Angular 6: How to change page background-color dynamically - css

I work on an Angular 6 app (with Bootstrap 4) and need to change the page background color depending on which page the user enters. Default is white, but for login and registration screen the page color needs to be blue.
What I found so far:
in ngAfterViewInit() using
this.elementRef.nativeElement.ownerDocument: this approach makes the
app more vulnerable to XSS attacks and I want to avoid that.
Set View Encapsulation to None in app.component.ts: this way I can
set the body color in the app.component, that is 1 step forward.
So, now I have in my app.component.css:
body {
background-color: blue;
How can I change that color value (in app.component) using a variable?
With [ngStyle] I can not reach the body background-color.
Maybe using a css variable? but how can I change the value of that css variable dynamically?
I'm new to Sass, but might this offer a solution?
My question is different from the other question on this subject as I need to be able tochange the color value dynamically.

use render2 and set class to body using document object
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {
this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'body-class');
Note: if you are toggling classes, just remove previous class before assigning new class

The way I would do it is based on the routes. When defining the routes, you can add extra data, for example a class name.
When the route changes (i.e. via navigation), the data from the active route can be used to set the class on the body tag.
This is how you can achieve this
Update the styles.css to add different classes for body:
body {
} {
background-color: #ff8181;
} {
background-color: #a0c3ee;
Update the routes to add extra data, specifying the body class name. Add an extra data property, like bodyClass:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', component: DefaultComponent },
{ path: 'red', component: RedComponent, data: { bodyClass: 'red' } },
{ path: 'blue', component: BlueComponent, data: { bodyClass: 'blue' } }
Write the code to read the bodyClass and set the class to the body element when navigation occurs. This can be done in the app.component.ts:
selector: 'app-root',
template: `
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
#Inject(DOCUMENT) private document,
private renderer: Renderer2,
private router: Router,
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) {
ngOnInit() {
.pipe(filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd))
.pipe(map(() => this.activatedRoute))
.pipe(map((route) => {
while (route.firstChild) {
route = route.firstChild;
return route;
.pipe(filter((route) => route.outlet === 'primary'))
.pipe(mergeMap((route) =>
.subscribe((event) => this.updateBodyClass(event.bodyClass));
private updateBodyClass(customBodyClass?: string) {
this.renderer.setAttribute(this.document?.body, 'class', '');
if (customBodyClass) {
this.renderer.addClass(this.document?.body, customBodyClass);
Here is a demo on StackBlitz:

Why not just define a separate class based on different background-color? For instance:
.blue {
background: blue
.green {
background: green
.grey {
background: grey
And then set these classes on the body using ng-class or ngClass whatever convention you use based on the page. This should be fairly easy to implement.

My favourite approach for doing stuff like this is to add a class to html tag depending on the route. For example, we have some code in our basic layout component (you could put it in your root component) that does this inside ngOnInit:
let wrapper = ''
const path = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.routeConfig.path
wrapper += this.tidyPath(path)
if (wrapper !== '') wrapper += '-'
const childPath = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.firstChild.routeConfig.path
wrapper += this.tidyPath(childPath)
this.routeWrapperCssClass = wrapper
This will add a class to your html tag to make it look like this (although you may have to tweak this code to suit your app):
<html class="registration">
The class will be instantly updated whenever you change route.
Now you can do this in your main stylesheet:
body {
background-color: pink;
html.registration body {
background-color: yellow;
You could also do things like hide elements based on the class added to the html tag like so:
.navbar {
display: block;
html.registration .navbar {
display: none;
Because you know what route you are on at all times you have total control via CSS.
PS you may want to use render2 instead of jQuery to do the DOM manipulation - see this article ... ... never used it myself before but almost identical to jQuery syntax - thanks to Pratap A.K answer for this

Personally i replace :
and then i add all the time the body on components or if i have multi
router-outlets i add it on app.component.css


Is there some way with which i can apply css dynamically to my child component?

