Issue with scss syntax after conversion from less - css

My task is to convert all less to scss files . I used npm dependency "less-scss-convertor" for the same .
But when i am creating scss files i am getting these three errors repeatedly .
1st scenario -
In my common.scss i have defined
$S: "all and (max-width: 767px)";
in some other scss file i am using -
#media $S {
.test-class {
font-size: 8px;
error1 - "media query expression must begin with '('"
2nd scenario -
In color.scss -
#mixin test-class("black", 1, 2);
#mixin generate-color-class($color, $arg1,
$arg2) when ($arg2 > 0) {
.${color}-${arg1} {
color: ~"${${color}-${arg1}}";
#include generate-color-class($color,
($arg1 + 1), ($arg2 - 1));
error 2 - Invalid CSS after "...te-color-class(": expected ")", was '"black", 1, 2);'
3rd scenario -
#mixin vertical-translate($percent) {
-ms-transform: translateY($percent);
-webkit-transform: translateY($percent);
transform: translateY($percent);
.Headerclass {
#include vertical-translate (-50%);
error 3 - no mixin named vertical-translate
Any pointers where i am going wrong ?

1st scenario
You need to use the interpolation syntax of Sass: #{$var}
About Interpolation
#media #{$S} {
.test-class {
font-size: 8px;
2nd scenario
See how mixins work with Sass. It's very different from Less.
About Mixins
3rd scenario
It works for me. Maybe you should remove the white space.


Unable to use CSS Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables) with SASS #if Statement

I'm trying to pass some CSS Custom Properties to a SASS Mixin. I'm able use the variables when applied directly in the styling I want. But when I try to use a variable in an If statement, it doesn't work.
Mixin Example:
#mixin bg-color($hue, $status) {
background: hsl($hue, 50%, 50%); // $hue works as expected
#if $status == 'danger' { // doesn't work!
color: 'red';
} #else if $status == 'warning' { // doesn't work!
color: 'orange';
} #else { // always enters the else branch
color: 'black';
:root {
--hue: 195;
--status: 'default';
.demo {
#include bg-color(var(---hue), var(---status));
If I manually add the status value to the mixin, it works:
.demo {
#include bg-color(var(---hue), 'danger');
Any idea what might be the issue?
UPDATE: As #temani-afif mentioned, this approach isn't possible because SASS files are compiled before CSS variables are used.
If you have some file, where you import all SCSS files, it depends which is imported first and which are imported after.
Make sure that one that you need to be Read by VS is first.
For example i needed to read first my variables, so it have to be first, other way, my code read mixin, and doesnt know yet what is '$blue'.

Bootstrap 4 SCSS compilation: Error: Invalid US-ASCII character "\xE2"

Having issues compiling some bootstrap 4 modules (updating from beta3).
While the issue can be solved by setting #charset: 'UTF-8'; on _hover.scss mixin partial (which is noted as deprecated within the file), why would that be needed considering it should compile out of the box as previous beta versions.
Code in _hover.scss:
#mixin hover {
&:hover { #content; }
#mixin hover-focus {
&:focus {
#mixin plain-hover-focus {
&:focus {
#mixin hover-focus-active {
&:active {
After going through SCSS files can't figure exactly what's wrong, quotes seem ok.
After going through it in detail seems to be the - character on top comments ("iOS-an issue..").
One can replace it for their own - character and should compile fine (or just add #charset: 'UTF-8'; at the top of the _hover.scss mixin file).
Issue report:
I ran into the same charset problem.
Especially on OSX there seams to be a problem with ruby Encoding Settings.
I fixed it creating a config.rb file in the main project directory to tell ruby explicitly which charset encoding it should use.
Since sass and compass depend on ruby, chances good that this will fix your problems.
Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'

