Hide/ show 'Add new record' in telerik:RadGrid - asp.net

So i have page contain telerik:RadGrid on top of the grid there Add new button i want when the user not allow to add new record to put visible =false
else visible =true i want to do it in code behind
All I can find on net is how to disable the button, and this not what I want I want - to hide/show it depend on user

I am assuming your grid's name as gridExample. gridExample.MasterTableView.CommandItemSettings.ShowAddNewRecordButton = false will help you in hiding or showing based on the user.

I've had this problem before too. I never found a RadGrid property where you can make the Add new record button invisible. The way I solved it was a little hackish. You can do this with CSS, or JQuery.
The name of the button is usually something like ctl00$ContentPlaceholder1$RadGrid1$ctl00$ctl02$ctl00$AddNewRecordButton. So I've used javascript/JQuery to hide it. The javascript would look like:
You would need server-side (ASP) logic to put this code in your (client-side) JQuery page startup code.
For your page, you might need to change the name (above), if your grid is not named RadGrid1. To find the name of your control, you can view source, or use the DOM debugger (F12 in InternetExplorer) and find the text "Add new record".

You use call ShowAddNewRecordButton. Please ensure you call MasterTableView.Rebind depending on your logic.
.ShowAddNewRecordButton = true;

Add <CommandItemSettings ShowAddNewRecordButton="false" /> inside the MasterTableView like below
<CommandItemSettings ShowAddNewRecordButton="false" />


How to use own created form to create,update records from the Grid. (Struts2-Jquery-Grid Plugin)

Can this be possible, I created a Jquery grid struts2. What I did was added this in the Jquery grid.
<s:url id="editurl" action="nedit"/>
Then added this options in the
resizable ="true"
navigatorAddOptions="{height:525, width:425, readAfterSubmit:true, draggable:true, resizable:true}"
navigatorEditOptions="{height:525, width:425, reloadAfterSubmit:true, draggable:true, resizable:true}"
navigatorDeleteOptions="{height:200, width:200, reloadAfterSubmit:true, draggable:true, resizable:true}"
Then enable the collumn of the grid to be editable by adding editable="true".
<sjg:gridColumn name="serial_Number"
Because of that, There are now buttons where you can add, edit and delete record. + for add record, pen for edit record.
Is there a way in which when I click the + or pen button I will use my created form to add the new records? I don't want to use the dialogue box with form created when i click the + or the pen button. I want to use my own form.
As a summary, this is what i like to be done. When I click the + it will transfer to my add record action. When the pen button is click it will go to my edit action plus the key records coming from the grid.
Hope my question is comprehensible.
You can add addfunc in navigatorAddOptions and
editfunc in navigatorEditOptions so the grid will run your custom function instead.
You can call your own form in your own function.
More info here

What is the easiest way to disable a form but keep it readable?

I have my form fields in a Panel which, if a read-only version is required, I set Enabled = False on the Panel. This was quick and dirty and the results are mostly dirty, mostly in IE. Can't scroll through large ListBoxes. Multi-line TextBoxes only show the first few lines. There's some funky styling to disabled Labels.
Do you have any ideas as to how to disable an entire form, letting the user read the data, visually indicating that it is disabled (gray input or text in place of input), but to the server keep the control disabled so it's not loading any data that could be manipulated by enabling fields by nefarious means.
(Also, I'm hoping I don't have to add a label corresponding to each data field.)
You could remove all the buttons and use jQuery to change the background color on all inputs. This would be a quick and easy solution.
You can have your fields assigned the readonly attribute, ie:
<input type="text" name=myText value="Enter Your Name" readonly>
This can easily be done with js but is more robust if done right in html.
You could also disable or even remove the submit button.
I would use the ASP web controls. The TextBox for the input type="text".
All web controls have the enabled property
<asp:TextBox id="txtSomething" runat="server" />
You can now enable/disable all controls from code like you do today (for the panel). But you have to do it for every one (I don´t know how many you have).
txtSomething.Enabled = False
You can also do this with JavaScript.
Loop all elements in the form, and disable/enable them.
function DisableEnableForm(myForm,setDisable){
elems = myForm.elements;
elems[i].disabled = setDisable;
You can trigger this JavaScript function from ASP like this:
Button1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:DisableEnableForm(´form1´,true)");

how to display checkboxes on read-only form (ASP.NET)

