How to get the correct signatures order of annotations in methods when performing overriding - python-3.6

I am trying to fix some methods annotations on magic and normal methods. For example, I have some cases like:
class Headers(typing.Mapping[str, str]):
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
return False
def keys(self) -> typing.List[str]:
return ['a', 'b']
and when I run mypy --disallow-untyped-defs I have the following errors:
error: Argument 1 of "__contains__" incompatible with supertype "Mapping"
error: Argument 1 of "__contains__" incompatible with supertype "Container"
error: Return type of "keys" incompatible with supertype "Mapping"
What I understand is that I need to override the methods using the #override decorator and I need to respect the order of inheritance. Is it correct?
If my assumption is correct, Is there any place in which I can find the exact signatures of the parent classes?

After asking the question on mypy, the answer was:
Subclassing typing.Mapping[str, str], I'd assume that the function
signature for the argument key in contains ought to match the
generic type?
contains isn't a generic method -- it's defined to have the type signature contains(self, key: object) -> bool. You can check this on typeshed. The reason why contains is defined this way is because doing things like 1 in {"foo": "bar"} is technically legal.
Subclassing def contains(self, key) to def contains(self, key:
str) is in any case more specific. A more specific subtype doesn't
violate Liskov, no?
When you're overriding a function, it's ok to make the argument types more general and the return types more specific. That is, the argument types should be contravariant and the return types covariant.
If we did not follow the rule, we could end up introducing bugs in our code. For example:
class Parent:
def foo(self, x: object) -> None: ...
class Child(Parent):
def foo(self, x: str) -> None: ...
def test(x: Parent) -> None: # Safe if 'x' is actually a Parent, not safe if `x` is actually a Child.
Because we broke liskov, passing in an instance of Child into test ended up introducing a bug.
Basically if I use Any for key on __contains__ method is correct and mypy won't complaint :
def __contains__(self, key: typing.Any) -> bool:
return False
You can follow the conversation here


Union of dict with typed keys not compatible with an empty dict

I'd like to type a dict as either a dictionary where the all the keys are integers or a dictionary where all the keys are strings.
However, when I read mypy (v0.991) on the following code:
from typing import Union, Any
special_dict: Union[dict[int, Any], dict[str, Any]]
special_dict = {}
I get an Incompatible types error. error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Dict[<nothing>, <nothing>]", variable has type "Union[Dict[int, Any], Dict[str, Any]]") [assignment]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
How do I express my typing intent.
This is a mypy bug, already reported here with priority 1. There is a simple workaround suggested:
from typing import Any
special_dict: dict[str, Any] | dict[int, Any] = dict[str, Any]()
This code typechecks successfully, because you basically give mypy a hint with more specific type of your dictionary. It may be any matching type and won't affect further checking, because you broaden the final type with an explicit type hint.

What's a good pattern to manage impossible states in Elm?

