Accessing certain elements from the unique words/terms per document - r

this code gives the output as a matrix. But here the repeated words like is,am, i should be avoided. I just want a matrix containing cool ,mark and neo4j. I have tried with grep("cool",tdm). It's not working here. Is there any alternative method?
output: tdm
Terms 1 2
am 2 0
cool 0 2
i 2 0
is 0 2
mark 2 0
neo4j 0 2

Small example code based on your example.
text <- c("I am Mark I am Mark", "Neo4j is cool Neo4j is cool")
corpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(text))
# wordLengths set to 3, basicly the default removes all words of length 1 and 2
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(wordLengths = c(3, Inf)))
# only words cool and mark
# create a dictionary
my_dict <- c("cool", "mark")
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(dictionary = dict ))
Terms 1 2
cool 0 2
mark 2 0
Be careful with just transforming document term matrices into a normal matrix. That can eat up a lot of memory if you have a lot of text.
But looking at your questions you need to read up on text-mining.
Here is a start with tidy text-mining
Here is info about text mining with quanteda
And read the vignette of tm
And of course search SO for examples. A lot has already been answered in one way or another.


Find frequency of terms from Function

I need to find frequency of terms from the function that I have created that find terms with punctuation in them.
my.text.location <- "C:/Users/*/"
newpapers <- VCorpus(DirSource(my.text.location))
I read it then make the function:
punctterms <- function(x){str_extract_all(x, "[[:alnum:]]{1,}[[:punct:]]{1,}?[[:alnum:]]{1,}")}
terms <- lapply(newpapers, punctterms)
Now I'm lost as to how will I find the frequency for each term in each file. Do I turn it into a DTM or is there a better way without it?
Thank you!
This task is better suited for quanteda, not tm. Your function creates a list and removes everything out of the corpus. Using quanteda you can just use the quanteda commands to get everything you want.
Since you didn't provide any reproducible data, I will use a data set that comes with quanteda. Comments above the code explain what is going on. Most important function in this code is dfm_select. Here you can use a diverse set of selection patterns to find terms in the text.
# load corpus
my_corpus <- corpus(data_corpus_inaugural)
# create document features (like document term matrix)
my_dfm <- dfm(my_corpus)
# dfm_select can use regex selections to select terms
my_dfm_punct <- dfm_select(my_dfm,
pattern = "[[:alnum:]]{1,}[[:punct:]]{1,}?[[:alnum:]]{1,}",
selection = "keep",
valuetype = "regex")
# show frequency of selected terms.
feature frequency rank docfreq group
1 fellow-citizens 39 1 19 all
2 america's 35 2 11 all
3 self-government 30 3 16 all
4 world's 24 4 15 all
5 nation's 22 5 13 all
6 god's 15 6 14 all
So I got it to work without using quanteda:
m <-
names(m) <- c("Terms", "Frequency")