I have a component which is reusable. This component is called from parent component multiply times and sometimes the background page of the parent component is white and sometimes is black.
My child component generates form tags dynamycally - inputs,selects, textarea.
That means i can't have fixed styles in my css in my component for my content.
So when when the background page is white - i have one style for my inputs - for example black background. When the background page is black i have another style for my inputs - for example white bacgrkound.
To solve this is issue:
i tried
Adding input property in my child component ts file
public cssTemplate;
in html
<div [ngClass]="{'form-group-white-bg': cssTemplate == 'white', 'form-group-dark-bg': cssTemplate == 'black'}">
<label for=""></label>
In the CHILD component i am sending value for input property depending on where the child component is called
if it is called on page with white background
<app-form-group cssTemplate="black" formControlName="address">
if it is called on black bacgrkound
<app-form-group cssTemplate="white" formControlName="address" [data]="{ field: 'address', label: 'Address' }">
but the problem here is that sometimes on my parent component this component is called multiply times
on one page can be called 12 times where i need 10 inputs and 2 selects
on other page can be called 15 times etc.
That means that i need to repat my self 15 times
<app-form-group cssTemplate="white" formControlName="address">
<app-form-group cssTemplate="white" formControlName="someItherControlName">
and everywhere to put cssTemplate="white".
ngFor is not an optin because this child component is called multiply times but not on same place in the HTML structure in the parent.
How can i solve this DRY?
you can add styles in your styles.css (the styles general for all the application). If e.g. you has
.white h1{
.black h1{
You can use [ngClass] in the "parent"
<div [ngClass]="toogle?'white':'black'">
<hello name="{{ name }}"></hello>
<button (click)="toogle=!toogle">toogle</button>
See [stackblitz][1]
NOTE: I used the way [ngClass]="expresion" (where expresion use conditional operator) better that [ngClass]="{'classname1':condition;'classname2':!condition}"
Update about your comment "how can i prevent repeating my self on child call", really I don't understand so much. I don't know if you want to make a directive like, e.g.
selector: 'hello', //<--the selector is the selector of the component
exportAs: 'helloDiv'
export class HelloDirective implements OnInit{
constructor(#Self() private component:HelloComponent,private dataService:DataService){
This allow to "extends" the component -in the stackblitz the variable "theme" change-
You can use an input property to create a css class map to pass on to ngClass. This object should be an object of string arrays.
It can be pretty much as complex and contain as many classes and rules as you need it too
#Input() color: 'white' | 'red' | 'hotpink' = 'white';
classMap: any;
ngOnInit() {
updateClassMap() {
this.classMap = {
[this.color]: !!this.color, // Add this class if not null
Then in the Html simply pass it to ngClass
<div [ngClass]="classMap">
Styling Child Components depending on Parent Component
There are two approaches I commonly take in this scenario
:ng-deep - create a style rule based on a class which is set in your parent component
utilize #ContentChildren() to set a property directly on your child components and call detectChanges() manually after the change.
To adopt the first solution you need to exercise greater care in your css naming rules, as using ng-deep obviously breaks the isolation of those style rules.
To adopt the second approach needs some considering due to it technically circumventing the standard input/output flow in Angular and thus can be a bit of a surprise "undocumented behavior" for any other maintainers of the application.
I'm a bit on the fence whether I prefer one approach over the other. The first approach seems more trivial to me, but it can also cause unintended style rule overwrites, while the second approach involves a lot more scripting and seems a bit of a hack.
Approach 1: ng-deep
Give your parent component an input and update a class on a block-element wrapping your <ng-content>.
create your desired style rules in your child component.
// parent component
export class FooParent {
#Input() bgStyle: 'light' | 'dark' = 'light';
<!-- parent component template -->
<div class="parent" [ngClass]="{light: bgStyle == 'light', dark: bgStyle == 'dark'}">
// child.css
::ng-deep .light .child-container {
background-color: lightblue;
::ng-deep .dark .child-container {
background-color: royalblue;
My targeted element in the example is .child-container, you would write a similar style rule for each element you want to affect.
Approach 2: Using ContentChildren to pass along a value
Add a #ContentChildren() decorator to your parent component which selects for your child components.
inject a ChangeDetectorRef
implement ngAfterViewInit to loop through each child and set the value
call detectChanges() once done.
add the ngClass directive as normally in your child component.
selector: 'parent',
templateUrl: 'parent.component.html',
styleUrls: ['parent.component.scss']
export class ParentComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges {
#Input() bgStyle: 'light' | 'dark' = 'light';
#ContentChildren(ChildComponent) childComponents!: QueryList<ChildComponent>;
constructor(private change: ChangeDetectorRef) {
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if ('bgStyle' in changes) {
updateChildComponents() {
this.childComponents.forEach(child => {
child.bgStyle = this.bgStyle;
ngAfterViewInit() {
<!-- parent.component.html -->
selector: 'child',
templateUrl: 'child.component.html',
styleUrls: ['child.component.scss']
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
bgStyle: 'light' | 'dark' = 'light';
constructor() {
ngOnInit(): void {
<!-- child.component.html -->
<div [ngClass]="{light: bgStyle == 'light', dark: bgStyle == 'dark'}" class="child-container"></div>
// child.component.css - you would apply styles as you needed obviously.
.child-container {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin: .5rem;
.light.child-container {
background-color: lightblue;
.dark.child-container {
background-color: royalblue;
<!-- any other template -->
Note: If you are creating the ChildComponent directly in the ParentComponent's own template you need to use #ViewChildren instead of #ContentChildren

