Connect one Artifactory to another Artifactory - artifactory

Our setup includes a company wide Artifactory that holds in-house-built artifacts as well as goes out and fetches publicly available artifacts. I’m trying to setup a local Artifactory at our location that would fetch publicly available artifacts through the regular internet, but would connect to the company wide Artifactory for our in-house-built artifacts. Is this possible?
In my local Artifactory setup, I put the company wide Artifactory URL as a Remote Repository. I can hit the Test button and it tells me that it successfully connected. However, when I go to download an artifact it does not work. I would like to say that publicly available artifacts can be fetched through my local Artifactory, so at least I can get to jcenter.bintray.
Can one Artifactory be connected to another Artifactory? If yes, is there a way to test if this connection works
I don’t think we would be using all the contents of the company wide Artifactory, so I don’t want to do an export and import to the local or do replication. I would prefer if we could fetch on demand. Is this possible?
Edit: Thanks to #DarthFennec pointing me to Smart Remote Repositories I have solved my problem. To others who have the same problem
Please follow the steps mentioned on the previously mentioned page to set up the Smart Remote Repository. In my case Artifactory did not detect that the remote was another instance of Artifactory and did not give me any options to set, but I was not interested in these anyway.
Note You can always click the Test button to make sure that your connection to the Remote Repository works.
Next, go to the Admin -> Virtual Repositories select your Repository Key and select your Smart Repository from the Available Repositories so that it moves into the Selected Repositories. Click Save & Finish at the bottom and you should be good to go.

I'm not sure exactly what your problem ended up being, but if you want to remote one Artifactory repository from another, it should be a smart remote repository. This is when Artifactory detects that a remote is pointing at another Artifactory, and it enables a number of extra features, like download statistics, property replication, and remote browsing.
An important thing to keep in mind when configuring a smart remote repository is that depending on the package type, you might need to point the remote at <artifactory>/api/<type>/<repo>, rather than just <artifactory>/<repo>. This is the case for Bower, Chef, CocoaPods, Docker, Go, NuGet, Npm, Php Composer, Puppet, Pypi, RubyGems, and Vagrant repositories. Other repository types should use the standard <artifactory>/<repo> URL.


How do I get (remote/virtual) repositories to actually show up in Artifactory OSS' repository administration page?

I have an instance of Artifactory OSS (latest version) running in a docker container locally.
We have a remote instance of Artifactory (non-OSS) running as well.
In my local instance, I set up a remote repository of package type Ivy pointing to each of the repositories we have set up in our remote non-OSS instance.
Once I have created a remote repository configuration, I can view each remote repository I created and its artifacts being served under the Application --> Artifactory --> Artifacts page HOWEVER under the Administration --> Repositories --> Repositories page where I am expecting to be able to make changes to the configurations (I have logged in as Admin with administrator privileges btw), none of the repositories I set up are actually visible here! I only see a 0 Repositories count and a No remote repositories message where I am expecting to see a list.
When I do Ivy resolves against my local (remote repository) it works as expected, so they're definitely working... just not showing up for administration.
I have tried rolling back to earlier versions of Artifactory OSS but that hasn't changed anything.
I can tediously work around this with a combination of the REST API and the UI but I REALLY JUST want to be able to administer the configurations within the web app... Am I just being dumb about something or is there a known issue regarding this? I have searched around and I haven't found an answer to this issue, so any help or direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I was able to reproduce it on my end on as well on version 7.19.1, seems this issue happens when working with Ivy on Artifactory OSS.
I have opened a bug for this on JFrog Jira.

