I'd like to use dplyr and tbrf to calculate a 90 day rolling geometric mean and 90th percentile for each group 'Type'. The code below is generating percentiles for each date, not every 90 days. It also is wrongly generating duplicate rows.
side note:I first tried using %within% and creating an interval in the lubridate package.However, class Interval from lubridate is currently not supported in dplyr hence wanting to try tbrf. I have also tried tibbletime,RcppRoll and zoo's Rollapply
##sample data###
Dates = as.Date(c("2015-02-23","2015-04-20","2015-06-17",
Type = c(rep("A", 11), rep("B", 11))
######failed attempt 1####
df2=df %>% group_by(Type) %>%
tbr_gmean(Value, Dates, "days", 90) %>%
tbr_misc(Value, Dates,"days", 90, quantile, .(0.9))
## failed attempt #2##
start.date = min(df$Dates)
breaks = seq(start.date - 30*3600*24, start.date + 30*3600*24, "90 days")
df$group = cut(df$Dates, breaks=breaks)
DF= df %>% group_by(Type,group) %>%
Edited: Try this:
dfmod<-df %>%
group_by(Type) %>%
arrange(Dates) %>%
mutate(rnk = cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(Dates) > 5)))%>% #changed it from !=1 to reflect that you want the date difference to be within 5 days or less
group_by(Type,rnk) %>%
mutate(GM = rollapply(Value, 2, geometric.mean, fill=NA, align="right"),
qt=rollapply(Value, 2, quantile, p=0.90, fill=NA, align="right")) #changed 5 to 2 so that the rolling sum is calculated for every 2 rows
## A tibble: 6 x 6
## Groups: Type, rnk [1]
# Dates Type Value rnk GM qt
# <date> <fct> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 2018-10-03 A 35.3 1 NA NA
#2 2018-10-04 A 34.3 1 NA NA
#3 2018-10-05 A 34.6 1 NA NA
#4 2018-10-06 A 34.3 1 NA NA
#5 2018-10-07 A 34.1 1 34.5 35.1
#6 2018-10-08 A 34.7 1 34.4 34.6
I have strange problem with calculation, and I am not sure what I should do. I have a data that looks like this:
and I need to sort by ID and Date at first,which I did. Then i need to find the baseline date, only if duration for that date is <=0 and closest to 0, that one can be used as baseline, then I need to calculate usable=current score/baseline date score. so the final results should look like this:
What should I do? How can I check the oldest day and build "usable" to use the score/oldest score?
The codes for sample data are:
ID <-c("1","1","1","1","2","2","2","2")
Date<- c("4/19/2018","7/27/2018","8/24/2018","9/21/2018","10/19/2018","12/14/2018","1/11/2019","1/24/2019")
Duration <- c("-13","-7","95","142","2","36","75","81")
score <- c("0.06","0.071","0.054","0.0258","0.0208","0.0448","0.0638","0.0227")
Sample.data <- data.frame(ID, Date, Duration, score)
The columns in 'Sample.data' are all character class as the values were quoted (used R 4.0.0. If it was < R 4.0, stringsAsFactors = TRUE by default), so we used type.convert to change the class based on the values automatically, then before we do the arrange on 'ID', 'Date', convert the 'Date' to Date class (in case there are some inconsistency in the original data with respect to the order), after grouping by 'ID', create the new column 'Useable' with an if/else condition to return the standardized 'score' with the first value of 'score' or else return NA
Sample.data <- Sample.data %>%
type.convert(as.is = TRUE) %>%
mutate(Date = mdy(Date)) %>%
arrange(ID, Date) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(Useable = if(first(Duration) <=0) c(NA, score[-1]/first(score))
else NA_real_)
# A tibble: 8 x 5
# Groups: ID [2]
# ID Date Duration score Useable
# <int> <date> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2018-04-19 -13 0.06 NA
#2 1 2018-07-27 86 0.071 1.18
#3 1 2018-08-24 95 0.054 0.9
#4 1 2018-09-21 142 0.0258 0.43
#5 2 2018-10-19 2 0.0208 NA
#6 2 2018-12-14 36 0.0448 NA
#7 2 2019-01-11 75 0.0638 NA
#8 2 2019-01-24 81 0.0227 NA
Consider the following example:
df = tibble(client_id = rep(1:3, each=24),
date = rep(seq(ymd("2016-01-01"), (ymd("2016-12-01") + years(1)), by='month'), 3),
expenditure = runif(72))
In df you have stored information on monthly expenditure from a bunch of clients for the past 2 years. Now you want to calculate the monthly difference between this year and the previous year for each client.
