How do I subset a vector while retaining row names? - r

I am looking for differentially expressed genes in a data set. After using my function to determine fold change, I am given a vector that returns the gene names and fold change which looks like this:
gene1074 1.1135131
gene22491 1.0668137
gene15416 0.9840414
gene18645 1.1101060
gene4068 1.0055899
gene19043 1.1463878
I want to look for anything that has a greater than 2 fold change, so to do this I execute:
df2 <- subset(df1 >= 2)
which returns the following:
gene1074 FALSE
gene22491 FALSE
gene15416 FALSE
gene18645 FALSE
gene4068 FALSE
gene19043 FALSE
and that is not what I'm looking for.
I've tried another subsetting method:
df2 <- df1[df1 >= 2]
which returns:
[1] 4.191129 127.309557 2.788121 2.090916 11.382345 2.186330
Now that is the values that are over 2, but I've lost the gene names that came along with them.
How would I go about subsetting my data so that it returns in the following format:
genex 4.191129
geney 127.309557
genez 2.788121
genea 2.090916
geneb 11.382345
Or something at least approximating that format where I am given the gene and it's corresponding fold change value

You are looking for subsetting like so:
df2 <- df1[df1[, 1] >= 2, ]
To show you on some data:
# Create some toy data
df1 <- data.frame(val = rexp(100))
rownames(df1) <- paste0("gene", 1:100)
# val
#gene1 0.9295632
#gene2 1.2090513
#gene3 0.1550578
#gene4 1.7934942
#gene5 0.7286462
#gene6 1.8424025
Now we take the first column of df1 and compare to 2 (df1[,1] > 2). The output of that (a logical vector) is used to select the rows which fulfill the criteria:
df2 <- df1[df1[,1] > 2, ]
#[1] 2.705683 3.410672 3.544905 3.695313 2.523586 2.229879
Using the drop = FALSE keeps the output as a data.frame:
df3 <- df1[df1[,1] > 2, ,drop = FALSE]
# val
#gene8 2.705683
#gene9 3.410672
#gene22 3.544905
#gene23 3.695313
#gene38 2.523586
#gene42 2.229879
The same can be achieved by
subset(df1, subset = val > 2)
subset(df1, subset = df1[1,] > 2)
The former of these two expressions does not work in your case as it appears you have not named the columns.

You can also compute the positions in the data that correspond to your predicate, and use them for indexing:
# create some test data
df <- read.csv(
"g, v
gene1074, 1.1135131
gene22491, 1.0668137
gene15416, 0.9840414
gene18645, 1.1101060
gene4068, 1.0055899
gene19043, 1.1463878"
# positions that match a given predicate
idx <- which(df$v > 1)
# indexing "as usual"
df[idx, ]
g v
1 gene1074 1.113513
2 gene22491 1.066814
4 gene18645 1.110106
5 gene4068 1.005590
6 gene19043 1.146388
I find this code reads quite nicely and is pretty intuitive, but that might just be my opinion.


How to count missing values from two columns in R

I have a data frame which looks like this
**Contig_A** **Contig_B**
Contig_0 Contig_1
Contig_3 Contig_5
Contig_4 Contig_1
Contig_9 Contig_0
I want to count how many contig ids (from Contig_0 to Contig_1193) are not present in either Contig_A column of Contig_B.
For example: if we consider there are total 10 contigs here for this data frame (Contig_0 to Contig_9), then the answer would be 4 (Contig_2, Contig_6, Contig_7, Contig_8)
Create a vector of all the values that you want to check (all_contig) which is Contig_0 to Contig_10 here. Use setdiff to find the absent values and length to get the count of missing values.
cols <- c('Contig_A', 'Contig_B')
#If there are lot of 'Contig' columns that you want to consider
#cols <- grep('Contig', names(df), value = TRUE)
all_contig <- paste0('Contig_', 0:10)
missing_contig <- setdiff(all_contig, unlist(df[cols]))
#[1] "Contig_2" "Contig_6" "Contig_7" "Contig_8" "Contig_10"
count_missing <- length(missing_contig)
#[1] 5
by match,
x <- c(0:9)
contigs <- sapply(x, function(t) paste0("Contig_",t))
df1 <- data.frame(
Contig_A = c("Contig_0", "Contig_3", "Contig_4", "Contig_9"),
Contig_B = c("Contig_1", "Contig_5", "Contig_1", "Contig_0")
xx <- c(df1$Contig_A,df1$Contig_B)
contigs[, xx))]
[1] "Contig_2" "Contig_6" "Contig_7" "Contig_8"
In your case, just change x as x <- c(0,1193)

How to efficiently store and retrieve parameters/arguments used during data processing in lists

I work with a large count table and for my analyses it is usually required to split this table into subsets based on observations, variables, values or context information.
