How can I change the height of a dropdown box in angular? - css

I'm trying to adjust the scroll view hight because it's too long, any solution?
I tried to use css with no success.
As you can see in the image below, the current scroll view is too long.

Use property binding for can change it run time.

In my opinion you will need to use a library to customize your dropdown. In fact this html tag is native and depends on your browser, I recommend ng-select to do this :)


How to make content of Google form wider?

Content of google form is by default 640px wide - which is set in class ".freebirdFormviewerViewCenteredContent", I need to make this wider. I´m embeding it on website with iframe and I can´t find solution how to add "width" css to make it work. It´s possible?
You can't style an iframe with CSS, there are two ways to solve the problem though:
Use javascript to style it: take a look at this answer
Don't use an iframe: use this tutorial to style the whole form without using an iframe
What I did to change the width of the form was change the width within the embedded code within the iframe.
Apparently, there is no way to do that and I have looked everywhere. Currently, there isn't an option to make the Google Form wider.
Check out this link on google forum:!topic/docs/FaGfvxnm51U

Simple horizontal content slider / scroller only with CSS?

Click this link to see my concept image regarding the subject:
Hi! Is it possible to do such custom "sliders" for overflowing content without the default Scrollers? It doesn't matter how the actual transition goes (could work just like the regular horizontal scrollbar for i care, just without the ugly default gray buttons/bar). Preferably i would like to do it just with CSS, but if not, i'll consider other ways to do it aswell. Or i'll just simply create another page to the remaining images.
You can get rid of the scrollbars by setting
in CSS, which will "clip" the DIV contents.
I don't think there is a pure CSS way to scroll it. That is easily doable with jQuery.ScrollTo - just bind hover() or click() events to your arrow icons.
Take a look at this site, I believe it will be of some use to you. It's what I've used in the past:

How do I show flip effect in flex viewstate?

I'm new to Flex.
I want to build cool web application in flex.
For displaying content of my site, I use viewstack and button bar. It is ready, but now I'd like to add some animation effect in that.
For example changing the navigation content shows flip animation.
So how do I do that?
Help full link.
This sounds similar to another question: How can I nicely animate between viewstacks.
Perhaps that will help?
That example shows the most basic kind of animation which is readily available using open and widely supported web-standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The jQuery library will allow you to do this in just a few lines of code. Do you have an absolute requirement for flex?

Changing the image of a scroll bar without flash

How can i change the appearance (not the color) of a scrollbar within a box with overflow? I know how to do it in flash, I need a way to do it without it. In fact, I want to know how they did this slider in the apple web site:
It seems they used css along with javascript, but that's all I know. Is it possible that they did it using DOM, DHTML, HTML 5, Ruby or PHP? I have no idea.
If you'd be kind enough to share the answer, I thank you in advance.
They basically re-created a fake scrollbar using images, CSS and some Javascript. When you drag the image, Javascript makes it move together with the mouse cursor and scrolls the box contents in the opposite direction. The real scrollbar is being hidden/deactivated using CSS.
Look here for some examples/tutorials:

Tooltips get hidden behind dropdown lists? How can you avoid this? (IE6)

I have a label with a tooltip attribute for rollover effect. This works all great. However, it seems to get hidden behind any dropdown lists that are nearby. I have tried adjusting the z-index, without any luck. This issue does not appear in firefox, and I have not tested it in later versions of IE.
I realize this is probably due to IE6s poor css standards-compatibility, but how can I get around this?
Not the best because it requires javascript/jQuery library, but there's a workaround:
IE6 has a know error that selects always end up the highest in the z order...
Custom select control optional?
Have a look at this
Another idea is to use the ajaxtoolkit autocomplete?
The select dropdown in IE6 is implemented as a Windows control, so the browser isn't really drawing it. Thus, it doesn't support features like z-index. One possible solution is to hide all select boxes on the page when you show your tool-tip. Another option is a custom dropdown, which you can find in libraries like Ext.
As astander and MikeWyatt said, selects in IE are topmost. There are two paths to work-around this problem:
Use a custom select box, rendered with divs, etc. This is rather cumbersome, since you won't be able to replicate all of the drop-down functionality.
Place an <IFRAME> under the tooltip (tooltip z-index > iframe z-index). This will work-around the problem, yet you have to worry about the positioning of the iframe overlay.