Is there any way of doing this maintaining the "long" format of the dataset? Here I show you the way I am doing it nowadays, which implies going wide:
df2 = df %>%
mutate(date2 = paste0('val_',
formatC(month(date), width=2, flag="0"))) %>%
select(client_id, date2, value) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = date2,
values_from = value)
df3 = (df2[,2:13] - df2[,14:25])
However I find tihs unnecessary complex, and in large datasets going from long to wide can take quite a lot of time, so I think there must be a better way of doing it.
If you want to keep data in long format, one way would be to group by month and date value for each client_id and calculate the difference using diff.
df %>%
group_by(client_id, month_date = format(date, "%m-%d")) %>%
summarise(diff = -diff(expenditure))
# client_id month_date diff
# <int> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 1 01-01 0.278
# 2 1 02-01 -0.0421
# 3 1 03-01 0.0117
# 4 1 04-01 -0.0440
# 5 1 05-01 0.855
# 6 1 06-01 0.354
# 7 1 07-01 -0.226
# 8 1 08-01 0.506
# 9 1 09-01 0.119
#10 1 10-01 0.00819
# … with 26 more rows
An option with data.table
setDT(df)[, .(diff = -diff(expenditure)), .(client_id, month_date = as.yearmon(date))]
I have a dataset that looks something like this
df <- data.frame("id" = c("Alpha", "Alpha", "Alpha","Alpha","Beta","Beta","Beta","Beta"),
"Year" = c(1970,1970,1970,1971,1980,1980,1981,1982),
"Val" = c(2,3,-2,5,2,5,3,5))
I have mulple observations for each id and time identifier - e.g. I have 3 different alpha 1970 values. I would like to retain only one observation per id/year most notably the last one that appears in for each id/year.
the final dataset should look something like this:
final <- data.frame("id" = c("Alpha","Alpha","Beta","Beta","Beta"),
"Year" = c(1970,1971,1980,1981,1982),
"Val" = c(-2,5,5,3,5))
Does anyone know how I can approach the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help
If you are open to a data.table solution, this can be done quite concisely:
setDT(df)[, .SD[.N], by = c("id", "Year")]
#> id Year Val
#> 1: Alpha 1970 -2
#> 2: Alpha 1971 5
#> 3: Beta 1980 5
#> 4: Beta 1981 3
#> 5: Beta 1982 5
by = c("id", "Year") groups the data.table by id and Year, and .SD[.N] then returns the last row within each such group.
How about this?
df <- data.frame("id" = c("Alpha", "Alpha", "Alpha","Alpha","Beta","Beta","Beta","Beta"),
"Year" = c(1970,1970,1970,1971,1980,1980,1981,1982),
"Val" = c(2,3,-2,5,2,5,3,5))
final <-
df %>%
group_by(id, Year) %>%
slice(n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 5 x 3
#> id Year Val
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Alpha 1970 -2
#> 2 Alpha 1971 5
#> 3 Beta 1980 5
#> 4 Beta 1981 3
#> 5 Beta 1982 5
Created on 2019-09-29 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Translates to "within each id-Year group, take only the row where the row number is equal to the size of the group, i.e. it's the last row under the current ordering."
You could also use either filter(), e.g. filter(row_number() == n()), or distinct() (and then you wouldn't even have to group), e.g. distinct(id, Year, .keep_all = TRUE) - but distinct functions take the first distinct row, so you'd need to reverse the row ordering here first.
