Conditional difference between two data.frame columns - r

I have a tidy data.frame of experimental data with subjects ID who were measured three times (Trial) at a varying(!) number of time points (Session) in two different conditions (Direction) on a dependent continuous variable, say LC:
nSubjects <- 4
nDirections <- 2
nTrials <- 3
# Between 1 and 3 sessions per subject:
nSessions <- round(runif(nSubjects,
min = 1, max = 3))
mydat <- data.frame(ID =, args = list(1:nSubjects,
times = nSessions * nDirections * nTrials)),
Session = rep(sequence(nSessions),
each = nDirections * nTrials),
Trial = rep(rep(1:nTrials,
each = nDirections),
times = sum(nSessions)),
Direction = rep(c("up", "down"),
times = nTrials * sum(nSessions)),
LC = 1:(nDirections * nTrials * sum(nSessions)))
What I would like to calculate is a vector of length nrow(mydat) that contains the difference in LC between a given subject's and trial's and direction's first and current session. In other words, from each (absolute) LC score of any ID, session, trial and direction, the (absolute) LC from session == 1 of the same ID, trial and direction gets subtracted, like this (for the sake of simplicity I chose LC to be monotonically increasing):
# ID Session Trial Direction LC LC_diff
# 7 2 1 1 up 7 0
# 8 2 1 2 down 8 0
# 9 2 1 3 up 9 0
# 10 2 1 1 down 10 0
# 11 2 1 2 up 11 0
# 12 2 1 3 down 12 0
# 13 2 2 1 up 13 6
# 14 2 2 2 down 14 6
# 15 2 2 3 up 15 6
# 16 2 2 1 down 16 6
# 17 2 2 2 up 17 6
# 18 2 2 3 down 18 6
I thought the following code would yield the desired result:
ordered <- group_by(mydat, ID, Session, Trial, Direction)
mydat$LC_diff <- summarise(ordered,
Diff = sum(abs(LC[Trial != 1]),
- abs(LC[Trial == 1])))$Diff
But, alas:
mydat[7:18, ]
# ID Session Trial Direction LC LC_diff
# 7 2 1 1 up 7 -8
# 8 2 1 2 down 8 -7
# 9 2 1 3 up 9 10
# 10 2 1 1 down 10 9
# 11 2 1 2 up 11 12
# 12 2 1 3 down 12 11
# 13 2 2 1 up 13 -14
# 14 2 2 2 down 14 -13
# 15 2 2 3 up 15 16
# 16 2 2 1 down 16 15
# 17 2 2 2 up 17 18
# 18 2 2 3 down 18 17
I am at a complete loss here and would appreciate any pointers to where my code is wrong.

I'm not sure this is what you meant, but with data.table would be like this:
setDT(mydat)[,new:= abs(LC)-abs(LC[1]),by=.(ID, Trial, Direction)]
ID Session Trial Direction LC new
1: 2 1 1 up 7 0
2: 2 1 1 down 8 0
3: 2 1 2 up 9 0
4: 2 1 2 down 10 0
5: 2 1 3 up 11 0
6: 2 1 3 down 12 0
7: 2 2 1 up 13 6
8: 2 2 1 down 14 6
9: 2 2 2 up 15 6
10: 2 2 2 down 16 6
11: 2 2 3 up 17 6
12: 2 2 3 down 18 6


