No access to the WordPress appearance panel - wordpress

I am struggling with one thing I am not so into and any extra help could help.
I just received the WordPress website from the design company. The agreement was to make it editable, change more than just a content by the time. After the end of cooperation, I started to edit some parts of the website but there is no such an option as Appearance in my Wordpress option panel. I asked the developer how can I change basic CSS of some elements on the website but he argued that it is restricted to change any HTML or CSS because it might cause some errors in the code after rewriting it. I get it, but there should be another way to get to the files, how else I could style the new elements? Is there a no way to add Appearance option to the panel? I am not the expert, it just seems too unrealistic for me to say: it is restricted because of this and that and there is no way to add it. Any experience with that, please? Do we have to find Wordpress developer to go through it, or it is just the fact that I can not edit it anymore?
Thank you for any comment!
Best regard,

You can easily edit any wordpress appearance by edit the theme, take a look into wp-content/themes, there should be the files of the theme usually php and css files


Dynamically change other content when clicking on a tab

I'm updating my WordPress website which is using Thrive Themes. I want to change the content displayed in another section of my page whenever a tab is clicked.
This image visualizes what I'm trying to explain:
For whatever reason I can't figure out how this is done in Thrive Themes. Are there any other good plugins available that does this basic job?
Alternatively, while I'd prefer using a plugin, knowing other programming languages I'd presume this isn't hard at all to code (but I never programmed a website, so I may be wrong). So if you have a simple suggestions for how I code it I'd appreciate that also.
Grateful for any help!

Do I have to Upgrade WordPress to "pro" if I want to edit the CSS?

I started using WordPress just a few hours ago because I need to develop a couple of blogs to a client. I understand that WordPress is the best solution if you want something fast but flexible. But, the first thing that I wanted to do was just change the font of the post and I didn't find how to do it (for all the posts, because I changed it on this one using the HTML editor). I've read something about editing the CSS, but it turns that I need to buy the Pro upgrade to be able to use the custom design.
Is this the same if I use WordPress in my server?
I need someone to guide me on this one. I need WordPress as customizable as it can be. But, I prefer not to pay! :) Unless that's the only way to do it.
If you use WordPress on your own server, you can do anything you like to it - it's open source. The "Pro" upgrade is just for WordPress blogs hosted on the commercial platform.
Do note that running your own installation means you're responsible for adding plugins, themes, keeping the code up-to-date, etc. That has a cost too, even if it's not money directly out of your pocket.
If you are using wordpress on your own server - you are free to do anything with it. The best way to customize your site then is using a child theme. It will contain your customization, overriding styles from previously loaded parent theme (and/or adding some scripts). You will be able to upgrade parent theme then without loosing your customization (until parent theme owners deprecate something you use, but it must not happen often). There are some plugins for simplifying working with it as well. There are also some easier customization ways, if you want just minor changes - such as Custom CSS in Jetpack plugin, which works in similar way, as far as I know.
If you're using a account, you have less freedom in modifying things, consider using paid custom CSS plugin maybe. Or maybe mentioned above jetpack will do.
Also, as mentioned in other answers - there are wordpress codex, forums, and wordpress stackexchange, they seem to be better place for such questions.
In your wordpress admin section of your site (usually on the left hand side nav bar, you will find a section called "appearance", if you expand this and click "editor" you can edit all of the files that your current theme uses. A quick warning, if you are doing this on a live server, the changes you make are live as soon as you save them!!
Hope this helps
I'm pretty sure you do not have to pay to customize CSS. Check your server installation... particularly in the folder $wordpress_install_home/wp-content/themes/default.
You should have access to all the CSS files in there.

From static blogging to manual html editing?

