SceneBuilder and settings.xml - javafx

Does the latest version of SceneBuilder read the settings.xml file in the default Maven repository? I have my .m2 folder in a non standard location but when I asked SceneBuilder to find a repository to add a custom control it could not find anything although settings.xml contained the new .m2 location. I was able to add the jar directory.


How to upload dependencies jar in lib folder in apigee from Edge UI

I created one jar file and in that i have class files, .classpath file, .project file In sample on github, i see apiproxy, callout and lib folder. when i deploy it, i getting error that traffic can't flow , i get error like traffic.How to upload dependencies jar in lib folder However when i upload my main jar file in resources folder, i don't see any lib folder for dependencies jars. Should i place all jars in one resources folder. in my .classpath file, i can see all lib jars like message-flow-1.0.0.jar, expressions-1.0.0.jar and itextpdf-5.5.6.jar. However in documentation, its given to deploy by maven but i don't know maven, from UI how should i create lib folder and upload jars there.
Okay, in my understanding of your point.
You can upload jar file into apigee from Scripts > import file > in file type choose "JAR" > select jar file from your work space > and finally, define your jar name and then use policy Java Callout to call your jar.
If you have to modified your jar and want to deploy it, delete your existing jar in apigee and upload the new jar by following 1. In case of new jar has the same name of existing jar, you do not need to do anything with Java Callout policy. But the new jar has the different name, don't forget to modified Java Callout for refer to your new jar.
Please create the single jar file which contains jars like message-flow-1.0.0.jar, expressions-1.0.0.jar and itextpdf-5.5.6.jar. As per the apigee doc in create a Java Callout policy and make sure you have mentioned the package name & class name in Java Callout Poliy

Using the jar created with lein in other Clojure project [duplicate]

When using lein 2.2, trying to put jar files in /lib does not work.
I tried and it doesn't seems to work but plenty of docs out there says this way still works.
The lib directory functionality was removed in Leiningen v2.0, in favor of a repository (repeatability).
To add free floating jars to a project, you will need to either deploy your dependency to Clojars or a Maven repository. The Maven repository can be as simple as a directory in your project folder.
Please see the answer to this question if you need the jar in a project local folder:
How do I use checked-in jars with leiningen
You do not need to use maven to access a local jar file in Leiningen v2.0
Just use syntax like this in your project.clj:
:resource-paths [ "local-jars/*" ]
and then place your *.jar files in the local-jars subdirectory of your project.
Please see this blog:

Adding ControlFX.jar file to build path

I am trying to install ControlFx for creating dialogs in my application. I have put controlsfx-8.x.x.jar file in the appropriate folder (lib/ext). It is the same folder where jfxrt.jar is present.
I am unable to add this jar to build path. The only option available is configure build path.
Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong?
Controlsfx should not be put in lib/ext but simply added to your projects build path!

Using external libraries in Eclipse plugin

I'm making eclipse plugin and need to use external jars.
What I did:
I maked folder lib where I added all needed jar and added them to the build path, but it's probably not enought, I found that I have to added them somehow to the plugin project dependencies, but I couldn't find how to add them in Eclipse. I use Eclipse 4.3.1 Kepler.
So I need use in my plugin something like foo.jar in which is fooClass.class.
Open the plugin.xml editor and select the Runtime tab. Add the jars to the Classpath section (bottom right).
This will add the jars to the Bundle-ClassPath entry in the MANIFEST.MF and will update the file to ensure the jars are included in the plugin.

Add external jars to Eclipse plugin classpath

In the manifest file for an eclipse plugin its possible to add jar files and
folders to the classpath (on the Runtime tab).
In the root of my plugin I have a folder lib containing a-1.0.1.jar, b-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. But only when I select each jar separately:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
...can they be used inside my project. Why is it not possible to add them to the classpath by adding the common root folder only:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
No, you can't. Eclipse is based on OSGi, which is the platform providing MANIFEST.MF support to build plugins.
When you set values under Bundle-ClassPath, OSGi search into each one to find class files. So you can put folders containing Java packages and class files. When you put a jar file, it is uncompressed in memory and viewed by OSGi as a regular folder, still searching for class files.
Unfortunately, there is no way to load all jar from a folder. No wildcard mechanism or something like that is allowed here.
