Newly Uploaded WordPress Theme Not Showing Up In Web Sever - wordpress

I'm new to WordPress. I just successfully installed it on my site.
Now I'm trying to toy with creating my own custom theme. I created one with a custom index.php and a style.css. I zipped the folder, and uploaded it successfully from my WordPress admin by going to Themes > Appearance > Add New > Upload Theme, then browsing the zipped file. I activate the newly uploaded theme, and run my site's url, and lo and behold, the new theme gets loaded up in the browser. So far so good. But then when I look into my wp-content/themes folder in my web server through my ftp client, the newly uploaded theme isn't there. The default themes(twentyfifteen, twentysixteen and twentyseventeed) are all there but not my new theme. What could possibly be happening? Isn't that where the new theme should be?
Is there some crucial step in the installation of WordPress that I may have missed?
On the flip side, if I directly FTP to my new folder into the wp-content/themes folder in my web server, it doesn't show up in my Themes > Appearance page.
What gives? Please any hints/clues will be greatly appreciated.

To reveal weher is your theme
open your site
view page source in your browser (ctrl+u)
press ctrl+f to find this "wp-content/themes/" in the source
next word to "wp-content/themes/" is your loaded theme

There can be multiple WordPress installations on a single web server. Are you sure you are FTP'ing in to the correct web directory? Also, make sure you log in with the master credentials.


Why does Wordpress Customizer think my theme is broken?

I am creating a Wordpress theme. I have index.php in my theme's root folder. I have my style.css in a separate folder /css. I've got the beginnings of the design done and everything is working fine.
I now want to add some options with Customizer. I've begun to add some in customizer.php. I then go to check what they look like in wp-admin, click "customize" on my theme and get...
"The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme."
The theme was working fine up until that point. I've deleted and re-installed it a couple of times now. All is well until I click "customize".
The error message instructs me to check index.php and style.css, both of which are present. Could it be because style.css is not in the root but in /css? If so, how do I get Customizer to recognise this? My stylesheet has been enqueued correctly in functions.php. As I say above, the theme works fine until I get involved with Customizer.
When I click theme details, wp seems to think the theme is a child of itself too. It isn't a child of anything. I am using underscores starter theme and adapting.
What is going on with Customizer and how do I fix it?
The style.css is a stylesheet (CSS) file required for every WordPress theme. It controls the presentation (visual design and layout) of the website pages. In order for WordPress to recognize the set of theme template files as a valid theme, the style.css file needs to be located in the root directory of your theme, not a sub-directory.
There must be connection lost when you update resulting to broken themes or missing files.
You need to reinstall a theme :
There are two ways to install WordPress themes.
Method 1.) Direct Upload inside WP Admin Console
Method 2.) Using an FTP Client
Method 1 is just a matter of uploading the theme from your WordPress admin console.
Once logged in, navigate to Appearance → Themes and click the "Install Themes" tab. Click the "Upload" link and browse to the location where you extracted the package and upload
Method 2 is pretty straightforward.
Using an FTP client is recommended. If the term FTP scares you, don't worry. It's no different than moving files and folders. Filezilla is a free and trusted FTP client.
Extract to your local machine
Login via FTP to your web server and navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ folder
Upload the entire themename folder and its contents. Example: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/
Open your browser, log in to your WP admin section and (in the left column under Appearance) click the Themes link .Click Activate under the theme you just uploaded.

Where Can I Download The Wordpress Penscratch Theme Files?

My website is
I am fairly sure I have managed to corrupt / break my Penscratch Wordpress Theme.
When I try and load my website I am greeted with a white page.
Where can I redownload the Wordpress Penscratch theme files?
I have access to my file manager. I was hoping to be able to download the Penscratch php files and then upload them to my file manager.
A simeple google search for you theme suggests this url
You can click on download button and get the files then backup old files and replace the whole folder with downloaded version of theme. You may need to unzip it before uploading via ftp or if using filemanager make sure you place files in correct folder and unzip them properly.
Thank you for peoples suggestions.
I used that site and it was what I needed. Although in the end I did not have to reupload the theme. I was able to correct my existing theme.
Look here for more explanation Finding custom-header.php in file manage on Wordpress Penscratch theme