Find the most frequently occuring words in a text in R

Can someone help me with how to find the most frequently used two and three words in a text using R?
My text is...
text <- c("There is a difference between the common use of the term phrase and its technical use in linguistics. In common usage, a phrase is usually a group of words with some special idiomatic meaning or other significance, such as \"all rights reserved\", \"economical with the truth\", \"kick the bucket\", and the like. It may be a euphemism, a saying or proverb, a fixed expression, a figure of speech, etc. In grammatical analysis, particularly in theories of syntax, a phrase is any group of words, or sometimes a single word, which plays a particular role within the grammatical structure of a sentence. It does not have to have any special meaning or significance, or even exist anywhere outside of the sentence being analyzed, but it must function there as a complete grammatical unit. For example, in the sentence Yesterday I saw an orange bird with a white neck, the words an orange bird with a white neck form what is called a noun phrase, or a determiner phrase in some theories, which functions as the object of the sentence. Theorists of syntax differ in exactly what they regard as a phrase; however, it is usually required to be a constituent of a sentence, in that it must include all the dependents of the units that it contains. This means that some expressions that may be called phrases in everyday language are not phrases in the technical sense. For example, in the sentence I can't put up with Alex, the words put up with (meaning \'tolerate\') may be referred to in common language as a phrase (English expressions like this are frequently called phrasal verbs\ but technically they do not form a complete phrase, since they do not include Alex, which is the complement of the preposition with.")
The tidytext package makes this sort of thing pretty simple:
data_frame(text = text) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text) %>% # split words
anti_join(stop_words) %>% # take out "a", "an", "the", etc.
count(word, sort = TRUE) # count occurrences
# Source: local data frame [73 x 2]
# word n
# (chr) (int)
# 1 phrase 8
# 2 sentence 6
# 3 words 4
# 4 called 3
# 5 common 3
# 6 grammatical 3
# 7 meaning 3
# 8 alex 2
# 9 bird 2
# 10 complete 2
# .. ... ...
If the question is asking for counts of bigrams and trigrams, tokenizers::tokenize_ngrams is useful:
tokenize_ngrams(text, n = 3L, n_min = 2L, simplify = TRUE) %>% # tokenize bigrams and trigrams
as_data_frame() %>% # structure
count(value, sort = TRUE) # count
# Source: local data frame [531 x 2]
# value n
# (fctr) (int)
# 1 of the 5
# 2 a phrase 4
# 3 the sentence 4
# 4 as a 3
# 5 in the 3
# 6 may be 3
# 7 a complete 2
# 8 a phrase is 2
# 9 a sentence 2
# 10 a white 2
# .. ... ...
Your text is:
text <- c("There is a difference between the common use of the term phrase and its technical use in linguistics. In common usage, a phrase is usually a group of words with some special idiomatic meaning or other significance, such as \"all rights reserved\", \"economical with the truth\", \"kick the bucket\", and the like. It may be a euphemism, a saying or proverb, a fixed expression, a figure of speech, etc. In grammatical analysis, particularly in theories of syntax, a phrase is any group of words, or sometimes a single word, which plays a particular role within the grammatical structure of a sentence. It does not have to have any special meaning or significance, or even exist anywhere outside of the sentence being analyzed, but it must function there as a complete grammatical unit. For example, in the sentence Yesterday I saw an orange bird with a white neck, the words an orange bird with a white neck form what is called a noun phrase, or a determiner phrase in some theories, which functions as the object of the sentence. Theorists of syntax differ in exactly what they regard as a phrase; however, it is usually required to be a constituent of a sentence, in that it must include all the dependents of the units that it contains. This means that some expressions that may be called phrases in everyday language are not phrases in the technical sense. For example, in the sentence I can't put up with Alex, the words put up with (meaning \'tolerate\') may be referred to in common language as a phrase (English expressions like this are frequently called phrasal verbs\ but technically they do not form a complete phrase, since they do not include Alex, which is the complement of the preposition with.")
In Natural Language Processing, 2-word phrases are referred to as "bi-gram", and 3-word phrases are referred to as "tri-gram", and so forth. Generally, a given combination of n-words is called an "n-gram".
First, we install the ngram package (available on CRAN)
# Install package "ngram"
Then, we will find the most frequent two-word and three-word phrases
# To find all two-word phrases in the test "text":
ng2 <- ngram(text, n = 2)
# To find all three-word phrases in the test "text":
ng3 <- ngram(text, n = 3)
Finally, we will print the objects (ngrams) using various methods as below:
print(ng, output="truncated")
print(ngram(x), output="full")
ngram::ngram_asweka(text, min=2, max=3)
We can also use Markov Chains to babble new sequences:
# if we are using ng2 (bi-gram)
lnth = 2
babble(ng = ng2, genlen = lnth)
# if we are using ng3 (tri-gram)
lnth = 3
babble(ng = ng3, genlen = lnth)
We can split the words and use table to summarize the frequency:
words <- strsplit(text, "[ ,.\\(\\)\"]")
sort(table(words, exclude = ""), decreasing = T)
# bi-grams
topfeatures(dfm(text, ngrams = 2, verbose = FALSE))
## of_the a_phrase the_sentence may_be as_a in_the in_common phrase_is
## 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
## is_usually group_of
## 2 2
# for tri-grams
topfeatures(dfm(text, ngrams = 3, verbose = FALSE))
## a_phrase_is group_of_words of_a_sentence of_the_sentence for_example_in example_in_the
## 2 2 2 2 2 2
## in_the_sentence an_orange_bird orange_bird_with bird_with_a
# 2 2 2 2
Here's a simple base R approach for the 5 most frequent words:
head(sort(table(strsplit(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", text), " ")), decreasing = TRUE), 5)
# a the of in phrase
# 21 18 12 10 8
What it returns is an integer vector with the frequency count and the names of the vector correspond to the words that were counted.
gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", text) to remove punctuation since you don't want to count that, I guess
strsplit(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", text), " ") to split the string on spaces
table() to count unique elements' frequency
sort(..., decreasing = TRUE) to sort them in decreasing order
head(..., 5) to select only the top 5 most frequent words