Replace row value in a data frame group by the smallest value in that group

I have the following data set:
time <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,4,5)
value <- c(10,8,6,5,3,2,12,10,6,5,4,2,20,15,16,9,2,2)
group <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3)
data <- data.frame(time, value, group)
I want to create a new column called data$diff that is equal to data$value minus the value of data$value when data$time == 0 within each group.
I am beginning with the following code
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
for(n in 1:max(data$group)){
if(data$group[i] == n) {
data$diff[i] <- ???????
But cannot figure out what to put in place of the question marks. The desired output would be this table:
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Since in your example data$time == 0 is always the first element of the group, you can use this data.table approach.
data[, diff := value[1] - value, by = group]
In case that data$time == 0 is not the first element in each group you can use this:
data[, diff := value[time==0] - value, by = group]
> data
time value group diff
1: 0 10 1 0
2: 1 8 1 2
3: 2 6 1 4
4: 3 5 1 5
5: 4 3 1 7
6: 5 2 1 8
7: 0 12 2 0
8: 1 10 2 2
9: 2 6 2 6
10: 3 5 2 7
11: 4 4 2 8
12: 5 2 2 10
13: 0 20 3 0
14: 1 15 3 5
15: 2 16 3 4
16: 3 9 3 11
17: 4 2 3 18
18: 5 2 3 18
Here is a base R approach.
within(data, diff <- ave(
seq_along(value), group,
FUN = \(i) value[i][time[i] == 0] - value[i]
time value group diff
1 0 10 1 0
2 1 8 1 2
3 2 6 1 4
4 3 5 1 5
5 4 3 1 7
6 5 2 1 8
7 0 12 2 0
8 1 10 2 2
9 2 6 2 6
10 3 5 2 7
11 4 4 2 8
12 5 2 2 10
13 0 20 3 0
14 1 15 3 5
15 2 16 3 4
16 3 9 3 11
17 4 2 3 18
18 5 2 3 18
Here is a short way to do it with dplyr.
data %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(diff = value[which(time == 0)] - value)
Which gives
# Groups: group [3]
time value group diff
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0 10 1 0
2 1 8 1 2
3 2 6 1 4
4 3 5 1 5
5 4 3 1 7
6 5 2 1 8
7 0 12 2 0
8 1 10 2 2
9 2 6 2 6
10 3 5 2 7
11 4 4 2 8
12 5 2 2 10
13 0 20 3 0
14 1 15 3 5
15 2 16 3 4
16 3 9 3 11
17 4 2 3 18
18 5 2 3 18
vals2use <- data %>%
group_by(group) %>%
filter(time==0) %>%
select(c(2,3)) %>%
dataNew <- merge(data, vals2use, all=T)
dataNew$diff <- dataNew$value4diff-dataNew$value
dataNew <- dataNew[,c(1,2,3,5)]
group time value diff
1 1 0 10 0
2 1 1 8 2
3 1 2 6 4
4 1 3 5 5
5 1 4 3 7
6 1 5 2 8
7 2 0 12 0
8 2 1 10 2
9 2 2 6 6
10 2 3 5 7
11 2 4 4 8
12 2 5 2 10
13 3 0 20 0
14 3 1 15 5
15 3 2 16 4
16 3 3 9 11
17 3 4 2 18
18 3 5 2 18

Add rows to dataframe in R based on values in column

I have a dataframe with 2 columns: time and day. there are 3 days and for each day, time runs from 1 to 12. I want to add new rows for each day with times: -2, 1 and 0. How do I do this?
I have tried using add_row and specifying the row number to add to, but this changes each time a new row is added making the process tedious. Thanks in advance
picture of the dataframe
We could use add_row
then slice the desired sequence
and bind all to a dataframe:
df1 <- df %>%
add_row(time = -2:0, Day = c(1,1,1), .before = 1) %>%
df2 <- bind_rows(df1, df1, df1) %>%
mutate(Day = rep(row_number(), each=15, length.out = n()))
# A tibble: 45 x 2
time Day
<dbl> <int>
1 -2 1
2 -1 1
3 0 1
4 1 1
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 4 1
8 5 1
9 6 1
10 7 1
11 8 1
12 9 1
13 10 1
14 11 1
15 12 1
16 -2 2
17 -1 2
18 0 2
19 1 2
20 2 2
21 3 2
22 4 2
23 5 2
24 6 2
25 7 2
26 8 2
27 9 2
28 10 2
29 11 2
30 12 2
31 -2 3
32 -1 3
33 0 3
34 1 3
35 2 3
36 3 3
37 4 3
38 5 3
39 6 3
40 7 3
41 8 3
42 9 3
43 10 3
44 11 3
45 12 3
Here's a fast way to create the desired dataframe from scratch using expand.grid(), rather than adding individual rows:
df <- expand.grid(-2:12,1:3)
colnames(df) <- c("time","day")
time day
1 -2 1
2 -1 1
3 0 1
4 1 1
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 4 1
8 5 1
9 6 1
10 7 1
11 8 1
12 9 1
13 10 1
14 11 1
15 12 1
16 -2 2
17 -1 2
18 0 2
19 1 2
20 2 2
21 3 2
22 4 2
23 5 2
24 6 2
25 7 2
26 8 2
27 9 2
28 10 2
29 11 2
30 12 2
31 -2 3
32 -1 3
33 0 3
34 1 3
35 2 3
36 3 3
37 4 3
38 5 3
39 6 3
40 7 3
41 8 3
42 9 3
43 10 3
44 11 3
45 12 3
You can use tidyr::crossing
add_values <- c(-2, 1, 0)
crossing(time = add_values, Day = unique(day$Day)) %>%
bind_rows(day) %>%
arrange(Day, time)
# A tibble: 45 x 2
# time Day
# <dbl> <int>
# 1 -2 1
# 2 0 1
# 3 1 1
# 4 1 1
# 5 2 1
# 6 3 1
# 7 4 1
# 8 5 1
# 9 6 1
#10 7 1
# … with 35 more rows
If you meant -2, -1 and 0 you can also use complete.
tidyr::complete(day, Day, time = -2:0)