I have my site done with WordPress. It's been like that for a few years.
Now, I have started to look for other options. WordPress has all these things I don't really need. One option would be static blogging. Generate the content locally and deploy the generated content to web with rsync, for example. There is tools like Jekyll, Hyde and Octopress for this.
But even Octopress seems like an overkill for me. It really feels like that. I don't need all those plugins it comes with. I'm building an image heavy site for myself, just a place where I can put my drawings that I create with my tablet.
So what if I would just manually edit HTML-files, where every file would become "a post" and make an index for them at root of my site? Come to think of it, I could work faster with this type of solution, even compared to Octopress. I could have a blank "post template" as raw html and set it as fill in snippet in TextExpander. In there, I could fill all the details for that html file like the title tag and so on.
I'm not really a coder. I draw things and write stories. In spite of this, I somehow have managed to work my way around with WordPress and recently, with Octopress.
I'm just thinking why Jekyll or Octopress or Hyde or Cactus would be a better fit for me instead of manually editing html files, and calling them "articles" or "posts"?
Thanks for any views or answers.
Why do you want to go to static html?
If you have problems with using too many resources, you should add a caching plugin to your WordPress install and that will help greatly.
Most of the time you still want some "dynamic" functionality that happens every time you add a page. For example you probably want to have a RSS/Atom feed so that people can subscribe to your site. And you want that automatically updated when you add a new page. You probably also want something to generate a sitemap file for the search engines to index it better.
These static site generators are able to do that well, so I would recommend using one.

How to obscure Wordpress?

I am running a site using Wordpress as CMS System.
Now I don't want anyone to know that this site is powered by Wordpress in the background.
Is there any easy way to completely obscure Wordpress?
The first thing I want to do is:
- Rename wp-content & wp-admin directory, respectively rename their URLs.
Maybe there is a Plugin for this?
Apart from the footer references WordPress implements some HTML standards compliant code in the top of every page. gives some insight about it, and plugins make comments too.
Renaming wp-admin is a tricky process, which is, mostly, by design. There are ways around it as highlighted in this thread:
(you'll need to follow a few links, one of which is to an example plugin as you requested - but please do read the thread and the links in it)
You are also able to easily remove all of the wp-related bits and bobs which WordPress adds to the head of your theme. Follow these links for further info:
As for moving the wp-content folder, follow the information in this link:
By far and away the hardest part (and least recommended) is moving the wp-admin folder and all of the references to it.
If you are doing this simply for security through obscurity, then, well, it has limited value (see: ). Otherwise, good luck.

PreMade Webdesign and Drupal

I'm terribly new to web development. I'm trying to make a pretty simple site with a friend. My friend has taken the time to design the layout for our site, and we have things looking how we want in a static HTML page.
What I'd like to do now is move over to a Content Management System like Drupal but keep the same design that we have all ready laid out.
Since I'm completely new to this field, I'm looking for some best-practices advice as to how to make this leap.
It's apparent to me that I could probably edit some existing Drupal Theme to make it give me the layout that I want, but is that the path I should go down?
Update: Also, is it more than just replacing my style.css with their style.css?
Update 2: The end goal is for people to be able to log in and create news entries, very similar to a blog that will then appear on the front page. There will be other items on the left- and right- but they don't need to be directly accessed by anyone, really. They'll stay pretty static.
The Zen theme is sort of a meta-theme that's designed to be fully standards compliant and make pretty much every aspect of theming readily customizable, with lots of informative commenting. It's the best place to start if you want to develop your own theme. Even if you find a theme that looks a lot like the one you want to create, it's probably still better to start with zen because it's extremely well laid out and instructive. That being said, I've never built a theme from scratch, but it sure looks like a lot of work.
In general the best approach will likely end up being to use your designer's HTML and CSS as a reference, and to edit the Zen-based templates and CSS files to recreate that appearance. It's a bit magical.
You will end up breaking the styles used in your designer's layout into chunks that are part of various template files. The mostly-static stuff on the side columns will become what Drupal calls "blocks"; you'll likely use the top part of the page to refine the HTML for the header section of the main page template; and you'll use the central part to add any necessary tags to the content section of the main page template.
I tend to make liberal use of the Firebug extension for Firefox, or the developer tools built into Chrome. These tools let you quickly locate a given CSS element that you want to change, and edit it to see how the change will look. At first though it's probably better to just read through the whole CSS file to get a feel for how it works. Again, Zen's CSS is very easy to digest.
Pour your heart and soul into the Drupal Theming Guide for the next few days. Theming, like most things, is best done if followed by a gratuitous amount of time in the documentation.
Start with either Zen or Framework themes. They provide good starting points for working with the CSS to adapt to your design.
This helps too:
Whatever you do, don't take Garland theme as how a good drupal theme is done. I went down that path when I first started Drupal...
