guardian at the minimum time you find for every node, but it didn't work.. any other ideas?
int checkGuardian(int min, int ind, List *guardians)
for (List iter = guardians[ind]; iter; iter = iter->next)
if(min == iter->value.node)
return min + iter->value.node;
return 0;
void dijkstra(Graph G, int start, int end, List *guardians)
Multiset H = initMultiset();
int *parent = (int *)malloc(G->V * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < G->V; ++i)
G->distance[i] = INF;
parent[i] = -1;
G->distance[start] = 0;
H = insert(H, make_pair(start, 0));
Pair first = extractMin(H);
for (List iter = G->adjList[first.node]; iter; iter = iter->next)
if(G->distance[iter->value.node] > G->distance[first.node] + iter->value.cost
+ checkGuardian(G->distance[first.node] + iter->value.cost, iter->value.node, guardians))
G->distance[iter->value.node] = G->distance[first.node] + iter->value.cost
+ checkGuardian(G->distance[first.node] + iter->value.cost, iter->value.node, guardians);
H = insert(H, make_pair(iter->value.node, G->distance[iter->value.node]));
parent[iter->value.node] = first.node;
printf("%d\n", G->distance[end]);
printPath(parent, end);
printf("%d\n", end);
with these structures:
typedef struct graph
int V;
int *distance;
List *adjList;
} *Graph;
typedef struct list
int size;
Pair value;
struct list *tail;
struct list *next;
struct list *prev;
} *List;
typedef struct multiset
Pair vector[MAX];
int size;
int capacity;
} *Multiset;
typedef struct pair
int node, cost;
} Pair;
As an input you are given number of nodes, number of edges and start node. For the next number of edges lines you are reading and edge between 2 nodes and the cost associated with that edge, then for the next number of nodes lines you are reading a character "N" if you can't escape from that cell and "Y" if you can escape from that cell then the number of timestamps guardians are in then number of timestamps, timestamps.
For this input:
6 7 1
1 2 5
1 4 3
2 4 1
2 3 8
2 6 4
3 6 2
1 5 10
N 0
N 4 2 3 4 7
Y 0
N 3 3 6 7
N 3 10 11 12
N 3 7 8 9
I would expect this output:
1 4 2 6 3
But I get this output:
1 4 2 6 3

Best way to find least standard deviation

I have a spreadsheet where I put numbers that represent number of verses on each paragraph of a book.
I manually distribute sequential paragraphs by number of verses, so in the spreadsheet I'll have something like this:
Verses Day
5 1
6 1
3 1
10 2
8 3
4 3
2 3
6 4
3 4
10 5
3 5
2 6
5 6
10 7
= 2,7080128015
By summing the total of verses for each day - in this case, 7 days - I get the standard deviation and try to reduce it for a better distribution of paragraphs.
The question is: what is the best way to find the least standard deviation?
I thought on using brute force to generate all possible combinations, but that is not a good idea if the number increases.
EDIT: The standard deviation is based on total number of verses of each day, which are identified sequentialy. Day 1 has total of 14 verses, day 2, 10 and so on.
1 14
2 10
3 14
4 9
5 13
6 7
7 10
= 2,7080128015
Since the total number of verses and the number of days is constant, you want to minimize