Angular: How to add global CSS (e.g. to the body), but only for one specific page?

How can I add separate CSS for one page in Angular?
This is the CSS I need, as per How to remove the URL from the printing page?:
#media print{
But putting CSS into the component with ::ng-deep or ViewEncapsulation.None won't help here, because when navigating away from a page, the CSS of the page isn't deleted.
I've added a Stackblitz, which explains the problem clearly.
I've come up with a potential solution, but it doesn't work:
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {
this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'special-print');
ngOnDestroy() {
this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'special-print');
#media print{
Why it doesn't work:
While it would help with <body> CSS, it won't help with #page CSS. Perhaps the question would be better summarized as "How to add global CSS, but remove it when we leave the page?".
We print the <style> block directly into the component's HTML, and therefore when the component gets removed, our <style> block gets removed too. (Normally this wouldn't work, but thanks to DomSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml, Angular won't break our code when running optimizations.)
Here's a StackBlitz.
First, create a new component to handle the work:
component.ts: (This is all we need. We don't need an HTML or style.css file.)
//Inside your local component, place this HTML
//<app-local-css [style]="'body{background:green !important;}'"></app-local-css>
// OR
//<app-local-css [scriptURL]="'/path/to/file.css'"></app-local-css>
selector: "app-local-css",
template: '<span style="display:none" [innerHTML]="this.safeString"></span>'
export class LocalCSSComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
#Input() scriptURL?: string;
#Input() style?: string;
safeString: SafeHtml;
ngOnInit() {
if (this.scriptURL) {
let string = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + this.scriptURL + '">';
this.safeString = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(string);
} else if ( {
let string = '<style type="text/css">' + + "</style>";
this.safeString = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(string);
And then use it like this:
<app-local-css [style]="'body{background:green !important;}'"></app-local-css>
// OR
<app-local-css [scriptURL]="'/path/to/file.css'"></app-local-css>
Angular is doing client-side rendering, which is bad news, because you do not have separate pages. You have several possible solutions though:
1. Separate page
You can create another page with or without Angular, which includes the CSS you need and load that page. In the most simplistic approach to achieve this, the other page would have a different URL. If having a different URL is not to your liking, then you could hide your page's content and show the other page inside an iframe. It would admittedly be a hacky solution, but it is a solution.
2. Client-side CSS rendering
Instead of just loading the CSS, you could have a component which would control global CSS rules, matched by your view's name. You would have a template value rendered to a property, like:
#media print{
And when you visit the page where this needs to be activated, you would simply initialize a property with a style HTML element that was generated based on the template and added to head. Once you leave the given view, your component would detect that event and would remove() that element. If you choose this solution, then it would be wise to make sure that you are supporting this on more general terms, so that if some new views will have their custom global CSS, then they would be easy to integrate into your project in the future.
3. body classes
You could add/remove some custom-print or whatever class to/from body whenever the style is to be changed. This way you could add the CSS exactly once to your HTML and change the rules accordingly, like:
body.custom-print {
margin: 30px;
This would be a neat solution, but the problem in your case is that you have a #page rule as well and I'm not sure how you could make that dependant on body classes or some other HTML attributes. I would conduct quite a few experiments about this if I were you.
4. Iframe staging
You could avoid having that CSS in your main page, but would have a hidden iframe where you would have the CSS and would just copy the content into the CSS and once that's loaded, print that.
Don't change the whole body from apple. Instead, there are a few changes to make.
In the app component, hold a boolean for whether or not you are on apple, and use ngClass for class defined in scss.
Track which route you are on in appComponent, and set isApple accordingly
Add a div around all your html, for container to take full size
Add global html, body setting height to 100% so you see color everywhere
Remove body overriding in apple
isApple: Boolean;
constructor(router: Router) { => {
if (v instanceof NavigationEnd) {
this.isApple = v.url === "/apple";
<div [ngClass]="{'red':isApple}" class="container">
There are two components: Apple and Banana. Switching between them will show
the problem.
.red {
background-color: red;
.container {
height: 100%;
apple.component.scss (remove body)
/*Sample "global" CSS, that affects something outside the current component.*/
::ng-deep {
#media print {
#page {
margin: 0;
styles.scss (global)
html, body {
height: 100%;
You can see this altogether at this Stackblitz link
You can add different css files in the component (for instance, app-task.component.ts):
selector: 'app-task',
templateUrl: './app-task.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app-task.component.scss', './styles2.scss', './styles3.scss']
In this example, the style files are in the same folder that the component, but this is not the best option: you have to put the files in assets, for example. Also, be careful with the thread of the styles, since the first one you put will be put before the second (obviously).