Maybe you can help. I'm an Elm beginner and I'm struggling with a rather mundane problem. I'm quite excited with Elm and I've been rather successful with smaller things, so now I tried something more complex but I just can't seem to get my head around it.
I'm trying to build something in Elm that uses a graph-like underlying data structure. I create the graph with a fluent/factory pattern like this:
sample : Result String MyThing
sample =
|> addNode 1 "bobble"
|> addNode 2 "why not"
|> addEdge 1 2 "some data here too"
When this code returns Ok MyThing, then the whole graph has been set up in a consistent manner, guaranteed, i.e. all nodes and edges have the required data and the edges for all nodes actually exist.
The actual code has more complex data associated with the nodes and edges but that doesn't matter for the question. Internally, the nodes and edges are stored in the Dict Int element.
type alias MyThing =
{ nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Now, in the users of the module, I want to access the various elements of the graph. But whenever I access one of the nodes or edges with Dict.get, I get a Maybe. That's rather inconvenient because by the virtue of my constructor code I know the indexes exist etc. I don't want to clutter upstream code with Maybe and Result when I know the indexes in an edge exist. To give an example:
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> Maybe (String, String)
getNodeTexts edge thing =
case Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes of
Nothing ->
--Yeah, actually this can never happen...
Just fromNode -> case Dict.get thing.nodes of
Nothing ->
--Again, this can never actually happen because the builder code prevents it.
Just toNode ->
Just ( fromNode.label, toNode.label )
That's just a lot of boilerplate code to handle something I specifically prevented in the factory code. But what's even worse: Now the consumer needs extra boilerplate code to handle the Maybe--potentially not knowing that the Maybe will actually never be Nothing. The API is sort of lying to the consumer. Isn't that something Elm tries to avoid? Compare to the hypothetical but incorrect:
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> (String, String)
getNodeTexts edge thing =
( Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes |> .label
, Dict.get thing.nodes |> .label
An alternative would be not to use Int IDs but use the actual data instead--but then updating things gets very tedious as connectors can have many edges. Managing state without the decoupling through Ints just doesn't seem like a good idea.
I feel there must be a solution to this dilemma using opaque ID types but I just don't see it. I would be very grateful for any pointers.
Note: I've also tried to use both drathier and elm-community elm-graph libraries but they don't address the specific question. They rely on Dict underneath as well, so I end up with the same Maybes.
There is no easy answer to your question. I can offer one comment and a coding suggestion.
You use the magic words "impossible state" but as OOBalance has pointed out, you can create an impossible state in your modelling. The normal meaning of "impossible state" in Elm is precisely in relation to modelling e.g. when you use two Bools to represent 3 possible states. In Elm you can use a custom type for this and not leave one combination of bools in your code.
As for your code, you can reduce its length (and perhaps complexity) with
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> Maybe ( String, String )
getNodeTexts edge thing =
Maybe.map2 (\ n1 n2 -> ( n1.label, n2.label ))
(Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes)
(Dict.get thing.nodes)
From your description, it looks to me like those states actually aren't impossible.
Let's start with your definition of MyThing:
type alias MyThing =
{ nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
This is a type alias, not a type – meaning the compiler will accept MyThing in place of {nodes : Dict Int String, edges : Dict Int {from : Int, to : Int, label : String}} and vice-versa.
So rather than construct a MyThing value safely using your factory functions, I can write:
import Dict
myThing = { nodes = Dict.empty, edges = Dict.fromList [(0, {from = 0, to = 1, label = "Edge 0"})] }
… and then pass myThing to any of your functions expecting MyThing, even though the nodes connected by Edge 0 aren't contained in myThing.nodes.
You can fix this by changing MyThing to be a custom type:
type MyThing
= MyThing { nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
… and exposing it using exposing (MyThing) rather than exposing (MyThing(..)). That way, no constructor for MyThing is exposed, and code outside of your module must use the factory functions to obtain a value.
The same applies to Edge, wich I'm assuming is defined as:
type alias Edge =
{ from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Unless it is changed to a custom type, it is trivial to construct arbitrary Edge values:
type Edge
= Edge { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Then however, you will need to expose some functions to obtain Edge values to pass to functions like getNodeTexts. Let's assume I have obtained a MyThing and one of its edges:
myThing : MyThing
-- created using factory functions
edge : Edge
-- an edge of myThing
Now I create another MyThing value, and pass it to getNodeTexts along with edge:
myOtherThing : MyThing
-- a different value of type MyThing
nodeTexts = getNodeTexts edge myOtherThing
This should return Maybe.Nothing or Result.Err String, but certainly not (String, String) – the edge does not belong to myOtherThing, so there is no guarantee its nodes are contained in it.

Python PEP 484 Type Hints -> return type either class name or None?