r recode by a splitting rule

I have a student dataset including student information, question id (5 questions), the sequence of each trial to answer the questions. I would like to create a variable to distinguish where exactly student starts reviewing questions after finishing all questions.
Here is a sample dataset:
data <- data.frame(
person = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),
question = c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,1,2, 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,4,3,4,4,5,4,5),
sequence = c(1,1,2,1,2,3,1,4,1,2,3, 1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,4,2,5,6,3,7,4))
person question sequence
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 2 2
4 1 3 1
5 1 3 2
6 1 3 3
7 1 4 1
8 1 3 4
9 1 5 1
10 1 1 2
11 1 2 3
12 2 1 1
13 2 1 2
14 2 1 3
15 2 2 1
16 2 3 1
17 2 4 1
18 2 4 2
19 2 4 3
20 2 5 1
21 2 5 2
22 2 4 4
23 2 3 2
24 2 4 5
25 2 4 6
26 2 5 3
27 2 4 7
28 2 5 4
sequence variables record each visit by giving a sequence number. Generally revisits could be before seeing all questions. However, the attempt variable should only record after the student sees all 5 questions. With the new variable, I target this dataset.
> data
person question sequence attempt
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 initial
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
Any ideas?
What a challenging question. Took almost 2 hours to find the solution.
Try this
dist_cum <- function(var)
sapply(seq_along(var), function(x) length(unique(head(var, x))))
data %>%
mutate(var0 = n_distinct(question)) %>%
group_by(person) %>%
mutate(var1 = dist_cum(question),
var2 = cumsum(c(1, diff(question) != 0))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(var3 = if_else(sequence == 1 | var1 < var0, 0, 1)) %>%
group_by(person, var2) %>%
mutate(var4 = min(var3)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(attemp = if_else(var4 == 0, "initial", "review")) %>%
select(-starts_with("var")) %>%
person question sequence attemp
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 initial
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
dist_cum is a function to calculate rolling distinct (Source). var0...var4 are helpers
One way to do it is by finding where the reviewing starts (i.e. the next entry after the fifth question has been seen) and where the sequence is 2. See v1 and v2. Then by means of subsetting for every individual person and looping by each subset, you can update the missing entries for the attempt variable since it is now known where the reviewing starts.
v1 <- c(FALSE, (data$question == 5)[-(nrow(data))])
v2 <- data$sequence == 2
data$attempt <- ifelse(v1 * v2 == 1, "review", NA)
persons <- unique(data$person)
persons.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(persons))
for(i in 1:length(persons)){
person.i <- subset(data, person == persons[i])
n <- which(person.i$attempt == "review")
m <- nrow(person.i)
person.i$attempt[(n+1):m] <- "review"
person.i$attempt[which($attempt))] <- "initial"
persons.list[[i]] <- person.i
}, persons.list)
person question sequence attempt
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 review
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
Alternatively, you can also use lapply:,
lapply(persons, function(x){
person.x <- subset(data, person == x)
n <- which(person.x$attempt == "review")
m <- nrow(person.x)
person.x$attempt[(n+1):m] <- "review"
person.x$attempt[which($attempt))] <- "initial"

counting the rows using group_by of two other columns in r

I have data as below. I would like to add a new column that counts whenever column code changes and when ID changes it resets and counter to 1 and start counting.
ID code
1 10
1 10
1 11
1 11
1 21
1 21
2 10
2 10
2 11
2 11
2 11
2 14
2 15
ID code counter
1 10 1
1 10 1
1 11 2
1 11 2
1 21 3
1 21 3
2 10 1
2 10 1
2 11 2
2 11 2
2 11 2
2 14 3
2 15 4
We may use cumsum along with duplicated as in
df %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(counter = cumsum(!duplicated(code)))
# A tibble: 13 x 3
# Groups: ID [2]
# ID code counter
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 10 1
# 2 1 10 1
# 3 1 11 2
# 4 1 11 2
# 5 1 21 3
# 6 1 21 3
# 7 2 10 1
# 8 2 10 1
# 9 2 11 2
# 10 2 11 2
# 11 2 11 2
# 12 2 14 3
# 13 2 15 4
If code reverted back, say, from 11 to 10, then counter wouldn't increase. But I guess either that's not possible in your case or that would even be the desired effect.
Here's how duplicated works in this case:
cbind(df[df$ID == 1, "code"], !duplicated(df[df$ID == 1, "code"]))
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 10 1
# [2,] 10 0
# [3,] 11 1
# [4,] 11 0
# [5,] 21 1
# [6,] 21 0
Whenever a new value in code appears, it gives a one, and then cumsum finishes the job.
You can do this with dplyr, using lag to find rows where code changes:
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(counter = cumsum(c(1, tail(code != lag(code), -1))))
ID code counter
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 10 1
2 1 10 1
3 1 11 2
4 1 11 2
5 1 21 3
6 1 21 3
7 2 10 1
8 2 10 1
9 2 11 2
10 2 11 2
11 2 11 2
12 2 14 3
13 2 15 4

How do I select rows in a data frame before and after a condition is met?