# generating toy data
count_df1 <- data.frame(
column1 = c(1:50),
column2 = runif(50, 1, 10),
column3 = runif(50, 1, 10)
count_df2 <- data.frame(
column1 = c(1:50),
column2 = runif(50, 1.5, 9),
column3 = runif(50, 1.5, 9)
list_count_df <- list(count_df1 = count_df1, count_df2 = count_df2)
I learned to use lists and for loops to process all resulting subsets in the same manner. I'm rather using for loops than apply because I use the names of the objects (with the use of counters) to keep track of how I modified them and I don't know how to do this with e.g. lapply.
# set values to iterate over
thresholds <- c(2, 4)
conditions <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
# perform some kind of subsetting and store the parameters used
output_list <- list()
counter <- 0
for (current_threshold in thresholds) {
for (count_df in list_count_df) {
counter <- counter + 1
# modify the name to keep track of changes
current_name <- paste(names(list_count_df)[counter], current_threshold, sep = "_")
output_list[[current_name]] <- subset(count_df1, column2 < current_threshold)
counter <- 0
Additionally, the time consuming part is usually the main function of the body, so a loop with a reduced overhead by apply would probably not safe so much time (I'm still open to this).
After I'm done with preparing the various subsets and subject them to the analysis, I need to store the analysis' results and the accompanying parameters for the different subsets. That is probably a common task.
# allocate for df to store the results
result_length <- length(output_list) * length(conditions)
df_headers <- c("Names", "Threshold", "Input_table", "Standard_deviation", "Scaling")
df_results <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(df_headers),
nrow = result_length)), df_headers)
# perform some analyses (here: PCA) on the dfs while looping over
# analysis parameters and storing some results directly
iii <- 0
table_counter <- 0
for (item in output_list) {
table_counter <- table_counter + 1
for (condition in conditions) {
iii <- iii + 1
current_name <- paste(names(output_list)[table_counter], condition, sep = "_")
tmp <- prcomp(item, scale = condition)
# let's pretend we are only interested in standard deviation per item
df_results[iii, 1] <- current_name
df_results[iii, 4] <- tmp$sdev[1]
However, I'm partly doing this by extracting parts of the name of the object, which is highly repetitive and also very custom and has to be changed for each additional step included beforehand. As I want to start my own package soon, this is nothing another user could easily follow.
# extract more values from the name of the former object
df_results$Threshold <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(as.character(df_results$Names), '_'), "[", 3))
df_results$Input_table <- as.factor(sapply(strsplit(as.character(df_results$Names), '_'), "[", 2))
df_results$Scaling <- as.factor(sapply(strsplit(as.character(df_results$Names), '_'), "[", 4))
# now I could this into long format, do plotting etc
I provided a short example below of how such a workflow could look like. My questions are:
1) What are the general good practices on how to store parameters used for and how to extract them after processing?
2) If the solution is too case-specific for a general approach:
a) any ideas what to change here?
b) Are lists and/or for loops the way to go at all?
I do it because modifying names in lapply is unclear to me and without this I lose track of what is what. I also would not know how to efficiently handle all these different subsets in one big data.frame
Please consider that my original data contains numerical, factor and character columns with 100s of rows/observations and ten thousands of columns/variables.
Honestly there are many ways to do this and it will come down to personal preference. One common way would be to define a class object that will set the standard of how you access information on it. Creating a class means that you can make S3 methods too. This could help give more flexibility on how you generate your class depending on if you are working on a list, df, or just a vector.
generate_foo <- function(x, ...){
generate_foo.default <- function(x, current_threshold, conditions, name = NULL){
name <- as.character(substitute(x))
x <- x[x[["column2"]]<current_threshold,]
tmp <- tryCatch({prcomp(x, scale = conditions)}, error=function(er){return("Error")})
retval <- list(list(subset = x,
pcaObj = tmp, #could store the entire object or just the parts you care about.
