How to switch from Datastore to Firestore in existing project? - firebase

I have an existing Google Cloud project which uses Datastore. I'm excited by Firestore and would like to switch. According to it is recommended to create a new project.
Is it possible to just nuke Datastore somehow (I don't care about the data) and start from scratch with Firestore?
If not, what are the implications of creating a new project?

If there is no data written to Cloud datastore, it's possible to convert from datastore to firestore with the following steps. I tried on 2 projects and each project took 3 minutes. The user should be the project owner to attempt:
Disable Cloud datastore API
Disable Cloud Firestore API
gcloud firestore databases create --region=us-central --project $PROJECT_ID
I have another project that has little datastore entities. I deleted them and executed the steps, but received the following error. While disabling datastore API, I read Disable Cloud Datastore API? If any resources were created by Cloud Datastore API, they may be deleted soon after Cloud Datastore API is disabled. All code that uses this project's credentials to call Cloud Datastore API will fail.
ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.databases.create) Error Response: [9] The
"database_type" field cannot be modified for this application. Note:
If data has already been written for this application, then the
"database_type" may not be modified.
The solution is to contact Google cloud support to convert from Datastore to Firestore. You need to make sure no entities exist and nothing is creating any entities.
In the case where no Datastore entities have been written, the operation should succeed:
Success! Selected Google Cloud Firestore Native database for $PROJECT_ID

It is not possible to switch from Datastore to Firestore within the same project as yet, but you may operate Firestore in Datastore mode. By creating a Cloud Firestore database in Datastore mode, you can access Cloud Firestore's improved storage layer while keeping Cloud Datastore system behavior. You may find more information of relevance by reading the "Automatic Upgrade to Cloud Firestore" documentation page.


Firebase Cloud Firebase: How to move data between projects in Native mode

I managed to move data between projects using the instructions as per this guide: Moving data between projects.
During the import, I got an error:
ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.import) PERMISSION_DENIED: The Cloud Firestore API has not been used in project XXX before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting and then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
I enabled Cloud Firestore API and completed the import process.
Now, on Firebase console, when I go the Cloud Firestore page of the destination project, I see this message:
This project is set up to use Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode. This mode can only be accessed from Google Cloud Platform
The import command creates the Cloud Firestore database in Datastore mode. And it's not possible to switch it back Native mode as the first write on the database executed.
How can I import the data in Cloud Firestore Native mode?
I understand the import operation coerced the type of the new project database to Firestore in Datastore mode instead of Firestore Native, which was the mode of the database you exported the data from.
I have opened the following issue tracker so that this behavior could be investigated in further detail. I would recommend to star the issue and add your mail in the CC list so that you're aware of the updates made therein.
Separately, once the first write has been commited to the database it's no longer possible to change the database mode, therefore you'll have to create another project to use Firestore in Native mode.
To that effect I have tested the following workaround so that you could succesfully make the import in a new project:
Create a new project. Then go to the Firebase Console and create a Firestore database.
Using the console, create a mock collection and a mock document within it.
Proceed with the import as outlined in the documentation.
After completing these steps you could delete the mock collection and keep with your development as usual.

How do I access Cloud Firestore when created as a service within Cloud Platform?

I'm familiar with using Cloud Firestore when created through Firebase, but I've created a Cloud Firestore as a service within Cloud Platform and I can't figure out how to have a client access that database. I was expecting there would be someway to generate a GoogleService-Info.plist so that my iOS app can access Firestore.
How is Cloud Firestore different when created from GCP, and how can clients access it?
If you want to access Firestore from iOS, you will still have to go through the Firebase console to add your app to the project and generate that plist file.
What you probably don't realize is that a Firebase project is just like a GCP project. Every Firebase project IS a GCP project, just pre-configured with some services and APIs enabled. Read this blog for a full discussion. If you created your project via the Cloud console, you can just as easily access the very same project from the Firebase console.
Your Firstore instance is 100% the same, no matter how you access it. All the same data and scaling behavior that you expect from Firestore. The only differences lie in how Firebase client apps add special mobile functionality. Read this blog for a full discussion specific to Firestore.
Bottom line is that, for use with mobile apps, you should still use the Firebase console to set that up. You can use both console together at the same time. They show almost entirely the same data, but Firebase is simplified for mobile-centric use.

Is there a way to write database rules through Firestore's REST API

I want to initialize a Firestore database with a script and so I would like to write to the database rules through a REST API rather than manually.
There is a REST API to edit Firebase Realtime Database security rules. There is also a REST API to interface with Firestore in general. However, I have not found a REST API to edit Cloud Firestore database security rules.
The best way is probably to use the firebase-tools node module, which you may already know from using it as the Firebase CLI.
By signing in with login:ci, you can then call various commands from within your CI system, including deploying your Firestore security rules by running or calling firebase deploy --only firestore:rules.

How to use Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database in same project

Firebase's documentation has the following paragraph:
Using Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database: You can use both databases within the same Firebase app or project. Both NoSQL databases can store the same types of data and the client libraries work in a similar manner. Keep in mind the differences outlined above if you decide to use both databases in your app.
I can't find any documentation on how to add a Cloud Firestore to an existing project with a Realtime Database, though. I will ultimately upgrade to Cloud Firestore, but would like some time to experiment and learn before I convert the production database.
Does anybody know how to use both databases in the same Firebase project?
When you go to your project in the console and choose the Database product, you should see something like this the first time:
This is a selector that lets you choose to see either Realtime Database or Firestore in your project. You can switch between the two with this selector.
The first time you select Cloud Firestore, it will ask you to configure things. Start in "test mode" to set things up for full read and write without authentication to get started quickly, but of course your should always have rules set up in production.
After you set up Firestore, you should be able to use both client SDKs to access both databases independently.

How do I use Cloud DataStore or Cloud SQL from Cloud Functions for Firebase?

I'm building a Firebase app, and plan to use the real-time database when I need real-time updates. However, most of the application data is more traditional.
Now that Functions is a thing, how do I also leverage either DataStore or CloudSQL? Can anyone point me to specific documentation or examples how to read/write with either of those services from a function?
Neither Cloud Datastore nor Cloud SQL support Cloud Functions yet, which means you aren't yet able to trigger Cloud Functions based on their events the way you can with the Firebase Realtime Database.
Fortunately, once a Cloud Function has been triggered (for example via HTTP), you can still read and write from Datastore and SQL as you would from any other Node.js code. Here is documentation for Cloud Datastore, and here it is for Cloud SQL.
Finally, if you're adventurous and might like to provide early feedback on upcoming integrations like Datastore, fill out this form!