How can I style :host element dynamically based on parameter from #Input?

Usually, I can style the very root of my component by using the :host pseudo style like this.
:host{ border: 1px solid gold; }
But how shold I handle if said style is supposed to be set dynamically, based on the parameters passed to #Input?
The only way I can think of at the moment is to add an auxilliary DIV and style it like so.
<div [ngClass]="styleMeDynamically"> ... </div>
Is there a way to apply a style dynamically directly on the host without the injected DIV?
I've found this suggestion but it requires explicitly stating the classes and connecting them to separate inputs. I'd like to get a config object as passed in parameter and bind the styling using [ngClass] to retail full flexibility.
Probably #HostBinding decorator can help you. It allows to bind any host attribute including class and style. For example:
#Component({ ... })
export class MyComponent {
// you can conditionally add a class to the host element
large = false;
// it's possible to bind a style as well
borderWidth = 1;
green = false;
// and you can use a getter
get borderColorStyle() {
return ? 'green' : 'black';
Since angular 9 it should be possible even to bind a CSS variable, see Improved CSS class and style binding section of the 9 version release article.
<div [style.--main-border-color]=" '#CCC' ">
<p style="border: 1px solid var(--main-border-color)">hi</p>
What you can do is,
Create a custom directive that will accept a style object. and inside that directive, you can get the reference of host element and modify its style.
Here is a Demo
And here is a quick explanation.
Create a directive as which will accept a style object.
import {Directive,TemplateRef,ElementRef,OnChanges,SimpleChanges,OnInit,Renderer2,DoCheck,Input} from "#angular/core";
selector: "[appSetStyle]"
export class SetStyleDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges {
#Input() appSetStyle: { [key: string]: any } = {};
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) {}
ngOnInit(): void {}
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
applyStyles(): void {
if (this.appSetStyle) {
for (const key in this.appSetStyle) {[key] = this.appSetStyle[key];
Use that style object with any html element or any other component in your project.
<app-header [appSetStyle]="dynamicStyles"></app-header>
If you don't want to make a directive then you can inject the ElementRef inside the component itself which you want to style.
ElementRef is the what you need to use to get the reference of host.
I hope this will help.