subsetparam = current_threshold,
condition = conditions,
name = name))
class <- "foo"
generate_foo.list <- function(x,
conditions, name = NULL){
name <- names(x)
#Generate combinations
combi <- separate( #generate all the possible combination indexes at once
indx = levels(suppressWarnings(interaction(1:length(x),
col = "indx", into = c("df","thresh","cond"), sep = "\\.")
x <- x[as.numeric(combi$df)]
name <- name[as.numeric(combi$df)]
current_threshold <- current_threshold[as.numeric(combi$thresh)]
conditions <- conditions[as.numeric(combi$cond)]
foolist <- mapply(FUN = generate_foo.default,
x = x,
current_threshold = current_threshold,
conditions = conditions,
name = name)
class(foolist) <- "foolist"
With this method when you call:
foo <- generate_foo(x = list_count_df,
current_threshold = thresholds,
conditions = conditions,
name = c("Custname1","Custname2"))
You will end up with a list of objects with class "foo". Specifically in this case the resulting object is length 8, each containing 5 parameters, subset, pcaObj, subsetparam, condition, name. with the exception of pcaObj sometimes throwing an error if the subset is too small, a tryCatch loop prevents the code from failing.
take it a step further by writing custom print and summary functions!
summary.foolist <- function(x){
subsetdim <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y){prod(dim(y[["subset"]]))}))
pcasdev <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y){y[["pcaObj"]]$sdev[1]}))
subsetparam <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y){y[["subsetparam"]]}))
condition <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y){y[["condition"]]}))
name <- unlist(lapply(x,function(y){y[["name"]]}))
df <- data.frame(SubsetDim=subsetdim, PCAsdev=pcasdev, SubsetParam=subsetparam, condition=condition, name = name)
SubsetDim PCAsdev SubsetParam condition name
1 24 1.207833 2 TRUE Custname1
2 6 1.732051 2 TRUE Custname2
3 54 1.324284 4 TRUE Custname1
4 33 1.372508 4 TRUE Custname2
5 24 16.258848 2 FALSE Custname1
6 6 12.024556 2 FALSE Custname2
7 54 15.592938 4 FALSE Custname1
8 33 14.057929 4 FALSE Custname2
Using a convention like this ensures your data is stored in a canonical way. Of course there are many ways you can choose to build your custom R class and object.
You could make one function that makes a list of subsetted dataframes and set that as one class. Then make another function that performs the analysis and generates a new class object. As long as you stick to building a named list, then accessing parts of the object become easier because they are organized.
Functional solution
0. Generate source data frame
# for reproducibility of random tasks
df <- data.frame(
col1 = c(1:100),
col2 = c(runif(50,1,10), runif(50,11,20)),
col3 = c(runif(50,1,10), runif(50,11,20))
# so half of the rows have numbers 1 to 10 in col2 and col3
# and other have 11 to 20 in col2 and col3.
# let's randomize the order of rows
df <- df[sample(1:100),]
# and take this data frame `df` as our source data frame
# fromw which we will do the analysis.
1. Problem description
We want to subdivide the original df into sub data frames
applying 2 different criteria.
Then, we analyze each sub data frame
using all possible combinations of 2 different parameters,
finally, collect all analysis values and aggravate them to a data frame.
The criteria:
criterium1: if col2 value is <= 10, we assign to the row "df1" therwise "df2".
categories c("df1", "df2").
criterium2: if col3 value is lower first limit, the row is assigned 'class5'
if col3 value is > first limit but <= second limit, assign 'class15'
other cases don't interest us - let's assign 'other'
categories c("class5", "class15", "other") # each row will be subdivided into
one of them
We want for each combination of the two criteria an own sub-dataframe
on which the analysis should be done.
The parameters for the analysis:
parameter1: 'scale.=' c(TRUE, FALSE)
parameter_categories c("sc+", "sc-")
parameter2: 'center=' c(TRUE, FASE)
parameter_categories c("cen+", "cen-")
The analysis result value:
We want for each combination of the two parameters an own report or the value
for 'Standard deviation'.