An option with base R
aggregate(Val ~ ., df, tail, 1)
# id Year Val
#1 Alpha 1970 -2
#2 Alpha 1971 5
#3 Beta 1980 5
#4 Beta 1981 3
#5 Beta 1982 5
If we need to select the first row
aggregate(Val ~ ., df, head, 1)
I have measured hourly data of ground O3 but with some missing data (marked as NA). I want to calculate daily maximums, but only in case there are more than 17 hourly measurements per date. In case it is less than 18 measurement per date I want to write NA.
date hour O3
1/1/2010 0 50.2
1/1/2010 1 39.8
1/1/2010 2 41.8
1/1/2010 3 NA
1/1/2010 4 9.2
1/1/2010 5 6.0
Is there a possibility to add some argument to this function to indicate that at least 75% of the data must be available in a day for the value to be calculated, else the data is removed
maximums <- aggregate(o3sat["dnevnik"], list(Date = as.Date(o3sat$datum)), max, na.rm = TRUE)
It is better to provide a reproducible example when asking a question. Here, I created an example data frame based on the information you provided. This data frame contains hourly O3 measurements from 2010-01-01 to 2010-01-03.
o3sat <- read.table(text = " date hour O3
'1/1/2010' 0 50.2
'1/1/2010' 1 39.8
'1/1/2010' 2 41.8
'1/1/2010' 3 NA
'1/1/2010' 4 9.2
'1/1/2010' 5 6.0 ",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
o3sat_ex <- o3sat %>%
mutate(date = mdy(date)) %>%
complete(date = seq.Date(ymd("2010-01-01"), ymd("2010-01-03"), 1), hour = 0:23) %>%
mutate(O3 = c(o3sat$O3, rnorm(66, 30, 10))) %>%
mutate(O3 = ifelse(row_number() %in% sample(7:72, 18), NA, O3))
We can count how many non-NA value per day using the following code.
o3sat_ex %>%
group_by(date) %>%
# # A tibble: 3 x 2
# date `sum(!is.na(O3))`
# <date> <int>
# 1 2010-01-01 18
# 2 2010-01-02 17
# 3 2010-01-03 18
Based on your description, we would like to calculate the maximum for 2010-01-01 and 2010-01-03, but not 2010-01-02 as it only contains 17 non-NA values.
Here is one way to achieve the task, we can define a function, max_helper, that only returns maximum if the count of non-NA values is larger than 17.
max_helper <- function(x, threshold){
if (sum(!is.na(x)) >= threshold) {
r <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
r <- NA
We can apply this number using the dplyr code to get the answer.
o3sat_ex2 <- o3sat_ex %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarize(O3 = max_helper(O3, 18))
# # A tibble: 3 x 2
# date O3
# <date> <dbl>
# 1 2010-01-01 50.2
# 2 2010-01-02 NA
# 3 2010-01-03 47.8
I have a question that I find kind of hard to explain with a MRE and in an easy
way to answer, mostly because I don't fully understand where the problem lies
myself. So that's my sorry for being vague preamble.
I have a tibble with many sample and reference measurements, for which I want
to do some linear interpolation for each sample. I do this now by taking out
all the reference measurements, rescaling them to sample measurements using
approx, and then patching it back in. But because I take it out first, I
cannot do it nicely in a group_by dplyr pipe way. right now I do it with a
really ugly workaround where I add empty (NA) newly created columns to the
sample tibble, then do it with a for-loop.
So my question is really: how can I implement the approx part within groups
into the pipe, so that I can do everything within groups? I've experimented
with dplyr::do(), and ran into the vignette on "programming with dplyr", but
searching mostly gives me broom::augment and lm stuff that I think operates
differently... (e.g. see
Using approx() with groups in dplyr). This thread also seems promising: How do you use approx() inside of mutate_at()?
Somebody on irc recommended using a conditional mutate, with case_when, but I
don't fully understand where and how within this context yet.
I think the problem lies in the fact that I want to filter out part of the data
for the following mutate operations, but the mutate operations rely on the
grouped data that I just filtered out, if that makes any sense.
Here's a MWE:
library(tidyverse) # or just dplyr, tibble
# create fake data
data <- data.frame(
# in reality a dttm with the measurement time
timestamp = c(rep("a", 7), rep("b", 7), rep("c", 7)),
# measurement cycle, normally 40 for sample, 41 for reference
cycle = rep(c(rep(1:3, 2), 4), 3),
# wheather the measurement is a reference or a sample
isref = rep(c(rep(FALSE, 3), rep(TRUE, 4)), 3),
# measurement intensity for mass 44
r44 = c(28:26, 30:26, 36, 33, 31, 38, 34, 33, 31, 18, 16, 15, 19, 18, 17)) %>%
# measurement intensity for mass 45, normally also masses up to mass 49
mutate(r45 = r44 + rnorm(21, 20))