sum (avg verse count - verse count of day i)^2
avg verse count is a constant and simply the total number of verses divided by the number of days.
This problem can be solved with a dynamic program over the days. Let us build the partial solution function f(days, paragraph) that gives us the minimal sum of squares for distributing paragraphs 0 through paragraph over days days. We are interested in the last value of this function.
We can build the function incrementally. Calculating f(1, p) for any p is straight-forward since we just need to calculate the differences to the average and square. Then, for all other days, we can calculate
f(d, p) = min f(d - 1, i) + (avg verse count - sum verse count of paragraph j)^2
i<p j:i+1..p
That means, we check the solutions for one day less and fill up the current day with the paragraphs between the previous day's end paragraph and p. While we calculate this function, we keep a pointer to the chosen minimum element (as usual for a dynamic program). When we are done calculating the entire function, we just follow the pointers back to the start, which will give us the partitioning.
The algorithm has a running time of O(d * p^2), where d is the number of days and p is the number of paragraphs.
Example Code
Here is some example C# code that implements the above algorithm:
struct Entry
public double minCost;
public int predecessor;
public static void Main()
//input data
int[] versesPerParagraph = { 5, 6, 3, 10, 8, 4, 2, 6, 3, 10, 3, 2, 5, 10 };
int days = 7;
//calculate constants
double avgVerses = (double)versesPerParagraph.Sum() / days;
//set up DP table (f(d,p))
int paragraphs = versesPerParagraph.Length;
Entry[,] dp = new Entry[days, paragraphs];
//initialize table
int verseCount = 0;
for(int p = 0; p < paragraphs; ++p)
verseCount += versesPerParagraph[p];
double diff = avgVerses - verseCount;
dp[0, p].minCost = diff * diff;
dp[0, p].predecessor = -1;
//run dynamic program
for(int d = 1; d < days; ++d)
for(int p = d; p < paragraphs; ++p)
verseCount = 0;
dp[d, p].minCost = double.MaxValue;
for(int i = p; i >= d; --i)
verseCount += versesPerParagraph[i];
double diff = avgVerses - verseCount;
double cost = dp[d - 1, i - 1].minCost + diff * diff;
if(cost < dp[d, p].minCost)
dp[d, p].minCost = cost;
dp[d, p].predecessor = i - 1;
//reconstruct the partitioning
int p = paragraphs - 1;
for (int d = days - 1; d >= 0; --d)
int predecessor = dp[d, p].predecessor;
//calculate number of verses, just to show them
verseCount = 0;
for (int i = predecessor + 1; i <= p; ++i)
verseCount += versesPerParagraph[i];
Console.WriteLine($"Day {d} ranges from paragraph {predecessor + 1} to {p} and has {verseCount} verses.");
p = predecessor;
The output is:
Day 6 ranges from paragraph 13 to 13 and has 10 verses.
Day 5 ranges from paragraph 10 to 12 and has 10 verses.
Day 4 ranges from paragraph 9 to 9 and has 10 verses.
Day 3 ranges from paragraph 6 to 8 and has 11 verses.
Day 2 ranges from paragraph 4 to 5 and has 12 verses.
Day 1 ranges from paragraph 2 to 3 and has 13 verses.
Day 0 ranges from paragraph 0 to 1 and has 11 verses.
This partitioning gives a standard deviation of 1.15.