3 stddev columns of the PC1, PC2, PC3
Additional information to be collected:
we want a distinguishable (unique) name for each combination
2. How the entire analysis will look like:
# 0. categorize and split data frame
categories1 <- c("df1", "df2")[cut(df[, "col2"], c(1, 11, 20, Inf))]
categories2 <- c("class5", "class15", "other")[cut(df[, "col3"], c(-Inf, 5, 15, Inf))]
dfs <- split(df, gsub("class", "", paste(categories1, categories2, sep="_")))
# 1. Declare parameters and prepare all parameter combinations
parameters1 <- list("scale." = TRUE, "scale."=FALSE)
np1 <- c("scpos", "scneg")
parameters2 <- list("center"=TRUE, "center"=FALSE)
np2 <- c("cpos", "cneg")
params_list <- named_cross_combine(parameters1, parameters2, np1, np2, sep="_")
# 2. Apply analysis over all sub dfs and parameter combinations
# and extract and aggravate analysis results into a final data frame
df_final <- apply_extract_aggravate(
extractor_func=function(x) x$sdev, # extractor must return a vector
col_names=c("df", "limits", "scale", "center", "std_PC1", "std_PC2", "std_PC3"),
sep="_" # separator for names
# 3. rename parameter column contents
df_final$scale <- unlist(lookup(df_final$scale, np1, parameters1))
df_final$center <- unlist(lookup(df_final$center, np2, parameters2))
df limits scale center std_PC1 std_PC2 std_PC3
df1_15_scpos_cpos df1 15 TRUE TRUE 1.205986 0.9554013 0.7954906
df1_15_scpos_cneg df1 15 TRUE FALSE 1.638142 0.5159250 0.2243043
df1_15_scneg_cpos df1 15 FALSE TRUE 15.618145 2.4501942 1.3687843
df1_15_scneg_cneg df1 15 FALSE FALSE 31.425246 5.9055013 1.7178626
df1_5_scpos_cpos df1 5 TRUE TRUE 1.128371 1.0732246 0.7582659
df1_5_scpos_cneg df1 5 TRUE FALSE 1.613217 0.4782639 0.4108470
df1_5_scneg_cpos df1 5 FALSE TRUE 13.525868 2.5524661 0.9894493
df1_5_scneg_cneg df1 5 FALSE FALSE 30.007511 3.9094993 1.6020638
df2_15_scpos_cpos df2 15 TRUE TRUE 1.129298 1.0069030 0.8431092
df2_15_scpos_cneg df2 15 TRUE FALSE 1.720909 0.1523516 0.1235295
df2_15_scneg_cpos df2 15 FALSE TRUE 14.061532 2.4172787 1.2348606
df2_15_scneg_cneg df2 15 FALSE FALSE 80.543382 3.8409639 1.8480111
df2_other_scpos_cpos df2 other TRUE TRUE 1.090057 0.9588241 0.9446865
df2_other_scpos_cneg df2 other TRUE FALSE 1.718190 0.1881516 0.1114570
df2_other_scneg_cpos df2 other FALSE TRUE 15.168160 2.5579403 1.3354016
df2_other_scneg_cneg df2 other FALSE FALSE 82.297724 5.0580949 1.9356444
3. Explanation step by step
3.1 Declare Helper functions
# for preparing parameter combinations as lists
named_cross_combine <- function(seq1, seq2, seq1_names, seq2_names, sep="_") {
res <- list()
i <- 1
namevec <- c()
for (j1 in seq_along(seq1)) {
for (j2 in seq_along(seq2)) {
res[[i]] <- c(seq1[j1], seq2[j2])
namevec[i] <- paste0(seq1_names[j1], sep, seq2_names[j2])