I'm searching the web for a few a days now and I can't find a solution to my (probably easy to solve) problem.
I have huge data frames with 4 variables and over a million observations each. Now I want to select 100 rows before, all rows while and 1000 rows after a specific condition is met and fill the rest with NA's. I tried it with a for loop and if/ifelse but it doesn't work so far. I think it shouldn't be a big thing, but in the moment I just don't get the hang of it.
I create the data using:
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:15, a = sample(1:15), b = c(1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1), c = sample(1:15))
My Data looks like this:
ID t a b c
1 1 4 1 7
2 2 7 1 10
3 3 10 1 6
4 4 2 1 4
5 5 13 1 9
6 6 15 4 3
7 7 8 4 15
8 8 3 4 1
9 9 9 4 2
10 10 14 1 8
11 11 5 1 11
12 12 11 1 13
13 13 12 1 5
14 14 6 1 14
15 15 1 1 12
What I want is to pick the value of a (in this example) 2 rows before, all rows while and 3 rows after the value of b is >1 and fill the rest with NA's. [Because this is just an example I guess you can imagine that after these 15 rows there are more rows with the value for b changing from 1 to 4 several times (I did not post it, so I won't spam the question with unnecessary data).]
So I want to get something like:
ID t a b c d
1 1 4 1 7 NA
2 2 7 1 10 NA
3 3 10 1 6 NA
4 4 2 1 4 2
5 5 13 1 9 13
6 6 15 4 3 15
7 7 8 4 15 8
8 8 3 4 1 3
9 9 9 4 2 9
10 10 14 1 8 14
11 11 5 1 11 5
12 12 11 1 13 11
13 13 12 1 5 NA
14 14 6 1 14 NA
15 15 1 1 12 NA
I'm thankful for any help.
Thank you.
Best regards,
here is the same attempt as missuse, but with data.table:
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:11, a = sample(1:11), b = c(1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1), c = sample(1:11))
DT <- setDT(foo)
DT[ unique(c(DT[,.I[b>1] ],DT[,.I[b>1]+3 ],DT[,.I[b>1]-2 ])), d := a]
t a b c d
1: 1 10 1 2 NA
2: 2 6 1 10 6
3: 3 5 1 7 5
4: 4 11 4 4 11
5: 5 4 4 9 4
6: 6 8 4 5 8
7: 7 2 4 8 2
8: 8 3 1 3 3
9: 9 7 1 6 7
10: 10 9 1 1 9
11: 11 1 1 11 NA
unique(c(DT[,.I[b>1] ],DT[,.I[b>1]+3 ],DT[,.I[b>1]-2 ]))
gives you your desired indixes : the unique indices of the line for your condition, the same indices+3 and -2.
Here is an attempt.
Get indexes that satisfy the condition b > 1
z <- which(foo$b > 1)
get indexes for (z - 2) : (z + 3)
ind <- unique(unlist(lapply(z, function(x){
g <- pmax(x - 2, 1) #if x - 2 is negative
g : (x + 3)
create d column filled with NA
foo$d <- NA
replace elements with appropriate indexes with foo$a
foo$d[ind] <- foo$a[ind]
# example dataset
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:15,
a = sample(1:15),
b = c(1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1),
c = sample(1:15))
# function to get indices of interest
# for a given index x go 2 positions back and 3 forward
# keep only positive indices
GetIDsBeforeAfter = function(x) {
v = (x-2) : (x+3)
v[v > 0]
foo %>% # from your dataset
filter(b > 1) %>% # keep rows where b > 1
pull(t) %>% # get the positions
map(GetIDsBeforeAfter) %>% # for each position apply the function
unlist() %>% # unlist all sets indices
unique() -> ids_to_remain # keep unique ones and save them in a vector
foo$d = foo$c # copy column c as d
foo$d[-ids_to_remain] = NA # put NA to all positions not in our vector
# t a b c d
# 1 1 5 1 8 NA
# 2 2 6 1 14 NA
# 3 3 4 1 10 NA
# 4 4 1 1 7 7
# 5 5 10 1 5 5
# 6 6 8 4 9 9
# 7 7 9 4 15 15
# 8 8 3 4 6 6
# 9 9 7 4 2 2
# 10 10 12 1 3 3
# 11 11 11 1 1 1
# 12 12 15 1 4 4
# 13 13 14 1 11 NA
# 14 14 13 1 13 NA
# 15 15 2 1 12 NA
