How to set up Google Analytics for a website that is based on RFQ's? - google-analytics

Looking for a way to set up Google Analytics that help track an organize RFQ's my client receives through their website. I know it can't all be explained in one post (or who would want to), but I am curious if there is a way to track a customers RFQ's in GA. If anyone has any information on this it would be much appreciated.

You can start by using GTM to track the forms they use to submit these RFQs.
You can also go a step further and generate an ID for the RFQ, pass this ID to GA as a custom dimension and also track it in your CRM so later on you can analyze the closing rate from RFQ to buying. If you can provide more details on the mechanisms/processes in your RFQ, we can go into more specifics.


GA Management API Update Users Custom Dimension value, Goal Tracking strategy

So Let's assume I have a custom event inside my APP and I push custom dimension that has a certain value,
Is it possible through GA Management API to get that Custom Dimension by the value and then update it to the new value?
What I'm trying to achieve is, I want to track when user do his first paying process inside the app and to compare how many users that hit the first Goal (Signup) ended up paying it, what's the best way to do that thru the GA?
You cannot update historical data in Google Analytics.
You can track userId, sessionId and hitTimestamp information as custom dimensions and work on it:

can google analytics tell me http referrer for each specific goal conversion?

I have a website that allows people to create an account (that is the conversion I wish to track).
I wish to know where a specific person is coming from. I have google analytics installed and have set up the registration page as a goal, but the reporting tells me traffic sources as an aggregated pie chart. It doesn't report down to the user account level to say that 'person with email xyz' came from 'facebook' for example.
What custom variables or mark up would I need to add to GA to report at that detailed level, if that is at all possible?
Otherwise, I will just have to record the first http_referer in a cookie and stick it in a database during the registration process.
Any advice?
Firstly I must ask you, how actionable do you think it is to look at data at that granular of a level? Finding out what % of people who registered came from facebook or some other place is actionable, because it helps you do things like determine where to focus marketing efforts. But individual users? How is this actionable to you? (hint: it's not)
However, if you are still determined to know this, you should first note that it is against Google's ToS to record personally identifiable data both directly (recording the actual value in GA) or indirectly (e.g. - recording a unique id that you can use to tie to personal info stored within your own system). If this is something you don't want to risk, I suggest moving to another analytics tool that does not have this sort of thing in their ToS (e.g. Adobe SiteCatalyst, which costs money, or perhaps you may instead prefer to choose an "in-house" approach, like Piwik)
If you are still determined to follow through with this and hope not to get caught or whatever, Google Analytics doesn't record data like what info a visitor filled out in a form (like their email address) unless you populate that data in a custom field/dimension/metric/event to be sent along with the request. Usually you would populate this on the form "thank you" page (which is usually the same page you use as your goal url or goal event if you're popping and using an event for your goal). So you would populate the email address in one of those custom variables and then have it as a dimension to break down the http referrer by.

Google Analytics - Custom Alerts for Real-Time data

I'm looking to create a custom alert to notify me whenever X number of people are on the site at once. This data is already available using the Real-Time reports page. However, this does not seem possible via the Intelligence Events section. From there, I'm only able to create custom alerts based off Day, Week, or Month data. Has anybody found another area of Google Analytics that would make this type of report possible?
Google Analytics have just launched a Beta of their Real Time API which might let you do this:
You can use the real-time API for that. It's been possible for quite a few years now. You can find all the documentation for that right here. It's typical OAuth + JSON API.
You can also use a paid service. I built one, Metrics Watch. It really depends of your goal and how critical this is to your business/job. If it's critical, I would highly encourage you to look for a paid service, no matter which one.
Hope that helps!

Google Analytics: Report delayed conversion?

We have a site that tracks conversions through Google Analytics for redirects to an affiliate. However, not all redirected visitors convert to a sale after they leave our site. Our affiliate reports back to us weekly on who converted (and we can identify an individual user session from that report). Is there a way to get that conversion data back into Analytics? We've got a great coding team, but I just need to point them in the right direction.
Good question Jeff. If you don't mind the accuracy of the timing being off, your team could certainly just step through your site and intentionally trip the conversions.
Other than that, you may look into using a custom solution to bulk import that data using this type of API: Google Analytics for Mobile Websites
This Google Analytic server-side solution supports PERL, ASP.NET, JSP, and PHP. If you're looking for a repeatable process for batch importing GA data, this maybe a viable solution for you.
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.
I would not recommend manually 'tripping' the conversions.
There is no easy way to get the data back into Analytics. And it would depend on your reporting requirements (time lines, etc)
One way to approach this is to set a custom variable that is scoped to a visitor that would identify the visitor in an anonymous way (not personally identifiable manner, beware the privacy policy).
So when a visitor comes to the site, a custom variable would get set. This variable acts as a key to associate behavior on the site and the affiliates. Once you receive the data about which visitors converted from your affiliates associated to the non-personally-identifiable ID, you can use this to have code fire some conversion events once it recognizes on a separate visit that a visitor with certain custom variables set using the _getVisitorCustomVar()

google analytics api - Advice on integration with web app

This is more a question of if this is the right way to achieve the desired solution.
We are building an eCommerce store like Shopify. We want to display report/data to our users for their stores.
Using GA can we do this. We was thinking of using one account. Adding the tracking api. Posting the store sales using the eCommerce plugin.
Then pulling the data back into our control panel, show graphs etc.
Is this a workable solution.
What would the issues be.
Best way to segment for each store so that we don't have data bleed (we may have thousands of stores - coincidentally they would have a domain like
Any advice or better ways of us doing this without re-inventing the wheel.
You can segment data with a custom Google Analytics variable or by setting the subdomain, e.g.:
I think your approach is viable, but the notable challenge is that you have build out custom code to pull all of the data from Google Analytics into your application. I don't know of many off the shelf products that would offer this type of segmentation for analytics without requiring you to manage and create users for every subdomain/store.
The only thing I can think of is building out automated reports in Google Analytics (or similarly in Omniture) and have them sent to your store owners. But unfortunately those would be static reports such as PDFs.