I have a read-only form filled out automatically from a database. I have several fields with true/false values, and would like them displayed as checkboxes that are either empty or checked. I can databind the checkbox control and disable it, but then it appears grayed out. Is there a simple way to change this so it will show up at a normal, easy-to-read boldness but still be disabled? If not, what's the best way to do this? Should I use an image?
You can go like this as well.
<asp:CheckBox id="checkbox1" Text="Custom" onclick="javascript: return false;" />
Which will render it as
<input type="checkbox"
checked onclick="javascript: return false;">Custom</input>
Interesting question!
There's only one issue I can see with using images instead of normal checkboxes, and that's how the active checkboxes will differ from the disabled (image-based) checkboxes. So, if you go the image route, you will probably want to style all checkboxes. :)
You can effectively disable any checkbox with the following jQuery method (I've only tested in Chrome and IE 9, so far).
$('.readonly:checkbox').click(function(e) {
This will "disable" any checkbox with the "readonly" class.
Or, you can use an inline JavaScript function (albiet not recommended, as it adds clutter and confusion):
<input type="checkbox" onclick="event.preventDefault();" />
The reason you would use "preventDefault()" instead of "return false", is because returning false will stop propagation. This means that your click event will not bubble to the parent element. That could potentially cause problems with other code... but it's unlikely.
Also, like Bala R mentioned, you mustn't rely on these restrictions to work. Your server side code should be aware that these values are read only, and refrain from updating them.
Here is jsFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/xixionia/3rXCB/
I hope this is helpful! :)
You can do something like this with javascript and use it for the checkbox's onclick handler.
jsFiddle link
function makeMeReadonly(checkbox){
checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;
<asp:CheckBox id="checkbox1" onclick="makeMeReadonly(this)" />
<asp:CheckBox id="checkbox1" onclick="this.checked = !this.checked" />
if you want it inline.
but you shouldn't depend on this for security as it will be a regular check box when javascript is not available and/or client code is not that difficult to work around client code restrictions but in your case since you have a readonly view, I wouldn't think you have any logic to save changes.
I just had the same problem and fixed it with an OnClick event on the checkbox. In the event handler the .Checked state is set to the value it is supposed to display.
private void chkBox_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
chkBox.Checked = boolDatabasevalue;
Works great, the user can click on the checkbox but the check mark does not change.
The only issue is a slight border shadow indicating the Focus. But the checkmark is, as OP was looking for, of easy-to-read boldness.
NB: this is C#, but in Asp.Net this should work similarly.

creating help for asp.net website

My requirement is to have database based help system for asp.net website, as shown in the image below. i have searched web but could not find even remotely related solution.
DNN Help System http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6720/dnnhelpimage20091125.jpg
You could assign each help item a unique ID (perhaps GUID to make it easier to generate by the developer enabling help for that item).
Clicking on the link opens a dialog, tooltip, new window, whatever. Just have the UI load the help text by ID from the database.
To make this easier to implement in the UI, there are a few ways. Perhaps you can create a jQuery client-side behavior.
your HTML would look something like:
<span class="help" id="#{unique-id-here}">Admin</admin>
and you could have jQuery on DOM load:
$(function() {
var help = $(".help");
help.prepend("<img src=\"path/to/images/help.png\" />");
help.click(function() {
//do something with this.id; open a popup, a title bar, whatever.
We did it on our site by doing the following:
We have a HelpTopics database with a HelpTopicId and HelpTopicText
We create an aspx page that displays the HelpTopicText based on the HelptopicId passed in the querystring.
We set up a css class for the A tag that displays the link to the help with the question mark image.
We created a UserControl named TitleandHelp that contained a link to the page mentioned in step 2 and the style for the link set to step 3 above: The usercontrol has a public rpoperty for the title and one for the topicID (We called it HelpContext).
We add the usercontrol to the aspx page where appropriate
<uc2:titleandhelp ID="titleandhelp1" runat="server" HelpContext="4" PageTitle="Forgot Password" />
it may sound like a lot of work, but really it only takes a half hour or so to do all of the setup. The rest of the work lies in populating the table and dragging the usercontrol onto the pages where appropriate.

Is there a way to use Thickbox with dynamic content?

Here's the scenario:
I have a textbox and a button on a web page. When the button is clicked, I want a popup window to open (using Thickbox) that will show all items that match the value entered in the textbox. I am currently using the IFrame implementation of Thickbox. The problem is that the URL to show is hardcoded into the "alt' attribute of the button. What I really need is for the "alt" attribute to pass along the value in the textbox to the popup.
Here is the code so far:
<input type="textbox" id="tb" />
<input alt="Search.aspx?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=700" class="thickbox" title="Search" type="button" value="Search" />
Ideally, I would like to put the textbox value into the Search.aspx url but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. My current alternative is to use jQuery to set the click function of the Search button to call a web service that will set some values in the ASP.NET session. The Search.aspx page will then use the session variables to do the search. However, this is a bit flaky since it seems like there will always be the possibility that the search executes before the session variables are set.
Just handle the onclick of your button to run a function that calls tb_show(), passing the value of the text box. Something like
... onclick = "doSearch()" ...
function doSearch()
tb_show(caption, 'Search.aspx?KeepThis=true&q=\"' +
$('input#tb').val() +
If you read the manual, under the iframe content section, it tells you that your parameters need to go before the TB_iframe parameter. Everything after this gets stripped off.
Here is an idea. I don't think it is very pretty but should work:
var url = $('input.thickbox').attr('alt');
var tbVal = $(this).val();
// add the textbox value into the query string here
// url = ..
$('input.thickbox').attr('alt', url);
Basically, you update the button alt tag every time the textbox loses focus. Instead, you could also listen to key strokes and update after every one.
As far as updateing the query string, I'll let you figure out the best way. I can see putting a placeholder in there like: &TB=TB_PLACEHOLDER. Then you can just do a string replace.
In the code-behind you could also just add the alt tag progammatically,
button1.Attributes.Add("alt", "Search.aspx?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=700");