How to determine the number of possible combinations of letters that contain a degenerate substring

I've been racking my brain for a couple of days to work out a series or closed-form equation to the following problem:
Specifically: given all strings of length N that draws from an alphabet of L letters (starting with 'A', for example {A, B}, {A, B, C}, ...), how many of those strings contain a substring that matches the pattern: 'A', more than 1 not-'A', 'A'. The standard regular expression for that pattern would be A[^A][^A]+A.
The number of possible strings is simple enough: L^N . For small values of N and L, it's also very practical to simply create all possible combinations and use a regular expression to find the substrings that match the pattern; in R:
all.combinations <- function(N, L) {
expand.grid(rep(list(LETTERS[1:L]), N)),
collapse = ''
matching.pattern <- function(N, L, pattern = 'A[^A][^A]+A') {
sum(grepl(pattern, all.combinations(N, L)))
all.combinations(4, 2)
matching.pattern(4, 2)
I had come up with the following, which works for N < 7:
M <- function(N, L) {
function(g) {
(N - g - 1) * (L - 1) ** g * L ** (N - g - 2)
Unfortunately, that only works while N < 7 because it's simply adding the combinations that have substrings A..A, A...A, A....A, etc. and some combinations obviously have multiple matching substrings (e.g., A..A..A, A..A...A), which are counted twice.
Any suggestions? I am open to procedural solutions too, so long as they don't blow up with the number of combinations (like my code above would). I'd like to be able to compute for values of N from 15 to 25 and L from 2 to 10.
For what it is worth, here's the number of combinations, and matching combinations for some values of N and L that are tractable to determine by generating all combinations and doing a regular expression match:
N L combinations matching
-- - ------------ --------
4 2 16 1
5 2 32 5
6 2 64 17
7 2 128 48
8 2 256 122
9 2 512 290
10 2 1024 659
4 3 81 4
5 3 243 32
6 3 729 172
7 3 2187 760
8 3 6561 2996
9 3 19683 10960
10 3 59049 38076
4 4 256 9
5 4 1024 99
6 4 4096 729
7 4 16384 4410
8 4 65536 23778
9 4 262144 118854
10 4 1048576 563499
It is possible to use dynamic programming approach.
For fixed L, let X(n) be number of strings of length n that contain given pattern, and let A(n) be number of strings of length n that contain given pattern and starts with A.
First derive recursion formula for A(n). Lets count all strings in A(n) by grouping them by first 2-3 letters. Number of strings in A(n) with:
"second letter A" is A(n-1),
"second letter non-A and third letter is A" is A(n-2),
"second and third letter non-A" is (L^(n-3) - (L-1)^(n-3)). That is because string 'needs' at least one A in remaining letters to be counted.
With that:
A(n) = A(n-1) + (L-1) * (A(n-2) + (L-1) * (L^(n-3) - (L-1)^(n-3)))
String of length n+1 can start with A or non-A:
X(n+1) = A(n+1) + (L-1) * X(n)
X(i) = A(i) = 0, for i <= 3
Python implementation:
def combs(l, n):
x = [0] * (n + 1) # First element is not used, easier indexing
a = [0] * (n + 1)
for i in range(4, n+1):
a[i] = a[i-1] + (l-1) * (a[i-2] + (l-1) * (l**(i-3) - (l-1)**(i-3)))
x[i] = a[i] + (l-1) * x[i-1]
return x[4:]
print(combs(2, 10))
print(combs(3, 10))
print(combs(4, 10))
This can be described as a state machine. (For simplicity, x is any letter other than A.)
S0 := 'A' S1 | 'x' S0 // ""
S1 := 'A' S1 | 'x' S2 // A
S2 := 'A' S1 | 'x' S3 // Ax
S3 := 'A' S4 | 'x' S3 // Axx+
S4 := 'A' S4 | 'x' S4 | $ // AxxA
Counting the number of matching strings of length n
S0(n) = S1(n-1) + (L-1)*S0(n-1); S0(0) = 0
S1(n) = S1(n-1) + (L-1)*S2(n-1); S1(0) = 0
S2(n) = S1(n-1) + (L-1)*S3(n-1); S2(0) = 0
S3(n) = S4(n-1) + (L-1)*S3(n-1); S3(0) = 0
S4(n) = S4(n-1) + (L-1)*S4(n-1); S4(0) = 1
Trying to reduce S0(n) to just n and L gives a really long expression, so it would be easiest to calculate the recurrence functions as-is.
For really large n, this could be expressed as a matrix expression, and be efficiently calculated.
[L-1 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 L-1 0 0 ] T
[0 0 0 0 1] × [ 0 1 0 L-1 0 ] × [1 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 L-1 1 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 L ]
In JavaScript:
function f(n, L) {
var S0 = 0, S1 = 0, S2 = 0, S3 = 0, S4 = 1;
var S1_tmp;
while (n-- > 0) {
S0 = S1 + (L - 1) * S0;
S1_tmp = S1 + (L - 1) * S2;
S2 = S1 + (L - 1) * S3;
S3 = S4 + (L - 1) * S3;
S4 = S4 + (L - 1) * S4;
S1 = S1_tmp;
return S0;
var $tbody = $('#resulttable > tbody');
for (var L = 2; L <= 4; L++) {
for (var n = 4; n <= 10; n++) {
#resulttable td {
text-align: right;
<script src=""></script>
<table id="resulttable">