Responsive Props in Vue Component

I have a prop called src in a Vue Component that binds to a :style like this:
<section :class="color" class="hero" :style="{ backgroundImage: src && 'url(' + src + ')' }">
export default {
props: ['src', 'color']
What I would like to do is to create a list of responsive props that get used depending on the device or screen size of the site visitor.
For instance, I imagine a list of props like src-sm, src-md, src-lg, etc. The user would enter different image urls for different device sizes and the style attr would use the appropriate url depending on the screen/size.
Is this possible in VueJS. If so, any idea how?
Unfortuently what you are trying to do is not trivial. This is because inline style tags can not accept media queries.
The spec declares:
The value of the style attribute must match the syntax of the contents of a CSS declaration block
Solution 1:
This solution is the simplest, perhaps not entirely what you are looking for.
It works by including img elements, and showing an hiding them via CSS.
<img class="image--sm" :src="" />
<img class="image--md" :src="" />
<img class="image--lg" :src="src.lg" />
export default {
props: {
src: Object
.image--lg {
display: none;
#media (min-width: 400px) {
.image--sm {
display: none;
.image--md {
display: block;
#media (min-width: 600px) {
.image--md {
display: none;
.image--lg {
display: block;
Solution 2:
Image tags may not be the desired effect you are trying to achieve. This solution creates a style tag in the head and injecting the css content to change the background images.
You can not have style tags in Vue template. It will throw an error like:
Templates should only be responsible for mapping the state to the UI. Avoid placing tags with side-effects in your templates, such as , as they will not be parsed.
As the error describes vue is designed the map state the UI. Using style tags in the template is prohibited because you can cause leaks to the outer world.
Although you can not declaratively styles in a template, we can use a bit of JS in the mounted hook of the component to add targetted and dynamic styles.
First we will need to constrain dynamic styles to this element. We can use the internal id of the created component this._uid, attaching to scope the css. (Note this is internal API so can be subject to change)
<div class="image" :data-style-scope="_uid">
The next part is to generate the style in a computed property, to later inject into a style block. You can expand on this computed property, to conditionaly assign properties ect. Note: keep the properties to the dynamic values only.
css () {
const selector = `.image[data-style-scope="${this._uid}"]`
const img = val => `${selector} { background-image: url("${val}"); }`
const sm = img(
const md = img(
const lg = img(this.lg)
return `
#media (min-width: 200px) { ${md} }
#media (min-width: 300px) { ${lg} }
This generated string from the css computed property is what we will now use when creating the style tag at mount. At mount we create a style node and append to the head. Assigning the nodes to the vm for references.
Using the references in the vm we can watch changes to the computed updating the style node.
Remember to clean up before destorying the component, removing the style node.
data () {
return {
// Reference data properties
style: null,
styleRef: null
mounted () {
// Create style node
let style = document.createElement('style')
style.type = "text/css"
// Assign references on vm
this.styleRef = style = style.childNodes[0]
// Assign css the the style node = this.css
// Append to the head
beforeDestroy () {
// Remove the style node from the head
computed: {
css () {
// ...
watch: {
css (value) {
// On css value change update style content = this.css
Working Example:
You could also try the module described here: which is called vue-responsive-components
It lets the component change its CSS depending on its own width (not on the entire browser's width)

Angular 4 In Code override Bootstrap colors globally

I am looking to create a dynamic coloring system with Angular. I created a service that has 4 strings,success, info, warning, danger with defaults of their color codes. I want to at the root of my application which I assume is at app.component because I am using routing to inject this service and override globally
.btn-warning {
color: #fff; <-- Inject my own color like so (color: AppSettings.ColorSettings.Warning)
background-color: #f0ad4e; <-- Inject my own color
border-color: #f0ad4e; <-- Inject my own color
I want this to be dynamic so that if the user went into a settings panel could change these colors and in real time see the effect in every place that uses those classes.
I see [ngStyle] but that applies specific things like colors to just one element.
I also see [ngClass] but I don't know how to create class that is more like a way to apply a class to an element.
Could I do something like so?
<!-- Junk ^ with bootstrap up here -->
<!-- More stuff -->
This may not be the most elegant solution however I really like it for how easy it will be to setup. Inside of my app.component I have this setup. Within the GenerateColorSettings method you will need to define all the different colors, which will require me expanding my classes inside of ColorSettings further. Some of the effects are default, :hover, :disabled
constructor(public infoService: InformationService, private configSettings: GlobalConfigSettings)
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = this.GenerateColorSettings(); = "DynamicColors"
setTimeout(() =>{
configSettings.ColorSettings.warning = "#fff";
}, 25000);
configSettings.ColorSettings.ColorsChanged.subscribe(() =>
var style = document.getElementById('DynamicColors');
style.innerHTML = this.GenerateColorSettings();
private GenerateColorSettings(): string
console.log("Getting color");
return `.btn-warning{
color: #fff;
background-color: ${this.configSettings.ColorSettings.warning};
border-color: ${this.configSettings.ColorSettings.warning};
color: #fff;
background-color: ${this.configSettings.ColorSettings.warning};
border-color: ${this.configSettings.ColorSettings.warning};