Can't Upload Images or Plugins via Wordpress Admin

I have a website that I just transferred from one server to another. I did this by copying all the files via FTP from the old server to my computer and then to the new server. I changed the URL in Settings to the new url and I downloaded a copy of the database. I then uploaded the database to the new server and changed all the database info in the wp-config file. Afterwards I used Velvet Blues Update URLs to make sure all the URLs have been changed in the database.
After doing all the the website is working fine. I could update my plugins and my WordPress core files that needed updated.
The problem is now I can't upload a plugin from my computer or any media files like images. When uploading an image, I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads/2017/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I checked and this directory is already on the server. In FTP I changed the folder permissions to all be set to 775.
I then tried to change the folder structure for media files to not be broken into month/date folders and I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I know this directory exists and is set to 775. To double check I also change the wp-content directory to the same permissions.
What am I doing wrong here? Why can't I upload images and plugins via the WordPress backend?
I actually think I figured this out. I went into Settings -> Media and noticed there was a box that says Store Uploads to This Folder and had a folder for the old website. I deleted the information that was in that box and updated the settings and now it works!
I had this exact issue today. After much troubleshooting, I solved this images not uploading issue -- specifically, when I clicked the upload button, no dialog window appeared. As a new WordPress installation, the dashboard was displaying asking if this was going to be a business or personal site. When I clicked I DON'T NEED ANY HELP, then I saw the normal dashboard with WooCommerce module displayed and I was able to upload media files and images from my hard drive.
I'm posting in case this answer can help someone else having this very weird problem. Also, it is possible that a plugin like OpinMonster might be what generated that "business or personal" message.

Upload theme button don't work in wordpress

I have installed Wordpress in my Godaddy hosting.Its working quite well except i cant upload a new theme. when i click Appearance > Themes and then add new nothing shows up. The only thing that shows up are the buttons featured , most popular etc but when i click them nothing happens. When i press the upload theme button nothing happens either. How do i fix this?
I have tried it switching the default theme, deactivating all plugin but nothing resolver the problem. Godaddy support says that i will get a conformatin mail after the installation process completed within 24hours. Its almost 24hours but i haven't got any conformation mail. What can i do?? Do i really need to wait for the conformation. i can visit my blog but cant upload any theme, whats going wrong??
You can add your theme directly in your Wordpress installation. For this go to public-html/wp-content/themes/ and drop your theme folder here. Remember that your theme files must not be in subfolders of the folder e.g. /themes/your-theme/theme-files-and-folders/
Had the same issue today and solved it using these steps:
Download the Theme .zip file to your machine.
In cPanel File Manager, navigate to your Themes folder. Depending on your hosting, path to Themes folder can differ a bit but essentially you are looking for public_html inside which you’ll find /wp-content/themes/.
Once you’re inside the Themes folder in cPanel File Manager, click on Upload and upload that .zip file you saved in Step 1.
Once the .zip file is uploaded, right click on the name of that file in cPanel and select Extract from the context menu.
Now you can refresh the WordPress themes page and you should be able to Activate it.
The issue was theme related. I just renamed my current theme and then the default theme was automatically activated. Then i was able to upload my zerif lite theme and its now working fine.
I have been through this issue and i have solved it!
it happens mainly when yu transfer wordpress database from another location!
UNinstall and deactivate all themes! delete and re install! if you cant delete the theme due to modifications, decativate the theme switch to another new theme by installing from wordpress and then reverting back to old theme!
if the problem persists: Reset server!

Modifying custom Wordpress pages

Sorry if this question is too basic (It would be great if someone could recommend me on a good resource/tutorial for starting up with wordpress development)
I am new to wordpress development. And I work on a Mac.
I downloaded MAMP, installed wordpress, and installed a custom theme which I bought online.
So far, I've been using the wordpress wp-admin interface to customize the theme.
I created a new Page called "myPage". I'm interested in making some design changes to myPage but the wp-admin tool is limited and I realized I have to start looking/modifying the code.
I'm using Netbeans, and created a new project of my local wordpress folder which contains the wp-admin, wp-content, wp-include folders.
However, I am not sure where in the code to find the page I created "myPage", in order to modify it.
I ran a search on all the code but I don't find any mention of it.
I guess my custom page is saved elsewhere? in the database?
Drill down through wp-content > themes > to your theme's folder. Inside there you will find a file called page.php. That is your default page template. To double check this is the page being used, in your wordpress backend, edit the page and on the right hand side in the 'page attributes' panel, you will see a dropdown under 'Template'. You're purchased theme may have many templates, so that is how you can tell which one is being used.
Note: Creating a page inside of the wordpress backend does not actually create a new page file for that page.
Hope this helps.
Yea, you can find your page in DB, check out link for more info.
To access your database, you need to go to url http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if everything is set right; or your local IP/phpMyAdmin/ if host alias is not set.
If you are looking for file, you should look in wpfolder/wp-content/themes/some-theme/ and now ether page.php or content-page.php I am not sure.