# of course this could be tidied up to "intensity" with a new column "mass"
# (44, 45, ...), but that would make making comparisons even harder...
# overview plot
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = cycle, y = r44, colour = isref)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = r45), linetype = 2) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(aes(y = r45), shape = 1) +
facet_grid(~ timestamp)
# what I would like to do
data %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>%
do(target_cycle = approx(x = data %>% filter(isref) %>% pull(r44),
y = data %>% filter(isref) %>% pull(cycle),
xout = data %>% filter(!isref) %>% pull(r44))$y) %>%
# immediately append this new column to the original dataframe for all the
# samples (!isref) and then apply another approx for those values.
# here's my current attempt for one of the timestamps
matchref <- function(dat) {
# split the data into sample gas and reference gas
ref <- filter(dat, isref)
smp <- filter(dat, !isref)
# calculate the "target cycle", the points at which the reference intensity
# 44 matches the sample intensity 44 with linear interpolation
target_cycle <- approx(x = ref$r44,
y = ref$cycle, xout = smp$r44)
# append the target cycle to the sample gas
smp <- smp %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>%
mutate(target = target_cycle$y)
# linearly interpolate each reference gas to the target cycle
ref <- ref %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>%
# this is needed because the reference has one more cycle
mutate(target = c(target_cycle$y, NA)) %>%
# filter out all the failed ones (no interpolation possible)
filter(!is.na(target)) %>%
# calculate interpolated value based on r44 interpolation (i.e., don't
# actually interpolate this value but shift it based on the 44
# interpolation)
mutate(r44 = approx(x = cycle, y = r44, xout = target)$y,
r45 = approx(x = cycle, y = r45, xout = target)$y) %>%
select(timestamp, target, r44:r45)
# add new reference gas intensities to the correct sample gasses by the target cycle
left_join(smp, ref, by = c("time", "target"))
# and because now "target" must be length 3 (the group size) or one, not 9
# I have to create this ugly for-loop
# for which I create a copy of data that has the new columns to be created
mr <- data %>%
# filter the sample gasses (since we convert ref to sample)
filter(!isref) %>%
# add empty new columns
mutate(target = NA, r44 = NA, r45 = NA)
# apply matchref for each group timestamp
for (grp in unique(data$timestamp)) {
mr[mr$timestamp == grp, ] <- matchref(data %>% filter(timestamp == grp))
Here's one approach that spreads the references and samples to new columns. I drop r45 for simplicity in this example.
data %>%
select(-r45) %>%
mutate(isref = ifelse(isref, "REF", "SAMP")) %>%
spread(isref, r44) %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>%
mutate(target_cycle = approx(x = REF, y = cycle, xout = SAMP)$y) %>%
# timestamp cycle REF SAMP target_cycle
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a 1 30 28 3
# 2 a 2 29 27 4
# 3 a 3 28 26 NA
# 4 a 4 27 NA NA
# 5 b 1 31 26 NA
# 6 b 2 38 36 2.5
# 7 b 3 34 33 4
# 8 b 4 33 NA NA
# 9 c 1 15 31 NA
# 10 c 2 19 18 3
# 11 c 3 18 16 2.5
# 12 c 4 17 NA NA
Edit to address comment below
To retain r45 you can use a gather-unite-spread approach like this:
df %>%
mutate(isref = ifelse(isref, "REF", "SAMP")) %>%
gather(r, value, r44:r45) %>%
unite(ru, r, isref, sep = "_") %>%
spread(ru, value) %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>%
mutate(target_cycle_r44 = approx(x = r44_REF, y = cycle, xout = r44_SAMP)$y) %>%
# # A tibble: 12 x 7
# timestamp cycle r44_REF r44_SAMP r45_REF r45_SAMP target_cycle_r44
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a 1 30 28 49.5 47.2 3
# 2 a 2 29 27 48.8 48.7 4
# 3 a 3 28 26 47.2 46.8 NA
# 4 a 4 27 NA 47.9 NA NA
# 5 b 1 31 26 51.4 45.7 NA
# 6 b 2 38 36 57.5 55.9 2.5
# 7 b 3 34 33 54.3 52.4 4
# 8 b 4 33 NA 52.0 NA NA
# 9 c 1 15 31 36.0 51.7 NA
# 10 c 2 19 18 39.1 37.9 3
# 11 c 3 18 16 39.2 35.3 2.5
# 12 c 4 17 NA 39.0 NA NA