i <- i + 1
names(res) <- namevec
# correctly named params list - `sep=` determines how names are joined
# you can apply `gsub()` on the namevec before assignment to adjust further the names.
# useful for doing analysis
do.call2 <- function(fun, x, rest) {, c(list(x), rest))
apply_parameters <- function(funcname,
params) {
lapply(dfs, function(df) lapply(params_list, function(pl) do.call2(funcname, df, pl)))
split_names_to_data_frame <- function(names_vec, sep) {
res <- lapply(names_vec, function(s) strsplit(s, sep)[[1]])
df <- Reduce(rbind, res)
# colnames(df) <- col_names
rownames(df) <- names_vec
apply_to_subdf_and_combine <- function(
accessor_func=function(x) x, # subdf result, # within subdf result
combine_prepare_func=function(x) x, # applied on each subdf result
final_combiner_func=rbind, # combine the results
col_names=NULL, # column names for final
sep="_") { # joiner for names
res_accessed_combined <- lapply(res_list,
list(lapply(x, accessor_func))))
res_prepared <- lapply(res_accessed_combined, combine_prepare_func)
res_df <- Reduce(final_combiner_func, res_prepared)
rownames(res_df) <- paste(unlist(sapply(names(res_prepared), rep, nrow(res_prepared[[1]]))),
unlist(sapply(res_prepared, rownames)),
sep = sep)
names_df <- split_names_to_data_frame(rownames(res_df), sep = sep)
final_df <-, res_df))
if (!is.null(col_names)) {
colnames(final_df) <- col_names
# for simplifying the function call
extract_and_combine <- function(res_list,
sep="_") {
res_list = res_list,
accessor_func = result_extractor_func,,
# for even more simplifying function call
apply_extract_aggravate <- function(dfs,
sep="_") {
res_list=apply_parameters(funcname=analyzer_func, dfs=dfs, params=params),
# useful for renaming the data frame columns values
lookup <- function(x, seq1, seq2) {
seq2[sapply(x, function(x) which(x == seq1))]
3.2 Categorize and split data frame
categories1 <- c("df1", "df2")[cut(df[, "col2"], c(1, 11, 20, Inf))]
categories2 <- c("5", "15", "other")[cut(df[, "col3"], c(-Inf, 5, 15, Inf))]
dfs <- split(df, gsub("class", "", paste(categories1, categories2, sep="_")))
But to have full control over categorization, you can
declare your own categorizer functions and categorize and
split the data frame:
# write rules for criterium1 1 element as function
categorizer1 <- function(x) {
if (1 <= x && x <= 10) {
} else if (11 <= x && x <= 20) {
# vectorize it to be able to apply it on entire columns
categorizer1 <- Vectorize(categorizer1)
# do the same for critreium2
categorizer2 <- function(x) {
if (x <= 5) {
} else if (5 < x && x <= 15) {
} else {
categorizer2 <- Vectorize(categorizer2)
# apply on col2 and col3 the corresponding categorizers
categories1 <- categorizer1(df[,"col2"])
categories2 <- categorizer2(df[,"col3"])
# get the list of sub data frames according to categories
dfs <- split(df, gsub("class", "", paste(categories1, categories2, sep="_")))
# Let the categorizer functions return strings and
# for the second argument use `paste()` with `sep=` to determine
# how the names should be combined - here with "_".
# Use `gsub(pattern, replacement, x,, perl=T)`
# to process the name using regex patterns to how you want it at the end.
# Here, we remove the bulky "class".
3.3 Declare parameters as lists and their corresponding names in filename
parameters1 <- list("scale." = TRUE, "scale."=FALSE)
np1 <- c("scpos", "scneg")
parameters2 <- list("center"=TRUE, "center"=FALSE)
np2 <- c("cpos", "cneg")
# prepare all combinations of them in a list of lists
params_list <- named_cross_combine(parameters1, parameters2, np1, np2, sep="_")
# this produces a list of all possible parameter combination lists.
# Each parameter combination has to be kept itself in a list, because
# `` later requires the parameters being in a list.
# `named_cross_combine()` takes care of correct naming,
# joining the names using `sep` values.
# The first element in `parameter1` is taken and is paired with each of
# `parameters2`. Then the second of `parameter1` through all `parameters2`, etc.
3.4 Apply all parameters over dfs and collect the results into a data frame
df_final <- apply_extract_aggravate(
extractor_func=function(x) x$sdev, # extractor must return a vector
col_names=c("df", "limits", "scale", "center", "std_PC1", "std_PC2", "std_PC3"),
sep="_" # separator for names
# This function takes the dfs and the parameters list and runs the
# analyzer_func, here `prcomp()` over all combinations of boths.
# The `extractor_func` must be chosen in a way that the returned result is a vector.
# If it is already a vector, set here `function(x) x` the identity function.
# The column names should give new names to the resulting columns.
# The number of the names are determined by:
# - the number of categoriesN,
# - the number of parametersN,
# - the number of elements of result after extractor_func() was applied.
# `sep=` determines which joiner is used for joining the names.
3.5 Finally, rename parameter columns' contents by using lookup() + previously declared parameter lists (parametersN) with their corresponding name vectors (npN)
df_final$scale <- unlist(lookup(df_final$scale, np1, parameters1))
df_final$center <- unlist(lookup(df_final$center, np2, parameters2))