Practical Use of Artifactory Repositories

In a near future I will start using Artifactory in my project. I have been reading about local and remote repositories and I am a bit confused of their practical use. In general as far as I understand
Local repositories are for pushing and pulling artifacts. They have no connection to a remote repository (i.e. npm repo at
Remote repositories are for pulling and caching artifacts on demand. It works only one way, it is not possible to push artifacts.
If I am right up to this point, then practically it means you only need a remote repository for npm if you do not develop npm modules but only use them to build your application. In contrast, if you need to both pull and push Docker container images, you need to have one local repository for pushing&pulling custom images and one remote repository for pulling official images.
Question #1
I am confused because our Artifactory admin created a local npm repository for our project. When I discussed the topic with him he told me that I need to first get packages from the internet to my PC and push them to Artifactory server. This does not make any sense to me because I have seen some remote repositories on the same server and what we need is only to pull packages from npm. Is there a point that I miss?
Question #2
Are artifacts at remote repository cache saved until intentionally deleted? Is there a default retention policy (i.e. delete packages older than 6 months)? I ask this because it is important to keep packages until a meteor hits the servers (for archiving policy of the company).
Question #3
We will need to get official Docker images and customize them for CI. It would be a bit hard to maintain one local repo for pulling&pushing custom images and one remote repo for pulling official images. Let's say I need to pull official Ubuntu latest, modify it, push and finally pull the custom image back. In this case it should be pulled using remote repository, pushed to local repo and pulled again from local repo. Is it possible to use virtual repositories to do this seamlessly as one repo?
Question #1 This does not make any sense to me because I have seen some remote repositories on the same server and what we need is only to pull packages from npm. Is there a point that I miss?
Generally, you would want to use a remote repository for this. You would then point your client to this remote repository and JFrog Artifactory would grab them from the remote site and cache them locally, as needed.
In some very secure environments, corporate policies do not even allow this (they may not even be connected to the internet) and instead manually download, vet, and then upload those third-party libraries to a local repository. I don't think that is your case and they may just not understand their intended usages.
Question #2 Are artifacts at remote repository cache saved until intentionally deleted? Is there a default retention policy?
They will not be deleted unless you actively configure it to do so.
For some repo types there are built-in retention mechanisms like the number of snapshots or maximum tags but not for all of them and even in those that have it, they must be actively turned on. Different organizations have different policies for how long artifacts must be maintained. There are a lot of ways to cleanup those old artifacts but ultimately it will depend on your own requirements.
Question #3 Is it possible to use virtual repositories to do this seamlessly as one repo?
A virtual repository will let you aggregate your local and remote sites and appear as a single source. So you can do something like:
docker pull myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag
... docker build ...
docker push myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
docker pull myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
It is also security-aware so if the user only has access to the local stuff and not the remote stuff, they will only be able to access the local stuff even though they are using the virtual repository that contains both of them.
That said, I don't see why it would be any harder to explicitly use different repositories:
docker pull myarturl/docker-remote/someimage:sometag
... docker build ...
docker push myarturl/docker-local/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
docker pull myarturl/docker-local/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
This also has the added advantage that you know they can only pull your modified version of the image and not the remote (though you can also accomplish that by creating the correct permissions).

Artfactory not syncing org tree with jcenter

I'm setting up a new atrifactory installation for the first time in my life. Downloaded the tar and extraceted it ok. Got some firewall rules in place to allow https to After an initial refresh I see loads of artifacts in the com tree that must come from jcenter, so all seems fine, but when I preform simple maven tasks like mvn help:active-profiles I only get warnings and errors that indicate that none of the relevant stuff is available from my artifactory.
I have accessed the firewall logs and I found no outgoing traffic from my artifactory server to anything that's not permitted. What have I missed? My artifactory is OSS version 7.5.7 rev 705070900.
Artifactory remote repositories are not working as a mirror or the external repository they are pointing at.
Remote Artifactory repositories are proxying the external repository, which means that you have to actively request for artifacts. When requesting for an artifact, Artifactory will request it from the external repository and cache it inside Artifactory. Farther requests for a cached artifact will be served from Artifactory without the need to go out to the external repository.
The list of artifacts we are seeing, are ones which are available in the external repository. This is a feature is called remote browsing and available for some of the package types supported by Artifactory.
I found the issue, sort of. For reasons I now understand I have plugin repositories. I added the true source for the plugins to my list of plugin repositories, and that solved the issue for me.

How to sync 2 remotes using Phabricator Diffusion

I have to use 2 remotes for my repositories. For eg.
One is my local git server (gitblit)
One is Github/bitbucket
Additionally, I have to use Phabricator to manage all this. So the workflow i am thinking is:
I push the changes to my local git server, and my friends push to github. Phabricator Observe the changes from local git server + Github and sync it with the other remote changes. I have tried Mirror option, but it deleted the changes from one of remote, because that's what mirror is supposed to do.
So I need to know a way which i can use to sync these 2 remotes using Phabricator.
Apart from creating a (read-only, as you discovered) mirror, Phabricator doesn't really have any ability to push to other servers. It assumes one of the following workflows:
Phabricator is the master copy of the repository - everyone pushes to Phabricator (Phabricator can push to mirrors in this scenario).
Some other server is the master copy of the repository - Phabricator will monitor the remote master and keep a read-only copy of the repository locally.
It might be possible to implement a respository merging task in Harbormaster, but you'll have to be prepared for frequent manual intervention in any workflow that has users pushing to different repositories and expecting automation to sync them together. Probably this syncing task would be easier if you were to get rid of the gitblit server from the equation, and just use Phabricator locally.


I want to migrate my 20 year old maven repo to artifactory. What are my different possible options for migration starting with the easiest or the quick way to migrate and start using artifactory?
One way I could think was a remote repo in artifactory that would proxy to my existing repo.
The solution you've already suggested (passive proxying) is seamless and useful for weeding out artifacts that are no longer needed/used, but will also take you more time to migrate away from the old instance.
For a more direct approach, Artifactory has a repository import facility that allows you to import content into Artifactory from a physical location on the installed machine.
A little less convenient but also an option is to write a script that crawls the content directory of the old repo and deploys every artifact using an HTTP PUT request.