How to Assign CSS Variable Value to scss Variable or Expression

I'm trying to build my own tiny scalable grid in CSS / scss.
So far I found this decision:
:root {
--page-width: 1170px;
--gutter: 15px;
--columns: 12;
.wrapper {
max-width: var(--page-width);
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: var(--gutter);
padding-right: var(--gutter);
.row {
margin-left: calc(-1 * var(--gutter));
margin-right: calc(-1 * var(--gutter));
.col {
display: block;
margin-left: var(--gutter);
margin-right: var(--gutter);
Then I tried to use scss to shorten columns classes description (which at the same time will allow me to change number of columns in one single place in whole code - in CSS Variable --columns) like this
#for $n from 1 through var(--columns) {
.col-#{$n} {width: calc( #{$n} / var(--columns) - var(--gutter) * 2 ); }
but it didn't work. The interesting detail is that when I change #for statement from #for $n from 1 throughvar(--columns)`` to #for $n from 1 through12 it compiles well. And there is no problem in compiling CSS-Variable inside #for body. .col-#{$n} {width: calc( #{$n} / var(--columns) - var(--gutter) * 2 ); } compiles well into needed series of classes.
If I use scss variable $columns instead of CSS variable then I'll need to import my grid.scss file into all other scss files of the project.
It's my first question on StackOverflow, so let me know if any other details are needed.
CSS and SCSS variables are two very different things (please see this pen)
To make it work you need a static variable for SCSS to compile
// static (SCSS) variables used produce CSS output
$page-width: 1170px;
$gutter : 15px
$columns: 12;
// dynamic (CSS) variables used at run-time
// note the values are interpolated
:root {
--page-width: #{$page-width};
--gutter : #{$gutter};
--columns: #{$columns};
// the for loop is aimed at producing CSS output
// ... why you need the static variable
#for $n from 1 through $columns {
// the content becomes CSS output
// ... why you can use dynamic variables
.col-#{$n} {width: calc( #{$n} / var(--columns) - var(--gutter) * 2 ); }
You need to use interpolation (eg. #{$var}) on your variable in order for Sass to treat it as a CSS property. Without it, you're just performing variable assignment.
#mixin w_fluid($property_name, $w_element, $w_parent:16) {
#{$property_name}: percentage(($w_element / $w_parent));
The accepted answer is no longer valid. Newer versions of SASS require interpolation to be used for variables.
Refer here for more details
$accent-color: #fbbc04;
:root {
// WRONG, will not work in recent Sass versions.
--accent-color-wrong: $accent-color;
// RIGHT, will work in all Sass versions.
--accent-color-right: #{$accent-color};

How to output CSS counter from Sass mixin

I am writing a mixin that I want to output a CSS counter. Here's my goal:
.selector:nth-child(3n+1) {
color: green;
That makes every three elements, starting with the first, green.
I would like my mixin to take that first number, in my example 3 and output the CSS. Something like this:
#mixin counter($number) {
&:nth-child($number * n + 1) {
color: green;
Is this possible in Sass at this point?
To use a variable's value in the selector, you should use the interpolation syntax #{} and append the n to it like in the below code block.
#mixin counter($number) {
&:nth-child(#{$number}n + 1) {
color: green;
#include counter(3);
The above code compiles successfully and produces the required output when tested using the online compiler at

Less media queries don't seem to be compiled

I have a media queries in less file, code:
#phoneMin: 0px;
#tabletMin: 768px;
#smallDesktopMin: 992px;
#phoneMax: (#tabletMin - 1);
#tabletMax: (#smallDesktopMin - 1);
#atLeastTablet: ~"only screen and (min-width: #{tabletMin})";
When I #import this file into another less file and utilize my media queries like so:
.container {
#media #atLeastTablet {
margin-top: 160px;
Not only does the media query just not work, but it also doesn't seem to compile into the resulting css file, which reads like this:
.container {
margin-top: 160px;
EDIT I attempted to run my server and I'm now getting the following error message: "Unexpected token(1:0)" referring to the first character (period) in one of my less files:
.blogPost {
^ .logo {
The error is being thrown during the babel 6 compilation process. Here is the stack trace:
at Parser.pp.raise (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/location.js:22:13)
at Parser.pp.unexpected (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/util.js:91:8)
at Parser.pp.parseExprAtom (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:510:12)
at Parser.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/plugins/jsx/index.js:404:22)
at Parser.parseExprAtom (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/plugins/jsx/index.js:404:22)
at Parser.pp.parseExprSubscripts (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:265:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeUnary (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:245:19)
at Parser.pp.parseExprOps (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:176:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeConditional (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:158:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeAssign (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/babel-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:121:19)
It turns out the issue is in trying to import my less in a subscript vs my webpack entry point. Moving the import here fixed the issue.