# Two parameter columns, so two commands.
This converts df_final from this:
# df limits scale center std_PC1 std_PC2 std_PC3
# df1_15_scpos_cpos df1 15 scpos cpos 1.205986 0.9554013 0.7954906
# df1_15_scpos_cneg df1 15 scpos cneg 1.638142 0.5159250 0.2243043
# df1_15_scneg_cpos df1 15 scneg cpos 15.618145 2.4501942 1.3687843
# df1_15_scneg_cneg df1 15 scneg cneg 31.425246 5.9055013 1.7178626
# df1_5_scpos_cpos df1 5 scpos cpos 1.128371 1.0732246 0.7582659
# df1_5_scpos_cneg df1 5 scpos cneg 1.613217 0.4782639 0.4108470
# df1_5_scneg_cpos df1 5 scneg cpos 13.525868 2.5524661 0.9894493
# df1_5_scneg_cneg df1 5 scneg cneg 30.007511 3.9094993 1.6020638
# df2_15_scpos_cpos df2 15 scpos cpos 1.129298 1.0069030 0.8431092
# df2_15_scpos_cneg df2 15 scpos cneg 1.720909 0.1523516 0.1235295
# df2_15_scneg_cpos df2 15 scneg cpos 14.061532 2.4172787 1.2348606
# df2_15_scneg_cneg df2 15 scneg cneg 80.543382 3.8409639 1.8480111
# df2_other_scpos_cpos df2 other scpos cpos 1.090057 0.9588241 0.9446865
# df2_other_scpos_cneg df2 other scpos cneg 1.718190 0.1881516 0.1114570
# df2_other_scneg_cpos df2 other scneg cpos 15.168160 2.5579403 1.3354016
# df2_other_scneg_cneg df2 other scneg cneg 82.297724 5.0580949 1.9356444
to this:
df limits scale center std_PC1 std_PC2 std_PC3
df1_15_scpos_cpos df1 15 TRUE TRUE 1.205986 0.9554013 0.7954906
df1_15_scpos_cneg df1 15 TRUE FALSE 1.638142 0.5159250 0.2243043
df1_15_scneg_cpos df1 15 FALSE TRUE 15.618145 2.4501942 1.3687843
df1_15_scneg_cneg df1 15 FALSE FALSE 31.425246 5.9055013 1.7178626
df1_5_scpos_cpos df1 5 TRUE TRUE 1.128371 1.0732246 0.7582659
df1_5_scpos_cneg df1 5 TRUE FALSE 1.613217 0.4782639 0.4108470
df1_5_scneg_cpos df1 5 FALSE TRUE 13.525868 2.5524661 0.9894493
df1_5_scneg_cneg df1 5 FALSE FALSE 30.007511 3.9094993 1.6020638
df2_15_scpos_cpos df2 15 TRUE TRUE 1.129298 1.0069030 0.8431092
df2_15_scpos_cneg df2 15 TRUE FALSE 1.720909 0.1523516 0.1235295
df2_15_scneg_cpos df2 15 FALSE TRUE 14.061532 2.4172787 1.2348606
df2_15_scneg_cneg df2 15 FALSE FALSE 80.543382 3.8409639 1.8480111
df2_other_scpos_cpos df2 other TRUE TRUE 1.090057 0.9588241 0.9446865
df2_other_scpos_cneg df2 other TRUE FALSE 1.718190 0.1881516 0.1114570
df2_other_scneg_cpos df2 other FALSE TRUE 15.168160 2.5579403 1.3354016
df2_other_scneg_cneg df2 other FALSE FALSE 82.297724 5.0580949 1.9356444
4. Final remarks
This is not very different from your approach. All information is collected in the names. And the names used for generating the part of the data frame which explains the background for the analysis data.
The lookup() function is very useful for renaming the columns for the parameters.
The categorization of a column can be very simplified by the cat() function. But in the cut() function you don't have full control over
whether the upper/lower limit is included (<=) or not (<).
That is why sometimes declaring own categorizer functions can be of advantage. (And especially for more complex categorizations).
More categories: Just define more categories categories1 categories2 categories3 ...
# then do
dfs <- split(df, paste(categories1, categories2, categories3, ..., sep="_"))
# use `gsub()` around `paste()` or do
# names(dfs) <- gsub("search_term", "replace_term", names(dfs)) - over and over again
# until all names are as they should be.
More parameters: Just define more parametersN - npN pairs.
# then do
params_list <- named_cross_combine(parameters1, parameters2, np1, np2, sep="_")
params_list <- named_cross_combine(params_list, parameters3, names(params_list), np3, sep="_")
params_list <- named_cross_combine(params_list, parameters4, names(params_list), np4, sep="_")
... (and so on ...)