R: partial match dictionary terms using grep and tm package

Hi: I have a dictionary of negative terms that has been prepared by others. I am not sure how they have gone about doing the stemming, but it looks like they have used something other than the Porter Stemer. The dictionary has a wildcard character (*) that I think is supposed to enable a stemming to happen. But I don't know how to make use of that with grep() or the tm package in the R context, so I stripped it out hoping to find a way to grep the partial match.
So the original dictionary looks like this
#load libraries
#sample dictionary terms for polarize and outlaw
negative<-c('polariz*', 'outlaw*')
#strip out wildcard
negative<-gsub('*', '', negative)
#test corpus
test<-c('polarize', 'polarizing', 'polarized', 'polarizes', 'outlaw', 'outlawed', 'outlaws')
#Here is how R's porter stemmer stems the text
So, if I stemmed my corpus with R's stemmer, terms like 'outlaw' would be found in the dictionary, but it wouldn't match terms like 'polarized' and such because they would be stemmed differently than what is found in the dictionary.
So, what I would like to have is some way to have the tm package match only exact parts of each word. So, without stemming my documents, I would like it to be able to pick out 'outlaw' in the term 'outlawing' and 'outlaws' and to pick out 'polariz' in 'polarized', 'polarizing and 'polarizes'. Is this possible?
#Define corpus
#make Document Term Matrix
dtm<-documentTermMatrix(test.corp, control=list(dictionary=negative))
I haven't seen any tm answers, so here's one using the quanteda package as an alternative. It allows you to use "glob" wildcard values in your dictionary entries, which is the default valuetype for quanteda's dictionary functions. (See ?dictionary.) With this approach, you do not need to stem your text.
## [1] ‘’
# create a quanteda dictionary, essentially a named list
negative <- dictionary(list(polariz = 'polariz*', outlaw = 'outlaw*'))
## Dictionary object with 2 key entries.
## - polariz: polariz*
## - outlaw: outlaw*
test <- c('polarize', 'polarizing', 'polarized', 'polarizes', 'outlaw', 'outlawed', 'outlaws')
dfm(test, dictionary = negative, valuetype = "glob", verbose = FALSE)
## Document-feature matrix of: 7 documents, 2 features.
## 7 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
## features
## docs polariz outlaw
## text1 1 0
## text3 1 0
## text2 1 0
## text4 1 0
## text5 0 1
## text6 0 1
## text7 0 1

Problems with Naive Bayes

I'm trying to run Naive Bayes in R for making predictions from textual data (by building a Document Term Matrix).
I read several posts warning about terms that could be missing in both the training and the testing set, so I decided to work with only one data frame and split it afterwards. The code I'm using is this:
data <- read.csv(file="path",header=TRUE)
########## NAIVE BAYES
# TEST INCLUDING 'Text' AND 'InfoType' (columns 8 and 27)
traindata <-[13000:13999,c(8,27)])
testdata <-[14000:14999,c(8,27)])
complete <-[13000:14999,c(8,27)])
completevector <- as.vector(complete$Text)
completesource <- VectorSource(completevector)
completecorpus <- Corpus(completesource)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus,tolower)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus,PlainTextDocument)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus, stemDocument)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus, removeWords,stopwords("english"))
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus,removePunctuation)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus,removeNumbers)
completecorpus <- tm_map(completecorpus,stripWhitespace)
trainmatrix <- completematrix[1:1000,]
testmatrix <- completematrix[1001:2000,]
model <- naiveBayes(as.matrix(trainmatrix),as.factor(traindata$InfoType),laplace=1)
results <- predict(model,as.matrix(testmatrix))
conf.matrix<-table(results, testdata$InfoType,dnn=list('predicted','actual'))
The problem is that I'm getting weird results like this:
predicted 1 2 3
1 60 833 107
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
Any idea of why is this happening?
The raw data looks like this:
13000 Milkshakes, milkshakes, whats not to love? Really like the durability and weight of the cup. Something about it sure makes good milkshakes.Works beautifully with the Cuisinart smart stick.
13001 excellent. shipped on time, is excellent for protein shakes with a cuisine art mixer. easy to clean and the mixer fits in perfectly
13002 Great cup. Simple and stainless steel great size cup for use with my cuisinart mixer. I can do milkshakes really easy and fast. Recommended. No problems with the shipping.
13003 Wife Loves This. Stainless steel....attractive and the best part is---it won't break. We are considering purchasing another one because they are really nice.
13004 Great! Stainless steel cup is great for smoothies, milkshakes and even chopping small amounts of vegetables for salads!Wish it had a top but still love it!
13005 Great with my. Stick mixer...the plastic mixing container cracked and became unusable as a result....the only downside is you can't see if the stuff you are mixing is mixed well
13000 2
13001 2
13002 2
13003 3
13004 2
13005 2
Seemingly the problem is that the TDM needs to get rid of so much sparsity. So I added:
completematrix<-removeSparseTerms(completematrix, 0.95)
And it started working!!
predicted 1 2 3
1 60 511 6
2 0 86 2
3 0 236 99
Thank you all for your ideas (thank you Chelsey Hill!!)

How to create a word map for custom text for text classification in R?

I am trying to implement a text classification program in R that classifies input text (args) into 3 different classes. I have successfully tested the sample program by dividing the input data into training and test data.
I would now like to build something that would allow me to classify custom text.
My input data has following structure:
So if I enter a custom text : "games studies time", I would like to get a matrix that looks like following:
Please tell me what is the best way to do the same.
This sounds a lot like the application of a "dictionary" to text following the tokenization of that text. What you have as the matrix result in your question, however, makes no use of the categories in the input data.
So here are two solutions: one, for producing the matrix you state that you want, and two, for producing a matrix that counts the input text according to the counts of the categories to which your input data maps the text.
This uses the quanteda package in R.
mymap <- dictionary(list(school = c("time", "games", "studies"),
college = c("time", "games"),
office = c("work")))
dfm("games studies time", verbose = FALSE)
## Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 3 features.
## 1 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
## features
## docs games studies time
## text1 1 1 1
dfm("games studies time", dictionary = mymap, verbose = FALSE)
## Document-feature matrix of: 1 document, 3 features.
## 1 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
## features
## docs school college office
## text1 3 2 0
