Jenkins - Can't view image in html report - report

I use html publisher plugin to generate html report in Jenkins Server and the report is generated successfully. However, it can display any image in the report when I view it in Jenkins Server like the picture:
When I right click that logo and choose open image in new tab, the image can be view in new tab properly. Also, if the report viewed in local file system, the image can be displayed.
Why the image in the report cannot be viewed in Jenkins Server? How can I fix it? or there are any solution?

I had the same problem, even tried base64 encoding the image and it still didn't work, didn't even display the alt text. This solved it:
TL;DR: Go to Manage Jenkins --> Script console and type in the following command:
System.setProperty("hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "")
It's just a temporary solution though, you'll have to run the command again if you restart Jenkins.


Using jmeter, how to download an image file that is inside the modal?

I am trying trying to test to download an image file using Jmeter. The image is inside the pop-up/modal? How can I do it?
For example in the below page:
I need to click the magnifying icon to zoom the image. ANd inside the modal, there is an "download" icon which I need to test using Jmeter.
Can someone help how can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Image location on the WebApp is not an issue when working with Jmeter. But figuring out actual API call web application make in back-end is important.Since with JMeter we need to actually replicate the back-end call.
Steps to download image:
Do a GET request to URL from Jmeter,and add "Save Responses to a file" Jmeter listener as child of the request. JMeter will download the file to JMeter_Home/bin folder. Refer per further details

Blogdown site pages do not render properly

I'm using RSTudio Blogdown/Github/Netlify to maintain my blog site. I'm using the Acadmic theme. When I push the changed .RMD files to Github the changed pages do not seem to deploy but if I build the entire site and push it then the site deploys on Netlify without any problem. Unfortunately, it takes about three minutes to build the entire site, so I'm looking for a faster solution.
I think that I should be able to build a single directory, which would be super fast, but when I build a directory with this, blogdown::build_dir("content/project/cont_imp"), the HTML document does not build properly. It seems to render as a single long javascript and since all of the metadata in the YAML header is wrapped into the script the page on Netlify does not deploy properly, things like the date and subtitle are missing and it is not formatted like the rest of my site.
I have one bad page that I built with build_dir on GitHub so you can view both the .RMD source and .HTML rendered documents: You can see this project page on my live site at: (scroll down to the "Projects" section and notice the difference between the "Continuous Improvement" link (no text there, just an image of a hand and a whiteboard) and the "Blogdown and Bookdown" link. I just now noticed that the HTML document seems to be some sort of self-extracting javascript so after a couple of seconds the source code looks normal. Maybe there is some kind of setting on Netlify I need to change so it will extract the javascript as it is deploying the page?
I checked the settings in my "Configure Build Tools" and unchecked "Preview site after building" and "Re-knit current preview..." but that didn't help. I also tried changing the Project build tools dropdown from "Website" to "Custom" and specified the Hugo executable. None of these things helped.
I also tried running "Serve Site" while I worked, thinking that would continuously render the HTML page, but that tool seemed to hang and would not display the site once I made changes to an .RMD file. In fact, it was hung up so badly that I had to kill RStudio with the Windows Task Manager.
Finally, I also tried to update Hugo, hoping that there was something fouled up in my Hugo install, but that did not help.
I suspect that I'm doing some simple thing wrong, but have tried everything I can think of to fix this and would appreciate any suggestions.

Micrstrategy dont see picture in developer

In Microstrategy 10.9 I need to insert pictures as header and footer of a document. I can reach pictures with browser (stored in TomCat and IntelligenceServer folders), but cann't from Developer. I get red x. Even on preview I get - Image not Found
To see the image in Developer (the old Desktop) you should copy the images in the local installation folder of MicroStrategy or in the iServer images\ folder. More information can be found here.
You don't see the image in Developer because you are trying to reach a folder protected by the MicroStrategy authentication, but the url request is coming from your local machine which doesn't have an authenticated session.
Can you confirm that you're trying from a browser that is on the same machine as the Developer, and using the same address for the image ?
Can you check if the image is displayed correctly when the document is seen from a browser ?

referring the image files from the Trdion server in Dreamweaver TBB in SDL Trdion 2011 Sp1

I am trying to refer the Images from the Web server of the Tridion.
<img src="file://///" alt="alt text"/>
I have added this code my TBB.
The image is not getting displayed.
Added the same code in local html page in my machine, I am able to retrieve the that Image.
Image is not getting displayed while previewing in Tridion CME.
Can any one suggest how to configure my image source path in TBB for accessing the Image.
Thanks in Advance.
You are using a file:// URL, which means that you are referring to a local file on the machine that opens the HTML. So when you open the HTML on the machine where you originally created it (and placed temporary.jpg), it will find the file locally and display it.
When you open the same HTML from any other machine, it will fail to find the file on that machine and thus won't display the image. The fact that you use makes no difference for that: file URLs will only resolve to file on the local machine.
If you want to ensure your images work properly for the rest of the internet too, use a more common protocol such as http://.

not getting images displayed after uploading application

i am getting the images in my localhost.But when i am uploading my project the images are not displayed.
I am saving my images in "~/App_Themes/darkOrange/images/button_line.jpg".
Is their is another method for giving image path in ASP.Net.
please help.
thank you.
Yes - check what is actually getting rendered out in the "src" attribute for the images. See if you can physically get to that file, if you cant, means the webpage cant. Have you confirmed the images have been deployed to the web server (not local - the server you uploaded to).
If not, make sure the "Build Action" for the images are set to "Content" in the properties window in Solution Explorer.
I faced a similar problem once. But, that was just a static website. Where the images were displayed in localhost but when I ftp files to the server, the images wouldn't show.
Later, I found out that it was becasue of the different case. For e.g - The image file name was "Image.JPG" and I had used "Image.jpg" in my code
Just check if this helps.