# use then at the end more lines for renaming parameter column contents:
df_final[, prmcol_name1] <- unlist(lookup(df_final[, prmcol_name1], np1, parameters1))
df_final[, prmcol_name2] <- unlist(lookup(df_final[, prmcol_name2], np2, parameters2))
df_final[, prmcol_name3] <- unlist(lookup(df_final[, prmcol_name3], np2, parameters3))
... (and so on ...)
Thus, the number of categories and parameters is easily enhance-able.
The core helper functions stay the same. And don't have to be modified.
(The use of higher order functions (functions which take functions as arguments) as helper functions is key for their flexibility - one of the strenghs of functional programming).

Iterate a data frame containing lists of column numbers, of different lengths, with a function in R

I have a data frame (df) of survey responses about human values with 57 columns/variables of numerical/scale responses. Each column belongs to one of ten categories, and they're not in contiguous groups.
I have a second dataframe (scoretable) that associates the categories with the column numbers for the variables; the lists of column numbers are all different lengths:
scoretable <- data.frame(
valuename =
valuevars = I(list(c(11,20,40,47), # Conformity
c(18,32,36,44,51), # Tradition
c(33,45,49,52,54), # Benevolence
c(1,17,24,26,29,30,35,38), # Universalism
c(5,16,31,41,53), # Self-Direction
c(9,25,37), # Stimulation
c(4,50,57), # Hedonism
c(34,39,43,55), # Achievement
c(3,12,27,46), # Power
c(8,13,15,22,56))), # Security
I would like to iterate through scoretable with a function, valuescore, that calculates the mean and sd of all responses in that group of columns in data frame df and write the result to a third table of results:
valuescore = function(df,scoretable,valueresults){
valuename = scoretable[,1]
set <- df[,scoretable[,2]]
setmeans <- colMeans(set,na.rm=TRUE)
valuemean <- mean(setmeans)
setvars <- apply(set, 2, var)
valuesd <-sqrt(mean(setvars))
rbind(valueresults,c(valuename, valuemean, valuesd))
a <- nrow(scoretable)
for(i in 1:a){
I am very new to R and programming in general (this is my first question here), and I'm struggling to determine how to pass list variables to functions and/or as address ranges for data frames.
Let's create an example data.frame:
df <- replicate(57, rnorm(10, 50, 20)) %>%
Let's prepare the table result format:
valueresults <- data.frame(
name = scoretable$valuename,
mean = 0
Now, a loop on the values of scoretable, a mean calculation by column and then the mean of the mean. It is brutal (first answer with Map is more elegant), but maybe it is easier to understand for a R beginnner.
for(v in 1:nrow(scoretable)){
# let's suppose v = 1 "Conformity"
columns_id <- scoretable$valuevars[[v]]
# isolate columns that correspond to 'Conformity'
temp_df <- df[, columns_id]
# mean of the values of these columns
temp_means <- apply(temp_df, 2, mean)
mean <- mean(temp_means)
# save result in the prepared table
valueresults$mean[v] <- mean
> (valueresults)
name mean
1 Conformity 45.75407
2 Tradition 52.76935
3 Benevolence 50.81724
4 Universalism 51.04970
5 Self-Direction 55.43723
6 Stimulation 52.15962
7 Hedonism 53.17395
8 Achievement 47.77570
9 Power 52.61731
10 Security 54.07066
Here is a way using Map to apply a function to the list scoretable[, 2].
First I will create a test df.
m <- 100
n <- 57
df <- matrix(sample(10, m*n, TRUE), nrow = m, ncol = n)
df <-
And now the function valuescore.
valuescore <- function(DF, scores){
f <- function(inx) mean(as.matrix(DF[, inx]), na.rm = TRUE)
res <- Map(f, scores[, 2])
names(res) <- scores[[1]]
valuescore(df, scoretable)
#[1] 5.5225
#[1] 5.626
#[1] 5.548
#[1] 5.36125
#[1] 5.494
#[1] 5.643333
#[1] 5.546667
#[1] 5.3175
#[1] 5.41
#[1] 5.54

R - Select Rows Where Number of Values Satisfies Condition

I have a dataframe called df, what I want to do is select all rows where there are at least n values in that row satisfying some condition c.
For example, I want rows from df such that at least 50% of the values (or columns) in the row are greater than 0.75.