Finding denominators of Farey tree fractions in constant time

Hello r masters.
I need to calculate Denominators of Farey tree fractions up to 2**30.
I came up with this C++ solution using this approach:
struct FareySB {
int num, den;
FareySB() : den(0) {}
int sum() {
return num + den;
const int LGMAX = 30;
const int MAX = 1 << LGMAX;
void get_FTF() {
FTF[0].num = 0; FTF[0].den = 1;
FTF[1].num = 1; FTF[1].den = 1;
FTF[2].num = 1; FTF[2].den = 2;
int k = 3;
for (int i = 1; i < LGMAX; i++) {
int len = 1 << i;
int hlen = len >> 1;
for (int j=0; j<hlen; j++) {
FTF[k].num = FTF[k-hlen].num;
FTF[k].den = FTF[k-hlen].sum();
for (int j=0; j<hlen; j++) {
FTF[k].num = FTF[k-len].den;
FTF[k].den = FTF[k-1-(j<<1)].den;
To know the n-th term I need to know all [0..n-1] terms. Ok so far.
This has a problem: memory just explodes after about 2**27.
The denominators of Farey Tree Fractions are the OEIS-A007306:
1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, ...
In that OEIS page I found a code which seems to return the n-th term of the sequence in constant time. If thats true it would solve my Memory Limit Exceeded issue.
But the code is in R language:
# Given n, compute directly a(n)
# by taking into account the binary representation of n-1
aa <- function(n){
b <- as.numeric(intToBits(n))
l <- sum(b)
m <- which(b == 1)-1
d <- 1
if(l > 1) for(j in 1:(l-1)) d[j] <- m[j+1]-m[j]+1
f <- c(1, m[1]+2) # In A002487: f <- c(0, 1)
if(l > 1) for(j in 3:(l+1)) f[j] <- d[j-2]*f[j-1]-f[j-2]
# a(0) = 1, a(1) = 1, a(n) = aa(n-1) n > 1
It may be really simple to you, but I don't know R language, and can't understand the above code.
Is it really a constant function? How does that function works?
If you could show me for a given n whats happening inside this function, then I could be able to code it in C++ myself.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure quite how it works, but here is what the R code is doing. Assume n=100.
b <- as.numeric(intToBits(n)) this produces a 32-element vector of a (reversed) binary representation of n. For n=100, b is 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
l <- sum(b) is the sum of the elements of b (i.e. the number of 1s). In this case l=3
m <- which(b == 1)-1 is a vector of the indices of the elements of b that are equal to 1, each reduced by 1. So for n=100, m= 2 5 6
d <- 1 just setting d equal to 1
if(l > 1) for(j in 1:(l-1)) d[j] <- m[j+1]-m[j]+1. If l is bigger than one, then d becomes a vector of length l-1, where each d is the differences between successive values of m, plus one. So for n=100, d= 4 2
f <- c(1, m[1]+2) sets f as a vector with the first value 1, second value the first element of m, plus 2. Here f is 1 4
if(l > 1) for(j in 3:(l+1)) f[j] <- d[j-2]*f[j-1]-f[j-2]. If l is bigger than one, this adds elements onto the end of f, according to that formula - e.g. f[3] is d[1]*f[2]-f[1] or 4*4-1=15. For n=100, f is 1 4 15 26.
return(f[l+1]) This returns the last element of f as the result.
I'm not sure whether it is constant, but it looks pretty quick as n increases. Good luck!

Recursive approach for pow(x,n) for finding 2^(37) with less than 10 multiplications

The regular recursive approach for pow(x,n) is as follows:
pow (x,n):
= 1 ...n=0
= 0 ...x=0
= x ...n=1
= x * pow (x, n-1) ...n>0
With this approach 2^(37) will require 37 multiplications. How do I modify this to reduces the number of multiplications to less than 10? I think this could be done only if the function is not excessive.
With this approach you can compute 2^(37) with only 7 multiplications.
= 1 ... n=0
= 0 ... x=0
= x ... n=1
= pow(x,n/2) * pow (x,n/2) ... n = even
= x * pow(x,n/2) * pow(x,n.2) ... n = odd
Now lets calculate 2^(37) with this approach -
2^(37) =
= 2 * 2^(18) * 2^(18)
= 2^(9) * 2^(9)
= 2 * 2^(4) * 2^(4)
= 2^(2) * 2^(2)
= 2 * 2
This function is not excessive and hence it reuses the values once calculated. Thus only 7 multiplications are required to calculate 2^(37).
You can calculate the power of a number in logN time instead of linear time.
int cnt = 0;
// calculate a^b
int pow(int a, int b){
if(b==0) return 1;
int v = pow(a, b/2);
cnt += 1;
return v*v;
int v = pow(a, b/2);
cnt += 2;
return v*v*a;
Number of multiplications will be 9 for the above code as verified by this program.
Doing it slightly differently than invin did, I come up with 8 multiplications. Here's a Ruby implementation. Be aware that Ruby methods return the result of the last expression evaluated. With that understanding, it reads pretty much like pseudo-code except you can actually run it:
$count = 0
def pow(a, b)
if b > 0
$count += 1 # note only one multiplication in both of the following cases
if b.even?
x = pow(a, b/2)
x * x
a * pow(a, b-1)
else # no multiplication for the base case
p pow(2, 37) # 137438953472
p $count # 8
Note that the sequence of powers with which the method gets invoked is
37 -> 36 -> 18 -> 9 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0
and that each arrow represents one multiplication. Calculating the zeroth power always yields 1, with no multiplication, and there are 8 arrows.
Since xn = (xn/2)2 = (x2)n/2 for even values of n, we can derive this subtly different implementation:
$count = 0
def pow(a, b)
if b > 1
if b.even?
$count += 1
pow(a * a, b/2)
$count += 2
a * pow(a * a, b/2)
elsif b > 0
p pow(2, 37) # 137438953472
p $count # 7
This version includes all of the base cases in the original question, it's easy to run and confirm that it calculates 2^37 in 7 multiplications, and doesn't require any allocation of local variables. For production use you would, of course, comment out or remove the references to $count.