I'm using Python 3.6.5.
Class A, below for me represents a database table, using SQLAlchemy.
I'm defining a #staticmethod method that returns a row, but if there's no result, it would return None.
Since it returns an instance of class A, then the notation normally goes:
-> A:
at the end of the def signature, but because A is not yet defined, as it's on class A itself, you are supposed to quote it as:
-> 'A':
Is the -> 'A': sufficient?
Or is there some sort of OR syntax?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
You can use Optional[A], this means that it can return A or None
To make a "or" between classes A and B, use Union[A, B]
Note that you should import Optional and Union from typing vs. instance.javaClass

Given Kotlin 1.1. For an instance of some class, and instance.javaClass seem to be nearly equivalent:
val i = 0
println( // int
println(i.javaClass) // int
println( === i.javaClass) // true
There is a subtle difference, however:
val c1: Class<out Int> =
val c2: Class<Int> = i.javaClass
instance.javaClass is negligibly shorter, but is more consistent with the corresponding usage on a type. While you can use .javaClass on some types, the result may not be what you would expect:
println( === // true
println(i.javaClass === Int.javaClass) // false
println( === Int.javaClass) // false
println(Int.javaClass) // class kotlin.jvm.internal.IntCompanionObject
So, I would argue that it is better to never use .javaClass for more consistency. Are there any arguments against that?
The difference in these two constructs is that, for an expression foo of static (declared or inferred) type Foo:
foo.javaClass is typed as Class<Foo> is typed as Class<out Foo>
In fact, the latter is more precise, because the actual value that foo evaluates to can be an instance of not Foo itself but one of its subtypes (and it's exactly what's denoted by the covariant out Foo).
As #marstran correctly noted in the comment on the question, .javaClass once was considered to be deprecated (see the Kotlin 1.1 RC announcement) because it can break type safety (see below), but it was afterwards left as-is because it was widely used and replacing it with the alternative of would require adding explicit unchecked casts in the code.
Also, see the comments under this answer: (link)
Please note that Int.javaClass does not denote the type of Int but instead is the Java class of the Int's companion object. Whereas is an unbound class reference and denotes the type. To get it with .javaClass, you need to call it on an Int instance, e.g. 1.javaClass.
Here's how exactly .javaClass can break type safety. This code compiles but breaks at runtime:
open class Foo
class Bar : Foo() {
val baz: Int = 0
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val someFoo: Foo = Bar()
val anotherFoo: Foo = Foo()
val someFooProperty: KProperty1<in Foo, *> = // 'in Foo' is bad
val someValue = someFooProperty.get(anotherFoo)
This example uses kotlin-reflect.
That's because someFooProperty represents a property of Bar, not Foo, but since it was obtained from someFoo.javaClass (Class<Foo> then converted to KClass<Foo>) the compiler allows us to use it with the in Foo projection.

Understanding Elm's Type Signature return types

I am trying to understand elm's type signatures. What does this function return exactly? It appears to be a function that accepts no arguments and returns ...
route : Parser (Page -> a) a
As a learning exercise for myself I'm going to try to answer this. Others will chip in if I get something wrong.
I'm sure you are used to something like
type Person = Adult String | Child String Age
Child is a type that takes two parameters. Parser is the same. But it's definition is pretty formidable
type Parser a b =
Parser (State a -> List (State b))
type alias State value =
{ visited : List String
, unvisited : List String
, params : Dict String String
, value : value
That said, you see how Parser is ultimately a wrapper around a function from a State to a list of States. Ultimately it is going to be passed a List of 'unvisited' strings or params; it will progressively 'visit' each one and the result will be combined into the final 'value'.
Next, note that while Parser takes two type parameters - a, b - parseHash is defined
parseHash : Parser (a -> a) a -> Location -> Maybe a
So, your original
route : Parser (Page -> a) a
is going to have to be
route : Parser (Page -> Page) Page
to type check.
To return to your original question, therefore, route is a Parser (which is a very general object) that encapsulates instructions on how to go from one Page to another, and can be used - via parseHash - to tell you what Page to go to next, and that is of course what you would expect from a router.
Hope this gets you started