Here is what I came up with to accomplish this:
test <- df[apply(df, 1, function(x) (length(x[x > 0.75]) / length(x) > 0.5)]
Unfortunately I am getting this error message:
Error in `[.data.frame`(df, apply(df, :
undefined columns selected
I am very new to R, so I'm pretty stuck at this point, what's the problem here?
You are getting that error message because you haven't told R what columns you want to include in your subset.
You have:
Which doesn't specify which columns. Instead, you should try
df[your_apply_function, ]
That means 'subset 'df' for all rows that match the result of this apply function, and all columns'. Edit: I don't think this will work either.
However, I would approach it by using dplyr:
rowcounts <- apply(df, 1, function(x) rowSums(x > 0.75))
df <- bind_cols(df, rowcounts)
df <- filter(df, rowcounts > ncol(df)/2)
I didn't get to test this yet (code still running on my machine), but it looks right to my eye. When I get a chance I will test it.
This can be accomplished with a cellwise comparison against 0.75, rowSums(), and then a vectorized comparison against 0.5:
set.seed(3L); NR <- 5L; NC <- 4L; df <-*NC,0.75,0.1),NR));
## V1 V2 V3 V4
## 1 0.6538067 0.7530124 0.6755218 0.7192344
## 2 0.7207474 0.7585418 0.6368781 0.6546983
## 3 0.7758788 0.8616610 0.6783642 0.6851757
## 4 0.6347868 0.6281143 0.7752652 0.8724314
## 5 0.7695783 0.8767369 0.7652046 0.7699812
## V1 V2 V3 V4
## 3 0.7758788 0.8616610 0.6783642 0.6851757
## 4 0.6347868 0.6281143 0.7752652 0.8724314
## 5 0.7695783 0.8767369 0.7652046 0.7699812
This can work on both matrices and data.frames.

R: Repeat script n times, changing variables in each iteration

I have a script that I want to repeat n times, where some variables are changed by 1 each iteration. I'm creating a data frame consisting of the standard deviation of the difference of various vectors. My script currently looks like this:
standard.deviation <- data.frame
I want to write the script creating the vector only once, and repeat it n times (n=3 in this example) so that I end up with n vectors. In each iteration, I want to add 1 to a variable (in this case: 1 -> 2 -> 3, so the number next to 't'). t1, t2 and t3 are all separate data frames, and I can't figure out how to loop a script with changing data frame names.
1) How to make this happen?
2) I would also like to divide each sd value in a row by the row number. How would I do this?
3) I will be using 140 data frames in total. Is there a way to call all of these with a simple function, rather than making a list and adding each of the 140 data frames individually?
Use functions to get a more readable code:
set.seed(123) # so you'll get the same number as this example
t1 <- t2 <- t3 <- data.frame(replicate(5,runif(10)))
# make a function for your sd of diff
sd.cols <- function(data) {
# loop over the df columns
sapply(data,function(x) sd(diff(x)))
# make a list of your data frames
dflist <- list(sdt1=t1,sdt2=t2,sdt3=t3)
# Loop overthe list
result <- data.frame(lapply(dflist,sd.cols))
Which gives:
> result
sdt1 sdt2 sdt3
1 0.4887692 0.4887692 0.4887692
2 0.5140287 0.5140287 0.5140287
3 0.2137486 0.2137486 0.2137486
4 0.3856857 0.3856857 0.3856857
5 0.2548264 0.2548264 0.2548264
Assuming that you always want to use columns 1 to 5...
# some data
t3 <- t2 <- t1 <-,10,10))
# script itself
sapply(lis,function(x) sapply(x[,1:5],function(y) sd(diff(y))))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# V1 1.733599 1.733599 1.733599
# V2 1.577737 1.577737 1.577737
# V3 1.574130 1.574130 1.574130
# V4 1.158639 1.158639 1.158639
# V5 0.999489 0.999489 0.999489
The output is a matrix, so should fix that.
For completeness: As #Tensibai mentions, you can just use list(mget(ls(pattern="^t[0-9]+$"))), assuming that all your variables are t followed by a number.
Edit: Thanks to #Tensibai for pointing out a missing step and improving the code, and the mget step.
You can itterate through a list of the ts...
ans <- data.frame()
dats <- c(t, t1 , t2)
for (k in dats){
temp <- c()
for (k2 in c(1,2,3,4,5)){
temp <- c(temp , sd(k[,k2]))
ans <- rbind(ans,temp)
rownames(ans) <- c("t1","t2","t3")
colnames(ans) <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
attr(results,"title") <- "standard deviation"
